How to check the spleen: what tests to take?

How to check the spleen: what tests to take?

Spleen It is lymphoid and is of great importance for the removal and neutralization of dying red blood cells, the regulation of hematopoiesis and restoration of the desired number of blood elements. The spleen is also involved in immunological processes.

That is why it is important for any problems with the spleen to take a set of research in a timely manner.

How to check the spleen: what tests to take?

The following tests are included in the basic laboratory diagnosis:

  • a general blood test to determine the indicators of leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for the determination of blood coagulation;
  • histology of biopsy;
  • the method of polymerase chain reaction to some viral infections, including hepatitis B, S.
Check the increase in the spleen yourself
Check the increase in the spleen yourself

In addition, in order to check the spleen, examinations are prescribed by computed tomography, ultrasound, radiological examination. In some cases, an immunogram is needed, which will help to determine whether there are antibodies in the body that speak of a particular impaired immune system.

  • By revising hemograms They pay attention to the presence of signs of hydro -spleeniem (these can be leukemia, anemia or thrombocytopenia), with malaria or hemolytic anemia, pay attention to hemolysis. In order to more accurately diagnose, peripheral blood is also examined. In addition, in the biopath, they highlight specific cells and changesthat are characteristic of a particular defeat of the spleen.
The defeat of the spleen
The defeat of the spleen
  • Hystology of biopsy shows whether there is a spleen gaucher cells, characteristic of the disease of the same name, or, for example, Langergan cells characterizing tuberculosis (the spleen is very sensitive to Koch sticks). In the same way, the puncture of the spleen and the presence of tumor cells are also examined.
  • There is also a concept spleen index of sequestrationshowing the state of red blood cells. Its norm is the value of 30-60, if it increases to 100 or more, we can talk about the increased destruction of red blood cells in this organ.
  • You must inform the doctor if you had damage to the spleen, you have postponed malaria or tuberculosis.

Thus, in order to check the spleen and identify its possible diseases, a rather thorough laboratory examination is necessary, which includes primarily a complex of blood tests. For a more complete picture, the punctures of the spleen (and often liver), lymph nodes and bone marrow are taken. And, of course, it is better to undergo examination of specialized specialists in order to be completely sure that the ailments of the spleen are not related to other diseases.

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Video: Splener Research

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