How to increase immunity: why do people lose resistance to disease?

How to increase immunity: why do people lose resistance to disease?

This article tells how to increase immunity, and explains why now he has become weak for people.

A strong immune system is a vital component of good health, since it serves as a line of defense, helping to fight infections and diseases. However, recently, this defense in many people began to fail. The main reason from which the immunity weakens is associated with modern food, lifestyle and the environment.

Mechanism of good immunity: Description

The mechanism of good immunity
The mechanism of good immunity

If a malicious agent gets into the blood, the immune system begins to work. Her actions are divided into three stages:

  • Recognition
  • Taking measures for neutralization (liquidation)
  • Memorization and development of immunity to this pathogen

Here is a detailed description of the mechanism of good immunity:

  • In response to the introduction of a microbe, the special types of leukocytes, called granulocytes, which are usually produced in the bone marrow and circulate in the blood, move to the infection.
  • When the granulocyte reaches the invading microbe, he tries to absorb the invader.
  • During this process, the help of other blood components called opsonins, which cover the bacterial cell wall and prepare it for swallowing.
  • OPSONINE is usually a protein substance, such as one of the circulating immunoglobulins.
  • As soon as the cooked bacterium enters the leukocyte, a complex series of biochemical reactions occurs.
  • Bacterial vacuol (phagosoma) is broken down by lysozyme proteins.
  • Its decay products fall into the bloodstream, where they come into contact with other circulating leukocytes called lymphocytes.
  • Two main types of lymphocytes-T cells and B cells are of great importance for human protection.

Important: When the T-cell occurs with bacterial products, either directly or through the representation of a special antigen-presenting cell, it is sensitized to recognize the material as alien, and only after that, it has immunological memory.

The mechanism of good immunity and immunoglobulin
The mechanism of good immunity and immunoglobulin

If the T-cell again encounters the same bacterial product, it immediately recognizes it and sets the appropriate protection faster than in the first clash. Further:

  • The ability of T-cells to function normally, providing what is usually called cellular immunity.
  • All this depends on the physiological state of the thymus gland.
  • After the T-cell collided with danger and reacted to it, it interacts with V-cells.
  • They are responsible for the production of circulating proteins called immunoglobulins or antibodies, and create humoral immunity.

There are various types of B cells, each of which can produce only one of the five known forms of immunoglobulin (IG):

  • The first immunoglobulin that is produced is IgM.
  • Later, during recovery from infection, immunoglobulin is formed Igg, which can specifically destroy invasive microorganism.
  • If the same microorganism penetrates the owner again.
  • B-cell Immediately reacts with the development of a critical amount of IgG, specific to this pathogen, quickly killing it and preventing the disease.

It is worth knowing: In many cases, acquired immunity is lifelong, as after measles or rubella. In other cases, it can be short -lived, lasting no more than a few months. The constancy of acquired immunity is associated not only with the level of circulating antibodies, but also with sensitized T-cells.

Although cellular and humoral (B-cell) immunity is important, their relative significance in the protection of a person from diseases varies depending on specific microorganisms. For example, antibody is of great importance for protection against common bacterial infections, such as pneumococcal pneumonia or streptococcal disease. Cellular immunity is more important for protection against viruses, such as measles, or from bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

The relationship of the nervous system and immunity: why do people lose resistance to disease?

The relationship of the nervous system and immunity
The relationship of the nervous system and immunity

When considering these important systems, their similarity is noticeable:

  • Both act on the principle of response to external influence.
  • Have the ability to remember the results of the answer.
  • They are able to distinguish special substances that regulate the processes affecting immunity.

The result of their interaction is to normalize and maintain at the proper level of homeostasis. After all, a person is healthy only when all his organs and systems are in equilibrium. Therefore, in order to increase immunity to an adult, it is not enough just to take drugs or change nutrition. It is necessary to take into account the relationship of immunity and the nervous system.

Now a modern person is a lot of nervous. He has many stresses in his life, so people lose resistance to disease. It is important to prevent immunity diseases. Read further.

Immunity diseases: causes that affect the reduction

Modern life may have made life easier, but it also brings new problems for the immune system. Here are the risks of health that arise as a result of a change in the current lifestyle:

Burnout syndrome:

  • It is characterized by emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused and prolonged stress related to work.
  • It may spread to the social and personal life of a person.

