What contests can be done in the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat): 39 of the most striking and interesting ideas for adults and children

What contests can be done in the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat): 39 of the most striking and interesting ideas for adults and children

The New Year holiday is inconceivable without fun laughter, noisy entertainment and, of course, contests, in which adults can return to childhood for several minutes, and those who have not yet come out of this happy age are sincerely rejoiced at their victory and get the treasured prize.


Considering that the coming year will pass under the sign of a black water rabbit (cat), he can also devote several competitions to him to make the holiday relevant.

What contests can be done in the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

"Find out the rabbit by squeak"

  1. From among the guests one is selected, to which the eyes are closed by a bandage. Each present is one by one and loudly, as if squealing. Moreover, you can only squeak without saying any more words without making other sounds.
  2. And then everything is simple: if the “rabbit” was recognized by his squeak, he himself becomes guessing, and he recognized him receives his prize. And in this sequence, the competition for the New Year continues until everyone can manifest themselves.

The same competition can be done for a cat, only with meow.

New Year Competition with "Light Ring"

  • All participants in the holiday should be divided into two teams so that the players are equally. Both teams are built into the ranks, the first numbers are located equal to the distance from the Christmas tree. In the middle of this distance there is a man with a “burning ring” in his hands (his role can be played by an ordinary hoop-hulahup, wrapped throughout the diameter of Christmas tinsel tinsel).
  • The hoop cannot be lifted or lowered, it should be in the same position all the time at the same height. After the Start team, the team members who are the first to run to the Christmas tree, be sure to overcome the obstacle in the form of a hoop.
  • Having reached the goal, they must triumphly dug, and then the turn of the second numbers comes and so on. When all the participants of both teams are near the Christmas tree, the winner is determined: the team that came first.
Your mood is in your hands
Your mood is in your hands

"Compliments for rabbit (cat)"

  • Rabbit (cat) is always the liking of compliments. Therefore, each of the guests must characterize the owner of the year in one word. But at the same time, it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of letters in the alphabet. The first participant starts with the letter “A” - for example, aggressive, the second continues with the letter “B” - peppy, the third selects the epithet with the letter “c” - warlike, etc.
  • If one of the participants cannot pick up a compliment, he leaves the competition. The winner who called the last compliment is waiting for the prize.

An interesting competition for the New Year "Cat sharpens claws"

  • Cats, just like cats, often sharpen claws. And balloons will help them in this. They need to be inflated and laid out on the floor. Coting participants, standing on four paws, i.e. on all fours, start “Sharpen claws” about balls, bursting them.
  • The rest of the guests can be counted, controlling the number of bursting balls of each participant. Which of the cats was best trampled by the claws and burst the largest number of balls, becomes a winner and receives a prize.

A fascinating competition for the new 2023 "Rabbath Puzzles"

  • For this competition, you will need several sets of puzzles depicting a rabbit consisting of a small number of parts. You can make such puzzles yourself, cutting into several parts of the picture or postcards with the image of the rabbit.
  • Participants in the competition should be divided into commands, and puzzles sets corresponding to the number of commands, hang on the Christmas tree. Players take turns running to the Christmas tree and looking for one of the details of the puzzle.
  • Then - the line of the next participant, who should also find only one detail. The competition is not complicated, but noisy and funny, especially if the participants begin to get confused and grab the same details. The winner is announced by a team that will be the first to add all parts of the picture.

New Year's competition for two teams "Confrontation of rabbits (cats)"

  • Participants in the competition for the New Year of the rabbit (cat) are divided equally into two teams. Each of the teams, standing opposite each other, you need to hold hands and go to another, as they say, the wall on the wall.
  • You can not open your hands in this confrontation to win. And the team that will be able to push the enemy back will win.

