The art of tantric sex. How to know the new facets of pleasure?

The art of tantric sex. How to know the new facets of pleasure?

Tantric sex is a special type of proximity between a man and a woman who allows a partner to get unearthly pleasure, spiritual emancipation and obtaining higher knowledge. Having once experienced the joy of tantric intimacy, a person forever becomes a bearer of special energy.

A complete, boundless physical and spiritual merger with his partner, the purpose of which is unearthly pleasure, internal bliss and a sense of freedom are called tantric sex. The pleasures of tantric sex are not available to everyone. To comprehend the ancient teaching and feel all its charms on themselves, partners will have to undergo moral and physical training.

Partners must prepare for tantric sex
Partners must prepare for tantric sex

Ancient art of tantric sex

  • The ancient Indian spiritual practice of rapprochement of a man and woman implied the ability to masterfully own thin energies and, thanks to this, to receive higher knowledge and pleasure. The result of tantric sex was considered communication with the gods. After reaching orgasm, the man and woman forever remained carriers of this reference state
  • Preparation and tantric sex itself took place in palaces and were available only to elected people from higher castes. This ritual took a lot of time: it began with decorating halls with flowers, fumigation of incense and washing future participants in aromatic fonts
  • During all these procedures, the partners focused on the image of the chosen one to such an extent that just before sex they could already recognize each other even by one easy touch
  • The process of ancient tantric sex itself was a smooth, leisurely “establishment of contact” with stops, fading movements of tel. At these moments, the orgasm constantly proceeded in the bodies of partners and Indian gods, going down to the couple, blessed a tantric merger
In ancient times, tantric sex could only occur in palaces
In ancient times, tantric sex could occur only in palaces specially prepared for such an event

The essence of tantric sex

The essence of tantric sex is to build up, doubling the energy of partners, which occurs due to their complete unity, both physical and spiritual. At the same time, the achievement of orgasm is not the goal of tantric sex. Unauthorized pleasure brings the process itself from beginning to end.

Important: men who decided to experience the bliss of tantric sex need to be prepared for the onset of orgasm without ejaculation. This phenomenon is absolutely normal for oriental men. If the orgasm is nevertheless accompanied by ejaculation, this event can be considered the gift of the gods.

After tantric sex, the energy of partners increases many times
After tantric sex, the energy of partners increases many times

How to do tantric sex? Tantric sex rules

In order for a man and a woman to achieve unearthly bliss, they need to remember the main rules of tantric sex:

  • Enrace is the main condition for tantric sex. Before rapprochement, a man and a woman should forget about complexes and constraints
  • Preliminary abstinence. You can not touch each other at least 5 days before the start of tantric rapprochement. The longer abstinence, the more pleasure you can get tantro-pair
  • Sex on an empty stomach. You can not start tantric sex shortly after eating. It is best if partners experience easy hunger. Suppose only a light fruit dinner how many hours before the start of tantric caresses. But just before sex, a man and a woman need to make a pair of sips of red wine
  • Partners should not distract anything. The only thing that contributes to the deep manifestation of sensuality and the receipt of unearthly pleasure is muffled oriental music. Any other connection with the outside world is prohibited: radio, TV, phones, doorbell - all this should be disabled in advance. The use of bright light is also prohibited. You can illuminate the love bed with candles
  • Bright items and colorful clothes are banned. All catchy, bright, distracting attention should be removed from the room. You can not use variegated bedding
  • Eyes in the eyes, breathing in unison and gentle touch. Partners should try to look into each other as often as possible and breathe together. When eye contact is established, they slowly go to tactile contact. The touch of partners to each other should be tender and leisurely

Important: compliance with these simple conditions amazingly brings partners closer, and sets up in the right way.

The complete liberation of partners is one of the important rules of tantric sex
The complete liberation of partners is one of the important rules of tantric sex

Practices of tantric sex. Tantric sex techniques

In tantric sex, there are many practices (technicians), each of which gives partners vivid sensations that have never previously experienced them. Choosing a practice, it is important to understand that none of them will lead to orgasm in the form that partners usually expect from intimacy.

Important: an orgasm in tantric teachings is nothing more than "bright flowers on the side of the road." The couple enjoys traveling along this road, and if beautiful flowers meet along the way - this will only delight those who walk along the road even more.

Tantric sex is like a road along which a man and a woman are coming
Tantric sex is like a road along which a man and a woman are coming

Here are some of the most common practices:

Practice "Valley orgasm". The couple slowly has sex and approaches orgasm. It is important that the partners approach the climax at the same time. If one of them is excited stronger, he will have to slow down. Before the onset of orgasm, both partners are suspended and try to “stay on the edge” as long as possible without crossing the line, but at the same time, without letting go of sweet languor. If the couple manages to hold out for some time, an unearthly bliss that has suddenly ceased to be felt for a man and a woman will become a reward for a man and a woman, and clots of sweet energy appear instead of them. This condition can be compared with an orgasm, reinforced hundreds of times and stretched out in time.

Practice "Eye in the Eye". The action takes place before intercourse. Partners hold hands, look into each other's eyes and try to breathe as deep as possible. At the same time, both partners represent their genitals in the form of an open brightly shining large flower. Breath immediately passes through this flower, then the flower itself begins to “breathe”. There should be thoughts about the extraordinary divine purity of the flower and breathing passing through it. During the inspiration, the flower closes slightly (the muscles of the perineum are compressed), and on exhalation it is revealed again (relaxing the muscles). The time of this practice should not exceed 20 minutes.

