All about libido in women. Libido decrease in women: causes. How to increase libido in women?

All about libido in women. Libido decrease in women: causes. How to increase libido in women?

The article will help to find and eliminate the reasons for the decrease in libido in a woman.

Having a sexual partner, but not to experience sexual attraction to him is a rather unpleasant situation. And if you are young and it bothers you, then you should look for ways to solve this problem.

Libido decrease in women: causes

Alas, it is women who often face the fact that sexual attraction and desire suddenly decreased. Experts believe that there are two explanations for this:

  • Physiological problems
  • Psychological problems

Physiological problems or conditions.

  • Hormonal malfunctions
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Chronic diseases. Especially affect the libido disease of the urine system
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Taking serious drugs
Libido decrease due to health
Libido decrease due to health

Psychological problems.

It is these problems that most often interfere with a woman to have a healthy sexual attraction to a partner:

  • Personal complexes. If a woman does not like her reflection in the mirror, then more often she is embarrassed and her body before a partner. Of course, such complexes do not allow a woman to relax and have fun
  • Fatigue. Sexual contacts undoubtedly require a lot of effort and energy. If a woman works, then cooks at home to eat, then washes dishes, then engaged in children, then her only desire will be by no means sexual contact. Such a woman often wants to lie down and relax
  • Problems at work, relatives and others. Any problems can affect women libido. After all, women are very emotional and susceptible. A frustrated woman will only think about how to solve the situation
  • Problems in relations with a partner. This reason is highlighted separately, since it is it that is the most common cause of a decrease in libido. The psychology of a woman is such that any quarrel with her husband is imprinted in her psychological state. This is especially true of situations when a woman feels unhappy
Decrease in libido due to conflicts
Decrease in libido due to conflicts

Important: in 80% of cases, looking for the reason for a decrease in libido in women should be sought in relationships and the situation surrounding a woman.

Improving libido in women

Important: in order to increase the libido without the use of drugs - find the reasons for its absence based on the above.

If you could not determine the reasons, then use general recommendations and tips.

Important: most of the tips below will be aimed at how to improve sex, because it is good sex that is the best stimulant of increasing libido.


If your health problems or certain states of your body, indicated above, affect your libido, then an experienced doctor will help you cope with the problem. You may have to act drugs on libido.

Love yourself.

  • Your libido will not think to rise if you constantly think that you have ugly breasts or a large stomach
  • Even at those moments when sex is, you cannot enjoy in full. You will think how you look now
  • And if you do not get full pleasure from sex, then you will not want the next time

Let's relax.

  • Do not be a heroine woman. Let's relax. Ask your beloved to replace you sometimes or do things in advance by highlighting a full day for rest
  • If you spend the day, doing only yourself, you will give yourself not only physical, but also emotional unloading
A woman is engaged in herself
A woman is engaged in herself

More preludes.

  • The body of women is arranged a little differently than male. Unlike men, the woman’s body and the brain include the desire with the difference in time
  • Often a woman can feel a desire in her head, but her body will not be ready. And if the body is not ready, then sex will not bring great pleasure
  • The prelude will prepare for sex and your body. When harmony comes, you will feel all the charms of intimacy

Sexual diversity.

  • To increase the desire, you can try to use sex toys. If you do not like this, then definitely do not use them, so as not to reduce the already low libido
  • Or purchase a couple of sexy sets of linen or erotic costumes
  • But if you enjoy such an experiment, then from time to time use this step
Diversity in sex
Diversity in sex


  • Do not forget to use such gels even with the slightest lack of natural lubrication. This will only strengthen the pleasant sensations
  • In addition, you can buy special exciting gels


  • Active lifestyle helps to increase libido due to good blood circulation in the body
  • If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the blood is weakly entered to the genitals, including the investigation - a low libido
  • Highlight a suitable sports lesson for yourself and your schedule: half an hour exercise, jogging, cycling, walking in the fresh air

Repeat classes at least 3 times a week.

Proceeding in sports raises libido
Proceeding in sports raises libido

Kegel exercises.

You can read all the benefits of these exercises in the article 5 main exercises of the wumbling. What are Kegel's exercises for?


It is proved that some products can increase your libido due to the components contained in them:

  • Nuts and seeds: Brazilian nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds. Some sexologists call these products natural Viagra. Arginine contained in these products contributes to the blood flow to the genitals
  • Good bitter chocolate
  • Spices: pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, onion, garlic
Almonds increase libido
Almonds increase libido


The aromatic oils of Ilang-Ylang, ginseng, sandalwood, cinnamon and geraniums have long been considered a natural way to increase sexual attraction.

Light aromatic candles shortly before intimacy or immediately before.


No matter how trite it would sound, but candles, muffled light, wine in glasses and aromatic oils increase desire and give intimacy another shade.

Romance increases libido
Romance increases libido

Solution of problems.

