Erotic massage to a man and a woman: preparation, technique, result. How to do sex massage to her husband, wife?

Erotic massage to a man and a woman: preparation, technique, result. How to do sex massage to her husband, wife?

The article tells everything about erotic massage for men and women.

For a variety in sexual life, one should not forget about such a pleasant prelude as an erotic massage. Such massage is able to excite both partners very much even after a hard day and lead to the hottest denouement.

Massage after work
Massage after work

How to make erotic sex massage to a man, husband?

Erotic massage will be able to help to disperse the fatigue and tension of the man very well, bring it to the maximum point of boiling.

For proper and high -quality massage, you should prepare slightly:

  • Disconnect phones, doorbell, turn off the TV and computer
  • The muffled light is better than a bright, pleasant atmosphere will contribute to lit candles
  • The room should be fresh (it is better to first ventilate it), but not cold. You can light the aroma lamp by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils to it, the smell in the room should not be intrusive
  • Prepare a massage place (a soft bed is not suitable), provide access for massage of a man from all sides. If this is a bed, then bedding should also be clean, fresh. However, it is worth taking care that it does not get dirty with massage oil, so pre -bed on its towel or a small sheet
  • Provide the roller (you can use a towel), which will then be useful for a convenient location of a man during massage and a light bedspread or sheet for covering unequivocated parts of the body
  • Near the prepared massage place it is worth placing massage oil in advance. The oil should not be sugary, it is better if it is without a strong smell
Preparation for massage
Preparation for massage
  • It is worth taking care of the background musical accompaniment, the music should be calm, relaxing and not very loud
  • The masseur should also look worthy - a sexual set of linen, either a transparent peignoir, or a naked body - all that will help you and your man to relax most
  • Before the massage, it is worth offering a man an easy dinner and a relaxing bath
  • You can also offer a man and a glass of his beloved wine

Important: during an erotic massage, even if a woman was dressed, you can take off some elements of clothing. Touching some female parts of the body to the body of a man during massage will only arouse it even more.

Massage can be carried out not only with your hands, but also with lips. Some experienced craftsmen sometimes even connect the feet.

Men do not always need easy stimulation of their erogenous zones during massage. Sometimes it may require more rigid stimulation of magic points.

Massage for a man
Massage for a man

So there are several erotic massage techniques:

  • Stroking - smooth body movements on the skin of your partner
  • Rubbing - movements are pressure and weakening of pressure
  • Kneading - movement, as when kneading the dough
  • Vibrations, blows - clapping, chopping, stitching
  • Delicate touch of the tips of the nails and fingertips
  • Massage with your own body. It can be a touch of breasts, belly, pubis
Massage with your body
Massage with your body
  • Massage with fluff, pen, silk or satin, hair tips. Especially strong sensations such touches cause a man in the genitals area
  • Massage with language and lips. The language should be more often relaxed, not tense, a relaxed tongue will do a soft exciting massage
  • Breath massage. Such massage excites men very much, especially when he alternates with other massage techniques

Important: you should alternate all massage techniques, study the man’s reaction to them, choose the most pleasant, exciting techniques.

And now we move directly to the technique of erotic massage:

  • Ask a man to sit in a position convenient for you and him lying on his stomach
  • Massage should begin by applying a few drops of massage oil in your palm and rubbing them. Oil should be rubbed for warming up, especially this is relevant in a cool room in a cool season

Important: tenderness is the most important component of exciting massage.

  • Massage movements should be started with the tips of the toes or the hands of your partner, they should be thoroughly kneaded. Many men like it when their fingers lick and suck
  • If you started massage with your toes, then after rubbing your feet should rise higher and pay special attention to the popliteal depressions, the inner and outer side of the hips and the buttocks of your man

Important: massage movements should always be carried out in the direction from the periphery to the heart.

  • If the massage was started with the fingers, then, after rubbing the palms, you should rise higher to the forearm, without depriving the inside of the elbow bends with attention
  • Next, you can begin to massage the shoulders, neck, back. Do not forget about the sensitive lower back of men
Erotic back massage
Erotic back massage
  • After your hands go through all the parts of the man’s body available to you, ask him to turn over and lie down on his back
  • When your man is facing you, it is worth starting massage from his hands, then shoulders and neck, and only then go down
  • Pay attention to the chest, especially nipples
  • During massage of the abdomen, you can play with the navel
  • By chance touching the genital organs of a man, you should go to the massage of the legs
  • Fingers, feet, ankles - alternate different massage techniques. And again your fingers can be linked
  • Masting up with massage movements, it is worthwhile to focus on the hips of a man, especially their inside - this zone is very sensitive, especially since it is in close proximity to the genitals. When doing hips, you should accidentally touch a member and scrotum
  • After you make a massage of the arms, legs, shoulders, neck, chest, abdomen, you can start flirting with the penis of your man, you should not immediately do a massage of this area, it is better to play - touching the penis, go again to massage of the chest or shoulders. Thus, more and more often return to the genitals of your man and pay attention to them for more and more
  • How much you will keep your man in suspense depends only on you and your desire

On the Internet you can find many massage techniques exclusively penis and scrotum. You can also study prostate massage techniques.

