How to diversify an intimate life? How to stop being shy about sex?

How to diversify an intimate life? How to stop being shy about sex?

The article tells women how to stop being embarrassed by sex, and also how a couple can diversify your sex life.

Intimate life is an important component of the harmonious relationship of the couple. Mandatory attention should be paid to diversity in these relationships, to nourish them.

Diversity in intimate life
Diversity in intimate life

How to stop being shy about sex in bed?

There are often cases when a girl is too shy in bed. The reasons for this behavior can be completely different:

  • The girl does not know how to handle a man in bed and does not know how to ask him about it. However, she is not able to decide on changes
  • The girl herself belittles her virtues. She denies compliments, complains about her appearance and pays attention to her shortcomings
  • The girl is simply shy about her body. Such girls, as a rule, are asked to turn off the lights, put the windows and not look at it

And how to be such girls? How to overcome your shyness?

The answer is simple:

  • To begin with, a girl should pay attention to thematic literature, films, videos
Films about love
Films about love

Firstly, it will set her up on the right wave.

Secondly, the girl may try to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to her bed, and then ask her partner what and how he liked.

This will help further adjust your behavior in bed, to feel more confident.

Important: a man will fail to contact if you yourself make a conversation on an intimate topic - this is in his interests.

  • You should learn to concentrate not on the shortcomings of your body, but on its advantages

Firstly, you should not think that everything, like you are concentrated only on your shortcomings, is a lie. All your environment is most likely worried about their shortcomings.

Secondly, people close to you, unlike you, are less critical of you. And this is a fact.

Thirdly, your partner looks at you and sees you as a picture, as a whole, but not in parts.

Important: Try to look at yourself with the eyes of your man - see what you are when your advantages and disadvantages are mixed in you, when it is harmoniously combined in you.

  • Never indicate anyone to your shortcomings, and even more so your man
The girl should be silent about her shortcomings
The girl should be silent about her shortcomings

Important: by pointing his shortcomings, a man can really pay attention to them, although before that he had never seen them.

  • Learn to look at your naked body

In such cases, psychologists recommend sleeping completely with your foot, examine your body, touch it, admire the reflection of your body in the mirror, find poses in which your body looks most attractive.

A naked girl is sleeping
A naked girl is sleeping
  • Take care of yourself

In order to love yourself, your body and stop being shy, you need to constantly work on your appearance. It is foolish to think that a groomed woman will enjoy her reflection in the mirror.

Without fail regularly, and not from case to case, it is necessary to make manicure, pedicure, remove unnecessary hairs on your body, take care of your skin and use cosmetics.

A woman takes care of her body
A woman takes care of her body

Important: dances, gym, pool, etc. Mandatory will positively affect your figure. This will give you confidence.

  • Buy for yourself beautiful underwear

I am pleasing to your eyes with beautiful linen, you will feel much more confident, so you can feel more liberated and in bed with your man.

Colored linen
Colored linen
  • You need to independently examine your body, you should try to masturbate

In order to be relaxed in bed with your man, you must be sure that you can enjoy intimacy. To do this, you just need to explore your body - touch it, shake.

Sex toys can be useful, which can easily be selected in specialized stores. But, if you are embarrassed, then you can make a purchase in the online store.

Such manipulations will allow you to learn how to relax, although initially it will happen alone with yourself. It will also allow you to study your body, find erogenous zones, get a lot of unforgettable sensations.

The girl is studying her body
The girl is studying her body

You can read more about the erogenous zones of women in the article Erogenous zones, points and places in women. The whole truth about the erogenous zones of women. The most erogenous zones and points in women and Where are the erogenous zones of a woman according to the zodiac sign? How to find erogenous areas in a woman?

  • You need to learn how to relax, tune in to the desired wave

Aroma lamps, romantic music, candles, wine will certainly help in this. Dream and immerse yourself in sexy fantasies.

Important details for sex
Important details for sex

Important: the twilight is able to hide some flaws of the figure. Do not neglect the use of candles, nightlights.

  • Learn to take the initiative in sex

This does not mean that you should immediately inform your partner with a direct text that he should go to bed to make love. To begin with, there will be enough light exciting touch to his partner, which he must take into account as a sign.

