Pruning roses in the fall, in summer, spring: terms, scheme, video, tips for beginner gardeners. What roses are cut in the fall, in summer, spring: varieties. How to cut the roses in the fall for the winter, to what height to cut before shelter?

Pruning roses in the fall, in summer, spring: terms, scheme, video, tips for beginner gardeners. What roses are cut in the fall, in summer, spring: varieties. How to cut the roses in the fall for the winter, to what height to cut before shelter?

In this article we will get acquainted with important aspects during the trim of roses.

Modern gardeners decorate any garden or summer cottage with the help of a variety of beautiful colors, especially roses and their various hybrids are popular. Almost everyone loves such flowers, despite the fact that they need appropriate care. And the basic rule of growing such a culture is proper care and pruning.

When is it better to trim the roses: in the fall or spring?

Many believe that pruning of roses is completely optional, but this is not so. The thicker the flowers, the less light falls on the shrubs. Therefore, pruning allows you to test the plant, while it makes it possible to complete access of sunlight. Thus, the rose grows better and blooms longer.

Otherwise, if this event is not carried out, the plant will be weak, and will be more exposed to external influences, including frost, and various diseases. Also, it is recommended to trim 3 times per year, in all seasons except winter, of course. The processing of shrubs is very important before the onset of cold weather, that is, in the fall, because The rose can simply turn into rose hips. But not all types of roses need such processing.

It is better to cut in the fall
It is better to cut in the fall

Types of pruning are distinguished:

  • Strong - intended for overgrown, young and weak shrubs
  • Moderate pruning is performed if you want to give splendor to the shrub
  • Easy form-carried out for tea-hybrid rose
  • Formative - will be needed to form the shape of a bush

During the procedure, all weak, unexpected and dried buds are removed. This also applies to weak and sick stems. It is recommended to remove the shoots, because As in the cold period of time they can bend, which leads to the development of various diseases and fungi.

Another important point when cutting a rose is the use of an acute tool, otherwise, there are manifestations of uneven, torn sections, which leads to suppuration and blackening of the bark. In this case, the damaged area must be removed immediately.

What roses are cut in autumn, in summer, spring: varieties

Most flower growers are very fond of roses, which is why today you can find many varieties and hybrids of this kind of flowers. Of course, such incredibly chic and beautiful shrubs with aromatic buds require appropriate care, so if you want to grow such a durable shrub like a rose on your site, you should first remember some rules for the care and cultivation of this plant.

Of course, the first is the circumcision of the flower. There are various cutting methods that are described in the first paragraph of the article, but not every type or hybrid of the plant is suitable for one or another type of pruning. In each season of the year, roses are also cut for various reasons, for example:

  • In the spring, roses are cut for the formation of shrubs, this is done for decorative purposes
  • In the summer, roses are cut in the event of weak shoots that do not carry a flower. Also, a similar procedure is carried out to obtain product flowers for cutting
  • In the fall, a preventive cut is carried out in order to prepare a flower for winter

The method and season cutting season also depends on the variety, for example:

  • Jens Munk, Robusta, Rugelda and other representatives of wrinkled roses, do not need autumn pruning, because Their shoots do not resort to the ground, and do not need shelter.
  • Hybride tea, polyanthic, miniature roses cut half.
  • Low and weak -winged shrubs of MutteTAG varieties are cut very short in spring. Thanks to this pruning, the bushes are well -drawn and let new young branches, give many new sprouts and shoots that can bloom even in the same year.
  • In order to get previously flowering of stronger -growing varieties such as Marysa or Orangw Triumph, a weak pruning is needed in the first year after planting.
  • But for roses, which belong to the Floribund group, mixed pruning will be required in the fall, in which it is provided for the cut of the stems weakly, to obtain early flowering, and the rest are strongly, to stimulate the growth and development of fruits.
Rose pruning
Rose pruning
  • Varieties Burburg, Exceisa, Dorothy Perkins and many others belong to climbing roses with small colors of the Rambler group. They bloom once along the entire length of the branches for 30 days. To stimulate the speedy growth of the plant, you need to cut the branches to a height of not more than 35 cm before planting. Such a variety of plants should be cut only in the spring, and only the tops, in fact, for decorative purposes.
  • Varieties such as Schwanensee, Ramira, Goldster T others belong to weaved large -flowered roses, and practically do not require pruning, only in the summer period of time decorative pruning is performed. Also, a similar procedure is needed when planting a plant into the soil, while you need to cut the roots and tops slightly, leaving 25-30 cm long.
  • Lidia, Westerland belong to bush semi -flooded roses, which are accompanied by long and long flowering. Of course, for such colors it is worth carefully looking for and in the first year of life to shorten 1 \\ 3 part of the length, in subsequent years, it is necessary to monitor the aesthetic species of the plant. Before planting, you need to slightly cut the roots and tops.

