Do-it-yourself accessories: ideas and step-by-step master classes with photos

Do-it-yourself accessories: ideas and step-by-step master classes with photos

We learn to make fur accessories with your own hands: detailed master classes with a photo.

Natural fur is a treasure of nature that can emphasize female beauty and sophistication. In this article we will tell you how to make fur accessories with your own hands.

How to choose the fur for accessories with your own hands: Tips

It would seem that the price of natural fur is very high A, therefore, such a hobby is very costly. But no! Look around you, and you will find many options for budget, as well as free fur. For jewelry, any fur that has retained its fluffiness and shine is suitable.

Often the fur is sent to marriage and do not sew clothes and hats from it, since it has excessively thin or opposite oak mazra (the wrong side of the fur, the skin on which pile and undercuts rest). And such a fur can be obtained for free or for mere pennies, and it is quite suitable for accessories.

So, what fur is suitable for accessories with your own hands? Any. The only requirement for it is a worthy appearance.

Where to get the fur for accessories with your own hands:

  • View your (and your family) old things. Fur coats that no one is already wearing. Runks from collars and fur cuffs. Grandmother's collars, who have been dusting in chests for years, etc. You can also ask friends and acquaintances if there are no unnecessary fur things that they would throw out, and you can take it for needlework;
  • If your friends work in an atelier, check with them, Is there any fur scraps or perhaps they will tell other studies where you can go;
  • Go to the ads of the ads and look for the “fur flap”, “trims of fur”, “pieces of fur”. When choosing, pay attention to the size of the flap and pricing policy. Since very often they sell almost garbage at fabulous prices. If you plan a large accessory, check that the trims are one color palette;
  • And the last option is second-hand. If you like to need to need to need to be needlework, visit on the last and penultimate day before importing and you can choose almost the gift of not only fur, but also high -quality cotton, skin and much more. A thing that does not represent any value can be an ideal raw material for the work of the master.

Tender and beautiful fur bracelet with your own hands: step -by -step instructions with photos

Want to learn how to make fur accessories with your own hands? We offer to start with a fur bracelet with rhinestones. This product was made of mink fur, but you can consider any fur for your choice.

DIY Tender and Beautiful Bracelet
DIY Tender and Beautiful Bracelet
  • For work, you will need a piece of mink fur, about 2 cm wide (it is possible wider, depending on the desire of the thickness of the bracelet) and the length, like the volume of your wrist.
  • You also need high-quality rhinestones (the better and more expensive, the more interesting the product looks on the arm), and the fittings for the bracelet: the ending 2 pcs, the fastener and the connectors between the ending and the fastener.
Material for creating a fur bracelet with your own hands
Material for creating a fur bracelet with your own hands

And for work, find a pen and a ruler at home, a chancellery knife or a blade for a T-shaped razor, or a scalpel, thin threads with a thin needle, scissors and PVA glue with a brush.

Important: choose sewing rhinestones, preferably on the "leg".

DIY and beautiful fur bracelet with your own hands:

  • Turn the fur up upside down, look at the condition of the skin. If it is wrinkled, moisten a little water without washing, stretch and fix it until it dries completely.
  • If the Mazdra, thinned and crackled, apply to it self -adhesive Dublerin or Flezelin. They will strengthen the skin.
  • Draw a flat rectangle, the width of which is 2 cm, length \u003d wrist circumference - 1 cm for the clasp.
  • For example, the circumference of the hand is 17 cm - 1 cm, then the length of the segment is 16 cm. Draw a rectangle with a handle and make a longitudinal line in the middle along the entire segment as in the photo. Please note that the direction of the pile is along the length of the bracelet.
We cut the fur
We cut the fur
  • Make a minimum cut with a blade and lift the fur. Cut on weight, cutting out only to the cozer and without touching even the underbuild. So you best save the maximum underbuilding and piles on the bracelet, and the edges of the strip will be fluffy and beautiful.
We try on places for rhinestones
We try on places for rhinestones
  • From the inside, attach rhinestones and mark these places with a pen. Pierce the skin with a needle and sew the rhinestones on the front side to how much the stitches, but so as not to crush the fur, since the fur can simply close the strands.
We sew the rhinestones
We sew the rhinestones
Sewn rhinestones on fur
Sewn rhinestones on fur
  • Now we make the product with a double -sided bracelet, and here we will need the very vertical line in the middle of the canvas. We examine the fur and see which side is less fluffy.
  • It is the other side along the Mezdra that we smear the PVA glue, let it stand for minutes, then again smear with glue and apply the edge to the middle of the inside to close 1 cm of Mazra.
  • Now we do the same with the second half, but even more carefully so as not to stain the second half of the fur.
We glue the base
We glue the base
  • We open the endings, apply to the edges and, using tweezers, we carefully compress.
We attach the endings
We attach the endings
  • We fasten the rings and carbine on the endings. The product is ready!
DIY ready -made bracelet
DIY ready -made bracelet

Such a mink bracelet will become the main thing in the evening image, and maybe an excellent addition to the fur necklace made in the same technique.

