DIY crafts for children for children in school, kindergarten. How to make a scarecrow and amulets on Shrovetide with your own hands?

DIY crafts for children for children in school, kindergarten. How to make a scarecrow and amulets on Shrovetide with your own hands?

Find out what crafts can be made with the child for the festival of Paslenitsa from paper, plastel or salty dough.

Shrovetide is the most joyful and cheerful holiday of winter after the New Year.
It is not for nothing that it is called epithets wide, cheerful, abundant. It is celebrated in a week that precedes the great post before Easter. In this regard, Maslenitsa is not celebrated on a well -established day.

DIY Maslenitsa crafts for children to school, kindergarten from paper

For children to school, kindergarten or just at home you can make crafts from colored paper.
The simplest will be the manufacture of the paper sun, as a symbol of the end of winter and the expectation of spring.

  1. A circle is cut out of yellow paper. To make it even, you can put a plate or saucer on paper and circle it.
  2. Rays from strips of paper are glued to the sun.
  3. If you take multi -colored strips and glue them to the sun, then it will turn out to be brighter and more joyful.
Crafts with a child on Shrovetide: the sun is made of paper.

Important: instead of stripes, you can make sharp -angled triangles, and nothing, if they are not the same - the sun's rays are also not all under the ruler.

One who wants to cross, you can offer this option:

  • the child circles his hands on paper
  • he cuts the resulting prints of his palms and glues them to the sun like peculiar rays

It turns out fun and funny.

Palms - rays for the sun.
The basis for the sun with the rays - palms.
Decoration of crafts on Shrovetide.
Craft on Shrovetide: the sun with palms - handles.

The sun can be given the volume with a plastic or cardboard plate, it will serve as a sunny disk, to which, again, funny rays are attached.

Important: a solar disk can be cut out of a dense, slight fabric. Make rays from threads. Yes, the sun can be revived by sewing eyes, a nose, a nose and a mouth blurred in a smile.

Volumetric sun.
Volumetric sun.

In addition to the sun, you can make a doll of threads, from colored paper depicting either spring or winter. The doll should be bright, cheerful, red -cheeked.

Paper doll on Shrovetide.
Paper doll on Shrovetide.

The sun can also be represented as a wreath:

  • from cardboard you need to cut a circle in the form of a bagel
  • “Book” wrap with bright threads and decorate with additionally braid or lace

For the most assiduous and creative, another idea about Maslenitsa crafts. Try to make a voluminous picture or panel.

  1. We need a large dense sheet of approximately A3. Well, if it is a cardboard.
  2. Make a diagram of what and how it will be located on the panel. For example, a house or a couple of houses, possibly surrounded by a fence or trees.
  3. Let snow snowdrifts appear on the panel, if possible, sledges.
  4. It is necessary to make several figures of children who have fun and playing in the snow, figures of adults who do not lag behind children in fun and joy.
  5. Again, do not forget about the sun, because it is one of the key symbols of Shrovetide.
  6. Now you can begin to cut out of the paper all the listed elements of the panel, or the manufacture of figures of people from threads, as you want.
  7. At the last stage, all elements are located on the panel, according to the scheme.
  8. Be sure to depict snow. To do this, you can use a special spray imitating snow, cotton wool, just white paper.
Pano for Shrovetide with your own hands.
A panel for Shrovetide with your own hands.

VIDEO: Sunny - Craft on Shrovetide

DIY Maslenitsa Postcard: Crafts with children

A postcard for Shrovetide can be drawn or made in the form of an application. What to portray on it? Of course, first of all, a wide, cheerfully smiling sun. There can be dancing girls in multi -colored wide skirts on the postcard. Skirts can be specially folded from colored paper.

DIY Postcard for Shrovetide.
DIY Postcard for Shrovetide.

VIDEO: Doll Maslenitsa Souvenir

Crafts with children from salt dough to Shrovetide

A great option to tinker with a child and create a decoration with your own hands on Shrovetide - crafts from salty dough.
Recall that salty dough is a good job that stores well, accessible and environmentally friendly material for creativity, which is based on only flour, water and salt. Additionally, ingredients such as starch, gelatin, PVA glue, paints and dyes, vegetable oil, which will give the craft, strength and durability, can also be used.