Problems in relations with a partner will affect your desire. Try to talk heart to heart and solve painful problems.

Try not to take any trouble seriously, forget about work, crossing the threshold of your home.


  • Oddly enough, but it is regular sex life that will increase your libido if you enjoy it. And to get pleasure from him, follow the tips above
  • Systematic sexual pleasure will give rise to the desire "yet" in your body
  • If you do not have sex, then your body will completely forget about such a need. After such a situation, it will be extremely difficult to wake the body
Regular sex increases libido
Regular sex increases libido

Tabu for sex.

  • If the above tips have not returned your desire, then act in the opposite direction
  • Agree with your partner that you refuse intimacy for some time. And even if you really want, then nothing will happen
  • It's not for nothing that children always want exactly what they are forbidden
  • Often the prohibition method works in such a scrupulous situation

Libido treatment in women

Important: Libido treatment is required when simple psychological techniques do not work (read above)

If a decrease in libido is associated with physiological changes in the body (read 1 point), then treatment with drugs may be required.

Treatment should be prescribed only a good and experienced doctor. Do not harm yourselfhormonal drugs.

Libido treatment with drugs
Libido treatment with drugs

Libido preparations in women

Hormonal drugs.

They act by increasing the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body. To decide on their admission, you need to examine the doctor.

Important: take hormonal drugs only as prescribed by a doctor

Non -hormonal drugs.

Based on plant components and provide blood flow to the genitals:

Important: non -hormonal drugs are based on plant components and you can take them without a doctor’s prescription, but strictly studying the instructions

Silver fox

The silver fox is a Spanish natural aphrodisiac for women.

Silver face
Silver face


The composition includes only natural components.


The essence of the drug is that the substances included in the composition enhance blood circulation in the genitals, as a result:

  • Libido increases
  • A woman gets a brighter sensations from intimacy
  • Achievement of orgasm
  • Increase in natural lubrication
  • Heart heartbeat and breathing

The drug in the course of a few hours

Indications for use.

  • Lack of sexual attraction
  • Lack of orgasm
  • Insufficient lubrication
  • Insufficiently vivid sensations from intimacy


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Pelvic diseases
  • Increased blood pressure

Output form.

The drug is available in the form of powder.

Each bag contains 3 g of the drug.

Mode of application.

  • Dilute the contents of the bag into 100 g of water (do not use alcohol for dissolution)
  • Take the drug 10 minutes before the estimated proximity
  • In order not to reduce the effect of the drug, do not eat fatty foods
  • Take no more than 1 bag per day

Side effects.

When taking the instructions and contraindications, side effects are minimized. You can only feel a slight dizziness.

The exception is the case of individual intolerance to the drug.

How to increase libido in women with folk remedies?


This method of increasing libido is to use leeches.

Definitely the procedure should be done by a specialist in this field. Leeches, by the way, will be placed on the pelvic area.

Lybido raising leaks
Lybido raising leaks


  • This is a simple and pleasant way to increase libido. Its essence is just to eat honey
  • Use it in tea, on a loaf or in its purest form. Every day eat several teaspoons of honey
  • This method will not only increase libido, but also enrich your body with useful substances and trace elements
Honey to increase libido
Honey to increase libido


This method is to use herbs.

Some rather rare herbs are able to increase the level of estrogen hormone, which is also responsible for sexual attraction. Such herbs are quite effective in the fight against low libido:

  • The tower is creeping
  • Damian
  • Shatavari
  • Wild Yams
  • Rodila is pink

Also, to increase libido, you can use more familiar plants and herbs for you:

  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Blueberry
  • Ginseng root
  • Bay leaf
  • Ginger

The herbs that can be used in food, use in food. Boil the rest according to the instructions and consume a few hours before sex.

Important: remember that herbs from the first category affect hormonal background

Increasing libido with decoctions of herbs
Increasing libido with decoctions of herbs

How to increase libido quickly?

An interesting way to increase libido in women was voiced by American sexologists:

  • You need to walk barefoot more

Such advice is due to the fact that there are three points on the feet of a woman, the stimulation of which helps to increase libido:

  • At the base of the thumb on the leg
  • The middle of the outer side of the foot
  • On the arch of the foot

Important: Walk barefoot, ask your partner to do your finger massage to you and enjoy your sexuality

Walk barefoot to increase libido
Walk barefoot to increase libido

If you are upset by the lack of desire for sex with your beloved man, then follow the advice above. You will definitely succeed.

Video on the topic: Elena Malysheva. How to increase libido?

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Comments K. article

  1. My libido decreased against the background of menopause ... Until Dor began. The means to take (the laudice formula for menopause and sage infusions) to get rid of concomitant symptoms-prisoners, neurosa and insomnia, none, nothing helped. So, first of all, I advise you to find the reason for a decrease in desire, then it will be easier to rectify the situation.

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