Can cats give human pills, no-shpu, valerian in tablets? How to give a cat a bitter pill so that it does not spit out?

Can cats give human pills, no-shpu, valerian in tablets? How to give a cat a bitter pill so that it does not spit out?

Instructions for the treatment of cats with tablets.

Cats are affectionate and caring creatures that answer purring, and a good attitude towards owners. A lot of difficulties arise when the pet is sick, and it is necessary to cure it. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible and how to give a cat pills. 

Can cats give pills?

In general, it is initially better to ask the veterinarian if there is another version of the substance. That is, syrup, candles or injections. The most common version of pills is the medicine for worms.

Can cats give pills:

  • The fact is that cats are negative about taking pills, and often they spit out. This is not due to the poor character, or the iricked petty of the pet, but the features of the structure of the throat and the oral cavity. Most cats resist in every possible way when the owner tries to put a pill in his mouth, spitting it out.
  • It is best to give the medicine in its purest form, that is, try to swallow the cat a whole tablet. This is difficult, especially if it is large. 
  • Is it possible to mix tablets with food, water, or wash them into powder. It is best to clarify such options for using pills for a veterinarian. Some of the drugs in no case should be mixed with liquid or food, so you will have to force the pet to swallow the medicine. And this is quite difficult to do. There is no guarantee that the cat swallowed a pill if you put it in the mouth.

How to give a cat pill so that it does not spit out?

The thing is that she will spit it out, and with repeated repetition, she will try to do this imperceptibly for the owner. It is necessary to make sure that the pet has definitely swallowed the tablet. There are several certain subtleties, how to put a tablet correctly so that the pet swallows it.

Please note that people usually drink a pill with a lot of water, pushing it inside. The cat is unlikely to drink the medicine, so you have to take care in advance. An ordinary syringe without a needle with water will help. It is necessary to let the cat drink a tablet so that it does not jump the medicine. 

How to give a cat pill so that it does not spit out:

  • Try to replace the tablet with drops or injections. If the medicine cannot be taken in this way, try to grind it until the flour is obtained, mix with sour cream or cottage cheese. You need to try to lick this mixture.
  • In almost 70% of cases, cats refuse to take this kind of cocktail, since it smells unpleasantly and is distinguished by a bitter taste. Therefore, you will have to outwit the pet. It is necessary to apply the product to the nose in small portions. The cat will be forced to lick the mixture from the nose to cleanse.
  • Please note that it is better to apply a very small amount of sour cream on the nose so that the pet can easily lick at once. At the same time, he will not smear the remedy for the muzzle, and even more sothe nose will not wipe your favorite upholstered furniture, it will not stain it. 

The fact is that, feeling violence, the cat will begin to resist, thereby scratches you. The cat has very sharp teeth, so the best option is to stick a tablet deep into the throat, but not damage the fingers. A cat can easily bite them. There is a special device that can be purchased at an animal pharmacy. It resembles a syringe according to its principle of operation. It only does not contain any pointed parts, it is a pipe with a piston. For the feeding of the medicine, the tablet is invested at the end, using the piston is pressed and inserted deep into the throat. This is one of the simplest options for introducing a pill. 


What tablets can be given to a cat?

Below is a list of drugs that are allowed for use by animals.

What tablets can be given to the cat:

  • Analgin. This tool is given not only for pain relief, but also as an antipyretic at temperature in cats. It must be given in an amount of 0.5 g per cat, weighing about 5 kg. Such drugs as paracetamol, as well as aspirin, do not give animals. They contain a large amount of acid, which can be harmful to the animal's body. 
  • Antihistamines for children in drops help to relieve allergies to relieve allergies. This is the drug Zodak, as well as Eden. Introduced in an amount half as much as in the instructions for the youngest children, newborns. 

