The spleen in humans: functions and significance in the body, normal sizes where it is located, what diseases can be?

The spleen in humans: functions and significance in the body, normal sizes where it is located, what diseases can be?

This article describes the structure of the spleen of adults, children and animals, its size, function and where it is.

The spleen is a large, non -parallest organ. Its structure resembles an iron and it consists of lymphoid tissue. Performs the work of immune blood control. There is a spleen in the left hypochondrium, behind the stomach. This is the largest lymphoid organ in the body. This article describes the structure of this organ, how it looks and where is located. Read further.

Anatomy of the structure of the spleen in humans - women, men: description of the gland, photo, normal sizes, what looks, where is it, on which side is located?

The lymphoid tissue of the spleen is pierced by blood vessels. There are no pain receptors. In the spleen, the blood is saturated with ripened leukocytes and cleansed of dead red blood cells and pathogenic microbes, foreign particles. Here is a photo in which the anatomy of the structure of the spleen is clearly visible in humans - women, men:

Anatomy of the structure of the spleen in humans
Anatomy of the structure of the spleen in humans

Below you will find a description of the gland. Here is the value of the organ:

  • The normal dimensions of the spleen of an adult: length-12-16 cm, width-6-8 cm, thickness-2-4 cm, weight-100-200 gr.
  • The size of the spleen is not constant, during the day it may increase or decrease, which depends on the degree of filling the vessels with blood.
  • During digestion increases in size.

What does the spleen look like? Description of the appearance:

  • The spleen is a lymphoid organ.
  • Its shape resembles coffee grain with its ovality and slight flattening.
  • The surface of the spleen is dark red with a purple tint.

Where is it located and from which side is located? What is the life of this organ? Here are the answers:

  • It was described above that this organ is located behind the stomach, on the left side.
  • He takes part in the development of immunity, hematopoiesis and blood supply.

A healthy spleen provides high immunity in the body and helps to cope with various bacteria and other viral and fungal diseases in humans, and also utilizes old and damaged cells in the body, transforming them into hemoglobin. The spleen also performs the following:

  • Products immunoglobulin.
  • Produces lymphocytes.
  • He filters blood from pathogenic and toxic substances, pathogens of bacterial and infectious diseases.
  • Produces iron.
  • Prevents the dead red blood cells, splitting them into elements of the red body and iron, directing waste to the liver.
  • It is a repository of blood saturated with oxygen. If necessary, it is released into the bloodstream.

The spleen performs an important function, but is not a vital organ. Its absence does not cause any pathological manifestations or sensations of discomfort, and is not an indication for transplantation. More details, what the spleen is needed for, read below.

A person’s spleen is functions and meaning: for which he is responsible, what he does, what is needed for, the role in the body

The spleen of man
The spleen of man

The spleen of a person is the largest non -ire lymphoid organ of the abdominal cavity, in the form of a flattened and elongated sphere. Medicine does not yet know everything about its capabilities.

The spleen assumes the functions of the filter, protective functions, “stimulates” the metabolism, in the early stages of pregnancy, the fetus creates red blood cells. A dense organ of small sizes similar to the iron is located in the left hypochondrium. The meaning of the spleen is diverse, but in many processes of the body acts as an auxiliary part of the body.

What is responsible for?

  • For the composition of the blood, metabolism, resistance to viruses.

What is he doing?

  • The spleen in the human body filters blood and lymph, stimulates metabolism, controls the composition of the blood, and provides oxygen.

What is needed for?

  • For iron production, followed by its change in bilirubin, the creation of lymphocytes.
  • Encourages the metabolism to enhanced work, regulates the structure of the blood.

What is the role in the human body?

  • The spleen can highlight the role of the "orderly" and "defender" in the body.
  • The unusual shape and work of the tissues of this organ filters the blood cells, utilizing the served and injured red blood cells.

This organ plays a large role in metabolic processes. So, without a spleen, a complete exchange of iron is excluded.

Why does the spleen hurt, where does it hurt: causes of pain, what diseases can be?

The spleen of man
The spleen of man

The spleen, one of the most underestimated organs of the human body. Many people think that this is a kind of rudiment, which can be easily dispensed with. In fact, the spleen is an important organ responsible for the metabolism. One of the main functions of this organ is blood formation, that is, the formation of red blood cells and leukocytes. The spleen is also a kind of filter that cleanses the blood of viruses, bacteria, and contributes to the content of strong immunity of the body.

Why does the spleen hurt? What diseases can be? There are several causes of pain in the spleen:

  • The first reason is banal - this is mechanical damage. Most often, the spleen rupture is the result of a fracture of the ribs on the left side of the body. Often the rupture of the spleen is accompanied by abundant internal bleeding, severe pain and, in some cases, even with pain.
  • The next reason is parasites. One of the most common is Echinococcus. It is difficult to detect parasites. At the moment, the best results in this process show ultrasound and tomographic studies.
  • Also, this body can affect benign and malignant tumors, the definition of which is almost impossible at an early stage. Therefore, at the first pains on the left side of the sides, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The main symptoms of problems with the spleen are: low pressure, constant nausea, and sometimes vomiting, breathing problems. Where does she hurt?

  • Often the spleen makes itself felt in the form of severe pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Sometimes the pain spreads up to the scapula.

