Knitted hat of fur: tips on the selection of fur, step-by-step master class

Knitted hat of fur: tips on the selection of fur, step-by-step master class

We knit a hat made of fur with knitting needles and crocheted: a step-by-step master class with a photo.

Do you like needlework? In this article we will tell you how to knit a fur hat. Just a couple of evenings and a fashionable accessory is ready!

Knitted hat of fur: choose fur and yarn

In order to tie a fur hat, you need:

  • Fluffy natural fur, You can use, at the same time, you should pay attention to the following criteria: the fur is dense, shines, does not pour out, Mazdra (the reverse side of the fur skin, the skin on which the hairs hold) is elastic, without dry, does not crack. It is best to pick up skins, where Mazdra and fur are of the same color, or like. For example, black fur, black or chocolate, or gray Mazdra. But if the black fur has beige Mazdra, it will be much harder to work;
  • Yarn of medium thickness (about 160 m per 100 g of yarn), in the tone of mezra and fur, respectively. It will take about 100-150 g;
  • Circular or sock knitting needles of 5 pcs. Please note that on the packaging of yarn, the recommended numbers of the spokes are always written. You need to choose the highest value so that the hat turns out loose.

And a few more tips on choosing a fur. It is best to choose long fur, as long strips will be required. Ideally, if it is one piece, but if this is not, you can sew fur strips, sewing one to the other until the necessary length is obtained. For those who have high -quality fur, but it is short, do not be discouraged, we have an idea for you!

The fur can be either a rabbit and a fox, both nutria and Karakul. But necessarily dense and fluffy. The most beautiful hats are made of mink, raccoon and fox fur.

Before cut the strips, try to conduct a test:

  • Trub the skin over a sheet of white paper. The fur should not be poured;
  • Comb the fur with a comb with round tips in the direction of growth of fur. It is permissible that a little pile remains on the comb, but if the comb is clogged under the hand, most likely the fur will be poured both in the process of work and in the process of socks;
  • If the fur is used, see if he needs cleaning. If so, clean it first, and only then start working with it.

Now relative to yarn. It can be smooth and fluffy. But do not carefully choose, since under dense fur it will simply not be visible. In this case, the yarn should be pleasant to the body, since it will directly fit the body.

Crochet knitted hat: master class with photo

In this section, we will tell you how to make a knitted hat of fur crocheted. To work, we need a thin hook, a thin thread in the color of mezers and fur, as well as the strips of fur, which we will now tell you how to cut it correctly.

  • So, the fur cannot be cut with scissors, since you ruin it. On the contrary, it is best to cut the fur with a clerical knife, as well as an ordinary blade for T-shaped razor (as in the USSR).
This is how chopped fur stripes look like
This is how chopped fur stripes look like
  • We take the skin, collar or piece of fur and look where the fur lays. This is a fur growth line. In this master class, we make cutting perpendicular to the growth line. Thus, we will get uniform strips, and subsequently they will look as natural as possible. The photo shows how the collar is cut. We cut the strips into a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. If desired, you can experiment with the width of the strips, but not thinner than 1 cm.
Cut the fur
Cut the fur
  • Now we sew all the strips among themselves to get a single long strip. Pay attention to the color rendering around the edges. It is best to sew in the same priority as the strip is cut.
  • That is, we sew the lower strip with the next upper one, while we sew all the stripes along the right edge (it can be on the left, this is unprincipled, but it is important that it is always on one side). So you have the density of the fur and the shade will go perfectly, and the seam will be invisible.
  • You need to sew fur with a fussy seam. Since you may not have this master class for amateurs and a professional machine, therefore, you should master a manual seam. Watch a short video in which the master will show this simple but strong seam.

For work, it is best to take strong threads, since they can break under tension.

Video: Skorny Govle with your own hands without a fussy car

When we have a fur preparation, we begin to knit. We make a magic ring with amigurumi and knit 6 columns without crochet in it. Tighten the ring and add the fur strip. Please note that we carry out the hook as close as possible to the Mezdra, thereby pushing the undercut.

So, knitting scheme:

  • 1 row - crochet amigurumi ring;
  • 1 row - 6 loops without crochet;
  • 3 row - with a fur strip. 12 loops (from each loop 2 columns without crochet);
  • 4 row - without fur. We double the columns through the loop. 2 columns without crochet with 2 loops, 1 column, and again 2 columns from 1 loop, etc.;
  • 5 row - with a fur strip. Now we double after 2 loops;
  • 6 row - without fur. We double after 3 loops.
We knit the bottom of the fur cap
We knit the bottom of the fur cap
  • So we knit the bottom. You will get an even circle. The perimeter of this circle is equal to the volume of the head + 1 cm.
  • For example, the volume of the head is 56 cm, which means we knit a circle until there is a volume of 57 cm. Sometimes it is difficult to reach an equal value, it turns out either 56 or 58 cm.
  • Do not worry. In this case, add 56 cm in this case, and add 1-3 loops in the next row to reach the volume of 57 cm.
  • In this case, the additives should be proportionally distributed around the perimeter so that there are no “cones”.
Finished bottom of a fur cap
Finished bottom of a fur cap
  • Next, knit without additives without crochet, as well as alternating rows with and without fur. Having knitted the entire height of the cap, cut the strip, and fix it.
  • This is done like this: the tip of the thread is left about 20 cm. The thread is located on the gypsy needle and the tail of the strip is pierced. It bends inside and sewn to the wrong side.
Crochet knitted knitted hat
Crochet knitted knitted hat

Now it remains to sew or knit, as you want, a lining to the hat and sew. It is for the lining that a gap of 1 cm is given. But if the lining is planned silk, it will be 0.5 cm.

