Do-it-yourself fur hat: step-by-step master class

Do-it-yourself fur hat: step-by-step master class

We sew a fur hat ourselves: a detailed master class for 3 models.

Want to try working with fur and sew a small product? There were pieces of fur and you think what to do from it? We offer to sew a fur hat and in the process to master the basic subtleties for working with fur.

Do -it -yourself fur hat: select material for the product

Do you want to sew a hat of fur with your own hands? To begin with, let's choose the fur so that the finished product is worn for a long time and pleases the hostess.

  1. Matte or with brilliance. If you have a matte skin of fur, then that you do not do, she will not add shine. There are types of fur that are initially matte, this is a matte muton, lama, sheepskin, etc., but we perceive most of the fur exclusively with brilliance and gloss. Therefore, no matter what thick fur was, but if it is dim and matte (not counting the above), it is better not to use it for a hat;
  2. The state of the fur. Wipe the skin, draw it with a damp hand, slightly comb with a comb with rounded teeth. If the fur is poured, it will quickly lose its appearance and shape. It is better to take fur for work, the hairs and the underbuild of which are dense and well held in place;
  3. Mazdra. This is the foundation, the wrong side and the very skin on which hairs and the edge of it are held. It should be elastic, elastic and not crack when bending. Do not take the fur with a spoiled mezer.

In order to sew a hat made of fur, both one and several types and shades of fur may require. It all depends on your preferences. Also, a sewing machine or a gypsy needle for a manual seam, a cap for a hat and other materials will be required to work.

To work with skin and fur, you must definitely master a fussy seam, it is not difficult, and you can study immediately on the product. The nuances can be mastered by watching the short video below.

Video: Skorny Govle with your own hands without a fussy car

Do -it -yourself fur hat: model tablet

I was interested in the question of how to sew a hat made of fur with your own hands, but do not know which model to choose? The best proven method is best - fitting. Go to the store and try on hats, only 20-30 minutes and you will decide which of the models is suitable for you.

But there is a win -win option - a fur hat tablet. This model is suitable for absolutely everyone, the main thing is to decide on the color, height and splendor of the hat. Well, we will tell you how to sew such a hat made of fur with your own hands.

To work, we need:

  • Sheet of paper for patterns, pencil and ruler;
  • Centimeter tape, if you do not know the exact volume of your head;
  • Fur;
  • Lining fabric;
  • Stationery knife or blade;
  • A pen;
  • Needle and strong thread No. 40;
  • Sewing machine.

So, we start with the construction of the pattern. For example, we give a photo of the pattern, but only as a sample for work.

DIY Pathepet Patter
DIY Pathepet Patter
  • We draw a rectangle of 58 cm (the volume of the head can be from 48 (children) to 60) in length and from 10 cm to 14 in a height, depending on the size of the cap, in our case 12 cm;
  • On the left and right along the lower part of the rectangle, as shown in the photo, we put it on vertical lines of 2 cm (for all sizes standard), and draw a smooth line to the bottom. It turns out a straight line with rounded ends;
  • In the middle we lay the dashed vertical line with dotted line. We put 1.5 cm on top of this line (for all sizes is standard);
  • At the top we lay off 2 cm (for all sizes standardly) on the right and left, but already on horizontal lines and from the middle, where the point -1.5 cm is set to the lines to the edges;
  • You should get a figure in a photo-image.
  • We draw a circle with a perimeter equal to the perimeter of the top of the pattern. In our case, it is a diameter 16. The standard formula for finding this value p \u003d π D;
  • We cut out the pattern of paper, apply to the mezer and outline with a pen. Do not forget to add 0.5 cm to allowances;
  • For cutting, you will need a blade from a T-shaped razor or a sharp stationery knife, you can also use a scalpel.
  • We make a small incision (a couple of millimeters) and, raising the fur, carefully cut the cozer. Ideal - cut only on the Mezzer, without touching even the underbuilding. In this case, the losses of valuable fur will be minimal, and you will not have cut pile and countertops;
  • Now we make cutting on the lining;
  • Fold the long part of the lining in half, sweep, stitch on a typewriter, apply a round bottom, sweep and sew on a typewriter, process the edges;
  • We put on the same principle, but already fur, we make sure that the fur does not knock out on the wrong side, if we need to correct and sew with a fussy seam;
  • We attach the bottom and also sew;
  • We turn the hat and check the quality of the seam, if there are shortcomings somewhere-we can rip off the seam and flash again. We check until everything suits. But if you do not stretch and do not tighten your skin - most likely you will sew well the first time;
  • Now we turn it out again and put the lining. On the wrong side, in several places, we grab the lining with a thread so that it sits perfectly in a hat, and then we stitch along the edge with a hidden seam so that the edges of the lining and mezers are hidden under the seam;
  • It remains only to comb, try on and go for a walk.
Mink tablet
Mink tablet

