New Year's costume "Cup" for a girl and a boy: step -by -step instructions, patterns, photos

New Year's costume

On the eve of the New Year holidays, every parent, preparing his child for the matinee, is preparing original costumes. It is not necessary to sew classic dresses of snowflakes or prince.

The costume "Cup" will look much more beautiful and symbolic. Read more about the sewing technique will be described in this article.

Costume "Watch" for the New Year for a boy

To make a “watch” costume for a boy, prepare the following materials:

  • tinsel and cardboard to make a cap;
  • polypropylene;
  • tape made of satin material, width 3 cm;
  • ribbon with sparkles;
  • thermocles.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • From polypropylene, cut 2 circles of the same size.
  • From the same material, cut 2 hour arrows. Decorate them with brilliant ribbons using thermocles.
  • In the upper part of the clock, glue the satin tape to form the shoulders.
  • Glue the arrows to the shoulders and draw the dial.
  • Decorate the outfit with tinsel.
  • Glue sparkles or sequins to the numbers.
  • Form a cap from cardboard and decorate it with tinsel.
Decorate tinsel
Decorate tinsel
  • Try an outfit for a child.
The finished suit can be tried on
The finished suit can be tried on

Costume "Cup" for a girl

If your daughter needs to play the role of the “watch” on the matinee, prepare an original suit for her. The process will not take much free time.

To make an outfit, prepare the following materials:

  • brown fabric;
  • guipure;
  • gum for linen;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • chain;
  • cones.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Prepare the dress pattern based on the size of the daughter. Cut and sew the dress on this pattern. Sleeves make black and straight cut. In the elbow area, make a small assembly and insert an elastic band.
  • Make a headdress. To do this, make a scan of cardboard and glue it with brown fabric. On the front, glue the image of the clock “cuckoo”, and make the door out of cardboard. Corrugated cardboard should be used to decorate the roof of the "house".
House on the head
House on the head
  • Sew gloves from guipure. Make them pointed so that they resemble time arrows.
  • Print a dial model. Color it with paints or colored handles.
  • Print the pendulum and attach it to the dial. Glue cones painted with bronze paint to the chain. Attach them to the dial.

Children's costume "Cup": reviews

  • Veronica, 42 years: Tired of the child standard costumes for the New Year's matinee, and I decided to surprise my daughter. I decided to sew an unusual “watch” costume. Despite the fact that I was engaged in this case for the first time, my work took me only 5 hours. The daughter was satisfied.
  • Natalia, 29 years old: On the New Year's matinee, the son got the role of hours. We decided to save money, and do not buy a ready -made outfit. Therefore, she prepared all the necessary materials, and started work. The process took only a few hours, and the child was satisfied. On the school matinee, everyone was struck by the originality of the outfit.
  • Christina, 25 years old: Previously, I was always surprised how my mother managed to sew costumes in the matinee in one night. With the advent of the child, I also had to engage in the manufacture of an outfit. To make the son look original, they decided to make a “watch” costume. I spent 5-7 hours on the manufacture of the outfit, and the result pleasantly surprised us.

As you can see, to make a costume a clock for a child is easy. If there are all the necessary materials at home, the process will take only a few hours. It is not necessary to buy a ready -made outfit for a large amount of money, given that the cost of the costume before the New Year increases significantly.

Instructions for creating other costumes:

Video: How to sew a clock clock?

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Comments K. article

  1. Cool suits, take note!

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