"Four letters for wishes to rabbit (cat)"

  • In the word "rabbit" is exactly 6 letters, and in the word cat - 3 letters, from this number the number of commands is determined.
  • Take the word "cat" - for him you need 3 teams. For commands, you need to put 3 boards or attach 3 sheets of paper to the wall, on which the letters “K”, “O”, “T” are written. Each letter is intended for one command. With the beginning of the game, the first numbers of the teams run to their sheet and write a wish on it, which begins with the “their” letters.
  • For example, the first team writes: " creativity", The second -" " charm", The third - "Patience". Having written his wish, the participant passes the baton to the next player of his team, and he, in turn, runs and writes his wish for the same letter. After a certain time, the game is declared completed and the results are calculated. The team wins, on the sheet of which will be the most wishes.

Active contest "Hold on the rabbit"

  • Several of the strongest men from among the guests are appointed by "rabbits." The rest of the participants must, sitting on the rabbit and not holding their hands, stay on it during the time that the New Year's song sounds.
  • Of course, the rabbit is not worth it, but “dances” to the music. The one who succeeds in holding the set time becomes the winner of the competition. The contest "Best Rabbit"
  • It is necessary to divide all participants into a pair and give each a set of "rabbit", which includes rim with rabbit ears, a scarf can be blue as a sign of a blue rabbit, a tail of fur. One of a pair with blindfolded eyes should wear the second into all elements of a rabbit suit and draw a nose and mustache on his face.
  • After a loud and prolonged laughter, the jury will choose the best rabbit, or it will be a collective decision of all participants in the holiday.

Competition "Poppy?"

  • This competition determines the power of rabbit squeal. Two teams should squeak as louder as possible. No concomitant sounds that enhance the power of squeak (whistle, knock, screaming, screech, etc.), unacceptable.
  • The winner is the most loud and well -coordinated team.

Competition "lived and there was a black cat around the corner"

  • Many, of course, remember the famous song "lived and there was a black cat around the corner." It is precisely her that is proposed to fulfill all the participants in the holiday, breaking into the teams and in turn sparing one verse. The chorus can be singing together.
  • In this musical competition, the best and artistic team becomes the best. And you can generally remove the element of the competition, but simply from the heart to sing a song that is so suitable for the theme of the New Year holiday. The main thing is not to forget to print the lyrics for all guests in advance.
Lyrics of the song Black Cat
Lyrics of the song "Black Cat"

Competition "Let's talk about rabbits or cats"

  • The holiday participants are divided into several teams. Their task is to recall everything that is dedicated to the rabbit (cat) in literature, folk art, riddles, sayings, fairy tales. For example: Cat  from  at home –  mice  in  dance.
  • If the team does not find a single such example for a certain time, it drops out of the game. The wins, respectively, is the team that will last the longest.

Competition "Rabbit (Cat) in Sculpture"

  • For this competition you will need wide plastic plates and soft plasticine. Each of the participants needs to blindly cast a portrait of a rabbit (cat) with blindfolded eyes.
  • The competition can be diversified and offered how to fashion a relief face on a plate, and a real “sculpture”. Whose work will be the best - they will determine the applause of the guests of the holiday.

Rabbit Bruck Competition

  • Prepare a few wide shirts that need to be worn on the participants in the competition, giving them with ribbons or ropes. Fold different small items in your bosom. Then, under cheerful music, rabbits with stuffed abdomen begin to dance.
  • During the dance, participants need to simultaneously try to untie the neighbor's belt in order to “gut” his abdomen. The one whose belly will remain wins. The competition can be complicated by tied their hand to the participants so that they try to cope with nodes on belts with the help of teeth. The competition is spectacular and funny.

Murlyk competition for the New Year of Rabbit (Cat) 2023

  • Cats, they are sometimes like murlyki as ordinary domestic cats. With such purring, you can even perform any popular New Year's song in which replace all nouns with the words "Mur-Mur-Mur."
  • For example, the famous “Christmas tree was born in the forest” can be singed in this way: "Moore-Mur-Mur was born in Mur-Mur, she grew up in Mur-Mur ..." The winner of the song contest is the one who unmistakably purges all nouns in the song.

