The cat has eyes watery: the reasons for what to do, prevention and the correct examination of the animal

Cat's watery eyes can have either significant causes, and means a serious disease. About how to distinguish the ailment and what to do with it, learn from the article.

Eyes are a very vulnerable organ, including this applies to cats. Unfortunately, cherishing cat eyes can be found quite often, and in order to understand how to cope with the problem, you need to begin to understand what the reason for this problem is. What should you pay attention to when a cat has eyes watery?

How to examine a cat if her eyes watery?

  • No matter how tragic, but often the appearance of tears on the cat's eyes indicates the presence of any disease.
  • Therefore, you need to pay attention to whether tears appeared for a short time, and then disappeared, or in front of your cat the discharge are present throughout the day, or even worse - several days.
  • If the cat’s tears are insignificant, and, appearing in the morning, soon passed, nothing bad, and there are no reasons for anxiety.
  • If the eyes “cry” for a long time, you should look for the cause of this phenomenon.
  • Inspection of a cat with eyes watery, start with hands cleansing so as not to bring additional infection. Then try pull the upper eyelids on each eye.
  • If the eyes are not clouded, shine, and the pupils have the same size, and at the same time the back surface Both centuries are pale pink, and transparency is inherent in the cornea-everything is normal with the eyes of the animal.
Inspect the animal
Inspect the animal
  • If the eyelids turned red or swollen, The cornea is clouded - it means that the cat has problems with eyes.
  • If it is difficult for the animal to open the eyes or the inner surface of the eyelid is tightened with a thin light film - it is better to visit the veterinarian as soon as possible.

The cat has eyes watery: accompanying symptoms

Why do a cat have eyes watery - accompanying symptoms:

  • Eyes or eyelids are swollen.
  • The eyelids blushed and swollen.
  • A clouded cornea.
  • The cat is afraid to look at the light.
  • The animal is squinting all the time.
  • The mucous membrane blushed and swollen.
  • There were discharge from the eyes, purulent or transparent.
  • Crusts are formed on the eyelids.

The cat has eyes watery: causes and treatment

The reasons why the cat's eyes watery:

  1. Hobbing foreign body. It can be some kind of snort, a fluff, a twig, a midge, and possibly dirt. If you find something similar, the first thing follows rinse your eyes to the animal under a stream of water. When a foreign object is washed, use one percent tetracycline ointment, by applying her cat in the region upper Age. It will not be superfluous to show the animal to a veterinarian.
  2. Weakening of immunity. This is possible if the kitten was too early taken away from the mother. But to find out if this can only a veterinarian. He will also develop a scheme for taking the necessary drugs and adjust the nutrition of the animal.
  3. Availability allergieswhich, just like people, is inherent in cats. Allergen Everything can act as for humans: dust, chemicals, floral pollen, etc. A specialist consultation is also needed here, since it is unlikely that the owner himself will be able to accurately determine both allergies itself and the reason for its occurrence.
  4. Worms. This is a very frequent cause of cervical eyes in a cat. To exclude such a reason, you should regularly treat the animal from worms.
  5. Breed cats. There are several breeds that have a characteristic structure of the skull with a flattened nose and deformed nasolabial canals. Here only daily eyes are or special attention to hygiene in these risky areas will help.

    Prone to lacrimation
    Prone to lacrimation
  6. Colds. If the cat also sneezes and coughs, he sleeps most of the time and absorbs a lot of water - there is an occasion to suspect a cold. Do not treat the animal yourself, it is better to contact the veterinarian.
  7. Cat plague It is accompanied, in addition to discharge from the eyes, often with pus, high temperature, diarrhea and vomiting, and general weakness. Independent treatment is unacceptable.

Eye diseases in which the cat's eyes watery

  1. Possible infection. If at the same time the eye blushes and swells, pus appears, the help of the veterinarian is necessary, since cat conjunctivitis is not excluded.
  2. Directly eye disease, in particular, cataract or glaucoma. The whitewashed lens In the first case or a clouded cornea In the second - obvious symptoms of such diseases. Of course, treatment is possible only in the clinic.
  3. Diseasescaused by viruses or fungus (like chlamydia or toxoplasmosis) are treated only by a specialist.
  4. An inflamed cornea It is determined by reddened, watery eyes on which a muddy film appears.
  5. The inversion of the century Often inherent in the Persians or, for example, Sphinxes. Purulent discharge and swollen eyes is the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.
  6. Injury The eyes received, if the cat had a fight with a fellow tribe, hit, caught on a branch, etc. Wounds or other damage to the eyeball are symptoms of such an injury. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor to determine the severity of damage.
From the injury
From the injury

Attention should be paid to the color of the discharge from the eyes.

  • If these are transparent, similar to ordinary tears, discharge - most likely we are talking about allergies, irritation of a mechanical nature or features of the breed.
  • If the discharge green or yellow, with an admixture of pus - This indicates the presence of an infectious disease.
  • If the cat's eyes watery brown Or red - it can be worms.

Why do the Cat of the Scottish Vysloween have eyes watery?

  • As mentioned above, some of the breeds of cats have non -standard nasolabial channel, Including Scottish, British, Persian.
  • In this regard, it does not completely display the discharge, which are usually normal for any breed.
  • Excesses are excreted through the eyes. If that happens after the cat has drunk, then you should not worry, this is a normal physiological phenomenon.
Because of the non-standard channel
Because of the non-standard channel
  • If the cat's eyes are cuddled constantly - This is already outside the norm, and here it is necessary to find out the reason with the help of a veterinarian.
  • The eyes of such cats need rinse At least once a week, and sometimes up to 2-3 times a day. If the discharge is normal, it is enough to periodically wipe them.
  • If a eyes are often watery - You should contact the veterinarian and take an examination of the animal.

How not to allow the cat to watery eyes?

  • Of course, hygienic methods will be much more correct so that the cat then does not have to be treated.
  • Periodically rinse your eyes An animal with a cotton swab and warm water towards the nose.
  • If you notice a dried discharge from the eye, soften Remove it and then rinse your eyes with a clean swab with a clean swab.
  • Do not use the same swab for both eyes, use new ones.
  • If a a cat's eyes watery, do not use drops or medicines without consulting a veterinarian, otherwise you can run the animal’s disease by incorrectly using the medicine.

The cat has eyes watery: prevention

  • If there are no problems, then for prevention, you can use warm decoctions of medicinal plants, intended for people (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, etc.), green tea, drops without antibiotic content.
  • If the veterinarian has established that the cat has eyes watery due to an infectious disease-use tetracycline ointment.
  • Drops are used with bacterial infections "Diamond Eyes" And their analogues.

Video: Why does the cat have tears from the eyes?

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