Cutting roses in the fall, in summer, spring: scheme

In order to grow a lush shrub of roses, which is accompanied by a good growth of new shoots, you will need a lot of effort, fertilizers and, first of all, regular pruning and flower care. Of course, this procedure must be carried out correctly, so that your plant pleases you as long as possible.

  • Spring pruning is carried out in order to remove excess weeds and garbage after the winter, in other words, sanitary “cleaning” is carried out, it is performed with the onset of cold weather. And, of course, pruning is performed for the formation of the growth of the bush.
  • If the bush is too thick, it needs to be protected, leaving 4-5 of the strongest stems. The sections are performed with a sharp secateur at an angle of 45 degrees.
Correct pruning
Correct pruning
  • In the spring, it is recommended to trim to completely all types and varieties of roses.
  • In the hot season, it is also worth paying attention to the growth and development of roses, timely water and remove weeds, monitor pests, especially for shrubs over 3 years old.
  • In summer, it is worth removing wilted flowers, because so the plant can maintain more strength for subsequent flowering.
  • Before the onset of severe frosts, almost all types of roses must be cut. This does not apply to those varieties that do not need shelter. All the rest should be cut to the height of the covering material.

You need to cut the stems exactly at any time of the year, because if you damage the surface, this can negatively affect the development and growth of the plant. It is best to perform the procedure with a sharp knife or a secateur, especially if you are a novice gardener.

When, in which month it is better to cut roses in the autumn in the middle lane: Dates

Of course, the index of pruning of roses should be carried out as often as possible, about three times for a year, either as necessary, in the spring, in summer and autumn, but it is very important to trace the correct circumcision in the winter, because the coming cold can finally destroy the unpreparedness plant.

Autumn pruning should be carried out at a time when at night the temperature reaches at least +10 ° C, this is approximately the end of October. After pruning, you must immediately worry about the antifungal agent, of course, if there are a huge number of shrubs, then such a thing is quite troublesome, but at the same time you will definitely extend the life of the plant in the winter, and protect it from various diseases.

Pruning in the fall
Pruning in the fall

You also need to remember that before winter it is necessary to do without fail after pruning, remove all the leaves from the stems. In the opposite case, the leaves will continue the process of photosynthesis, and simply rot, which can negatively affect the plant itself. In addition, most of the debate of pathogenic fungi is located on the leaves, which is why all the leaves and extra shoots should be removed not only from the plant, but even from the site itself, but it is best to burn it.

Despite the fact that it is necessary to cut the rose closer to the onset of frost, the plant care should begin already from the beginning of autumn, that is, already starting on September, it was at that moment, after the rose has faded, it is worth starting top dressing, pruning and slowly covering bushes. With the onset of the slightest cold, the plant weakens and of course, can negatively respond to changes in the environment. In the future, this may affect the growth and timely flowering of the rose.

How to cut the roses in the fall for the winter, to what height to cut before shelter?

Knowledgeable pinkovs never forget about the pruning of roses before winter, which is carried out in the middle of the end of autumn, because for the plant it is incredible benefit. First of all, this is one of the most effective ways to prepare the plant for frosts and colds and, of course, in this way, you can extend the life of the plant much longer.

Cutting height
Cutting height

By cutting a rose for the winter, you can provide them:

  • Abundant growth of new, young branches and shoots
  • The full development of the root system, which contributes to better nutrition, respectively, the development and growth of the plant itself
  • Thanks to the improvement of the root system, and that the rose does not spend strength on the resumption of old and unnecessary shoots, a large number of nutrients appear in the plant
  • If you correctly carry out the trimming procedure with the addition of antifungal solutions, rose shrubs are much less often subjected to infection and external negative effects and fungi.
Rose pruning
Rose pruning

The height of the trimming depends on the variety of the bushes themselves, for example:

  • Large -flowered bushes are cut into 1/3, while 8 buds remain on the shoots.
  • The average pruning is not suitable for kidney and curly varieties, and for other types of plants it is perfect and is considered the easiest circumcision, which spares pink bushes and the plant as a whole. There are no more than 5-7 healthy kidneys with her.
  • A short pruning is suitable for small-color and polyantic roses, while 2-3 kidneys remain. At the same time, winter should not be severe, without severe frosts, in which case the flower may die.
  • In park and curly varieties, only damaged and old dry shoots are cut.
  • Pre -covering roses do not need predictive pruning.

Cutting weaved roses in the fall for beginners: Scheme

Many people believe that weaved roses are not necessary for the winter, but such a procedure is simply necessary for the plant for further growth and strengthening. Pruning allows you to prepare shrubs for winter frosts as much as possible and helps to fight fungi and various diseases.

Also, this is necessary for the formation of the bush, because Wicking roses can grow to very large sizes. For this kind of shrubs, a moderate pruning is used, aimed at removing too long stems, too thickened shrubs should be protected so that the sun’s rays can completely fall into the whole plant, in which case the speedy flowering and shrub can fully develop.