Practice "Stop". Partners have sex very violently, brightly, unrestrained. Excitation should grow quickly. During this sex, everything can be banned only by receiving ordinary orgasm. So it can last up to half an hour, and when sexual energy will turn into a hot ball and will be ready to explode orgasm, the partners abruptly stop and remove from each other. Both of them immediately must freeze and become isolated on their own sensations. Not a single movement should violate this rest. The experiences that the couple experiences at this moment is a manifestation of divine participation.

Practice "Inhale - exhale." This practice gives a partner strong ecstasy. It is performed after or during intercourse. The man exhales deeply, and the woman inhales deeply. After that, the partners connect their lips and smoothly breathe with one breath. After a short period of time, both will begin to suffocate from a lack of oxygen and breathing will become more frequent. You need to hold out as long as possible, then pull away and restore normal breathing. This exercise is repeated several times in a row, about 10-15 minutes. If the breathing at least once comes out through the nose, there will be no effect from this practice.

Video: Tantra Shiva 1

Video: Tantra Shiva 2

Music for tantric sex

In order for partners to be able to tune in to the desired wave, feel each other and merge in blessed ecstasy, special music is used during tantric sex.

Music for tantric sex should help partners tune in the right way
Music for tantric sex should help partners tune in the right way

Close oriental melodies create a special atmosphere and slowly envelop a man and a woman with their aura.

Video: music for tantric sex

Tantric sex and yoga

Yoga is one of the most important components of tantrism. The use of intricate poses is mandatory for tantric sex. It is they, who, sometimes inaccessible to an unprepared person, can truly arouse the body from sleep. At the same time, it is important to stay in occupied positions, and a secondary role is assigned to the rhythm and speed of movements.

Important: if, having occupied the tantro-position, try to move in the usual, familiar pace for traditional sex, you can seriously injure. Movements should be very slow and leisurely and begin only when the partners are convinced of the reliability of the posture.

How to do tantric sex at a distance?

Practicing tantrists argue that there is nothing unusual in sex at a distance. Preparations for tantric sex at a distance are exactly the same as for tantric sex with a partner: preliminary abstinence from intimacy, diet, removal from the field of view of objects that can distract or interfere with the process are mandatory.

When the preparation is over, they begin to visualize the image of a partner. Obviously representing the object of lust in front of themselves, they begin imaginary caresses. You can mentally caress, kiss, hug a partner and transfer your sexual energy to a sweet image. Tantric sex can be considered successful if it turns out to connect with a partner at the spiritual and energy level and get pleasure from this contact.

Tantric sex at a distance is able to deliver unearthly bliss
Tantric sex at a distance is able to deliver unearthly bliss

Where can you learn tantric sex?

It is not without reason that the art of tantric sex is of increasing interest among Europeans. The pleasures that the Tantra School promises to its students are inaccessible when having ordinary traditional sex.

To comprehend the wisdom of centuries and tuned in to the desired wave, it is better to undergo training in special courses. Such courses organize tantra masters and conduct group or individual classes in which students are invited:

  • training in proper breathing, which contributes to concentration, control over your own body, increasing energy capabilities
  • tantric practice (exercises) under the guidance of a teacher
  • tantric massage training
  • psychological classes

Important: you can try to master the art of tantric sex yourself. There are a lot of necessary information and video materials on the Internet on this topic. However, achieving noticeable successes with independent study will be much more difficult.

Lesson at the Tantric Sex School
Lesson at the Tantric Sex School

The art of tantric sex: tips and reviews

Artem, 39 years old: Tantric sex appeared in my life by accident. My new acquaintance interested me with her delighted stories about the tantro practitioner, which she was fond of. I visited several tantric sex lessons with her and caught fire to try everything that I was taught. I can say that nothing of the kind happened in my life before. The incredible sensations that pierced the body and consciousness in moments of rapprochement with my partner remained in me forever. Since then, I have lost interest in traditional sex, because I have already known the incredible, incomparable pleasure from other sex.

Olga, 34 years old: Tantric sex and best friend helped me return my husband. He always looked at interesting women and did not particularly hide his desires from me. And so, when our family life was experiencing another crisis, a young long -legged blonde appeared on his way. And he followed her. To my surprise, this time my husband was not going to return (he left for other women before, but always returned to me). After three months of waiting, I received a message from my husband with a request to agree to divorce. This was unsuccessful. I sobbed a week, didn’t eat anything, lost weight much and did not want to live. From this state, I was brought out by my best friend. Seeing how I was killed, she tried to distract me and wrote us to the first courses that began the next day. I refused to go, but my friend was adamant. It turned out to be tantric sex courses. Already from the first lesson, I returned reassured and encouraged. The following classes literally before our eyes changed my life through my worldview. I myself noticed that it became different - mysterious, happy, radiating warmth and positive. Apparently, the husband also noticed the changes in me when he came for his things. He was surprised at my calm and asked what was the matter. I honestly replied that I was going to tantric sex courses and it was they who changed me like that. My husband was very interested in my words, and he wanted to try to have tantric sex. Then he stayed with me. Forever and ever. Now we practice exclusively tantric sex. We try different poses and practices. The husband, by the way, also graduated from those courses. Since then, other women are not interested in him, because our unity with the spouse occurred at the highest, spiritual level.

Those who decided to try tantric sex can be advised first of all to completely open to their partner. After all, this sex is impossible if there is even a drop of distrust or hostility in the relationship. Tantric sex is a pure, shining unity of souls giving partners ecstasy and endless delight.

Video: Tantra - Yoga "Temple of Love"


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