How to correctly cut roses after flowering: departure in the summer, in the fall, before winter cold

How to correctly cut roses after flowering: departure in the summer, in the fall, before winter cold

It is important to correctly cut roses after flowering, otherwise they will not bloom for the next season. Read more in the article.

For better blooming, flowers need care. The concern for them is important in both summer and winter, and autumn time. With the help of care, your plants will be more correct to form.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to plant roses in open ground?". You will find step -by -step instructions, recommendations of experienced gardeners.

How to correct the roses after flowering? This is written in the article below. Read further.

Tools that are needed to cut roses

Tools that are needed to cut roses
Tools that are needed to cut roses

Before cutting, you need to prepare the necessary equipment. In order for your roses to be healthy, the inventory must be subordinate, cleaned without moisture drops on the surface. What tools are needed when cutting roses? Use such an inventory:

  • Gloves - Dense enough to protect your hands.
  • clothing - hiding arms and legs.
  • Litter under the feet - It is needed to protect things from dirt.
  • Rake - For racing foliage.
  • A simple secondary cooperator - For cutting.
  • Baby cutter or garden saw.
  • Sekator with elongated handles - allow your hands to be at a distance from the branches.
  • Shovel - For digging and shelters of the bushes.
  • Bucket - It will help remove small garbage or pour the bushes.

As soon as you finished with the inventory, you can proceed to the process itself - circumcision. Read further.

Care in the summer: how to correct the roses after flowering?

Culture needs to be destroyed by wilting buds. This is the main care in the summer months. In the future, the bushes look neat. Suitable conditions are created for sufficient bloom, in the current or coming year.

Summer pruning is necessary for "noble" types of roses, again ripening. Without this procedure, the types of such varieties are rapidly fading and stop flourishing over time. It is enough to circumcise, according to the recommendations and in the right period, to enjoy repeated flowering. The following describes how to correctly cut roses of different varieties after flowering. Read further.

Pruning of repeatedly flowering roses: how right?

Pruning re -flowering roses
Pruning re -flowering roses

For a class of flowering roses, it is enough to remove the flowers that have already blossomed and wilted. Repeated flowering roses must be cut using a special technology. How to do this correctly? Recommendations and nuances:

  • Be sure to remove the old, wilted buds.
  • The incision must be over a good process that has a full -fledged adult sheet. In this case, the kidney should be turned on the outside of the bush.
  • The location of the cut 5-7 mm Above the embryo.

Important: With a cut of roses on elongated stalks below the circumcision, you need to leave 1-2 healthy kidneys.

After summer care, the cuts are not processed. Everything, so, will drag on well.

Park roses: how to cut it correctly after flowering?

Parrow roses pruning
Parrow roses pruning

Young cultures (up to 5 years) of this type are useful to remove colors. They are less whimsical and undemanding after cutting. They grow up to two meters in height, form many colors, cut them all is almost impossible. Some types of park roses bloom once per season.

Cutting of climbing roses

Cutting of climbing roses
Cutting of climbing roses

Most of the varieties of climbing roses are among the once blooming. Therefore, only old brushes are shortened without decreasing branches.

  • For newly ripening varieties of climbing roses, trimming is performed over a perfectly formed kidney.
  • In advance and thorough summer pruning, supports the flowering moment and contributes to the appearance of healthy, new, strong shoots.

However, it is worth remembering that among the climbing roses there are species that bloom once for the whole year. Their trim will not lead to the next appearance of the inflorescence. But the procedure needs to be carried out constantly, it will help prevent a waste of energy in the plant. Thanks to trimming in the summer months, such roses will bloom well in the new season.

Pruning of ground cover types of roses: how right?

Pruning of ground cover species of roses
Pruning of ground cover species of roses

The unusual of ground -covering types of roses is that they bloom with magnificent buds and instantly lay young buds. Therefore, it will be correct to use the same advice for pruning as for climbing species. Cut only the tops and thinned twigs.