A wide range of processed foods:

  • All of them contain too much fat and sugar, as well as the lack of physical activity.
  • These are two main causes of obesity, one of the most common chronic diseases today.
  • Obesity increases the risk of concomitant diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Long sitting in front of the computer monitor:

  • It leads to the appearance of headaches, dry eyes, clouding of vision or double eyes.
  • Problems with focusing and sensitivity to light form computer vision syndrome (CVS).
  • About 75 percent of computers have experienced one or more of these symptoms.

Wide use of MP3 players and other portable audio devices:

  • It leads to the fact that young people develop a type of hearing loss, usually typical of older people.
  • The reason is the type of headphones that approach the ear, but do not filter background noise.
  • To be able to listen to music, the volume must be brought to 110 or 120 decibels.
  • This is loud enough and can cause hearing deterioration in one hour and 15 minutes.

Deep vein thrombosis occurs in peoplefor a long time in front of the computer:

  • Blood clots are formed when blood circulation slows down due to lack of movements.
  • A blood clot falling into the lungs or heart can lead to death.

Insulation of the walls of the building and maintaining a constant temperature in the room:

  • Reduces energy consumption and ensures the tightness of buildings.
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems work for air recirculation.
  • In modern buildings, opening windows for fresh air can be impossible.
  • In people living in such conditions, health worsens, although it is impossible to find any specific reason.
  • The symptoms that appear include headache, dry cough, dizziness, nausea or increased sensitivity to odors.

Loss of the natural structure of the soil and the introduction of mineral fertilizers:

  • Affects the quality of the resulting food.
  • During a relatively short period of time, humanity has switched to the use of a completely different type of food.

A flurry of information, mainly a negative nature:

  • Daily collapses from TV screens.
  • A person lives constantly in stressful situations, which often leads to the development of depression.
  • It is one of the risk factors for the development of dementia.
  • Now this is especially manifested in young people when an oppressed state can cause symptoms similar to dementia.

Uncontrolled medication, self -medication with antibiotics:

  • Causes significant damage to the immune system.
  • So, as a result of taking antibiotics, the activity of phagocytes decreases, and mitochondria begins to throw out substances in the blood that inhibit the intestinal stick.

Mutations of microbes often caused by the reasons set out in the previous paragraph:

  • This makes immunity work with increased load, and sometimes disruptions in its functioning occur.

Having considered the negative effects affecting human health, it is necessary to solve the issue of increasing the defenses, because the symptom of a weak immune system is an increased susceptibility to infection. Read further.

How to increase immunity to an adult - 10 ways: products, vitamins and other means

Here's how to increase immunity to an adult
Here's how to increase immunity to an adult

A person with weak immunity can become infected with infections more often than most other people. These diseases may be harder for him or become more complicated for treatment.
Here are 10 ways to increase immunity to an adult:

Washing hands frequent and thorough:

  • It can help prevent the spread of pathogens from one person to another.
  • Be sure to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, before rinsing with water: before, during and after cooking, before eating food, after using the toilet, before and after leaving the patients after blowing, cough or sneezing.

A healthy diet is necessary for a strong immune system:

  • With age, the need and nutrition habits can change for various reasons.
  • But poor food or malnutrition can affect the work of the heart, lead to type 2 diabetes and cancer, as well as weaken bones and muscles.
  • Use useful foods.
  • For people with a weak immune system, doctors usually recommend plant foods, as well as a variety of protein products that provide a sufficient amount of nutrients.
  • These are such products: vegetables, fruits, low -fat meat, fish, complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals.

Regular physical activity:

  • It will help to remain strong, independent and healthy.
  • In addition to strengthening the body, physical exercises force the body to secrete endorphins that reduce the level of stress.
  • Nevertheless, people with a weak immune system should be careful not to load themselves too much, as this can even weaken their body.

Stress management:

  • It is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Studies show that chronic stress negatively affects human health and prevents the ability of the immune system to fight inflammation and infections.
  • Conducting classes contributing to relaxation, such as meditation, yoga, tai chi and deep breathing exercises, will have a positive effect on health.

Get enough sleep:

  • Insufficient sleep can weaken the capabilities of the immune system adequately respond to infection and inflammation.
  • In addition, sleep disturbances are associated with many chronic diseases and conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression.
  • Adults need to sleep at least 7 o'clock a day, and babies and children - from 8 to 17 hours sleep depending on their age.