Edema can be removed using ordinary magnesia in the solution. It is necessary to dissolve 30 ml of the product in 1000 ml of warm water. This tool is impregnated with a swab, applied to the edema. Solutions  Miramistin and chlorhexidine can be used in the treatment of a cat. This is usually done during the processing of bites, wounds, cuts. Albucide drops are used to treat conjunctivitis, and eye inflammation.


Can cats give human pills?

Almost all the owners of the pets are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to give cats the medicine that is used in people. In most cases, the answer is positive, but it is necessary to make an amendment for a dosage. The average weight of the cat is 3-8 kg. Which is 10 times less than the weight of an adult. The average resident of our country, depending on the floor, weighs 60-90 kg.

Accordingly, it is necessary to make an amendment for the weight of the animal, because a large amount of substance may not only be useful, but to cause poisoning, deterioration of health. You will not only not get a healthy pet, but risk doing it worse than it was.

Can cats give human pills:

  • Pills such as activated charcoal will be useful for cats. They are prescribed in an amount of 1 g per 1 kg of animal.
  • It is necessary to grind the product into powder and give the animal. Activated charcoal works perfectly in almost any situations, regardless of the degree of grinding. In this case, there is no need to put the medicine entirely in the mouth of the animal and force to swallow the tablet. The product will act, even if it is lost to the state of the powder.
  • You can also give withmektu During poisoning. Assign in the amount of 1/4 part of the bag per day for the animal. The product dissolves in water and is given in small portions.
  • It is best if you give it to the animal with a teaspoon or syringe without a needle, in small portions. During vomiting and severe diarrhea, a large amount of water can cause the cat to tear out the medicine and there will be no result. 

Can you give a cat valerian in tablets?

Many people know that valerian is a favorite treat of cats, as they cause a condition similar to alcohol intoxication. According to the veterinarian, it is unsafe to give such medicines to cats. The fact is that this tool does not affect the cats not as people, while causing strong excitement. Please note that the root of valerian acts on cats excitingly, like a tranquilizer.

You can give a cat valerian in tablets:

  • After taking such a drug, the cat may become aggressive, and behave inappropriately. This drug does not work on all cats, kittens for up to 6 months do not respond to such stimulants. The fact is that cats are mainly attracted to the smell of valerian, as it contains pheromones.
  • This smell is very similar to the one that stands out in cats during estrus and sexual hunting. Accordingly, kittens, due to their sexual immaturity, cannot recognize such a smell, valerian root does not cause any interest in them.
  • But some breeders pamper their pets to cheer up give a decent amount of the drug. Most often this happens if the cat needs to be transported. If you give a large amount of tincture of valerian, then the cat will fall asleep, but after it wakes up, a tablespoon of valerian tincture for a cat will feel very bad with half a liter of vodka for a person.
  • In no case can you give valerian just to laugh. This is a poison for them, in no case should you give it. In the same way, it is impossible to give cats valerian in tablets. Despite the fact that there is no alcohol in them, the harm from them is the same as, and from the tincture. Substances that cause allergies in domestic dances are added to the composition of the tablets. They give the product solely on the recommendation of the doctor, and not when it seems, but with courses, for treatment. Drops of valerian are given not at all for intoxication of the animal, but for the treatment of the thyroid gland. Accordingly, such treatment on an outpatient basis is carried out under the clear control of the doctor. 
Is sick
Is sick

How to give a cat a bitter tablet?

Sometimes it is necessary to give the pet a very bitter tablet. Of course, the pet independently will not eat it on its own, it will spit out.

How to give a cat a bitter tablet:

  • Therefore, we recommend using a special syringe to introduce the medicine as deeply as possible in the throat. In addition, you can try to sink a pill in powder and mix with sour cream.
  • However, this method may not work, because the tablet is really very bitter, and the cat will not lick it from the nose, try to wipe the face on upholstered furniture, orcover. 
  • It is necessary to put the pet on the knees, while hug with one hand, pressing on the base of the jaw, and try to stick the medicine as deeply as possible in the throat with your second hand. The deeper you introduce a pill, the higher the likelihood that the cat will swallow the medicine completely.
  • The fact is that you should not offend, beat the pet, your task is to introduce the product as deeply as possible in the mouth, and it is best to do this not in the center, but a little from the side, pressing on the root of the tongue. In no case do not need to wrap the pet in the sheets, thus trying to immobilize.

