Cover or not to cover roses for the winter? Is it worth it to feed pink bushes before wintering? How to protect a winding rose, rose bushes, a standard rose, a rose in parks, a stealing rose? How to save rose cuttings in the winter?

Cover or not to cover roses for the winter? Is it worth it to feed pink bushes before wintering? How to protect a winding rose, rose bushes, a standard rose, a rose in parks, a stealing rose? How to save rose cuttings in the winter?

To watch beautiful roses in the spring, it is important to properly cover them in winter.

There are types of pink bushes that can survive the winter without special methods for preserving plants. Track what the weather is expected if there are no severe frosts, some varieties can not be covered. Also for various varieties of pink bushes there are various ways to ensure wintering. We will follow the most common.

The roses grown in our latitudes require special measures to protect against frosts (and the winter is promised to be difficult). In this article, we will consider options for protecting pink bushes, and whether all varieties need to be hidden.

Cover or not to cover roses for the winter?

All that they say on this topic can be divided into two options. It all depends on:

  • stability of the variety to frost
  • weather conditions

Also, the life expectancy of roses is affected by its total number of years, the condition of the bush and methods of shelter for the winter. How to care for roses, you need to find out before you buy them. However, the varieties are not even particularly resistant to frosts, they can take out a warm winter without shelter.

How to cover?
How to cover?

The most resistant to frost varieties of roses are:

  • Varieties for parks (Venuste Pendul, Amadeus, Paul Scarlet Kleimer, Pink Pearl).
  • Rosehips (Rosa Alba, Damaskaya, Galika, Fetida, Manetti, Moyezia, Rugoza, Spinozissima).
  • Winter -hardy varieties (Leonardo da Vinci, Abraham Derby, Golden Selebrians, Augusta Luiza, Rosa Versil).
  • And hybrids of roses (norita, erotica, focus, Spain, white chocolate, waist, bakaroll, explorer).

But all other varieties are recommended to be covered.

Is it worth it to feed pink bushes before wintering?

Before protecting the rose from frost and cold, you need to feed it. This is necessary because during the flowering period of the rose use all useful trace elements in the soil on which they grow. However, it must be remembered that at this time fertilizers are needed special for wintering, not summer (while the plant gains green leaves):

  • In the autumn period, plants are in dire need of elements p, k, ca Fertilizer must be prepared in ten liters of water, add 17 g of potassium monophosphate and 16 g of superphosphate or add 9 g of potassium sulfate, 24 g of superphosphate and 2.6 g of borona acid will also be required. Pour the bushes 5 liters under the bush.
  • Sadovodovs also know that under the rose bushes you can bury the peel of bananas or ash ash (3 liters per square meter of soil). Calcium top dressing and calcium in this case is provided to you.
  • In stores, complex fertilizers for pink bushes are sold. Such fertilizer will help you support the bush until the summer and gradually feed the plant. For example, an autumn concentrate.
Feeding is important
Feeding is important

Before shelter for the winter, the bush should be treated with an antifungal composition:

  • sulfate solution
  • a quadris solution or basement according to the instructions

How to protect a curly rose from winter colds?

Caring for a trampling rose should be as neat as possible, since you can damage the long branches of pink bushes, during preparation for the wintering period. At the very beginning, the curly roses need care:

  • Carefully inspect the bush and remove all new shoots.
  • Remove the sheet and its petiole, and remove the branches from the back.
  • Sprinkle all the damage formed with coal (you can take an activated coal).

Is the winter version possible without bending the plant to the ground? When you cook curly roses for wintering perhaps two options: Leave the bush open or cover it with earth.

Can be wrapped in full or chatsically
Can be wrapped in full or chatsically
  • If you leave the bush open, at the beginning, close the root system of the earth well, pour the mound under the bush and lay the pillow of fallen leaves. Gently lay the branches on the pillow of leaves. Cover the branches that are also fallen foliage on top, and close all this with a greenhouse film. When the spring comes to remove the shelter gradually, first open the branches, and then the main bush.
  • In the second case, you will have to work hard. We need to wait for the day with very good weather. Twist all the branches together, prepare a wire frame and lay the plant branches on it so that they do not lie on the ground. Make a wooden flooring above the stacked branches. All this must be covered with a greenhouse film, very carefully and completely closing everything. All the time while the air temperature does not drop to -4 degrees, you can open the sides, so the bush will harden. And after the onset of frost, completely cover everything with land, leaving no open places.

How to protect the rose bushes from frost?