Cool competition for the New Year "The most fashionable rabbit (cat)"

  • Fold in a large bag of various details of the costume of the rabbit or cat, masks, etc. With blindfolded eyes, participants at random choose elements and put them on, where they consider them necessary.
  • When all the elements of the masquerade in the bag end, the participants can untie the bandages in front of our eyes and look at each other and at yourself. The fun is guaranteed! And let the best costume determine the audience applause.
Let your holiday be funny
Let your holiday be funny

Competition "In pursuit of prey"

  • As you know, rabbits and cats are miners who themselves get food for themselves. It is for them that the next competition was invented. It is necessary to put three chairs near each other, wrapping them with ropes in a chaotic order. Between the chairs, put a vase with sweets, tangerines, nuts, etc.
  • The task of the participant is get a yummy from a vase, without touching the rope with the hand. If this happens, the prey should be returned to the place. The winner is the one who manages as accurately as possible to pull out the largest amount of delicacy from the vase.

Competition "Sausages for the Rabbit (Cat)"

  • The competitors put plates with sausages and ketchup.
  • The task of the participants is without the help of hands to eat sausages, not forgetting to wave them into ketchup. The winner is the one who will cope with the sausages the fastest.

"What did the rabbit eat (cat)?"

  • Prepare a salad with an unusual set of ingredients - not olivier or herring under a fur coat. Tie the eyes of the contest to the participants, and let them try to name all the components of this salad. You can mix any products, the main thing is that their taste is recognizable. The winner is the one who will call the largest number of salad ingredients.

Quiz "What is he, New Year's cat?": Questions and answers

Spend the New Year's quiz 2023 by selecting questions for her related to the habits and habits of cats, their features. Take the questions that suits you.

For example:

  1. What helps the cat successfully hunt? (options for answers: imitation of the voice of another animal (bird, mouse), grip around the neck during attack, the ability to wait in an ambush).
  2. What is absent in a newborn kitten, rabbit? (vision).
  3. Do cats inferior to females and cubs? (Yes).
  4. What does feline mean Ryk(rabbit squeal)? (method of communication).
  5. How better does the cat see better than a person? (six times better).
  6. Translate the "cat" from Greek (fast).
  7. How many strips Located on the body of a striped cat? (about 100 lanes).
  8. When is the vision of the cat the most acute? (in nighttime).
  9. How many teeth does the cat have? (36).
  10. What cats live in Russia? (White, gray, black, red, spotted, striped, can be listed breeds).
  11. Who is the closest relative of the cat from a huge number of cats? (lion, tiger, puma, panther, cheetah, leopard, leop, lynx, ferret).
  12. How many kittens are born in one bastard? (about 5).
  13. After what time does the kitten become independent? (after half a year).
  14. What speed can the cat develop? (up to 20 m/s.).
  15. Cat hunting - Single or flock? (single).

You can ask these and other questions to the party participants when holding competitions for the New Year. The main thing is not to delay the quiz so that the guests do not start to get bored, and be sure to hand the prize to the most erudite contestant.

What contests can be organized for a corporate party for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

In addition to the competitions for the New Year, 2023 related to the symbol of the coming year, at the corporate festival, tasks regarding the members of the team, the characteristics of the work, the relationship of the boss with subordinate and, of course, gifts from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and other New Year's connotation will become quite appropriate.

Competition "Guess the Character"

  • Participants in the competition should, using only pantomime techniques, without making a single sound, demonstrate one or another fairy-tale character, someone from the team with recognizable features, an animal, etc.
  • Who coped with the task is best and whose character was recognized by everyone - he becomes the winner.