Recommendations when pruning roses in the summer

Do not allow oversight when caring for growing shoots that have been old. Cut them in the summer and do it neatly and correctly. Use the following tips and recommendations:

  • Wait for the end of flowering, but do not delay. After all, the bushes will not have enough time to ripen other processes.
  • Do not carry out careful cutting (elimination of the upper part of the shoot). With this pruning, exhausted, young processes are formed. They will bloom, but the dissolution will be small. The lower you will cut the roses, the better the new branch will bloom.
  • Various types of floribunda and tea-hybrid roses, most often have 5-7 leaf plates. For such types, the reduction of sprouts is carried out below 2-4 leaf plates.
  • The procedure should be performed with special equipment, previously cleaned.
  • The section is drawn along the curve line, just above the sprout, at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If the processes are diameter more than 5 mm, then the cut is closed with special paste or garden var.
  • Do not throw out cut sprouts, use them for growing as planting material.

Rejoice in multiple blooming roses in the summer. Follow the elementary guidance and the above recommendations, your flowers will be beautiful and constantly flowering (if this allows the variety).

Care for roses in the fall: how to cut it correctly?

Cutting roses - strengthens the nutrient organs of plants, improves metabolism, triggers the disclosure process, increases resistance to diseases and pests, and the tolerance of colds improves. For all this, proper processing in the autumn period is very important. If you take this event for the first time, you should not be afraid and worry. Just follow the rules and then everything will go correctly and well. Read further.

Pruning of tea-hybrid roses: how right?

Pruning of tea-hybrid roses
Pruning of tea-hybrid roses

Blooms on the stalks in the new season and needs an accurate pruning. Mighty branches are cut in half, weak - higher - by 1/3 of the total length of the stem. It is also necessary to remove or shorten the exhausted processes that grow inside the bush. They are not needed, as they take the forces from the culture.

How is the pruning of floribund roses?

Pruning of flourbunde roses
Pruning of flourbunde roses

This species is acquired due to crossing, so the roses are unpretentious and differ in abundant, prolonged blooming of colors. How is the pruning of floribund roses?

  • Wait for the complete reinforcement of the bush.
  • Carefully cut the sprouts without cutting.
  • Powerful processes are doubled, leaving 3-5 reaches.
  • Growing - 1/3, leaving up to 10 kidneys.
  • Perennial sprouts inside the bush should be cut entirely.

It is worth knowing: If you make an incorrect cutting of this type of rose, then the bush will germinate with exhausted twigs and small flowers. Therefore, make trimming carefully, following the above recommendations.

Cutting bush roses after flowering: how right?

Cutting bush roses after flowering
Cutting bush roses after flowering

This group of colors is used to create beautiful landscaping. Such roses are distinguished by the location of processes.

  • Only retain on the bush 3-5 strong shoots. Usually on them 6-8 developed sproutsso you need to remove almost half.
  • Dry processes are cut entirely.

Leave the equally placed strong stems intact. But weak and exhausted greens should be removed. They can freeze during a low temperature and the bush will die all - from the top to the root.

Pruning of ground cover roses after flowering: How is it right?

Soil -covering roses after they bloom, you need trimming in the autumn. How to do this correctly?

  • Cut the frail, unhealthy stems. Reduce the number of good sprouts, harm, but not too much.
  • Cut all processes, leaving 2-3 pcs.

In the middle, the bush should not be intersecting processes growing inward.

Cut the climbing roses after flowering

In the blossomed crops in August, for example, in climbing roses, cut all weak sprouts. Those that have borne also need to be removed - reduce for 3 scores. The aged branches are thoroughly cut, leaving 30 cm from the bottom.

Important: Weaved roses bloom for the 2nd season, so in the 1st year of the existence of culture, it is not cut off.

There are 2 types of climbing roses (ramblers and klaimber), which differ significantly in care. Read further.

How to correct the roses of Rambler after flowering?

Rosa trimming Rambler after flowering
Rosa trimming Rambler after flowering

Roses Rambler They have flexible, frail stems. They bloom on the sprouts of the previous season in bulk, small colors. This variety is cut with caution, otherwise the rose will not bloom in the next season. How to cut it correctly roses Rambler After flowering? After flowering, the processes with flowers are cut from the top and to the bottom, and not ripened - they are purified. Types of ramps:

  • Bloom once per season. When leaving, you need to leave 6-10 sprouts, 3-5 annual and biennial shoots. The main cutting time is summer (August, September).
  • They bloom several times per season. Leave only 1-3 annualsand 3-7 biennial sprouts. Care term - spring months.