It is not surprising that the organ performing such a number of functions is subject to a lot of diseases. The spleen has no pain receptors, it is possible to identify problems with it, only with a complete examination by a specialist. Therefore, at the first ailment, immediately consult a doctor. The clinic will conduct diagnostics, and the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Ultrasound of the spleen in adults: what shows, preparation for the procedure

Ultrasound of the spleen in adults
Ultrasound of the spleen in adults

The spleen is an organ responsible for the protective properties of the body. With the help of the spleen, an immune system and metabolism are formed. If there are problems in her work, this leads to violations of many important systems of the human body. In this case, diagnostic procedures are prescribed, namely an ultra-sound study. What does she show?

  • Ultrasound of the spleen In adults, one of the safest diagnostic methods.
  • It gives an almost complete, and most importantly, objective picture of the health of this organ.
  • Ultrasound Allows you to determine the dimensions, functions of the spleen.
  • Both adults and children from an early age can be subject to such an examination.
  • There is no risk in this procedure.

The spleen is a kind of body filter that absorbs bacteria and sick blood cells, other pathological particles that enter the body or produce in it.

Ultrasound It is done to determine a number of deviations. The reason to make ultrasound includes:

  • Determination of the size of the organ or anomalies of its development
  • Identification of neoplasms
  • Low's pain or side
  • Back pain in the left side of the back
  • Pain in the shoulder blade
  • Nausea
  • Reduction of blood pressure indicators
  • Liver diseases
  • Injuries
  • Blood disease or lymph nodes

How to prepare for the procedure Ultrasound spleen? Here's the answer:

  • An important task is to prevent unnecessary gas formation. The loaded intestine can complicate the examination.
  • Three days before Ultrasound A small diet should be kept. Beach (including peas and beans), sweet foods (confectionery sweets), white fresh bread and vegetables that are not processed thermally should be excluded from the diet.
  • Nine hours before Ultrasound You should generally stop eating. Sometimes, to improve the digestion of food, doctors are prescribed in the evening before the procedure, drink the solution "Filtrum" or "Smecta". This is necessary in order to neutralize gases.

The ultrasound study itself is strictly on an empty stomach, the exception is diabetics. If you have diabetes, then the doctor will recommend you how to go through this procedure correctly and what can be eaten and when.

Spleen in children: the size of the organ, treatment, if the spleen in a child is increased?

The spleen in children
The spleen in children

As they grow older, the norm in the amount of the spleen in children varies. Usually, an increase in this body in the baby speaks of a specific physiological phenomenon, but it is important to exclude pathologies. The size of the organ is described below.

  • The process of forming this organ begins about 5 weeks after conception.
  • The spleen of small crumbs has a rounded shape and weighs around 9 grams.
  • By the first year of life, it increases by 3 times.
  • Much depends on the height of the child. If the baby is taller from 60 to 70  centimeters, then the diameter of the sphere vein will be 3.3 mm, the length of the organ - 54.6 mm, width - 26.2 mm, thickness - 24.3 millimeters.
  • With growth 100 cm The diameter of the sphere vein will be already 4.2 mm, and with an increase above 170 cm - 6.1. Accordingly, the dimensions of the gland itself will increase. That is, much depends on the growth of the child, his age.

An increase in the spleen appears when there are quick changes in the growth of the child’s body, or it may be diseases. Ailments during the qualities of the spleen are as follows:

  • Abscesses
  • Bacterial infections
  • Problems with hematopoiesis
  • Hepatic problems
  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Problems in metabolic processes
  • Frequencies of the heart
  • Oncology
  • Cysts
  • Measles
  • Rubella and more

Usually an increase in the spleen in a child is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium
  • Fever
  • Increased fatigue
  • Apathy
  • High sweating at night

Diagnosis includes:

  • Ultrasound
  • Blood, urine and feces

If the spleen is increased, and there are the above symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

It is worth knowing: Doctors in this case will take a wait -and -see position, since the child’s body changes quickly. However, if the symptoms do not pass for a long time and the baby’s well -being worsens, then there is a serious pathology. You will need special medicines, or even surgical intervention.

The following foods should be in the diet of such a child:

  • Bird
  • Beef
  • Fish
  • Beef liver and chicken
  • Porridge and soups from cereals in milk
  • Buckwheat
  • Boiled and baked potatoes
  • Chicken eggs
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits

Advice: The main diet should consist of precisely these food products. Do not allow the baby to eat a lot of sweet and fried. It is also worth protecting the child from eating fatty foods.

Prevention consists in conducting planned vaccination from various diseases. It is also important to be careful when traveling to exotic countries. Do not give the baby unfamiliar fruits and other food. It should be simple and useful. Enter the crumbs in moderate number of physical disciplines.

Spleen in a dog: location, functions

The spleen in the dog
The spleen in the dog
In dogs, the spleen is on the left and tightly adjacent to the abdominal wall and stomach. The location of this organ is in the abdominal cavity, and it does not contact the sternum. However, the location of the spleen may change, since it is capable of swimming because of the stomach filled with food.
It is worth knowing: When filling the organ, it can hang (lower edge) to the right. The spleen goes a couple of fingers outside the arc with moderate filling of the stomach and this is considered the norm for the dog.
The functions of this internal organ in dogs:
  • One of the parts of the spleen, called the "red pulp", is responsible for the processing of old red blood cells.
  • In the synthesis of antibodies necessary for the operation of the immune system, another department is involved, called the “white pulp”.
  • The dog’s spleen is able to hold up to 16% of the blood in the body of the dog.
  • In the spleen there is a processing of blood cells that hold viruses and bacteria.

In an adult, child or animal, the spleen performs important life functions. Do not underestimate this body and it is important to monitor its health. With the first symptoms of malaise, immediately contact a specialist.

Video: The spleen is the second “mother” of the body!

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