DIY carnival costume for a boy: how to sew it?

DIY carnival costume for a boy: how to sew it?

Every child knows who Pinocchio is, he is loved for kindness and ingenuity. Meanwhile, Pinocchio also has a very bright suit.

If you want to surprise your child, prepare the costume of this hero on the New Year's matinee. This article will examine in detail the technology for the manufacture of an outfit, which will make it possible to carry out the plan.

How to make a buratino costume with your own hands?

The original Pinocchio costume should be an exact copy of the animated hero. He is dressed in a red sweater in a collar. Prepare shorts or trousers to the boy, as well as a striped cap.

How to sew a jacket:

  • The most difficult thing is to sew a jacket. Therefore, you need to start creating a costume. To resemble the costume of Pinocchio, make a big collar. It is better to make a sweater from satin fabric. Considering that this material breaks up, it is difficult to work with it. If you have no experience in sewing, use the chintz.
  • Make a pattern. It can be found on the Internet, or you can find a jacket in the form of an existing T -shirt. When you circle the circuit, make a small supply of 2 cm so that you can make the seams.
  • Sew all the elements of the jacket using a sewing machine.
  • Sew a pompom on the collar. To make it, prepare 2 cardboard parts resembling a bagel. Combine the blanks and wrap the threads on them. Using scissors, cut the threads at the junction of cardboard parts. Rinse the formed bundle with a thread in the center, and carefully remove the blanks.
  • To decorate the sweater, sew voluminous buttons to it. Color them with bright colors.

How to make a vest:

  • You can sew not a blouse, but a vest. To sew a vest to the Pinocchio costume, it will take less time and effort. First, determine the optimal product length. The vest should reach the middle of the back. Draw a pattern on paper, and then transfer the drawings to the fabric. Cut the elements of the product, making a supply for suture allowances.
The pattern of the vest
The pattern of the vest
  • Make the seams in the shoulder and sides. In order not to process them with a box, using the machine, make “zigzag” seams. Make the neck area with ties, to the ends of which bright pompons will be attached.

How to sew shorts:

  • For sewing shorts, prepare a blue fabric. In order for them to be fixed on the waist, a linen elastic band needs to be sewn in the belt. For manufacture, you can use a pattern from the magazine or the Internet, or circle the contours of any short of the son, making a reserve for the allowances of seams.
  • Sew the cut parts. Stitch the upper part with a cululus, and pass the elastic band into it. If the elastic bands were not found, you can pass a dense lace that will be tied at the waist level.

How to sew a cap of Pinocchio?

  • You will have little time to make a cap. The main thing is to choose the optimal fabric. It should be striped.
  • Prepare the pattern and draw it on the fabric. When the details are cut out, make the seams on the sides.
  • Sew a red or snow -white pompom to the apex.
  • If you do not have fabric of such fabric, you can cut the details of each color, and sew the strips alternately.
Alternation of fabric
Alternation of fabric

Additional accessories for Pinocchio costume

  • To complete the image, prepare additional accessories. One of the main details is considered to be a strip of knitted fabric. You can buy ready -made golfs, or tie from yourself.
  • Prepare a golden key. Draw its shape on a sheet of cardboard, and cut it down the contour. Color the workpiece with golden paint. If there were no paint, glue it with yellow foil.
  • A distinctive feature of Pinocchio is a long nose. It can be made in several ways.

Buratino nose No. 1, manufacturing instructions:

  1. Cut a rectangle from beige cardboard or colored paper.
  2. Form a cone from it.
  3. Attach a linen gum to the workpiece so that it is convenient to fix the nose to the face of the child.

Buratino nose No. 2, step -by -step instructions:

  1. Make a cone using dense cardboard. Glue the edges with glue.
  2. Using beige paint, paint the workpiece. Wait for the paint to dry.
  3. The places where there will be holes for the elastic band, cover with pieces of adhesive tape. This will strengthen the structure.
  4. Make punctures in the right places using an awl.
  5. Fasten the elastic band in the right places.

Buratino nose No. 3, step -by -step instructions:

  1. Cut the base for the nose from yellow foam.
  2. From small pieces of this material, make the nose sharp using an adhesive gun. Put the pieces, cutting them with scissors to focus.
  3. At the base, pass the elastic band so that the nose is fixed on the face of the child.

Buratino nose No. 4, step -by -step instructions:

  1. Torn the newspaper in small pieces and pour them with water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  2. Pour flour and glue into a container with a newspaper. Mix thoroughly. Leave another 40-60 minutes.
  3. Start modeling the main part. From plasticine, form the shape of the nose of Pinocchio.
  4. Cover the workpiece with an insistent mixture. When the first layer dries, only then you can proceed to the second layer.
  5. When the design is completely dry, remove the plasticine.
  6. Color your nose with beige paint.
  7. Pass the elastic in the holes and fix it.

Also, do not forget to cut and paint the key of our hero with paints. To do this, use dense cardboard and golden paints.

Buratino key

Hairstyle and makeup pins

  • To complement the image of a multiplier hero, golden curls should be visible from under the hat. For their manufacture, you will need bilateral colored paper.
  • Cut it into thin strips, 1-1.5 cm wide. The optimal length is 7 cm. Wind the strips on the handle or pencil, and glue the curls to the cap.
  • So that the child really looks like Pinocchio, you need to make a beautiful bright makeup. Make the child’s eyebrows more expressive, and apply blush on the cheeks.
  • Another visiting card of Pinocchio - freckles. They can be drawn with an orange or brown pencil for the eyes.
Hairstyle and makeup
Hairstyle and makeup

DIY Buratino costume for a boy: Review

  • Renata, 34 years: In the New Year's performance, the child got the role of Pinocchio. We decided not to buy a finished suit, but to make it yourself. For some reason, I used to think that the process is complex, and it would be necessary to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves. However, having prepared all the materials, it took me only 2 pm.
  • Elena, 26 years old: Classical costumes of snowflakes and princes have already lost their popularity. Therefore, I decided to prepare the child to Pinocchio’s outfit so that he stands out among classmates. I spent only 2-3 hours on the manufacture of the outfit, because the suitable jacket and shorts were in the wardrobe.
  • Diana, 40 years old: Given the cost of costumes in stores and in the markets, I decided to make a Pinocchio outfit for my son with my own hands. Having prepared all the necessary materials, she started working in the evenings when a free minute appeared. I do not have a sewing machine, so I had to sew manually. Despite this, after 3 days the costume was completely ready. The son was delighted.

Now you know how to quickly make a Pinocchio costume for a boy with your own hands. The process is laborious, but the result will pleasantly please you. If you wish, you can ask your child to participate in the process. This will not only develop motor skills, but also bring you closer.

Instructions for creating other costumes:

Video: DIY Buratino costume

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