What is the best filler for a cat toilet: views, rating, reviews

What is the best filler for a cat toilet: views, rating, reviews

Types and description of the best fillers for a cat toilet.

There are several options for choosing a filler for a cat toilet. First of all, it depends on the size of the pet, its age and individual characteristics. There is no consensus which of the best fillers is ideal for your pet. 

Which wood filler for a cat toilet is better?

Petetsev owners prefer natural ones, and veterinarians support such an initiative. The fact is that small kittens can swallow out of ignorance Granuls, taking them for food. Therefore, it is best to purchase products made of natural material that will not cause a pet poisoning. The ideal option will be woodproduct. 


Which wood filler for a cat toilet is better:

  1. Best Smart. This is a product that is distinguished by absorbent properties, and after the fluid gets into lumps. This option is clumping, clots with urine are removed. It is best to clean the tray with a special spatula with holes so that the clean mixture enters the tray. It is made of secondary raw materials, which was obtained by processing of old wood. No one will cut trees specifically for manufacturing. The main disadvantage is the high price, despite all the existing advantages. 
  2. Wood. It is also one of the best options that has a low price. Made of coniferous sawdust, which are compressed in granules. When pressing, these granules are very easily crumble and spread throughout the apartment. This can cause inconvenience and additional dirt in the apartment. 
  3. My beast. This is a universal product with small granules. Their average size is 3 mm. This is the optimal diameter that allows you to teach to go to the toilet not only adult cats, but also small kittens. It covers the surface with an even layer, so it does not cause discomfort. On top is covered with a special flavor that allows kittens to go to the toilet and get used to the tray faster. 
For kittens
For kittens

The best filler for a cat toilet from the smell

In addition to wood, there are fillers with silica gel. They resemble round, almost transparent granules that change color when fluid enters. This is very convenient, especially if a large number of cats live in the house. This allows you to determine wet and dry granules and remove them in time. Such products most often differ in antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties. 

The best filler for a cat toilet from the smell:

  • It is worth noting that it is best to use the productcrystals with antibacterial effect. It is effective, slows down the growth of pathogenicmicroorganismsAnd allows you to accustom the kids to the tray very quickly. 
  • Cat STEP. This product is also made of silica gel, but its big drawback is that it sticks to the paws. That is why this option is not very suitable for kittens. Do not use for capricious cats of known breeds. This is an ideal option for cats of street breeds, which are unpretentious. Such a product can be chosen in different versions, it can be with different smells. The backfill is enough for about 3 weeks. The price is low and is available to almost all segments of the population. 
  • Aromaticat. This is a filler that has an antibacterial effect and a convenient granuity size. Its disadvantage is a rather high price and a small capacity of packages. Maximum volume 3 liters. This product is carried out with several types of cleaning, due to which silica gel is distinguished by antibacterial properties. Such silica gel is used to determine and diagnose possible diseases of the pets. If the mixture is painted in orange, everything is fine with the cat. If in green or blue, this is an occasion to contact a doctor. It reacts to a change in urine acidity, which can indicate infections, cystitis, or diseases of the genitourinary system, which are often faced with pets that use dry food. 

There are a lot of fillers made of clay. They are environmentally friendly. Kittens love to go to such a toilet, which are just beginning to master the art of going to the toilet. 


Best absorption filler for a cat's toilet

There are also absorbent components that do not feed, but evenly distribute the liquid and dry. Do not carry a cat around the house.

The best absorbent filler for a cat toilet:

  • One of the best is Homecat. Among its advantages are an excellent ability to absorb odors, the absence of coloring substances, so the legs of the animal are not painted. There are no dust in granules, so the remains do not stick to the paws, and the apartment remains clean. Such a filler is sold in packages of 30 liters. The manufacturer indicates that the liquid is absorbed instantly, so you can use in trays with a lattice. This filler cannot be thrown into the toilet, only in a bucket, just like all mineral fillers. One tray is enough for one month.
  • Catsan - This is a filler, which is sold in packages of 2.5 liters. The composition is significantly different from analogues, it is made of quartz sand, and purified chalk. It does not contain bleach, but it suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The granules are medium -sized, recommended for both adult cats and for small kittens.

Some cats are very capricious by nature, so they often do not want to go in wet sand. Therefore, they can refuse absorbent fillers. This should be borne in mind, not to purchase for capricious cats. If she finds her buried treasures, most likely, she will not re -go to the toilet.

TOP of the best fillers for a cat toilet

For such kittens, fillers with large granules do not purchase, as they can cause discomfort, and the pet will simply refuse to go to the toilet.Conversely, for long -haired breeds, which are distinguished by fluffy wool, it is best to purchase a filler with large granules. Unlike sand, such granules do not stick and do not clog between the pads. Choose just such fillers. 

TOP of the best fillers for a cat toilet:

  • Fresh Step
  • Crystals Smart
  • Cat N1
  • Crystals
  • Cat STEP
For the tray
For the tray

Filler for a cat toilet, which is better: reviews

Below you can find consumer reviews.

Filler for a cat toilet, which is better, reviews:

Elena. I have several cats, recently one of them gave birth to kittens. All small, but gradually began to accustom them to the tray. To begin with, they purchased Katsan. I think this is one of the best options, but as a little expensive as for me. Made of natural components. I do not like the fact that it cannot be thrown to the toilet, because raw materials are based on mineral components that can score the sewer.
Oksana. I have a cat, and very capricious, she does not perceive most of the absorbing fillers, since they are wet and cause her discomfort. Therefore, I get a filler made of silica gel. I experimented a lot, at the moment one of the best and known in my opinion is my animal.
Marina. My cat is already for several years. Initially, she did not know about the existence of fillers and simply used torn pieces of paper. But then I saw a neighbor, she told me that the product simplified the situation, and allowed me not to change the tray. I advised the Best Smart filler. I really liked him, like a cat. At the moment, I want to purchase granular fillers that do not stick to the paws, do not clog between wool.
Some cats have very delicate paws with soft pads, which are quite sensitive. Because of this, granules can stuck between the pillows and make the cat unpleasantly.

Video: The best fillers for a cat toilet

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