Papuas costume for a boy and girl with your own hands: detailed instructions, photo

Papuas costume for a boy and girl with your own hands: detailed instructions, photo

New Year's matinees are the perfect time to pay attention to the child and show their sewing skills. If you want to please the child and highlight him at the event, you can create a Papuas costume for a boy or girl.

This will require quite ordinary materials, the cost of which is several times lower than the finished outfit. From this article you will learn how to quickly and cheaply make a suit with your own hands.

How to make a papuas costume: Create a skirt

Papuans are a people who wear clothes made by yourself from natural materials. If you want to make an original skirt that will be like real, turn on your imagination.

The easiest way is to make a fabric skirt skirt. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the green fabric and cut it in small stripes. It is important that the design resembles leaves.
  2. Sew each piece of fabric to the rubber band for linen. Pre -measure the optimal length of the elastic band based on the volume of the waist of the child.
  3. Sew the elastic band to get a circle. Papuasa's skirt is ready.

How to make a Papuas costume?  If you do not have sewing skills, then making a fatin skirt will be quite difficult. However, if you are patient, and you will make instructions, you can sew it in just one evening.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the figure of the child.
  2. On a sheet of whatman, make a skirt pattern. It can be found on the Internet, or it is enough to circle the contour of the existing skirt.
  3. Transfer the pattern to the tulle and cut it out.
  4. Make the folds all over the fabric and fasten them with pins.
  5. Make an armhole for linen gum, and attach the fabric to the belt (the optimal width of the belt is 5-7 cm).
  6. Make a stitch in all fixed areas. Spend it with a machine.
  7. Insert the elastic band and fix it.
  8. Decorate the skirt of New Year's tinsel so that the image is more festive.
Papuas skirt
Papuas skirt

How to make a papuas costume for a child from garbage bags?

  • Almost every house has garbage bags. They can be used to create a Papuas costume for a child. Choose the bags of bright colors (blue or green) so that they resemble real clothes of the wild people. Measure the required length of the skirt, and cut the rest.
  • Cut the rest of the package into small strips. Glue the resulting stripes to a wide elastic band. It is better to choose a detail that depicts a thematic print. If time is running out, instead of glue, you can use the stapler. This will greatly facilitate the work, because a long drying of glue is not required. Sew the ends of the belt.
  • If you are preparing a Papuas costume for a girl, make a breast band. This will require a short top on which plastic strips are sewn. Make a wig for garbage bags, and paint the child’s face with bright colors. The image of this Papuas is ready.
From packages
From packages

How to make a papuas costume for a girl?

  • If you are preparing a Papuas costume for a girl, use the top as the upper detail of the image. You can take the upper part of the children's swimsuit, and sew fabric strips to it. You can also decorate the top with artificial flowers to make the image more realistic. Perfectly, a top made of a leopard or orange shade will fit into the composition. So you get the image of a real savage.
  • You can supplement the image with flowers in the hair. If you spend a little time, you can make a hair rim, decorated with flowers. Complete the outfit bright beads and bracelets. So that the girl does not experience discomfort from such an open outfit, put a T -shirt under the bottom and flesh -shaped tights. Your daughter will definitely stand out against the background of other children.

How to make a papuas costume for a boy?

  • Papuas costume for a boy should consist of a skirt and jewelry. You can do it bracelets on the arms and legs of shellsto give the image of realism.
  • A distinctive feature of an outfit for a boy is a weapon. It can be an ax, a baton made of wood or a spear. To make a papuas ax, just attach a small stone to the stick.
  • Do not forget to make up your son. To do this, draw the same strips on the cheeks and forehead with bright colors.

If the New Year's matinee will take place in a cool room, make a suit warmer. To do this, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Sew a tissue that resembles the skin or skin of the animal to a costume for gymnastics (should fit the child’s body) to a costume for gymnastics. The ideal option is leopard or suede fabric. Instead of a costume for gymnastics, you can take warm tights and turtleneck.
  2. On top of the suit, put on a loincloth.
  3. Make beads and bracelets in ethnic topics as jewelry.
  4. Put on a child a wig with dark strands.

If you are preparing a Papuas costume for a child, ask him to participate in the process. So you will know if he likes the elements of the outfit, or you need to correct something. Do not forget to wear a body suit for gymnastics under a suit. So the child will not be embarrassed by an overly open outfit.

We will also tell you how to make a costume:

Video: DIY Hawaiian skirt

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