Can a cat give no-shp in tablets?

No-shpu is often prescribed to cats during urolithiasis, or with severe inflammation. Most often prescribed in the form of injections. The main trouble is that this tool causes paralysis, and can lead to gait violation. Many owners do not want to make these injections because they are very painful.

Can a cat give no-shp in tablets:

  • Accordingly, the animal strongly resists, which can cause the needle to enter the bone or nerve, which can lead to serious damage and deterioration in the state of the animal.
  • Often the owners are trying to replace injections with tablets. Is it worth it? The fact is that the tablets taste very bitter, so the animal will try to spit out the medicine. In addition, tablets are much worse sucking than injections, which affects the treatment of ailments and the effectiveness of the medicine.
  • The tablets include additional components that may not be quite safe for the health of cats. It is undesirable to replace injections with tablets. 
  • As indicated above, these pills are very unpleasant in taste and bitter. Therefore, it is best mixed with sweet water and solder them with a teaspoon. It is not recommended to give a whole tablet, since due to an unpleasant bitter taste, the animal can tear a potion. That is why the optimal option is the injections of a specialist. It will be much more effective and safer.  

Can a cat give contraceptives?

Contraceptives in tablets are not the best option for cats. This is due to the fact that the animal can spit a pill, or not completely eat it. This usually happens if the owners of the animals give the tablet not entirely, but crushed into powder and put into food.

Can a cat give contraceptives:

  • Thus, if the piece of food remains not eaten, or the cat is not hungry, then the risk of getting pregnant is very high.
  • After all, the medicine does not completely fall into the digestive tract, and is absorbed by the stomach.
  • It is worth noting that nevertheless, doctors recommend giving not oral contraceptives for animals, but the product in injections or in drops.
  • The most optimal option is contraceptives in injections, since one injection is enough for six months, for 6 months the animal will not have estrus. 

Is it possible to give a cat tablets of 5 Noka?

Cats drink small amounts of water, can suffer from urolithiasis. This is due to the fact that the concentration of urine is high, so salts are deposited in the organs of the excretory system. In this case, cats are prescribed a medicine called Stop Cystitis. However, it costs a lot of money, so many animal owners decide that they can be replaced with 5-skp and no-shpe tablets. 

Is it possible to give a cat tablets of 5 Noks:

  • These substances are contained in the drug Stop Cystitis. He accommodates nitroxolin, as well as drotaverin. These are 5-sk tablets, as well as No-shpa. But besides this, there are extracts of medicinal herbs, as well as additional substances.
  • The system of using the product in the suspension is very convenient. It is typed in a syringe and injected into the throat of a cat. We do not recommend giving animals 5-sk tablets, because they are very bitter, unpleasant to taste, and do not contain all the components that lead to the composition of the stop-cystitis.
  • Although some owners successfully give 5 animals from renal failure, as well as in the presence of kidney stones. Try to listen to the recommendations of the veterinarian, to purchase the drugs that he prescribed.
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I got sick

Many interesting articles for cat owners can be found here:

Is it possible to leave the cat alone for a day, 5 days, a week, two weeks? How much you can leave a cat, kitten: reviews, veterinarians' opinion

The cat threw kittens, does not want to feed. How and how to feed newborn kittens without a cat: recipes of mixtures, reviews

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Sterilization of cats: when is it better to do how to care after surgery, how to feed, how to process and remove seams, what is the recovery period? Cat sterilization: pros and cons of

Some cats for cats can be replaced with cheaper analogues that are sold in a regular pharmacy for people. However, you can not guess with concentration, thereby an overdose, or vice versa, the cat will not eat all the amount of medicine, so the treatment will be ineffective. 

Video: How to give cat tablets?

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