Massage of the scrotum
Massage of the scrotum

Important: during sensual massage, special attention should be paid to erogenous zones.

You can read in detail about erogenous zones of men in the article Erogenous zones, points and places in men. How to find erogenous zones and points in a man? How to make a man's massage of erogenous zones? and How to determine the erogenous zones of a man by the zodiac sign? The location of the erogenous zones according to the horoscope

VIDEO: For super sex !!! Lingam massage. Erotic massage. Secret sexual techniques !!!

How to make erotic sex massage to a girl, woman?

The rules for preparing for erotic massage are described in detail in the section above. They can also be used to prepare for an erotic massage of a woman.

A man does a massage
A man does a massage

You can also use the techniques of erotic massage described above, but it should be remembered that women, unlike men, more often react to a more tender stimulation of their most sensitive points. However, for a variety, you should not be limited only to light touch, sometimes they should be diluted with rude movements.

As for the technique of erotic massage, it can be spied in the previous section. The main thing is to know the most sensitive zones on the woman’s body - the area between the shoulder blades, neck, buttocks, lower back, etc.

Massage to a woman
Massage to a woman

In detail about the most interesting points on the body of a woman can be read in articles Erogenous zones, points and places in women. The whole truth about the erogenous zones of women. The most erogenous zones and points in womenWhere are the erogenous zones of a woman according to the zodiac sign? How to find erogenous areas in a woman?

Video: Erotic massage video for women

Erotic massage of the female breast

Separately, I want to say about breast massage. The breast is the brightest erogenous zone in most women, therefore, during the massage, it is worth paying her special attention.

In addition to the fact that breast massage excites a woman very much, it also helps to restore the elasticity and elasticity of the décolleté and chest zone.

Important: do not massage the chest very much in order to avoid pain in a woman in this area.

Features of massage of the female breast:

  • It should be conveniently located so that you have good access to the chest. It will be good if a man settles behind the woman’s head, or sits over her hips, relying only on his feet, but in no case on a woman, or in a knee -standing position above the woman’s hips
  • It is necessary to start breast massage with delicate and light circular movements
  • Touch should not be deprived of attention and nipples. Massage can be started with the nipples themselves, then moving from them to the sides
  • In breast massage, it is very important to alternate techniques - stroking to replace with kisses, bite or tie the nipples to replace with light strokes
  • A feather, silk can come in handy for breast massage, you can touch the chest with sex toys that will lie nearby

Important: you should monitor the reaction of a woman during massage - her body will necessarily appreciate your touch.

Erotic massage, chest
Erotic massage, chest

VIDEO: Erotic massage of the female breast 18+

Erotic massage oil

Important: it is better to choose oil for massage, not the cream, because you may have to use the methods of massage with lips and tongue, in which case the cream can leave unpleasant bitterness in the mouth and lips.

Massage oil
Massage oil

For an erotic massage, you can purchase a special massage oil, or you can use any other, for example, baby oil to moisturize the skin after bathing.

Good oil for sensory, exciting erotic massage can be prepared independently. To do this, take the oil oil and add a few drops of essential oils you like to it, which are natural aphrodisiacs.

Essential oils
Essential oils

The following oils are well suited for oil oils:

  • Sea buckthorn
  • Grape
  • Coconut
  • Olive
  • Grape seed oil
  • Apricot, etc.

The task of one oil oil is to provide a slight sliding of the hands over the body of a man or woman, as well as dilute concentrated essential oil.

Essential oil is hoods and extracts of flowers and plants. The aromas of essential oils are capable of exciting and relaxing.

From a huge set of essential oils, you should choose the most suitable for you. In order not to spoil the erotic massage, the tastes of both men and women should be taken into account without fail.

Natural aphrodisiacs
Natural aphrodisiacs

The most popular natural aphrodisiacs include the following essential oils:

  • Ilang-Ylang
  • Muscate sage
  • Cedar
  • Sandal
  • Rose
  • Patchouli
  • Lavender
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Jasmine
  • Orange et al.

For the preparation of erotic massage oil, it should be borne in mind that for the most part women prefer floral aromas, for example, the aroma of roses, and men, in turn, give preference to wood odors, for example, the smell of ylang-ylang.

Important: a recipe for cooking massage oil-2-3 drops of essential oil at the rate per 1 teaspoon of a light oil.

Do not add too many essential oils, because A strong and pungent smell can ruin the entire romantic atmosphere. But you can experiment and create your own unique aroma by mixing several essential oils.

Erotic massage - good prelude
Erotic massage - good prelude

Extraordinary erotic massage will necessarily lead to unforgettable sex - experiment and enjoy.

Video: Erotic massage for men and women. Training manual.

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  1. Very cool information is especially relevant if the problems have begun in sexual terms. I have a husband when he had problems with erection, like additional therapy, he also drank the effect of the tribulus. We now take turns taking such sessions to each other, then sex is really bright.

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