What is a quest game, a computer quest and a quest in reality?

What is a quest game, a computer quest and a quest in reality?

Initially, a quest (from the English - “Quest”), or an adventure game (“Adventure Game”) called computer games in which the player conducts the protagonist of an interactive story for a goal. Important elements of this genre are information and knowledge of the processes taking place in the world, and the key role here is assigned to the game process, during which the player should solve all kinds of puzzles and tasks for that. And in order to conduct his main character to a prosperous finale, the gamer will need to make his mental effort.

There are computer games in the form of battles, economic planning and tasks that require the speed of response and instant response. But in quests, all this exists in a more simplified form, or is completely absent. And to today, filling the Internet space, some types of quests over time migrated from there to reality. And now the youth, who at times want to distract from the computer and impress the muscles, is happy to participate in them.

Why was the game a quest?

  • From English word quest translated as search or object that is looking for. That is, to engage in a quest means moving forward, pursuing a certain goal. At the same time, different levels of difficulty are overcome in order to find some subject. I successfully reached the victorious finish - it means that this quest won.
  • Remember, there was such a television program called the Fort Boyard - it is she who is a striking example of a quest. Its elements exist in folklore, where, for example, Hercules need to accomplish its 12 feats.

Computer quests

  • This game genre has a whole army of admirers. There are games completely quest and those that are only partially equipped with its elements. Looking for objects in the process of solving logical problems, the player moves forward along the storyline of the quest, while in contact with its heroes.
  • A rapid response is not required for this, and only logical thinking, because without failure to fulfill the current task, further advance will not take place.
  • The creators of the first computer quests first released the text version of the games, and the oldest of them (1975) is "Colossal Cave Adventure" - There, in the cave, the hero should take up the search for a treasure. But computer technologies are constantly developing, and over time, the graphic voiced games were supplanted from the computer space of obsolete text graphic “boards”.
  • Today, the most popular games of this genre are: "Deponia"in which Rufus should save the planet-voltage deposit; "Syberia" -The adventures that occur with the lawyer girl Kate Walker; "The Walking Dead: The Game" -Here we are talking about a zombie apocalypse.

Real quests

  • One gets the impression that computer games migrated into reality, thereby moving young people to engage in an active way of life. Steel Quests in reality, in which players just like in virtuality are engaged in solving riddles, performing various missions, hacking castles, overcoming all kinds of traps, etc. But at the same time, the objects are tangible, and the heroes are not drawn characters, but living people.
  • The homeland of the first realistic adventures - Japan (2007). The exciting idea of \u200b\u200bthe Japanese quickly picked up Hong Kong and China, and after them - almost all of Europe.
  • The Russians began to engage in a real quest since 2012, and the city of Yekaterinburg has become a kind of "landfill" for the first quests named “Chamber No. 6” and “Beginning”.
  • And two years later, a Moscow company called Claustrophobia developed the first series for such active leisure. 2015 was marked by the emergence of special quests for children.
  • Thanks to distribution educational quests, Children have become much more interesting to study. Such cognitive interactive training technologies are now using schools, Museums, libraries. And, I must say that even avid losers with great interest are included in such cognitive games.
In real
In real

What are quests in real life for?

At the present time, not only young people, but also older people were carried away by quests. And this is not surprising, because with the help of these games you can have a great time.

Now they order the organization of quests in order to:

  • it is non -standard to celebrate birthdays;
  • actively relax with the whole family, dating in an original way with friends, etc.;
  • extremely conduct a corporate party;
  • develop command skills in their employees;
  • to arrange an extraordinary romantic date for a loved one, which will be remembered for a long time.

How to spend quests?

  • The quest can be called a reality test, which can pass both one or two of a person and a whole company-depending on how the plot and the venue of the game are built.
  • In the quest you can use only your ingenuity and intuition, Since gadgets will not allow you to take with you.
  • In order for the players to try to successfully achieve the finals, it is usually given to complete tasks from 60 to 90 minutes (but it happens longer).
Carrying out quests
Carrying out quests

Unfortunately, regulatory acts that would regulate responsibility for the safe conditions of the players are currently not approved. There is no official certification of quests in which the age qualification, the level of risks would be established and all other parameters would be stipulated.