  • Learn to trust your partner in bed and don't be silent

Let your partner show the first initiative, but you should never restrain moans, screams - this, one might say, sounds of love. Hearing how you react to touch, kisses, etc., the ground will understand that he acts correctly and will definitely try to continue to act in the direction that has begun, and this cannot not like this.

A woman surprises her partner with an initiative
A woman surprises her partner with an initiative

Female problems of intimate life

Recently, more and more often there have been cases of problems in intimate life in women, as a rule, they are associated with a decrease in libido. More details about reducing sexual attraction and desire can be read in the article All about libido in women. Libido decrease in women: causes. How to increase libido in women?

Ways to diversify intimate life

Often, pairs facing intimate problems are wondering how to diversify their sex life. We will talk about this in more detail in the sections below.

Diversity in intimate life
Diversity in intimate life

How to diversify intimate life in marriage at home?

Often, love in marriage is noticed that their intimate life has completely become boring, monotonous, turned into a habit, ceased to bring the pleasure that was present during intimacy at the beginning of the relationship. How to be and what to do with it?

There are many ways to diversify intimate life in marriage without much effort:

  • It is necessary to recall such little things as SMS, notes, bells. You can use in writing SMS and calls both banal "I love", "wait", "I want", so quite long messages with hints and without them
  • At home, you can use the contents in the refrigerator. Of course we are not talking about sausage, but here are fruits, whipped cream, melted, but not hot chocolate, ice cubes will be very by the way
The use of fruits during preliminary caresses
The use of fruits during preliminary caresses
  • Role-playing games. Where without them-it is not necessary to invent complex images at once, for starters you can try the chief of the secretary, teacher-student, patient-medical
  • Change a place for intimate meetings. It is no secret that the couples in marriage, having chosen a place in the bedroom, rarely go beyond it. It is worth remembering how it was in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the bathroom, in nature, in the car, etc.
  • It is worth trying new poses, change the manner of behavior. For example, if you are timid and shy, become depraved and impudent
  • Arrange a romantic dinner. This will definitely help both tune in to extraordinary sex
Romantic candlelight dinner
Romantic candlelight dinner
  • Do not forget about aromatic aromas, candles, music, wine
  • Do not ignore erotic massage, this will help to relax your stalls. You can read in detail about erotic massage in the article Erotic massage. How to do sex massage to her husband, wife?
  • Study new blowjob techniques. Your partner will definitely appreciate this step
  • Surprise your man in the morning when he is still sleeping. Stormy quick sex or unexpected blowjob will greatly delight your man, he will remember the morning all day, and in the evening will not be long in waiting for himself
A pleasant awakening
A pleasant awakening
  • Do not forget about the joint viewing of porn films and the same content of magazines. Firstly, both of you will be excited before you yourself take pranks. Secondly, you can repeat everything that you saw yourself, and this cannot but diversify your intimate life
  • It is worth mandatory to have beautiful erotic linen, wearing which you will be appreciated
Lingerie for sex
Lingerie for sex
  • Sex can be diversified by sex toys. Feel free to visit specialized stores, there you can definitely choose something interesting for your couple
  • Not too long abstinence - a guarantee of high -quality sex. It is easy for many couples to experience new sensations in intimacy after some separation
  • It is worth practicing spontaneous sex. The surprise will definitely surprise your partner, and the memories of such sex will excite him more than once
Spontaneous sex in an unusual place
Spontaneous sex in an unusual place
  • Practice tantric sex. This will allow you to get an unforgettable pleasure. You can read more about this type of sex in the article The art of tantric sex. How to know the new facets of pleasure?
  • Sometimes, after long experiments and crazy diversity, it can be extremely pleasantly returning to completely banal and calm sex - sometimes there is not enough tenderness and easy touch

In a marriage where there are already children, often partners do not know how to make them go unnoticed and at the same time can relax and at the same time full of intimacy. In such cases, of course, you need to adapt and look for a way out:

  • It is very good if children have grandparents. At least for a couple of hours you can ask them to work out grandchildren
  • Ask for a good neighbor, close girlfriend, etc. Look for children, while it is not necessary to inform them of where you need to leave. Meanwhile, you can have unbridled sex in the car
  • If these options are not for you, or you have already used them, then you can always just wait for the moment when the children fall asleep
  • It is worth installing in your bedroom, if any, a castle that can only be opened to you. And if you do not have a separate bedroom, then you can always have crazy sex in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the bathroom
  • If funds allow, then at present you can easily rent a hotel room for several hours. Great for this kind of rest is a country house with a fireplace
Pair in the hotel room
Pair in the hotel room

Sex mood: SMS

You can read in more detail in the article How to be loved for a husband always? Sex mood: SMS, calls, notes, sex outfit

Sex mood: Notes

You can read in more detail in the article How to be loved for a husband always? Sex mood: SMS, calls, notes, sex outfit


Sex mood: calls

You can read in more detail in the article How to excite a guy quickly? How to excite a guy on SMS, kiss, words, video, correspondence?

How to get dressed sexy?

How to get dressed sexually in the article How to be loved for a husband always? Sex mood: SMS, calls, notes, sex outfit

Caresses before sex

All about caresses before sex can be read in the article Caresses before sex. How to set up a woman or a man for sex?

Caresses before sex
Caresses before sex

How to diversify an intimate life in bed?

A little more about how to diversify a slightly faded relationship in bed:

  • You can share your sexual fantasies

For this, partners can simply tell about them, or you can put on a piece of paper, and then exchange the resulting lists. After the exchange of sexual fantasies, you can jointly choose the most original, or the one that coincided with both.

In such experiments, it is important to be prepared for various sexual fantasies of your second half, not to be offended - this is just a fantasy! If there are at least any fears, then it’s better not to start, but if you really want to, then you can try to exchange one sexual fantasy to begin with.

The woman does not talk about sexual fantasies
The woman does not talk about sexual fantasies
  • Change the time for sex

Many couples are delighted only to change the time of day for sex. If you are used to playing after you lay down in bed after a long day, then you may like to do love affairs, for example, immediately after work, before dinner.

  • Use mirrors

You can diversify an intimate life by surrounding yourself with mirrors. As if glancing, you can plunge into the crazy ocean of love.

  • Use the camera

To begin with, you can remove your porn rock, and then view it. Perhaps, leaving it in the home archive, you will more than once review it and again go crazy with passion and desire.

You can also then adjust it, renew, finish, etc. As a result, you can get a whole erotic film - this can become an exciting trip to the world of rampant sex.

Read more about how to shoot home videos in sections below.

Remove the video at home
Remove the video at home
  • Dates

It should be noted that it is dates that can radically change your sex. Arrange planned dates in cafes, restaurants, clubs, parks, squares, etc., arrange surprises, inviting your partner/partner for dates.

Definitely sex will give piquancy if the condition for the date is that the partners will be strangers. Sex will be crazy - definitely!

A date with a stranger
A date with a stranger
  • Threesome sex

Not many couples can decide on this, but for some it is a really cool way out. The main thing is that it is a balanced and thoughtful step, otherwise this step may not help, but harm the relationship.

Important: sexologists argue that very often they turn to them for the help of a couple after unsuccessful experiments in bed.

  • Swinger

This method will definitely diversify your sex life! But, it should be remembered that, as in the previous paragraph, such a variety can harm your relationship - you should stipulate everything to the smallest details, until you stop.

Threesome sex
Threesome sex

How to shoot homemade porn videos?

When your sexual life became completely fresh, and feelings were slightly cooled, then in such a situation you can try to diversify it with the shooting of a home pornographic video.

If both stalls are ready to take this step, then, having tried once, they may not stop there - after filming a small porn video, a couple may want to shoot a collection of videos, a series with many storylines.

To begin with, let's figure out what to do if you decide on your homemade porn:

  • Scenario

You can shoot such a video both with the script and without it. For the first time, it is sometimes enough to take a video in a few minutes, see how you behave on camera, and then disassemble the mistakes made during the filming.

Shoot home video
Shoot home video

Only after such actions it will be advisable to identify the script, although in this case the script can be quite conditional-usually it is just a role-playing game on the camera, for example, a maid-host, a pacure doctor, etc. In this case, it will be enough to sketch a few notes, discuss some details that you would like to include in the video.