Sufficient hydration of the body:

  • He plays a key role in increasing immunity, because water helps the body absorb nutrients and minerals, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Drinking from eight to nine glasses of liquid per day, will help to avoid dehydration.
  • You need to make it a rule to drink a glass of water before and after each meal, as well as take in small sips as necessary.

Give up bad habits:

  • Excessive alcohol use will weaken the immune system, making a person more vulnerable to infections.
  • Healthy people should limit the use of alcoholic beverages.

Smoking harms the immunity:

  • Creating difficulties in combating a cold, influenza and other viruses, including coronavirus.
  • It also increases the risk of many other health problems, including heart disease, respiratory diseases, osteoporosis.

Reception of vitamins without reasonable purpose does not make sense:

  • Despite the fact that their vast majority is released without a doctor’s prescription, there is no convincing evidence that excessive amount of vitamins strengthens the immunity.
  • Only after analyzing, a deficiency of what useful component exists in the body, you can take it with good health.

Many biologically active additives and other means are advertised as increasing immunity:

  • But, taking them uncontrollably, you can make your immune system of hyperactive, which will lead to the appearance of painful conditions (allergies, atopic dermatitis).
  • Before using such funds, it is necessary to make an immunogram.

Although there are many questions about the functioning of the immune system, it is obvious that healthy nutrition, regular physical exercises, sufficient sleep and a decrease in stress are of great importance for maintaining immunity at the proper level.

Video: How to increase immunity is simple, fast and free?

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Comments K. article

  1. To do this, self -isolation was to sleep, to establish food and strengthen immunity. I also began to take Kurkumin with Piperin from Evalar, it turns out that this is a natural immunostimulator, now what is needed. Now we are still nourished with summer and sun and no viruses and no viruses are terrible

  2. They wrote correctly about vitamins, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Without the doctor’s recommendation, the dosage of the same zinc and vitamin C I did not dare to choose on my own, so I just began to take an apple -bought immunity, because There, their dosage does not exceed the permissible level of daily consumption.

  3. Everyone knows about vitamin C, but the fact that vitamin D is no less important for the proper functioning of all body systems-for some reason they forget. Every six months I have been taking vitamin D vitamin D to prevent vitamin D deficiency. And I don't get sick, which I wish everyone))

  4. My immunity itself was weakened. Stress at work, constant lack of sleep, and as a result, the body weakened and it needed to help. The doctor prescribed me a alpigo to increase immunity for the prevention of colds. I am very pleased with this drug. I will continue to drink it with courses.

  5. Thank you for the article. This year I also took up strengthening the immune system. Last year, the flu was sick, in a very difficult form. Since autumn, the bacon-set Kold Fle also took, this is a probiotic complex, consisting of 17 types of lacto and bifidobacteria. I drink tea with lemon, in it there is a lot of vitamin C, I try to stay away from strangers.

  6. Thanks for the comments, I have never even heard some of the names of the drugs, but I am looking for it.

  7. How I went to study at the university, then no matter how a single, so I will catch a cold, then ARVI, then herpes will jump out on my lips, the doctor says that some kind of disorder with immunity has become, probably against the background of loads and stress, so I recommended at least at least to me Once a year, drink an Evalarovsky vitamin C his hissing, he is in a cool tablet that you dissolve in water, and cool soda is obtained. With such a cool way, at least a hundred times a year, improve immunity!

  8. in many ways, our immunity also depends on the state of the intestine. I didn’t know about it before - a friend told. I decided to drink a course of Biotoffi’s probiotics in the form of chocolate bantons, in this tool in this tool, in addition to useful bacteria, vitamin D3 is just for immunity. Not only did the chair normalize, and at all, in general, the well-being became much better)))

  9. From the fact that I like I can advise beneficial bacteria and a lady's formula more than polyvitamins. Everything for immunity is there-vitamin D3, C, zinc (even sick coronovirus is recommended because of this) .... And also helping the nervous system and the heart with blood vessels. Especially during the period of menopause, this is all important, as it affects the hormonal background and, as a result, on well -being.

  10. Thanks for the recommendations. In the cold season I drink the Evalarovsky zinc+vitamin C in hissing tablets. I observe the hygiene regime. All this helps not to get sick, and if I get sick faster to recover.

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