Carlson's costume for a boy with his own hands: Instructions for creating

Carlson's costume for a boy with his own hands: Instructions for creating

Every child dreams of becoming a hero of famous fairy tales. New Year's matinees and thematic photo shoots help children transform into their favorite heroes.

If you plan to sew Carlson's costume yourself, then the recommendations described in this article will certainly help.

Carleson's costume for a boy with his own hands - what will be required for making a suit?

If you decide to sew Carlson's costume yourself, prepare the following materials:

  • t -shirt of bright shades;
  • pants in a cage;
  • propeller;
  • large buttons;
  • shoes are unusual. It is desirable that the boots are with bright laces.

How to sew Carlson's costume for a boy: Office for the manufacture of a suit

  • If you do not have a financial opportunity to purchase a ready -made suit in the store, you can do it with your own hands.
  • Fortunately, this procedure will not take much time, and will not require significant costs. Turn on your imagination and enjoy the process.

Pants on the straps

  • One of the main details of the costume is fabric fabric pants. They must be wide. It is best to supplement them with a strap from the same material.
  • If you have checkered pants in a wardrobe - perfect. If not, you can sew them, having previously made a pattern. To create a strap, cut a piece of striped fabric. The optimal length is 1 m, and the width is 10 cm.
  • Fold the strap in half, the front sides to each other, and the opposite sides (one short and one long). Turn the strap out and sew it to the pants. Make it to sit diagonally of the chest.
In the cage
In the cage


It is important to choose or sew the perfect T -shirt. If your child has a yellow or green T -shirt, you can use it.

Or sew it yourself, adhering to the following instructions:

  1. Make a pattern according to the size of the child and cut the details.
  2. Attach to bright fabric, paper parts, and circle the circuit with chalk. Do not forget to leave 1-2 cm reserve so that you can pick them up.
  3. Fold the details face to face and sew them.
  4. Leave a small neckline on your back. It will be necessary to sew the fastener into it. Sew the edges and remove sticking threads.
  5. Sew buttons with loops.

How to make a propeller?

Carlson's visiting card is a propeller on his back. It is not difficult to make it yourself. You will need dense cardboard.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Draw a propeller blades on the cardboard and cut them out.
Cut the propeller out of the workpiece
Cut the propeller out of the workpiece
  • Color the part in red, or overthrow in red cloth.
  • Glue or sew the propeller on your back (in the center of the strap of pants).
  • In the center of the propeller, place a voluminous button.

Additional elements of the image

  • To make Carlson's costume more realistic, put on a red -haired wig for a child. You can make him an unusual funny hairstyle. You can also focus on the lush forms of a fairy -tale hero. To do this, attach a little Syntipon in the abdomen, buttocks and hips.
  • Do not forget to fill the child so that he shows good nature, calmness and self -confidence. These are the main features of the character of Carlson. If your child smiles, it will transform him even more into a fairy -tale character.
Red -haired wig
Red -haired wig

Most people believe that it is much more profitable and easier to buy a ready -made suit in the store. However, Carlson's costume is the case when independent manufacture will take little effort and time. Most materials are sure to be found in the house. Creating the image of Carlson will take you no more than 1-2 hours.

You will also learn how to sew a suit:

Video: Creating a Carlson costume with your own hands

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