  • Preparatory stage

At this stage, it is worth taking care of the scenery and costumes, about the lighting and the necessary objects that may come in handy during the shooting.

To begin with, it is worth viewing the room in which the shooting will take place, and remove all unnecessary things and items, for example, slippers, extra clothes, children's toys, diaries, etc.

Preparation of the shooting room
Preparation of the shooting room

Important: if you understand that your room, kitchen, etc. Not suitable for filming your porn videos, and your finances allow you to spend a little, it will be very good to rent a hotel room - most of the films for adults are shot in such places.

Depending on the plot, choose a suit or just good underwear that will emphasize the beauty of the bodies, but not to disfigure them.

Sex for candles is really romantic, but, for the camera, this lighting will not work. So that only your shadows are not visible, you should take care of good lighting in advance.

You can use lubricants, sex toys, any other specialized or improvised means, which in this case should be at your fingertips, but also not lie in the most prominent place.

Choose a place and set the camera. Set it down.

  • Shooting
Remove homemade porn
Remove homemade porn

During the shooting, you should behave - imagine that the camera is turned off.

It is better to shoot from different angles. It is advisable to use a close -up shooting, in which case it is preferable if the camera is in the hands of a man - nevertheless, a woman is a key figure in such films, no matter how many men were present on the set.

It is advisable not to use not tested poses - it may turn out very funny. The main rule - the process of intercourse should occur as naturally and really bring pleasure.

Do not restrain the moans, screams, murmurs - when watching your video, this will arouse you no less than the picture itself.

Sex moans during filming
Sex moans during filming

As a rule, if you have never worked on the camera, then your first video will be funny enough - the actors are constrained, do not know how to become, sit down, lie down, look at the camera, etc.

However, over and over again, it will turn out better and better.

  • Filmed

The video was shot, watched - what to do with it?

The video can be viewed and immediately deleted, you can save. But, in this case, it is better to avoid storing such films on a computer, especially if you are afraid that they can get on the Internet, or be viewed by your household.

Important: if at least one partner demands to destroy the shooting, then it is better to do so.

And now a few tips, rules from actors and not only:

  • To make excellent porn, you should watch many such films. Looking through them, you should pay attention to the poses, techniques that actors use
  • Any camera, even your phone camera, is suitable for filming. It will be good if you find the tripod
  • It is worth avoiding prolonged preludes - usually such scenes in porn spectators are generally rewound
  • The plot of the porn movie is not the main thing
  • Do not treat home porn too seriously, relax and have fun
  • Do not try to repeat everything that you saw in porn films - it is better to take it not with technology, but sincerity
  • For filming it is better to choose the day and time when both partners are in a good mood, relaxed, are in no hurry
  • Think about the poses in which your bodies look the most sexy in advance, demonstrate your charms and hide the shortcomings
  • Before shooting, you can skip a couple of wine glasses
Wine before shooting porno clocks
Wine before shooting porno clocks
  • It will be very useful to grease each other with massage oil before shooting - so the bodies look very erotic. Lubrication of bodies with oil can be used in the video
  • Do not constantly look at the camera lens - you will immediately want to delete this video. It will be better if you only occasionally look at the camera
  • After the first experience, having chuckled at yourself, try to overcome yourself and try again
View home video
View home video

Role sex games

You can read more about role -playing games for adults in the article Role sex games and toys. Sex toys for adult women and men: Application for two

Sex in the car

The car is directly and not intended for sex, but, according to statistics, half of the Americans lose their virginity in it, every third of them are also conceived in a car.

Sex in the car
Sex in the car

Although the heyday of the car medium fell on the crazy 60s of the last century, it is still not particularly customary for us to talk about it. But many countries of the world are loudly discussing this topic.

For example, in the UK there are monographs on this subject, which can be freely bought for little money. And in the United States, where wheels on wheels are most popular, there is even a car camaisutra, which describes possible and most convenient poses for sex.