Cutting of a weaved rose
Cutting of a weaved rose

Also, first of all, you should worry about damaged branches, dry buds and leaves, they also need to be removed and removed away from the plant. After all, rotten leaves and stems are carriers of diseases and harmful fungi. If the bush blooms once, then the buds on it grow on last year’s shoots, after flowering they need to be cut to the bottom. In shrubs of this type for the winter, you should leave 3-5 the strongest shoots, and cut the rest.

In re-flowering branches with flowers, they form on the main shoots for 3-4 years. If such branches do not appear, it is worth deleting such an escape. Such a bush should consist of 3-7 strong flowering branches. For all curly shrubs, there is one rule for circumcision - in the spring you should not cut a rose, only in case of freezing. This should not be done only because flowering occurs on the overwintering last year's runs, otherwise, the shrub may not bloom. Also, it is worth remembering that curly roses must begin to be cut only from the second year of life.

Spring pruning of roses: Description of technology

Roses are incredibly beautiful flowers, and for many years they can delight us with their beautiful buds and aroma, but at the same time growing a magnificent and beautiful shrub in their garden is not easy, and not everyone succeeds.

  • The key to excellent growth and development of plants is a timely pruning and removal of unnecessary weeds and garbage.
  • Basically, cutting is carried out in the fall, but not all flowers need the spring and summer procedure.

It is necessary to resort to spring pruning in such cases:

  • You can start around the end of April in early May, at this time the kidneys begin to swell at the bottom of the pink bush
  • If you need to form a flower for decorative purposes
  • When freezing (with brown, sometimes black core) of shoots after winter
  • If the kidneys begin to develop, below the cut, it is worth cutting the escape to the kidney line
Pruning in the spring
Pruning in the spring

It is worth remembering that if cut too early, you can injure the plant with spring cold. The rose is a more thermophilic plant, and for cold, it is worth preparing shrubs to extend the life of a flower. Belated pruning also negatively affects the behavior of the plant, because All forces go to the formation of new shoots, which affects flowering.

The main thing is that the pruning is correct and timely, because in this case it is possible not only to form a bush, but also one can affect the update of the plant, which in turn affects the full development and resistance to various negative influences.

Summer pruning of roses: scheme

Summer pruning of roses is carried out purely symbolically, for preventive purposes. At the same time, faded dry buds are cut off, which can stimulate repeated flowering in those varieties that are characteristic of this.

Pruning in the summer is best performed immediately after the buds of the buds flowering, the cut must be made approximately 8-10 mm above healthy kidneys that are in the sinuses of the leaves, they can be well examined after the leaves fall.

The slice must be made even, without zazubrin, with an inclination to a kidney of not more than 0.5 mm, so there will be a correct incision. If this is done under a different inclination, the kidney will retain moisture and rot over time.

Summer pruning
Summer pruning

Thanks to the summer pruning, you can get a number of advantages, for example:

  • The plant does not need to spend strength on the formation of seed material
  • The decorative look improves
  • Pruning contributes to better resistance of fungi and various diseases
  • The growth and development of new buds is stimulated, if it is provided for by the variety
  • And of course there is a rejuvenation and almost renewal of the plant

In this way, a rose can be prepared for subsequent temperature changes, as well as for colds in the future.

Rose pruning: tips for novice gardeners

The rose is quite a demanding plant, and if you want it to please you for many years, it is worth paying due attention to such a whimsical flower. In addition to the fact that the plant needs to be correctly fed, fertilized, watered in time, protect from fungi and diseases, it is also necessary to cut shrubs in a timely manner.

In order to trim pink bushes correctly, it is worth remembering such rules:

  • Work only in gloves, so as not to injure your hands
  • Cut only with a sharp tool, it is best to use a secateur
  • It is better to disinfect the tool with a solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of copper sulfate
  • Carry out the procedure only in dry sunny weather
  • The cut should be 45 degrees, so that the water is flowing and does not accumulate
  • After circumcision, treat the place of the cut with a garden var or other antifungal agent
  • It is better to start pruning with thinning, so it will be more convenient to consider what and where to correct
  • Next, it is worth deleting old and damaged shoots
Tips for trimming roses
Tips for trimming roses

Also, to date, decorative and beautiful roses in the bushes are increasingly growing, they also need to be cut in a timely manner, and there are also rules for this:

  • If the flower brings large buds, then after pruning should remain at least 3 kidneys
  • Update the rose with trimmed methods, if it does not bloom
  • If you want to grow slender roses single, you do not need to cut the tops, only weak shoots
  • After the rose has faded, and the buds have dried up, you need to cut them out so that the rose does not spend strength on reproduction

If you want to propagate your room rose, you need to take a healthy stalk with 3 buds from the middle part of the branch. The stalk should be put in the water, and with the appearance of roots, immediately transplanted into the ground.

Video: General rules for cutting roses. Autumn. Spring. Summer

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