Do -it -yourself fur hat: Kubank

Do you want to sew a hat of fur with your own hands in the form of a kubanka? We will not dwell on the raw materials for this hat, as it completely coincides with the previous one, and immediately move on to the pattern.

DIY Cuban Pattering Patter
DIY Cuban Pattering Patter

Please note that the pattern is built on a hat with a head volume of 50 cm. If the size of the head is different, the parameters change smoothly in proportion. We leave 1 cm to the seams so that they additionally hold stiffness.

Now we move on to cutting and assembly:

  • We lay out the pattern so that the fur on the tulle goes to the lower part of the tula (look at the photo of the finished Kubanka, and the direction will become clear), also pay attention to the upper edging, it is best to choose more filter in this part. As in the previous master class, we cut it with a blade, scalpel or stationery knife slightly raising the fur;
  • Also make a pattern from the lining;
  • We make an assembly of the lining so that it is more clear how to collect more expensive fur. To do this, sew a magnificent edging with a fussy seam to Tulier, and already sew a round bottom to the edging;
  • We grab a lining in several places in several places and turn the product;
  • We check the quality of the seams and turn it inside out to sew the lining with a secret seam.

Please note that the Kubanka model is very unpredictable. Depending on the textures, splendor of fur and other factors, different models are beyond recognition.

DIY Cubank hat with a fox fur. Decorated with a fox tail
DIY Cubank hat with a fox fur. Decorated with a fox tail

Do -it -yourself fur hat: Ushaka

When we are talking about fur hats, the first thing that comes to mind is Ushaka. They are different, both with a fur visor and ears, and completely fur.

To work, we need a pattern.

Pattern of the cap of earflaps with a detailed marking for the volume of the head 56 cm
Pattern of the cap of earflaps with a detailed marking for the volume of the head 56 cm
Detailed pattern of the visor of the outer and inside for the hat from the fur from the fur
Detailed pattern of the visor of the outer and inside for the hat from the fur from the fur
  • We cut out the parts with an allowance of + 1 cm.
  • We also make markings on the coin and with a margin of + 1 cm make a pattern. Do not forget about the direction of the fur. If you want the edge of the ladder, duplicate the ears for 4 parts, but they are not needed in the lining;
  • If you want to make only the edge of the fur, and the base is from another material, then this is exactly what the cut. By the way, if for several years in a row, leather hats are in fashion, earflaps with a fur edge, today again in fashion completely fur caps are completely in fashion;
  • We begin the assembly of the lining, so it will be easier to navigate with the fur. We sew on a typewriter and process the edges;
  • It is best to start assembling the caps of the earflaps of their fur with the bottom. Two semicircles are sewn to it, ears with the back and a visor are already sewn to them in the last turn. In order to add an additional volume to the visor - insert a piece of synthetic winterizer into the inside. He will add volume and reveal the beauty of the fur;
  • And in conclusion, it remains to pick up the lining to the hat and hide the ends. You can also install accessories so that the visor and ears can be fastened and consumed at will.

It is important to remember that if the skin is harsh and holds shape, you can sew it right away. But if a soft fur with a thin mezer hit the work - it must be treated with an understudy, to give rigidity.

Do -it -yourself cap
Do -it -yourself cap

In order to make a hat from fur with your own hands in a earflap model, sewing skills and understanding of the assembly are required. If you are a beginner, we recommend watching a video master class.

Video: sewing a fur cap

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