How to check vitamin D in the body: What is the analysis?

How to check vitamin D in the body: What is the analysis?

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of phosphorus and potassium, which occurs in the small intestine, and also supports their level in the blood. For the production of vitamin, the effects of ultraviolet rays and corresponding food are necessary: \u200b\u200beggs, dairy products, fatty fish.

The lack of this vitamin is characteristic of rickets, osteoporosis. Also harmful is the excess of vitamin D, leading to toxic effect: nausea, vomiting, constipation, etc.

How to check vitamin D in the body: What is the analysis?

Indications for verification of vitamin D are pregnancy planning and its course, chronic fatigue or tendency to depression, comprehensive diagnosis of calcium metabolism, deviations occurring in the intestines when absorbing nutrients, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the action taken with vitamin D.

The first 4 symptoms
The first 4 symptoms
Symptoms of lack
Symptoms of lack
  • To determine the level of vitamin D in the body is prescribed a special blood testwhich is classified as 25-OH vitamin D. It is recommended to take it in the autumn-winter period, so that the result is more accurate. It is also recommended for this purpose to take an analysis on an empty stomach, and in a day to refuse fatty foods. And at least half an hour before the analysis to abandon cigarettes.

Two more restrictions before the test for vitamin D:

  1. If you accept it in an amount exceeding 7000 IU/day, then you should not take an analysis earlier than three days after the last trick.
  2. In the case of fluorescent angiography, the analysis is not recommended earlier than after three days after the study.

The normal indicators of vitamin D are the following: for children under the age of 18:

  • less than 20 ng/ml - acute shortage;
  • from 20 to 30 ng/ml - lack;
  • from 30 to 100 ng/ml - norm;
  • over 100 ng/ml - an oversupply.

For adults from the age of 18, the indicators are similar, excluding the last meaning: the toxic effect is possible with a value of more than 150 ng/ml.

About vitamin
About vitamin
  • If the indicators are significantly deviated from the norm in one direction or another, the doctor may prescribe additional tests: on general calcium, for the content of creatinine, urea in the blood, on magnesium, parathyroid hormone, inorganic phosphorus. Studies in the form of gastroscopy and colonoscopy can also be prescribed.
  • An increased level of vitamin D can cause an overdose of drugs with its content, a passion for tanning (both in the open sun and in the solarium), renal failure and taking some drugs. A decrease in the content of vitamin D may be due to diets, problems with the intestines, lack of sun, taking certain drugs, kidney or liver disease. Therefore, all these factors must be informed of the doctor.

As you can see, it is possible to check the level of vitamin D in the body using a special analysis. If the cause of the lack of malnutrition, and vitamin does not enter the body with food in sufficient quantities, vitamin in drugs is prescribed. In other cases, additional studies are conducted by specialized specialists.

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Video: signs that you need vitamin D

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Comments K. article

  1. A woman in postmenopause is necessary to take vitamin D for the prevention of osteoporosis. Grandma had a fracture of the neck of the thigh because of this. The restoration was sooo long. Therefore, mom regularly, even in the summer, is now taking vitamin D-3. Sometimes I pamper it, I buy it on a phytomarket. ru Fruttilar D-3. Do not drink everything in drops. These are delicious chewing pastries. They look like marmalade. The dosage is good 600mo. And she chewed them in winter. It will definitely not be superfluous for immunity!

  2. I hand over regularly ... thank God, everything is in perfect order. And health, thanks to this, does not fail. It helps that I accept the Lady's formula more than multivitamins. There are three whales of immunity-D, C, zinc+incommensurable help to nerves and heart (querecetin, magnesium, B6). For women, especially after 40, there is nothing better, I think so)

  3. I also recently puzzled by the topic of health, passed tests - vitamin D in deficiency. The doctor advised Detrimarin to drink. So did. By the middle of the course of course, I felt much better))

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