New Year's costume Christmas tree toy: how to do it with your own hands?

New Year's costume Christmas tree toy: how to do it with your own hands?

A few weeks before the New Year holidays, most parents begin a panic. They do not know which outfit to choose a child for a matinee.

If you do not want the child to look mediocre, you can sew a Christmas tree suit for him. It can be a ball, a lantern or a cracker. In this article, sewing instructions will be described in detail.

How to make a Christmas tree costume - New Year's clap?

Such a suit is suitable for boys who want to stand out among their classmates. It will consist of shirts, hats and wide trousers.

To sew a Christmas tree costume, prepare the following materials:

  • fabric of bright shades. Better if there are 2 options;
  • spit fabric for processing the neck;
  • gum for linen;
  • hat elastic band;
  • packaging paper;
  • cardboard;
  • buttons - 3 pcs.;
  • sparkles.

Use the finished pattern for shirt and pants as a basis. Some mothers use a scheme for tailoring pajamas. Short the back and shelf. Their length should be 5-7 cm below the waist area.

Further instruction is as follows:

  1. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe shelves, draw a line that should be 3 cm below the armhole. Cut the fabric.
  2. Lengthen the sleeve by 5-7 cm, and straighten it.
  3. Lengage elements of pants by 15 cm. The side seams should be 7 cm more than on the pattern.
  4. The back must be cut out of blue or blue fabric. And make the upper left and lower right of the shelves from orange or red fabric.
  5. Sleeves eat from different shades of material.
  6. When the details of the outfit are ready, you can proceed with their fastening.
  7. Sew the seams in the shoulder and sides. Process the neck.
  8. 3 cm below the host of the sleeve, draw a line. The second strip should be drawn in the center of the rest. On the lines, fix the gum for the hat. The optimal length is the circumference of the hand +3 cm.
  9. Sew the seam of the sleeve, bent it a few centimeters, and insert an elastic band for linen.
  10. Attach the sleeves and sew the buttons to the shelves. To make them fixed, make loops.
  11. Bring the sleeves and shelves with sparkles.
Bright costume
Bright costume

If you are sewing a cracker costume for a girl, we have prepared a separate for you article with detailed instructions.

  • Now you can start creating trousers. They should be multi -colored: the right side - orange or red, and the left - blue. Sew the seams on the sides. Step 10 cm from the knee and draw a line.
  • Drive the second strip 10 cm above the knee. Measure an elastic band for the hat. Its length should be equal to the volume of the thigh in which you need to add 10 cm.
  • Sew the gum to the drawn lines, and sew step seams. Bend the belt a few centimeters, and insert an elastic band for linen. Decorate the pants with sparkles.
  • To make a hat, you need a cardboard. Wrap it around the child’s head, and form a cylinder. Cover the cardboard with paper packaging, making a small supply so that it is possible to pull it at the top, and tie it. The Clap Coste is ready.
For a hat
For a hat
Detailed instructions for the Claper suit
Detailed instructions for the Claper suit

How to make a Christmas tree costume - New Year's flashlight

The costume of the Christmas tree toy will be made of hat, trousers and sweaters.

To sew a flashlight costume, you will need the following materials:

  • the fabric is yellow and red. Choose overflowing materials to create a New Year's mood;
  • a lace with a thread of a golden hue;
  • tape for packaging gifts;
  • clasp;
  • sparkles;
  • flizelin.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pants should be a straight cut.
  2. Now it's time to start sewing a jacket. If you have a direct cut jacket, you can use it.
  3. Cross the coquet and parts of the sleeves. Use the yellow fabric to patter the bottom of the back, strips and the center of the sleeve.
  4. Sew the fastener to the shoulder seam.
  5. Garnish the strips with non -woven, and sew it to the center of the sleeve. Spend the top and the bottom of the part well. The sleeves should resemble the shape of a flashlight.
  6. Cover the seams of the stroke with a lace.
  7. Decorate the top and bottom of the sleeves with sparkles. Carry the same procedure with a coquet.
  8. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe back and shelves, sew the cord, applying its cross.
Costume drawing
Costume drawing
For girl
For girl
You can make a flashlight on the tummy
You can make a flashlight on the tummy

The hat must be made from cardboard. To do this, make a cone from paper corresponding to the size of the child’s head. Speak the hat with a fabric, decorate with sparkles and a lace. At the top of the cap, attach the wire ring.

The costume of the Christmas tree toy - the New Year's ball: how to do it?

The most common suit of Christmas tree toy is a Christmas ball. The outfit should consist of shorts, turtlenecks, a rounded vest and hats.

To make a suit, prepare the following materials:

  • dense fabric of a bright shade;
  • dense tulle;
  • knitted fabric for the manufacture of shorts and golf;
  • a piece of golden and silver fabric;
  • glue -based non -woven;
  • regilin;
  • large sparkles.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • If you have ready -made plain shorts and turtleneck, you can use them. If they are not there, find the pattern on the Internet, and sew them.
Pattern option
Pattern option
  • To create a beautiful ball, you will need the right pattern. Mark a rectangle on the fabric, the horizontal part of which is equal to the circumference of the waist *2. The vertical should go double the length from the neck to the thigh. In the center of the rectangle, draw a horizontal line and 3 vertical.
  • Combine the upper and lower part of the vertical stripes with horizontal so that 3 oval forms. They should have a single center.
  • From Fatin, cut 2 parts corresponding to the pattern, and sew them. Leave holes on the side seams so that the child can stick his hands into them.
  • Sew regilin on the waist and chest. This material is flexible, so it will be able to maintain the desired volume.
  • For the ball to keep the shape well, fix it with regilin and vertically.
  • The basis of the back and transmit it from bright material, and make a New Year's application on top.
  • Combine parts with each other. Insert up and up the elastic for the laundry.
  • Decorate the top of the ball with sparkles.
With shorts
With shorts
Light suit
Light suit
With a dress
With a dress
Brightly decorated
Brightly decorated

To make an original hat, form a detailed cylinder from the main material. It must correspond to the volume of the children's head. The bottom should be like a hat of a real Christmas ball. In order for the workpiece to keep it, complement it with an adhesive with a glue basis, and fix it on a cotton lining. Cut the bottom, treat it with non -woven, and fasten it with a tulle. Make vertical lines as a decoration, and attach a ring to the hat. You should get a beautiful ball of a ball for a Christmas tree.

Now you know that sewing an original suit of a Christmas tree toy is not difficult. To do this, you need to prepare several available materials, and spend a little time. If you want, you can attract to the child’s process. He will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Instructions for creating other costumes:

Video: a simple Christmas tree suit - Instructions for creating

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