Why does Eljoy have white eyes?

Why does Eljoy have white eyes?

Elja is an unusual artist, many fans know about his past, but some facts of his life are still secret. The performer is trying not to share the details of his own life.

He does not talk about relatives, his childhood, also tries to hide information about his personal life. He tells almost nothing to reporters, because he constantly works, seeks to actively develop.

Why does Eljoy have white eyes?

  • Many fans of this performer, noting that the guy has a white eye, believe that he had problems associated with vision. There are also those fans who think that the young man is generally blind. However, in fact, the guy has excellent vision, and therefore he will never Doesn't complain For some ailments or eye diseases.

Why does Eljoy have white eyes? Alja constantly puts on special lenses. He wears them only in order to stand out among other people, shock with their own appearance a crowd of fans, attract special attention.

  • The guy created his own unusual image. This was perfectly succeeded by the emu, as the audience perfectly remembers him at every concert.
  • Many journalists were tired of his own questions - why Eljoy has white eyes without pupils. Therefore, the guy even decided to release a song that is dedicated to this topic. It is called "What's with my eyes?"
  • The famous performer of Elja actually makes the impression that he is blind or even like a “zombie”. After all, his eyes are absolutely white. There is such a feeling that a white veil was tightened by his eyes, as it happens in blind people. But this is not so. All because he constantly walks in lenses. There are a huge number of different types of cosmetic lenses. In many species there are even no pupils and iris. So Elja wears just such lenses. But he sees excellently.

Video: What about Eljoy's eyes?

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