Competition "Boss-day Frost"

  • Variation on the topic of well-known fun, when each of the artists with closed eyes draws any part of the face in the picture. In this case, you will have to portray your boss, and it is, precisely the detail that will fall out in terms of lot or fantas.
  • Each participant takes turns draws his part on a large sheet of Watman. It should be borne in mind that the boss should be New Year's, so the drawing chin should depict a beard, there should be a hat on his head, and someone will have to intuitively guess the place where a bag filled with gifts, or deer should be located.
  • Given the number of players and their drawings blindly, the portrait should be released unforgettable.

Competition of Siamese twins

  • Participants are divided into pairs and tied to each other so that they are back to the back. And then they must perform various tasks, for example, dance a sailor dance "Apple", run up with a Christmas tree, jump to the table, sink a song, dance the dance of snowflakes, ducklings or small swans etc.
  • The competition turns out to be spectacular and funny, but it is difficult to determine the winners in it, since all pairs of “Siamese twins” will look quite funny. Therefore, the most correct decision will be to reward all participants.

Competition for attentiveness

  • Each participant in the corporate New Year party at the beginning of the evening receives a funny paper cap with a warning that it can only be removed after the cap is removed the host of the event.
  • At first, everyone will carefully monitor the host, but gradually distracting treats, conversations, dances and other points. It was then that the host is quietly and removes his cap, and the team will find out which of them is the most inattentive.

Competition "Let's raise a glass!"

  • In order to raise a New Year's glass with champagne, it needs to be filled. This will become a competitive task. Participants are divided into several teams, each of which is given a teaspoon, and a few meters from them at a distance from each other are a bottle of champagne and a glass.
  • In turn, each participant with a spoon in his hand runs up to the bottle, pours champagne from it and carefully, trying not to shed, passes to the glass, pouring a drink into it from a spoon.
  • Then he returns, passing the spoon, like a relay wand, the next participant. So the teams take turns filling their glasses drop by a drop, and the one who can cope with the task wins.

Competition "Come back to the summer!"

  • New Year, the height of winter - it's time to mentally return to warm summer days, to the sea coast. To do this, the participants put on flippers and, looking under their feet in binoculars, try to go through the planned route.
  • Their clumsy movements will deliver a lot of funny minutes to everyone. At the same time, the audience should control the movements of the players so that they inadvertently cut into the New Year tree or not overturn the festive table.

Competition "New Year's outfits"

  • Game for all participants in the New Year's corporate party. In a large bag, all kinds of elements of the outfits need to be folded, including the funniest, up to huge family panties. Put the bag in the middle of the room, and all the players become in a circle near it. One of the participants is awarded orangewhich players begin to transmit along the chain to the music.
  • Music can be interrupted at any moment, and then the participant, who holds an orange at this second, pulls out the element of the New Year's outfit from the bag and puts it on himself. This continues until all things from the bag are on the participants.
  • The one who was left without an outfit or a minimum of elements wins. And laughter from the contemplation of dressed participants will become a reward to everyone present.

Competition "Armenian Radio"

  • Participants take turns telling funny jokes.
Create a cheerful mood
Create a cheerful mood

What table contests can be organized for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

We examined the options for mobile fun contests for the New Year of the rabbit (cat) 2023. But the competitions that can be held without getting up from the table and combining them with a pleasant treat.

Competition of unexpected answers

  • To questions related to the New Year's theme, you need to give an answer, which will be correct in meaning, but differ from the obvious. For example, to the question "Something green, which is an obligatory attribute of the New Year's holiday" The answer, which immediately comes to the mind of everyone: "Christmas tree."
  • But you can dream up, think and answer: peas in the Olivier salad! The author of the most unexpected and witty answer becomes the winner of the competition.

Competition of foreign grandfathers Morozov

  • We all know that Santa Claus in each country is called in their own way: the French rejoice at the Noel, the Finns-Yullupukki, the Americans-Santa Claus ...
  • So let the participants in the competition guess in which country he brings joy to children and adults. The winner is determined by the largest number of correct answers.