Fur Bracelet from the tail with your own hands: Master class with photos

Holidays are good, but rarely, tell me. And every day you can wear fur accessories with your own hands? Yes, you certainly may! For example, a bracelet made of a tail. By the way, the tails go tight and usually lie to the last, in anticipation of at least some idea. And here she is! We offer to make a simple and original bracelet made of raccoon, fox, etc. But at the same time, you can make a bracelet from a regular piece of skin, drawing a pattern of 4 cm width, and gluing it, as in the previous master class.

Materials for work
Materials for work

A do -it -yourself fur bracelet with your own hands:

  • The tail is the size that coincides with the volume of the wrist +1-2 cm so that it can be put on the hand, since it will be without a fastener. If the tail is longer, cut the tip of the blade, leaving the whole upper part;
We attach the chain to the fur
We attach the chain to the fur
  • The chain is decorative, the length is equal to the circumference of the wrist +1-2 cm;
  • We apply the chain to the middle of the fur, as in the photo and with a needle or an awl, pull the hairs on two sides. We sew the chain to the fur with a hidden seam;
  • On top of the chain we sew buttons, beads or any other decor if desired;
We sew decorative elements
We sew decorative elements
  • We connect the bracelet by the tips, using the thread we make a strong tight seam and tighten the thread. We fix the chains with each other and sew to the base;
  • Additionally, adjust the pile with a needle or awl, so that everything looks perfect. It can be worn with both fur products, and with cashmere sweaters and dresses.
DIY ready -made bracelet
DIY ready -made bracelet

Fouce necklace: master class

Of all the accessories from the fur with your own hands, do you interest the necklace? And not surprising! After all, this jewelry can be worn at least every day, and it will decorate even laconic basic dresses.

DIY mink
DIY mink

Recommendations for the manufacture of a shot of fur:

So, do you have a little decorative chain at home, the remains of a woolen beautiful fabric and a piece of mink? Select a few hours and you will have a great necklace!

Work process:

  • We look at the piece and put it up up. We will draw strips, and the direction of the pile should be along the bands. Using a handle and ruler, draw a strip 2 cm wide, the length depends on the piece. We cut until the total length reaches 50 cm;
  • We sew the pieces between themselves with a skill seam and hide the tips of the threads;
Sew pieces of fur
Sew pieces of fur
  • In length, draw a line that will be held in the middle. That is, on each side will remain 1 cm;
Sewed fur
Sewed fur
  • We check which side is less fluffy. We need it. We smear this half of the Mazra with PVA glue and leave for 5 minutes. We apply another layer and apply the fur, thereby hiding the cozer. We press so that the connection is carefully glued, but look so as not to bow the fur;
  • Now we do the same on the second side. We give time to dry (till 12 o'clock);
  • In the meantime, we go to the fabric. In our case, the double fabric that mirms each other will become a highlight in the necklace. You can use both one type of fabric and several. We cut out the rectangles 4.5*50 cm from each piece. Go through the inside and turn out. You will get two thin textile tubes;
Tissue on both sides
Tissue on both sides
Sewed strip
Sewed strip
  • Walk through the tubes with an iron and steam the seams so that they do not tighten;
  • Now we draw the trapezoid. On the bottom, we put it 8 cm and mark the middle. We raise up a height of 3.5 cm and lay in both directions of 2 cm. Total, lower part 8 cm, upper 4 cm, side ribs 4 cm. From the center, mark 7 mm and make the arc as in the photo. Around the perimeter +1 cm per seam. Cut 2 pcs;
We cut the trapezoid-subsid
We cut the trapezoid-subsid
  • We sew the cones, turn it on the face, verify so that the elements look even;
Sew the cones
Sew the cones
  • Now we go to weaving. On the one hand, we sew two textile parts into a single cord, one fur and two chains of different colors, but in harmony with the color scheme of the necklace;
  • We weave a free braid of five elements. It is best to fix the sewn edge on the door handle or wall hook;
Sew one side and braid into a braid
Sew one side and braid into a braid
  • We sew the second edge so that the braid does not break;
  • We sew to two edges along a chain 5-10 cm long, depends on the desired neckline, and string on it a trapezoid, a thin side further from the braid;
String the trapezoid and put the fastener
String the trapezoid and put the fastener
  • At the edges of the chains, we attach the rings for the fastener and the carbine clasp itself;
  • We adjust the fur with a needle or awl, so that it is carefully fluffed.

Such a necklace can only be cleaned with a dry way, so choose the appropriate fabrics that can be cleaned with a damp cloth and brush.

It is recommended to store a hand necklace in a box among silk linings, so the fur will play with chic colors for the long time.