  • Quest organizers understand this perfectly and therefore try to relieve themselves of all responsibility for the safety of players. They resort to all sorts of tricks, among which - the capture of the players of the receipts is that they will bear responsibility for the possible consequences themselves.
  • But they forget about the law called "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"establishing the right of consumer to receive a safe service. Therefore, even by giving a receipt, a participant who received an injury during the game can apply to a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, as well as to the court, for the presentation of the statement of claim regarding compensation for the damage caused by his health - after all, the injury was allowed due to the fault of the quest organizer.

Varieties of quests in real life

We all know about the laws of the market. If there is demand, then there will certainly be a proposal. The same can be said about the quest industry. Today, you may be offered a choice of many different adventures for you. But which of them will like it - choose for yourself.

So, among them stand out:

  • Escape Rums - They can be called genre classics. The players are given the task of leaving the locked room for a certain period. Here is the flight of the fantasy of the organizers of the action inexperienced. This can be just some abstract room, premises-tully, dungeon, etc. The escape rum can become more complicated by concomitant tasks such as the solution to its secrets or the search for a certain powerful object. The players can not do without imagination and ingenuity, because you will have to search for non -standard solutions.
View of the quest
Type quest
  • Performans, in which the lyceum also takes part. Actors create a special atmosphere, and besides this, they help throughout the quest or complicate the participants to perform tasks.
  • Action game They are suitable for all those who love not only intellectual, but also physical activity. You will have to work hard to “stay with the nose”, and for this you will need to overcome a lot of obstacles.
  • City queststhat are not limited to one room. Streets and some buildings may also be involved.
  • Role-playing games (living quests) - they are built so that the characters constantly interact. At the same time, each player will have his own role, and in these new images the team will deal with problems (searching for a killer or treasure, salvation from some disasters, etc.). This is a team game, and its final depends on how each member of the team behaves.
  • Morpheus - Designed for the participants in this quest to earn an imagination. The players are put on the eye of the bandage and at the same time require them to complete the tasks, taking advantage of this only their hearing, touch or smell.

The quests are embodied by different genres in the form of adventure, fantasy, detectives and horrors, and popular films are usually based on plots. If the script contains a gradual unraveling of riddles, then such a quest is called consistent. Sometimes the scriptwriters so dashingly “twist” their plot that it is not always possible to unwind all their puzzles even experienced players.

The benefits of quests

Some people believe that quests do not bring any specific benefit, and all these games are created only for entertainment, but we assure you that this is far from the case. Quests are also a kind of tool for new knowledge and development of imagination.

Quests are useful
Quests are useful

And they will help you:

  • at least for a short time get rid of boring everyday troubles;
  • be at an atypical environment and different life situations, checking himself for strength;
  • overcome your own fears;
  • test yourself in situations when there is no mobile phone or tablet at hand;
  • develop your own attention, ingenuity, intuition;
  • develop the ability to notify the smallest details;
  • give the analysis various situations;
  • become active and useful member of the team, because a common goal can be achieved only by joint efforts.
  • get an excellent photo shoot that cannot be compared with studio pictures.

What is the danger of quests?

  • If we talk about a qualitative reality adventure, then in it all danger is excluded-at least their organizers assure. But still, sometimes in the media they write that during quests there are tragic incidents, for example, in case of fires.
  • In order to create a high -quality quest, its organizers need thoroughly work out all the details, securing the entire quest route, and this will take time and material costs.
  • But, unfortunately, not all organizers are characterized by such a quality as responsibility. Therefore, some of them go to find the abandoned building as quickly as possible, to start the purchase of a minimum props - and, in their own opinion, they are already ready to gain the first group.
  • Quests are now at the peak of popularity, prices for their creators are growing, and unscrupulous businessmen, no matter how regrettable, are ready to cash in - quickly and without much trouble.

Do not trust to organize your quest to people whose activities you do not know anything, do not believe their shares and discounts! If you first decide to go through the quest, it is best to choose for this purpose the organizers who have a solid reputation.

Quests can be dangerous
Quests can be dangerous

And you do not need to worry, get nervous and quarrel with other quest participants due to if something during the game suddenly goes the same as you would like. It is better to enjoy an interesting game, gain unforgettable impressions and positive emotions.

Video: What is a quest in reality?

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