You need to start winter care for the bush very carefully. In October-November, the first frosts occur, they, as a rule, are not particularly scary to the bushes. At this time, the bush only tempers.

The first thing to do:

  • Cut all the shoots on the bush and remove all the foliage
  • It is necessary to cut the upper part of the bush to a distance of thirty, forty centimeters above the ground, treatment with a fungicidal solution.
For wintering
For wintering

Then you can do the following:

  1. You can build a design of boards and wire, which will rise above the bush. Cover all this with a greenhouse film. This design allows you to ventilate the plant.
  2. If a warm winter is expected to simply build a mound from the ground, about 30-50 cm and cover it with dry leaves.
  3. If you cherish the bushes strongly or bred them for sale, then use the following methodology. The bushes are cut under the root, and if the rose is curling, then the branches are fixed with brackets. Then they put dry foliage or needles on them.
  4. Wooden pegs are driven around and special foam mats are laid on them, the entire structure is covered with a greenhouse film and strengthened with stones. One side remains not fortified so that the plant can be ventilated.

How to save a standard rose in winter?

This variety of roses is without fail. However, they are not cut. The leaves and dead branches are removed from the bushes.

Then they hide the rose from frosts like this:

  • Young roses bend to the ground, fixing with an iron bracket. And in the roots, sand, branches or fallen dry leaves are poured with a hill. Dry foliage or pine branches are placed under the top of the plants, and all together are covered with a greenhouse film.
  • The plant cannot bend with age, you can break it. Around the plants a wire frame is built or the plant is hidden under the roofing material. Dry leaves, sawdust or spruce needles are poured inside, and the entire structure with a greenhouse film is hidden on top, and tied everything with a rope.
  • Minnesota is the hardest method. Firstly, lick the earth on one side of the plant where you will bend it. The first worker grabs the plant by the barrel and tilts it to where it will bend, and the second - with a shovel to rake the ground at the roots towards the first person. Some roots turn out and leave the soil. The stem of the roses is placed on the soil, fixed with an iron bracket, and together with the root is covered with dry foliage, coniferous branches or sprinkled with sand.

How do they hide a rose in parks from frost?

Usually, the most persistent varieties are common in the parks, so they can not be hidden from the external environment. However, it is worth doing this if we are talking about young bushes. To stimulate the growth of the rhizome and so that the plant is better to bloom, a sufficient part of the bush is removed. First, dry and sick branches are removed. The remaining branches are cut ten centimeters, thereby removing the source of infections.

The preparation is done in advance:

  • In September, they stop loosening and irrigate the earth
  • Before the onset of frosts, close the plants 15-20 cm with earth.

It is permissible to cover the bushes with pine branches or dry foliage, cover with a greenhouse film and fill in all the soil. You can also install a fence of wooden beams throughout the bushes and cover it with roofing material.

Do I need to hide a rose (groundcover) rose from frost?

Usually this type of rose is not covered for the winter. Roses winter well under the snow and adapt perfectly to severe frosts. However, if winter does not begin with snow, but with frosts, then roses must be taught. Since this type of rose does not grow very high above the ground, they can be sprinkled with dry foliage, covered with pine branches and covered with film.

How to save rose cuttings in the winter?

We examined how to care for roses throughout the winter. But how to save the cut of roses before planting in the ground? You can propagate plants in plants in the fall. It is best if the shoots are about 0.5-0.6 cm thick (like a handle). Cut off the stalk with a well -sharpened secateur and stored in this way:

  • It is necessary to dig in the garden a hollow with a length of about 15 cm and put a piece of chintz fabric on the bottom, the main thing is that it is natural. Remove the entire foliage from cuttings and fold into a hollow at a distance of three centimeters. Close the upper part with chintz and sprinkle with earth.
  • Take the white moss and wrap the stalk into it, cover everything with a film and put in a cold room.
  • You can also keep the stalk in the winter in the winter. Take the bucket fill it with a drainage mixture, pour a mixture of the substrate for roses and cover everything with volcanic perlite. Pour everything with water.
  • Mall the cuttings a little into the water and into the maxroprice cream. Put the cuttings in the substrate. Close everything with a greenhouse film and close the entire structure with a warm cloth. Put it in a place where there is a lot of light and warm enough. You can occasionally, in a fine day, let the plant breathe in the plant, opening the structure, but in severe frosts it is better to take the bucket home.

Roses can carry quite warm winters and without special training. In this article, we described most often the methods of plant protection in winter. We wish you your plant pleased you for many years.

Video: How to cover a rose for the winter?

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