A brooch from the remnants of the fur with your own hands

Many furs are stared for accessories for their own accessories, but it is scary to decide on a large amount of work with fur. Therefore, we propose to start our creative popular activity with minimal labor costs and create a charming furch from fur with your own hands.

For work, we need troughs of fur (we have a mink), trimming of thick beautiful skin, and thin for the base. As well as PVA glue, and the base of the brooch pin.

Recommendations for the manufacture of brooches from fur residues:

  • We draw circles with a diameter of 2 cm along the mezer;
Cut the circles
Cut the circles
  • We make a light incision with a blade or a stationery knife, and raising the fur carefully cut it down the coin, so as not to touch the pile and the scalp. In total, you need to cut out such 7 circles;
Temperature processed circles of fur
Temperature processed circles of fur
  • We heat the dry pan and put the mugs on it with a pile up, hold a few minutes until they begin to rise;
Pour the leather chips and adhesion in the fur with glue
Pour the leather chips and adhesion in the fur with glue
  • We take out and turn the pile down;
The process of clogging the hemisphere with skin
The process of clogging the hemisphere with skin
  • It turned out to be hemispheres of leather, covered evenly with fur. We will need small skin scraps, any one will do here. In the center of the circle, pour PVA glue and fill the skin of the skin. Mix with a needle and let everything freeze;
  • The result was 7 hemispheres with evenly distributed fur;
Glue the fur balls on the skin
Glue the fur balls on the skin
  • Now we take a piece of skin, which is 20% less than three balls together in diameter and stick our balls on it. If this is a large hairpin, then you can place all 7 balls on one element;
  • We cut out the leaf leaves, send them again to the pan, the front side up. As soon as the edges are rounded - we remove;
Glue leaves and stamens
Glue leaves and stamens
  • Glue from the wrong side of the skin, you can also add stamens or other decor;
  • We complement this master class with several templates so that you can cut the leaves to your taste;
Skin and fur patterns templates
Skin and fur patterns templates
Leather leaf options
Leather leaf options
  • We need a cardboard chip with a diameter of 4 cm, or you can take a piece of durable cardboard or light plastic. We cut a circle of 0.5 cm more than a chip from a hard piece of the skin;
Cut the skin to the size of the chip with a margin
Cut the skin to the size of the chip with a margin
  • We apply a pin to the skin, make holes in the right places;
We attach the fastener
We attach the fastener
  • We insert the pin and fix it on the skin;
  • Glue the chip or cardboard on the PVA and let it dry for several hours;
We attach the chip
We attach the chip
  • We process the edges with glue and bend, as shown in the photo;
Bend and glue the edges of the skin
Bend and glue the edges of the skin
  • Carefully press that the base is as flat as possible. We use to smooth awl, pencils, etc.;
Press the leather tips to the chip
Press the leather tips to the chip
  • If at this stage you decide to supplement the pin a little more with leaves, glue them on the basis;
Glue leather -based leaves
Glue leather -based leaves
  • Now apply a little more glue and glue the fur element already;
Type of fur brooches with your own hands from below
Type of fur brooches with your own hands from below
  • Let it dry for at least two days and only then can be worn.
Samples of fur brooches according to this master class
Samples of fur brooches according to this master class

And in conclusion, several more samples of pins made in this technique.

DIY fur brooches
DIY fur brooches


Do -it -yourself accessories
Do -it -yourself accessories

Do -it -yourself fur earrings

And telling about fur accessories with your own hands, one cannot help but mention the earrings. Such a fur accessory will become the main elements in photo shoots, and is also suitable for winter images.

Do -it -yourself fur earrings:

Do -it -yourself fur earrings
Do -it -yourself fur earrings
  • So, to work, we will need two identical decorative elements. It can be medallions, stones, hemispheres of pearls, etc. There are no restrictions.
  • A couple of pieces of fur, the basics for French earrings and PVA glue. You also need a blade or a stationery knife, pieces of skin or felt, a handle and a coin.
Materials for work
Materials for work
  • We turn the fur on the wrong side and apply the coin, or draw a flat circle with a diameter of 2.5 cm, while our element is 1.5 cm in diameter, so focus on your element.
Cut circles from fur
Cut circles from fur
  • We warm the dry frying pan and put the circles of fur on it with a pile up, wait until we rise to the semister. Remove and turn over.
Circles from fur removed from the pan
Circles from fur removed from the pan
  • Pour the glue of PVA into the resulting cavity and fill the crushed pieces of skin or felt there. So the hemisphere will be recorded.
Fill the hemisphere with glue and felt
Fill the hemisphere with glue and felt

At glue, we glue the decorative element. Let it dry. We attach chains and shweets, tighten everything with pliers and you can try on!

Glue the decorative element, chain and shweets
Glue the decorative element, chain and shweets

The accessories of their fur also include bags, but in our country this topic is disclosed in a separate article. And ideas for fur hats in thisand thisarticles.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a master class on making fur accessories with your own hands.

Video: Gorgeous necklaces with your own hands

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