There are some rules and tips for autosex lovers:

  • It is advisable to park the car in deserted places
  • On the side of the car, the car should be park at an angle to the road so that the audience in cars moving in the oncoming lane can avoid traffic accidents
  • The car should be put on a hand brake - this will avoid spontaneous movement of your car at the most interesting moment
  • No need to turn on an alarm-without fail, someone will stop helping you
  • For sex in a car, it is better to choose skirts and a free cut dress
  • Wet napkins will not be superfluous to the car - they can come in handy for intimate hygiene after sex
  • On a par with wet wipes, clean water may also be useful. She also helps to quench thirst after love pleases
  • On an ongoing basis in the car should be replenished with condom reserves
  • A pillow and a blanket may come in handy - to accept comfortable poses
Sex in the front seat of the car
Sex in the front seat of the car
  • Oral sex at high speed, although one of the most common fantasies in men, is better to avoid it - this will help to protect not only you, but also other road users
  • Before sex, it is better to block the doors and the hatch from unexpected guests who want to frighten you, or shame, or just laugh
  • You can turn on music that will help to drown moans
  • The air conditioner on with closed windows will be able to help to “tint” the windows faster
  • Alcohol should be excluded
  • It is better to have sex in the front passenger seat, in the back, but not in the driver's driver - the sound of Klaxon can not only scare you, but also pay attention to you around

When practicing sex in a car, do not forget about sex on a car. For these purposes, the hood is perfect.

Sex on the hood of cars
Sex on the hood of cars

Sex in nature

Although extreme sex in nature is capable of diversifying an intimate life, renewing relationships, excite the imagination, it will not always look as romantic as in films.

Sex in nature
Sex in nature

Sometimes it happens that annoying ants, worms, spiders are so annoying with their presence that you can even change your mind in nature, plus third -party observers from people can appear. Sand, pebbles, sticks, twigs, spines, etc. can join all this.

  • Sex in the forest

Sex in the forest is beautiful, especially when you are sure that no one is looking at you - foresters, mushroom pickers, vacationers. In fact, it is in the forest that the most likely is that you will not be noticed.

At the same time, in the forest, sex is the most traumatic - trees, knots, cones, etc.

Sex in the forest
Sex in the forest
  • Sex on the beach

Even on the most empty beach, a vacationer may appear in the most secluded place - it is worth remembering this.

An annoying sand is able to be anywhere, it sticks to absolutely all areas of the body, even to intimate. Getting inside the body, he can cause a lot of inconvenience, irritation, inflammation, etc.

Sex on the beach
Sex on the beach
  • Sex in the water

Having sex in the water, you can not worry about what they will see you if you are at a decent distance from the swimmers.

However, it is worth remembering that the water, including salted, is a place for the propagation of a large number of bacteria and microorganisms that can harm your health. The water in the pools is chlorinated, and chlorine, entering the body, can also irritate the mucous membrane.

It is also worth remembering that water washes very well a natural lubricant.

Sex in the water
Sex in the water
  • Sex in the park

Sex in the park is not the most favorable place for love pleases.

There are many pensioners, children with mothers in the park. The children can eat the ball on your bushes.

No matter how regrettable it was, but there are too much garbage in our parks. People who do not know how to endure in the bushes to celebrate the need, and very inexperienced teenagers want to smoke there.

Sex in the park
Sex in the park
  • Sex in rural areas

Sex in the hay, in the field, in the meadow is so romantic. The smell of such a nature drives crazy.

However, grandmothers who are always watching and practically do not sleep, may prevent you from merging in crazy sex, enjoy the full nature of nature.

Sex in the village
Sex in the village

In order to try to avoid all of the above troubles, to relax as much as possible and enjoy it better to adhere to some rules. Tips for sex in nature are as follows:

  • When planning sex in nature, you should not forget about protective equipment from insects
  • Take the sunscreen with you
  • For sex in nature, litter, dense blanket, sleeping bags, an inflatable mattress will come in handy, which will help get rid of the inconvenience caused by bitch, cones, pebbles, irregularities of the earth, sand, etc.
  • If possible, then sex in the village, forest, on the beach it is better to engage in the early-wounded morning, when all observers are sleeping
  • When planning sex in nature, if any, you need to take a tent with you - it will definitely not hurt you. By making love in a tent, one can avoid human eyes, the annoyance of insects, sand, etc.
Sex in the tent
Sex in the tent
  • You should have warm clothes or bedspreads with you - after sex, sweaty bodies from the blow of the wind can experience discomfort
  • Wet napkins or ordinary water for intimate hygiene after sex will not hurt
  • Water, or another soft drink is never superfluous after physical exertion
  • If the sortie out to nature for sex is planned and you go by car, then you should take food, warm clothes, a flashlight, navigator - you never know where your adventures will lead you with you
  • Unusual sensations can be obtained by having sex in nature in a hammock
Convenient hammock
Convenient hammock
  • You can also please you in the locker room (beach cabin) on the beach, but, it is worth remembering that some citizens sometimes celebrate need - look around
  • You can also have sex on the water in a boat or on an inflatable mattress - but, we should not forget that they are not too stable and can roll over. These attributes for sex, of course, can save you from prying eyes, but you should choose the simplest poses, for example, a missionary
  • Having sex in water, it should be remembered that its level should not be higher than the chest, so that in a fit of passion it does not choke
  • Sex in water is not recommended during a storm and strong waves

Important: the simplest and most reliable way of protection during sex is still a condom-do not forget to take it with you. Indeed, in nature, sex can be spontaneous.

  • With spontaneous sex in nature, it is not necessary to completely undress - this will help reduce the time to dress in an emergency, and will also not allow insects and sand to stick to all parts of your body.

Important: specialists of the Vienna Institute of Sports Medicine recommend refraining from sexing at temperatures above 30 ° C - this contributes to a rapid increase in pressure, which can lead to serious health problems.

Sex in the heat is prohibited
Sex in the heat is prohibited

Sex on the balcony

Some sex on the balcony have hopelessness, and some for the sake of extreme.

Depending on the case, the poses should be selected:

  • If you just hide on the balcony, then it is worth choosing those poses that do not attract attention. For example, missionary or standing, when a woman rests on a balcony parapet, and a man enters her from behind
  • But if you are given by the idea that you will be noticed on the balcony or you just decided to fuck, then you can choose absolutely any pose for sex

Important: having sex on the balcony, you should not forget about safety - the fall from the balcony to the ground is absolutely useless! Therefore, it is better to exclude poses that can lead to such cases, because During orgasm, you can completely lose control of the situation.

Girl on the balcony
Girl on the balcony

Sex toys for an adult woman

More details about toys for an adult woman can be read in the article Role sex games and toys. Sex toys for adult women and men: Application for two

How to diversify intimate life: reviews

You can find a huge number of reviews on how to diversify an intimate life. In addition to those that we described in the sections above, we can also distinguish the following methods:

  • In addition to external diversity, some help their body from the inside, taking special drugs. But, before taking such drugs, it is worth consulting with a specialist
  • If you are very embarrassed by your partner, then you should choose poses from behind where you will not see your partner, and he will not see your tense face and tummy
  • In order to have sex outside the bed, some women advise you to put a child next to them in bed - no one wants to disturb him and will have to look for a new place for sex. Such sex will definitely be different from ordinary sex in bed, and perhaps it will push for new experiments
  • For high -quality sex, couples with children should get a lock in the door so as not to worry that the child will enter the room at any moment
  • It is worth inventing your song, which will be a signal for both partners - with such small steps it is very easy to start diversity in an intimate life
  • Some couples practice flirting on the side under the supervision of their partner - this warms up the feelings of many couples
Flirt on the side
Flirt on the side
  • After a role-playing game, a prostitute-client will be better if the girl, having received her earned money, will go overnight, for example, a friend is a cool way to diversify an intimate life
  • Write down your voices during love, and then send a record to your partner - he will listen to this record more than once
  • Mandatory should practice spontaneous sex
Diversity in intimate life
Diversity in intimate life

Feel free, experiment, decorate your intimate life with bright colors. Study yourself, surprise your partner, saturate your relationship.

VIDEO: How to diversify sexual life?

VIDEO: Interesting poses for love classes video

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Comments K. article

  1. From my own experience I can say that this does not always work ... I also thought that the reason is in me ... That everything was boring somehow. But it turned out that the husband’s reluctance is a reduced libido, that's all. It’s good that I persuaded the doctor to go (because the men are afraid all the time)-the Tribulus’s effect took the tincture of thyme ... Gradually, everything is normalized, now intimate life is again on top))

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