Knitted hat made of fur with knitting needles: step by step

In this section, we will tell you how to make a knitted hat made of fur with knitting needles. For work, it will require strips of fur (this time cut vertically along the growth line), yarn about 150-170 m thick per 100 g, knitting needles, gypsy needle, and high-quality thread for sewing No. 40. And also a piece of felt and suede. It is desirable that everything is one color scheme.

So, go to work. The first thing we will do is knit the canvas. To begin with, calculation:

  • The capacity of the cap \u003d volume of the head+1 cm;
  • (The depth of the cap - 4 cm (bottom))*2 + \u003d the height of the knitted fabric.

If everything is clear with the volume, then we will analyze the second point in more detail. For example, we have a cap 56. In this case, we look at the table, from which we understand that the standard depth of the cap 17.80, for simplicity, round up to 18.

So, (18-6)*2 \u003d 24 cm.

Head measurements table for calculating the depth of the headdress
Head measurements table for calculating the depth of the headdress

From this it follows that we need to tie a cylindrical canvas without seams with a volume of 56 cm and a height of 24 cm. We knit 2*2 with an elastic band.

Knitted canvas with an elastic band 2*2
Knitted canvas with an elastic band 2*2
  • If you have a knitted canvas of the required size (old jacket, hat, etc.) you can cut and sweep the edges on a typewriter.
Testing edge on a sewing machine
Testing edge on a sewing machine
  • Now go to the slices of the skin. It can be moistened and stretched until completely dry. Next, marking 14 cm in height and vertical strips of 1-2 cm should be made (this thickness corresponds to the width of two front loops on the canvas). Next, cut the strips with a knife or blade.
Skill marking
Skill marking
  • Gently cut the cozer, raising the edges of the fur so as not to cut the hair, and not to spoil the table. If you cut for the first time, do not rush, but do the job thoroughly.
Cuts of fur stripes
Cuts of fur stripes

An important point: it is best not to cut to the edge of 0.5 cm on the one hand. Thus, the fur on the one hand will be cut by an accordion, and on the other hand it will stay on a single canvas. This will facilitate the assembly of the product.

This is what chopped strips look like
This is what chopped strips look like
  • Now we go to the second fur, more fluffy. We cut the strips of 12 cm with the same mazra thickness. And go to sewing.
Cutting the second fur
Cutting the second fur
  • It will take a blank, if there is no one, a bottle or a plastic 5-liter bottle, depends on the volume of the cap. Knitwear should be strongly stretched, this will facilitate sewing.
We pull the knitted fabric on the blank
We pull the knitted fabric on the blank
  • As shown in the photo, we retreat from the top of 12 cm and begin to sew in the direction of the bottom of the strip so that the pile looks down in the finished hat. We sew for two facial loops as shown in the photo. There will be about 40 lanes in total, but everything varies from the number of loops on knitwear.
Sew the strips
Sew the strips
  • It is best to fix the thread at the highest point and gradually sew the strips with a step of 0.5 cm. The stitches must be sewn first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. So that the fur is tightly adjacent to knitwear.
Sew the second layer of strips
Sew the second layer of strips
  • Now proceed to sewing the upper strips. Their number coincides with the number of lower lanes.
Close -up seam
Close -up seam
This is what the blank of the hats with the furry fur looks like
This is what the blank of the hats with the furry fur looks like
  • Next, go to the creation of the bottom. To do this, apply textile glue to the felt and carefully glue the suede (can also be replaced with skin). We put a circle of a circle of 12 cm in diameter on top and circle. As soon as everything froze, we cut out the felt-and-mall circle.
  • We turn the blank of the cap so that the entire fur is inside. We correct the fur so that he does not peek out.
Turn the fur inside out
Turn the fur inside out
  • Now we sew it to the edges of the cap as shown in the photo so that the felt to look inside, and the suede remains outside. We sew tightly as shown in the photo.
Sew the bottom to the hat
Sew the bottom to the hat
  • Next, we put the wrong part of the knitwear - lining, and also sew to the bottom. If desired, the felt bottom can be covered with the same yarn and sewed to the lining.
Sew the lining to the bottom
Sew the lining to the bottom
  • It remains to turn out the hat and comb it thoroughly.
Ready hat
Ready hat

How do you like these two options for knitted hats? Which one do you want to repeat?

And in conclusion, we add another master class on how to make knitted hats made of fur, where the strips will be in a spiral, forming an interesting relief.

Video: tie a knitted hat with a mink

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the detailed description !!

  2. Perhaps the most detailed and detailed master class. Thanks a lot!

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