What tests need to be taken to check oncology?

What tests need to be taken to check oncology?

Oncological diagnoses fear us, probably stronger than any other. But cancer, like another disease, can be defeated.

The main thing is a timely diagnosis and a complete comprehensive examination, including both tests and diagnostic studies. And you need to start with the most general tests, because even the simplest of them will show deviations from the norm, if any.

What tests need to be taken to check oncology?

What tests need to be taken to check oncology:

  • On urine analysis You can determine oncology associated with the urinary system and multiple myeloma.
  • If a Calais analysis showed the presence of blood in it, this may be evidence of intestinal cancer, especially for cancer in the colon.
  • To one degree or another, cancer can be diagnosed by blood tests: general, biochemical, blood coagulation and immunology. The latter is also called an analysis of oncarkers, and it is considered the most effective.
Biochemical indicators
Biochemical indicators
  • The remaining blood tests are basic, which can identify deviations in regulatory indicators and become the basis for a further detailed examination.
  • Cytological analysiswhich is a study of tissue sites using a microscope.
  • Also help in making a diagnosis laboratory diagnostic methods: MRI, computed tomography, viewing and contrast radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy and radionuclide diagnostics.
Important examinations
Important examinations
Preventive measures
Preventive measures

Thus, urine, feces, blood tests help identify deviations from the norm, and cytology and laboratory diagnostics - establish an accurate diagnosis. A comprehensive examination, especially in the early stages of the disease, helps to overcome the disease.

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