How to check the lymphatic system, what tests, how to decipher them?

How to check the lymphatic system, what tests, how to decipher them?

The lymphatic system of our body is essentially a connecting structure, which, through the lymph penetrating into all tissues, connects all our internal organs into a single system. The task of the lymphosystem is to clean tissues and cells.

The main symptom that should alert a person and make him think about checking the state of his lymphatic system is an increase in the lymph nodes, wherever they are located.

How to check the lymphatic system, what tests, how to decipher them?

To check the lymphatic system, most often after a medical examination, such research methods are used:

  1. Delivery of general clinical and detailed blood tests, and necessarily analysis to determine the percentage of various types of leukocytes, also called a leukocyte composition.
  2. X -ray examination (or in this case lymphography).
  3. Biopsy followed by histological and microscopic tests of samples.
  4. Lymphoscintigraphy, which is designed to analyze the characteristics of the collectors of the lymphatic system and the study of how the system copes with its characteristic lymphatic drainage function.
  5. Understand whether it came to lymph edema and distinguish them from venous will help dopplerography of the vessels of the legs.
  6. Ultrasound It will always determine whether there is an inflammation or a tumor near an increased lymph node that prevent lymph flow.
  7. Two more very important blood tests (general and biochemical). Thanks to them, the presence of blood proteins, inflammation is determined.
  8. Mandatory general urine analysis, which helps to make sure that there are no pathological changes from the kidneys.
  9. And for complete confidence that poor health is not related to cardiac pathologies, an electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart are carried out.

And so that you have clearer indicators indicated in the results of the analyzes, we give the decoding of the main indicators indicated in the forms with the results of the tests. By the way, if there is a “%” nearby, then there is an indicator of the relative content of certain Taurus.

  • WBC - white blood cells
  • LYM - lymphocytes
  • Mon - monocytes
  • Neu - neutrophils
  • EOS - eosinophils
  • BAS - basophils
  • RBC - red blood cells
  • HGB - hemoglobin
  • HCT - hematocrit
  • MCV - average erythrocyte volume
  • Mch - the average volume of hemoglobin
  • Mchc is the average concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells
  • RDWC - erythrocyte distribution width
  • PLT - platelets
  • PCT - thrombimeter
  • MPV - average platelet volume
  • PDWC - relative width of platelet distribution by volume
  • ESR - erythrocyte settlement rate

In a word, if you suspect problems of the lymphatic system, start checking with general blood tests. How to decipher the indicators, you now know. As for the rest of the research methods - their required amount in each case will be determined by the doctor.

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