God and Allah are one also concept or not? Do Muslims call Allah - God?

God and Allah are one also concept or not? Do Muslims call Allah - God?

Muslims believe in Allah, and Christians in God. Both in the Muslim religion and in Christian, Jesus Christ is revered, but after studying, comparing the ancient Scriptures, we can conclude that the Qur'an is different from the Bible. God and Allah are not quite the same concept. Of course, there are similarities, but there are many differences.

If you listen to the Christian liturgy in Arabic, you can hear that Muslims call God Allah. For Muslims, or rather Arabs, Allah is translated like God. In Islam, Jesus Christ is revered. He was considered a prophet and the last judge. The Bible stated that Jesus Christ is God and man. Further in detail we will figure out, God and Allah are the same concept, and are Muslims of Allah - God - God?

Allah and God - what differences exist in two great scriptures?

The Bible and the Qur'an have much in common, but there are also many significant differences between these scriptures. Allah and God, translated from Arabic - the same word, but in Islam is not called Allah - God. In any religious creed, most of the description of the characterization of God and the origin of life, man occupies the most part. These descriptions also slightly vary.

Islam is religion
Islam is religion

The Qur'an said that Adam and his wife Eve were no coincidence on earth. These people were told to worship a single Allah. For Muslims, God is one and he is Allah, and if Allah is attributed to Shirka (another deity), then this is a sin, moreover, mortal. The meaning of the life of any Muslim is the service of Allah. So dramatically is not preached in any religion of monotheism. For Muslim, Allah is the only creator of the light. The Qur'an was sent to the ground by Allah thanks to the Prophet Muhammad. The Qur'an says that Allah is above the world, he knows everything and sees everything, it is impossible to conceal anything from him.

This book says that:

  1. Allah is the Lord and the Lord of the whole world.
  2. He is omnipotent, the only one and no one is like him.
  3. There is no other God except a single Allah.
  4. All the qualities that are suitable for the ideal essence are not as high as qualities, which can be attributed to a single Allah.
  5. One Allah rules the world.
  6. It is Allah who is able to kill and revive all the living.

IMPORTANT: Many believe that God and Allah are different deities, but no - this is the same essence. But only in the Qur'an and the Bible their characteristics are different in order to learn all the differences in detail, you should study these books thoroughly. In short, characterize their differences, we can say that Allah is not open to people, and God is open. Allah also forgives those who sinned after the apology, and God wants sinners to repent of his deed.

In the Christian religion, God is also one. There are many narratives in the Bible, where paganism is condemned - this is the essence of monotheism.

God created the Earth
God created the Earth

However, one can also find the Scriptures that God has trinity, it is often said about the presence of a trinity, although it is a controversial issue and many movements, for example, the monarchians said that God is one. And this despite the fact that the Bible said that we We will create a person by Ours likeness and image.

There are differences in the Qur'an and the Bible and in how Allah created Adam, and how God created Adam. In the Bible, God repented that he created Adam, i.e. The highest being has the same qualities as a person. Moreover, God could not constantly see where man was, Adam could conceive from him, God called him, i.e. He has a voice. And Allah could observe everything that happens, and he is above a person of any in feelings and sensations. And according to the Bible, God sent Adam and Eve sinners to the land for the fact that they succumbed to the temptation, and Allah initially created Adam, and his wife (Hava) to settle on earth, and they were not sinful.

Koran. Teaching
Koran. Teaching

There are some differences in how God created the Earth, and how Allah created it:

  1. The difference in the sequence of creation of the planet and luminaries.
  2. The sun and the moon in the Qur'an are called lamp and light, and both planets were called the Lights in the Bible.
  3. Everywhere it is said that the earth and the luminaries were created for six days, but the Bible says that God is tired in the seventh, and in the Qur'an it is written that Allah did not feel fatigue.

Let's take a closer look at the differences in the narratives of the Koran, the Bible about Adam and his wife Eve (Have). Thus, Christians believe that you can get rid of the sins of the first inhabitants of the Earth only in faith in the mission of Jesus Christ, accepting baptism.

The foundations of the being of Adam, Eve in Christian traditions are interpreted as follows:

  • The Bible says that Adam, Eve, the first people that the Lord created.
  • They had to live in paradise in the garden, they were allowed to eat only the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil intentions. If they try other fruits, then God said that they would die.
  • But the snake-abstract incentive to Adam's wife to try the forbidden fruit. He argued that after that, they would not die, but will gain other knowledge. And yes, they tried this fruit. The Lord found out about this and did not kill his creation, but sent to Earth.
  • The whole sin because they tried the fruit belongs to Eve, she was the first to decide to do it, and then also persuaded her husband to do this. Therefore, they received knowledge that they should not have received.
  • The Lord could not apply the punishment in the form of death, he first punished the snake-excellent, then Eve and all women, made them to give birth, and the men dominated women.
  • Adam and all men punished that they work for the good of the family, so that the family would live in abundance.
  • The very exile of these two and the paradise of the Garden to Earth is considered the punishment of the Lord.

In the Bible, nothing mentions that Adam, Eve repented. There is still no information that humanity has sinfulness. But Christian theologians have developed the theory that all people come to this world sinful thanks to Adam and Eve. However, God is all -merciful and He forgives Christians all sins after sincere repentance and repentance.

According to the Qur'an, the history of Adam and Eve occurs in the following sequence:

  • Allah created Adam and his wife, then ordered that the angels revere them and bow to them. But Iblis did not fulfill the order. Allah punished him for disobedience. From that day on, his place was in hell.
  • Allah forbade Adam and his wife to approach the tree of knowledge, but when they disobeyed him, he punished both of them.
  • When they repented of the deed, Allah sent them to the ground not sinners.

Such differences exist in two great scriptures.

Why is Allah for a Muslim God?

God and Allah are the same concepts, but Muslims call their God Allah and believe that he is one. As mentioned earlier, the Qur'an says that Allah is a single god, because Muslims do not call him otherwise. Many Muslims speak Arabic and Aramaic. If you ask a Muslim who God is, then any Muslim will answer that Allah.

Muslim faith
Muslim faith

Recognizing another god according to the Qur'an is a mortal sin. Allah - was not born and he has no sons, daughters. It is impossible to achieve his greatness. Like Christians, Muslims observe their traditions. And if Christians honor the Bible, then Muslims believe that the Qur'an contains the truth about God.

Disputes around religion are also underway in our time. But everyone is free to choose the faith that is close to him in spirit. You cannot impose on a person who is convinced that he is right, his prerogatives. That is why you can often find a popular phrase: everyone has their own god. Although the same god is described in the sacred books, his characteristic essence varies. And everyone, who believes in the correctness of the written in the Bible or the Qur'an, has to do this. One or another culture, traditions cannot be imposed on a person, if his ancestors followed them, and taught their children to observe them.

Video: What is the difference between God and Allah - the opinion of a Muslim

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