Harry Potter carnival costume with your own hands: how to do it at home?

Harry Potter carnival costume with your own hands: how to do it at home?

The character of Romanov J. Rowling - Harry Potter is the most famous wizard. Not only children, but also adults know him.

If your child wants to be on the New Year's matinee Harry Potter, it will not be difficult to make such a suit. In this article, instructions will be described in detail to create an original outfit.

How to make Harry Potter's costume: costume elements

If you want your child to look like a famous wizard, Harry Potter's costume should consist of several main details:

  • mantles;
  • school uniform;
  • tie;
  • broom;
  • glasses;
  • sharf of the Faculty of Gryffindor;
  • scar on the forehead.

More about the creation of all the necessary elements of the costume will be described later.

How to make a mantle for Harry Potter's costume

  • If you have sewing skills, making a beautiful mantle to the Harry Potter costume will not be difficult. To do this, prepare black and red fabric. Choose satin silk materials, because they will flow and give the image of more magic. On a sheet of whatman, make a pattern based on the height and physique of the child.
  • Cut all the details in the amount of 2 pcs: from red and black material. Leave small indentation. When the pattern is ready, make a note. To do this, turn off the indentation and make the estimated seams along the edges of all parts. In the end - stitch the seams on a typewriter.
  • After processing all the parts, proceed to the assembly. First, connect all the details of black fabric, and after from red. Fix all the seams first manually, and then stitch on a typewriter. You should get 2 identical cloaks, but in different shades. Red cloak is a lining. Connect it with a black cloak, process the seams, and expand the front side. Make the lines along the edges, and bite the finished element of the costume.
  • If you do not know how to sew, you can make a mantle from improvised materials. You may have an original black cloak at home.
  • You can also use silk robes are black and red. First you need to remove the belt and cut off all the buttons. After that, sweep both robes among themselves. On both sides of the neck, make 2 lace so that you can fix the mantle on the child’s neck.

You can also sew a mantle as follows.If you want to make a beautiful wizard cloak for a child, adhere to the following instructions:

  • Make a cloak pattern.
  • Cut the details. There should be 1 back, 1 in front, 2 sleeves and 1 hood. Do not forget to make allowances a few centimeters.
  • Sew the seams on your shoulders, and make the slices even.
  • Sew the wedges on the sides. Fix one side to the front, and the second - to the back.
  • Go over the sleeve. The optimal line length is 44-45 cm.
  • Sew the seam of the sleeve, which is inside, not bringing it to the armhole by a few centimeters. Distribute the corners to the side wedges of the mantle on the right and left.
  • Fold the hood in half, and go one side. Sew it into the neck of the mantle.
  • Turn the front of the cloak and hood several times, and go with one line.
  • Pass the lower seam with a closed cut the lower part of the mantle and sleeve.
  • Sew a loop and a buttonSo that the mantle could be fastened.
  • Sew emblemAnd continue the product with an iron.

How to make a school uniform for Harry Potter's costume?

To get an original school uniform for Harry Potter's costume - prepare a white shirt and black trousers. It will also require a brown or gray sweater, which has a V-shaped neckline. If in the wardrobe of the child there is a sweater or vest with a round neck, transforming it into the right one will not be difficult.

To do this, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Turn the clothes outward outwardly, and fold in half. Put the cutout to be in the shape of a triangle. The optimal depth is up to 15 cm.
  2. Turn the edge and fix it to the wrong side of the vest. On the front side, everything should look beautiful and even.

The shape of Harry Potter must include a tie.

It can be made in several ways:

  • Find the child an accessory in a burgundy-gold strip.
  • Buy a burgundy tie. Complete it with stripes, the length of which is 4 cm made of golden tape. They can be sewn or glued. At the accessory node, so that the image is plausible, direct the strip in the other direction.

Hogwarts coat of arms for Harry Potter's costume

  • Harry Potter's costume should be supplemented by the coat of arms of the Hogwarts school. It needs to be mounted on a vest and a mantle. If you have the opportunity, order the seal of the coat of arms on the fabric. So she will hold securely, and will not disappear at the most crucial moment.
  • You can also print the coat of arms on plain paper. Cut the picture, and I waste it on the clothes. You can also fix it with a pin. However, there is a chance that the pin will unfasten and pricks the child.
  • In some online stores they sell a strip in the form of a coat of arms of Hogwarts. Their cost is small.
Coat of arms that can be printed
Coat of arms that can be printed

What accessories and makeup to supplement Harry Potter's costume?

The wizard Harry Potter is known for his glasses and a scar on his forehead. Glasses can be bought ready in the store, or make them with your own hands.

To do this, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Details from old unnecessary glasses are suitable as arcs. You can also form them from dense wire. The main thing is to round the ends so that they do not scratch the skin of the child.
  2. Twist the glasses themselves from the wire. The main thing is a rounded shape.
  3. Spots of attachment solder with a soldering iron. If you do not know how to use it, fasten the joints with electrical tape. The second option is more preferable, because in the first part, the main wizard appeared with broken glasses.
DIY glasses
DIY glasses
  • The main characteristic feature of Harry Potter's appearance is a scar on the forehead, which was left by the Dark Lord. To draw it, the artist’s skills do not need.
  • It is enough with a paint or pencil to draw a zipper on the left side of the forehead.
  • If you have knitting skills, tie the child a scarf. The knitting should be carried out by the front surface. For the manufacture of a scarf, threads of two shades will be required - red and yellow.
  • You can also buy a ready -made scarf, or collect it in parts. To do this, buy in stores for needlework 6 squares of a yellow fleece, and 6 squares of red fleece. Sew them together.
  • To make the image recognizable, prepare Magic wand and broom. The “aircraft” of the wizard is easy to make. You can attach a broom to a long stick, or make a broom of thin branches, and attach a branch to it.
  • There is a little trick for a magic wand. In the building materials store you need to buy a wood -based dowel and silicone -based glue. Apply a small amount of glue in a spiral to the dowel to form a relief pattern of wood bark.
  • When the glue dries, apply a golden shade in it, and brown paint on the wand itself.
  • You can also buy a ready -made attribute of a wizard in a children's store. Given the popularity of the hero, it will not be difficult to find it.
Magic elements
Magic elements

As you can see, it is not difficult to make Harry Potter a Harry Potter costume. Most materials are found at home. If you need to buy something, the cost of such materials will be much lower than buying a finished costume.

Instructions for creating other costumes:

Video: Harry Potter's Magic sticks

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