How to cook salt dough:

  1. Flour, salt (not stone, but small, extra) in a proportion of 1: 1 are mixed, water is added to the mixture in a proportion of 0, 5, for example, 0, 5 of the water of water is needed per share of flour and salt.
  2. Water is pre -diluted with a dye, if necessary.
  3. The dough is kneaded to a state, so that it is not linked to the hands. The mass ready for modeling should neither spread if it is rolled out, but immediately return the form if you put pressure on it.
  4. If it was decided to add starch to the test, then it is added based on the proportion of 0, 5 of the flour and 0, 5 of the starch. The starch will make the dough more elastic, and the craft - more durable.
  5. The prepared salty dough can be used more than once, the main thing is that it needs to be well packaged in polyethylene so that it does not dry out, and store it in the refrigerator.
    Despite many advantages of salty dough as a material for crafts, he also has possible drawbacks, he will have to dry the product from it in the oven for several hours, which means that the child may tire of waiting. After all, children love an immediate result.
Craft on Shrovetide from Salted Dough: Sun.
Craft on Shrovetide from Salted Dough: Sun.

You can make from salty dough to Shrovetide:

  • sun
  • toy pancakes
  • stars-jackets
  • venoi rings
  • doll - image of spring or winter
  • the scarecrow of winter
  • gingerbread horses and so on

Plasticine crafts on Shrovetide

Plasticine is a long time to children beloved by children. All symbols of Shrovetide can be fashioned with it.
Products sprouted from plasticine are best presented in the form:

  • panel
  • separately standing figures
  • compositions
Pano made of plastel on Shrovetide.
Panel made of plastel on Shrovetide.

And, if the child does an uncomplicated figure quickly, then, in the case of the composition, he will have to connect creative thinking.
For example, you can blind a table, place a samovar and a mountain of pancakes on a dish on it. Around the table, place figures of both people and animals, that the child can blind. After all, they still love to enjoy!

Spring picture of plasticine.
Spring picture of plasticine.

DIY Sun on Shrovetide: Crafts with children

The sun on Shrovetide can be made:

  • cutting a circle of yellow paper and adding rays and a cheerful face to it
  • having pulled it out of plasticine or salty dough
  • cutting a ring from thick paper and wrapping it with threads
  • cutting a circle of foam and sewing or gluing rays and parts of the face to it

A very interesting and simple sun is obtained from a computer disk and colored paper:

  • color paper yellow and orange is cut into thin strips
  • form loops from them - rays
  • glue the loops to the disk in two rows
  • a circle of colored paper is glued to the center of the disk - it will be a face
Paper rays.
The first row of rays.
The second row of rays.
The sun from the disk and colored paper.

You can also make a cone from paper, which will be a kind of sundress, and glue the sun to it, which will be a kind of head. Such a figure will be funny, voluminous and stable.

VIDEO: We make craft "Sun" for the holiday Maslennya

Crafts with children from pancakes on Shrovetide

When you bake pancakes on Shrovetide, plant a child nearby and try to fold interesting faces and pancakes with him, for example, bears or Mickey Mouse.
Also give out a child with jam for the eye, mouth and nose of animals from pancake, sour cream for cheeks and the like.

Crafts from pancakes.
Crafts from pancakes.

A stuffed to Shrovetide with your own hands

It was customary to make a large stuffed winter on Shrovetide in the old days and burn it as a culmination of celebration. This is an interesting and excellent tradition now revived: in many cities and towns, festivities on Shrovetide are arranged, an indispensable attribute of which is a scarecrow. However, your small stuffed animal can be made at home from improvised materials:

  • dry stems of grass or hay (if any)
  • papers
  • thread
  • an old unnecessary doll, dressing it into a sundress and painted under a scarecrow
  • pieces of fabric, putting a figure, for example, on a stick or on a wooden skewer
A scarecrow on a fabric butter.
A scarecrow on a fabric butter.
A scarecrow on Solopa Shrovetide: Stages 1-3.
A scarecrow on Solopa Shrovetide: Stages 4-6.

VIDEO: How to make the right stuffed Shrovetide?

DIY Obel against Shrovetide

About how to make a doll - a talisman on Shrovetide with your own hands, you can read in this article.

VIDEO: Do -it -yourself ideas for the holiday "Shrovetide"

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