Cut the rambler carefully so as not to break the stems, otherwise the plant will begin to hurt.

Klaimber trimming: How to cut roses after flowering?

Claiming pruning
Claiming pruning

Klaimber Roses belong to species blooming several times in a year. They tolerate trimming well. Small bushes need to be tied, then they will better gain sprouts. How to cut after flowering? It is worth knowing a few nuances:

  • It is necessary to cut only after a couple of seasons after landing.
  • The processes are removed by 1/3 or 1/4, cutting off only the crown.

On wilted, old processes, the worst and most old are cut off.

Polyant rose pruning after flowering

Polyant rose pruning after flowering
Polyant rose pruning after flowering

Eallesty and branched plants with panicked inflorescences. Cut in the spring, and in the fall you need to remove weak branches. The flowering period of polyant roses is all summer, until the end of autumn. This is how the cutting roses are cut off after the flowering process:

  • Get rid of bad and weak stems.
  • Remove powerful sprouts by 1/3.
  • All processes are removed from the middle, which add density to the bush. This is necessary to improve the flowering.
  • After removal should be 7-8 strong main branches.

You do not need to cut seedlings of such roses that are planted in the container.

Recommendations for cutting roses in the fall

To start cutting roses stands in August or September. Choose a warm and calm day. Here are a few rules and recommendations:

  • Destroy the old flowers, remove the exhausted and sick shoots.
  • Do not be afraid to thin the plant. Thanks to such manipulations, the roses will bloom violently for the next season.
  • Do not wait until all the sheets fall. It is better to immediately cut the flowers that have faded. This is necessary to preserve the energy of the bush.
  • In large bushes, flowering and twigs are cut off.
  • In many-flowers, all buds are cut off above 1 sheet.

Important: Perform a good targeted cut to make the edges perfectly smooth.

  • Remove the bad processes, they will interfere with the bush to stupery energy for ripening.
  • Process large sections with disinfecting substances, wood coal or a special garden mixture called “Var”.
  • Lubricating minor cuts is optional.

In order to prevent pathology in plants and decompositions, cut processes and foliage must be removed from the site.

Care for roses in front of winter cold

Care for roses in front of winter cold
Care for roses in front of winter cold

For good wintering, the bushes cut in October-November, just before covering the winter. What is the care of roses before winter cold?

  • Floribunda and tea-hybrid roses They require the shortest pruning.
  • Weaved, ground cover and bush roses You should not cut strongly. Otherwise, they will grow poorly and will not bloom in the upcoming season. It is enough to cut off half - no less.
  • Formative clipping is performed for park roses. This helps to improve the bloom and root education. You need to remove old, sick, damaged stems. Creer strong branches 5-10 cm, Not forgetting to remove the sources of all kinds of infections.

It is worth knowing: Before covering do not cut out Sement roses. It is enough to carry out a light sanitary removal, removing the dead sprouts and leaves, you need to shorten young and strong processes a little.

Rest needs and indoor rose. Therefore, it gradually ceases to feed and reduce watering. You need to move the plant to a bright place, with temperature 10-15 degrees Celsius And keep there until spring. In the autumn period, on a healthy process, they leave 4-6 buds. Small shoots are completely removed or leave on them 2-3 kidneys. The main pruning takes place in the spring months, at this time the necessary shape can be given to the bush.

Even for normal wintering of country roses:

  • Glue the rose trunk and clean the trunk circle of fallen foliage.
  • Take away all the leaves remaining on processes with petioles.
  • It is also worth removing soft, unripe green shoots - they will freeze and rot in the cold.
  • Then cut the rest of the sprouts to the height about 30-40 cm And process them.

Now you have to hide roses and wait out winter colds. Using recommendations, correctly and regularly trim your plants. Then they will always bloom and grow well, delighting you with their magnificent flowers!

Video: Rose trimming in the summer. How to grow roses?

Video: How to cut roses correctly after flowering?

Video: Summer pruning of roses after flowering. Rosehips on roses!

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