"Mandarin barbecue"

  • Before each participant lies mandarin. With the beginning of the competition, everyone begins to clean their citrus and divide it into separate slices. Who will do it the fastest - receives a prize.
  • But this is not all, now the time of the second part of the competition comes, in which all participants should string slices on a wooden skewer, collecting them in a beautiful tangerine barbecue. And here also the prize gets the one who coped with the task faster than the rest.

"Compose and sing"

  • On a sheet of paper, each of the participants is invited to write on line. It can be a line from a song or poem, a thought that came to his mind, a quote - In a word, anything.
  • After each line written, the sheet is tucking so that the next participant could not see what is written there. When the last line is written, the sheet is unfolded and everyone in chorus sings compiled offers on the motive of any New Year's song.
Competitions can be arranged without active movement
Competitions can be arranged without active movement

"New Year's associations"

  • This competition is suitable for both a large company and for celebrating the New Year in the family circle. For him, you need to choose the images in advance, which in pairs can make a concept related to the New Year holidays. For example: the Christmas tree and the ball are associated together with the Christmas ball, the old man and the freezer - Santa Claus, etc. All participants must guess what New Year's word is encrypted in the pictures, and the prize will be received by the one who named the largest number of correct associations.

"Multi -gaming"

  • Choose a song that everyone knows perfectly (the same "Christmas tree was born in the forest", for example). In turn, the participants begin to sing along the line. At any time, the leader can stop singing and change the genre.
  • For example: after the words “a Christmas tree was born in the forest,” the host says: "And now - advertising!". And then the next participant should already simulate on the go, advertising this newborn Christmas tree: “The best Christmas trees are born only in our forest! Hurry up to us for the Christmas trees! ”
  • So gradually, using various styles and genres, they sing to the song to the end. The most resourceful and artistic participant is entitled to the prize.

"New Year's Antonyms"

  • Another practically creative competition, consisting in the preparation of New Year's wishes to all those present. But the highlight of the competition is that every next wish should contain a word that is opposite to any of those that were sounded in the previous wish.
  • For example, after the wishes of “good health”, one can pronounce “weak competitors”, and after the wishes of happiness, one can say this: “And in order to go around the misfortune.” The one whose wishes will be the most inventive and accurate in the selection of antonyms wins.

What children's contests can be organized for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

Kids, of course, are also interested in participating in various contests for the New Year of the rabbit (cat) 2023. They need to offer simple tasks that will allow them to frolic, laugh and get the desired prize.

"Flosure of tangerines"

  • Mandarins are one of the symbols of the New Year and, of course, they will always be found on the festive table. Give each child a tangerine peeled from the peel and let them, breaking into pairs, feed each other.
  • The couple, who did the fastest with the task, is declared the winner.

"New Year's rhythms"

  • Set the kids in the circle and begin to tap some simple rhythm, you can on the motives of children's songs.
  • Let the children repeat it, clapping their hands or tapping their legs. Who will get off the rhythm leaves the game. The winner is the participant, the remaining one.

Competition "Collect Santa Claus"

  • Cut into several parts pictures with the image of Santa Claus, break the children into teams and offer them collect a whole image.
  • The less the age of the children, the less slices-puzzles. The team that was the first to collect the picture wins.

"Snowman and Snow Maiden"

  • Suitable for kids. They sit in a circle on the chairs and carefully listen to the host. If he pronounces the word "snowman", you need to jump out of the chair. With the word "Snow Maiden" you need to sit on the chair.
  • You can pronounce other "New Year" words: Snow, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, cracker etc. Children should not respond to them. The prize is received by the most attentive participant who will never be mistaken.

Competition "Two rabbit or two kittens"

  • Put gifts for children at the length of the length of the rope or rope. Let the kids, taking up the rope, stretch each behind their prize, while trying to prevent the opponent from reaching his prize.
  • The winner is the one who managed to first grab his gift.

Useful articles on the site:

Video: The best contests for the New Year

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