How and how to increase immunity to the child for 1 - 4 years, what to give the child for immunity? Vitamins and drugs to a child 1 - 4 years for immunity: List

How and how to increase immunity to the child for 1 - 4 years, what to give the child for immunity? Vitamins and drugs to a child 1 - 4 years for immunity: List

Vitamins and drugs to increase immunity in children under 4 years of age.

Follow the state of the immune system should be from early childhood. Parents need to strengthen it, and for this it is important to know how to do it correctly.

How and how to increase immunity to the child 1, 2, 3, 4 years, what to give the child for immunity?

Best remedy: hardening

From the first months of birth, it is necessary to monitor the balanced diet of the baby.
To do this, you need to know which products contain the basic necessary vitamins for the healthy immunity of the child.
Consider some of them:

Name of vitamin Name of the product in which the greatest content
  1. Liver
  2. Dairy
  3. Carrot
  4. Eggs
  5. Pumpkin
IN 2
  1. Fish
  2. Meat
  3. Egg white
  4. Cereals
AT 5
  1. Peas
  2. Yeast
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Meat offal
AT 6
  1. Fish
  2. Chicken's meat
  3. Cereals
AT 12
  1. Bird meat
  2. Fish
  3. Eggs
  4. Milk
  1. Lemons
  2. Berries
  3. Green vegetables
  1. Butter
  2. Yellow eggs
  1. Nuts
  2. Cereals
  3. Seeds

Video: Products that increase immunity

In addition to proper nutrition, to develop strong immunity, the child needs:

  • Observe the daily routine and hygiene rules
  • Systematically walk in the fresh air

Active games on the street, strong daytime sleep, proper nutrition will protect the child from unnecessary diseases. Fresh air is an indispensable tool for strengthening the immunity of babies. Various weather conditions help the body gradually adapt to a different temperature regime, which is a natural method of hardening.

  • Parents need to protect their children from nervous stress
  • If the child is subject to frequent diseases, try traditional medicine, in the form of: herbs, infusions, healing mixtures. They have excellent efficiency and are completely safe, unlike pharmacy drugs

For example,

  1. Grind in a blender: 200 g of dried apricots, raisins, walnut nuclei and 1 lemon
  2. Mix with a glass of honey
  3. Feed the baby 1-2 teaspoon per day
  • Very often, despite all the measures taken, the child is systematically sick
  • In addition, in order to get the required amount of vitamins with products, not every child can eat so much food

In these cases, special pharmacy vitamin complexes and drugs will help to strengthen the immune system, which we will talk about more about.

Vitamins for a child 1 - 4 years for immunity: List

List of vitamin complex

You should know that kids should not give vitamins for adults. All drugs are divided into age groups. Their composition is interconnected with the need for vitamins of the child’s body, depending on his age. Consider the most common vitamin complexes for children under 4 years of age, inclusive.

Product name   Age group, years
Vitrum Kids 3-4
Kinder Biovital 1-4
San-Sol 1-4
Multi-Tabs Immuno Kids 1-4
Vitamins Immuno+ 3-4
Pikovit 1-4
Pikovit Prebiotic 3-4
Alphabet 1-4

Drugs to a child 1 - 4 years for immunity: List

If, despite all the measures taken, the child is still often sick, you must consult a doctor to choose the drug to raise immunity. After the diagnosis, he will prescribe: the drug, treatment regimen, dosage.

The most common immune drugs, for children from year to four years (inclusive), are considered:

  • Plant origin
  1. Immunal
  2. Echination is purple

These are excellent antiviral agents for babies. Effective for both preventive purposes and the treatment of diseases. It is recommended to use in the fall and winter, during viral epidemics. Medication should not exceed 60 days.

The best plant remedy for babies
  • Bacterial origin
  1. Lycopid
  2. Irs 19
  3. Bronchu-munal
  4. Ribomunil
  5. Broncho-Vasky
  6. Imudon (starting from the age of 3)

Taking this type of drugs is similar to the vaccination process. The pathogens of various diseases contained in it do not harm the child, but produce antibodies.

  • to maintain immunity
  • for the purpose of therapeutic actions:
  1. with acute respiratory infections
  2. chronic ENT diseases
Bacterial type preparations
  • With nucleic acid

Of the available drugs of this type, children under consideration of the age category are permissible:

  1. Derinate
  • Strengthens the protective functions of the body
  • Used for preventive purposes for:
  1. viral, bacterial infections
  2. immunodeficiency
  • Immune Interferon
  1. Viferon
  2. Arbidol (from 2 years of age)
  3. Grippferon
  4. Anaferon
  • Active substances contained in the drugs block the spread of viruses
  • Effectively reduces the duration of the disease, reduces the risk of complications
Immune substances
  • Immunostimulating drugs of Timus
  1. Vilosen (when reaching 4 years)
  2. Tactivin
  3. Timalin
  • Positively affect the general condition of the child
  • Effective in the fight against serious diseases
  • Stimulate the immune process
Another type of children's drugs
  • Biogenic drugs
  1. Kalanchoe juice
  2. Aloe

Choosing treatment for their child, caring parents are most often inclined to choose natural medicines. With the help of biogenic means, it is possible to increase the child’s immunity without any fears - the use of the natural ability of plants to withstand the negative manifestations of the environment.

Plant immunostimulants

When choosing any immunopuser for a child, you must first consult a doctor. Incorrect intake or not correctly selected drug can completely disrupt the baby’s immune system, which will be problematic to restore subsequently.

Video: What vitamins raise immunity? - Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. Here is from auxiliary means, I give Babisan D3 Oil Dreams, they go from a year and a half, I would very much recommend it.

  2. I have an already proven remedy in my first -aid kit - Immuno Morenazal. We use it in the cold season and do not get sick. I advise you!

  3. We personally tried vitamins from the whole list. We can praise, and the child is delicious, and I am satisfied that they began to hurt less often. And in general, of course, the most important way is the lifestyle. If the child is stuffed with harmful food, it’s not enough to walk with him ... then and then and then and then No vitamins will help. Therefore, these aspects are first to strengthen the baby's health

  4. You can’t lock the child at home in winter, do not let your peers come true because of "if only you didn’t get sick." So in children immunity is produced. It must be maintained by hardening, active walks of winter, and a full -fledged diet and additional vitamins. I give my ascorbink once a day and a baby formula of Mishka Immunity, this is plenty of to maintain immunity.

  5. And I buy Junior Fitline for children, I consider these vitamins the most suitable for my daughter and son

  6. Kristina, I completely agree with you, my daughter also accepts vitamins Paur Cocktail Junior Fitline, I buy them here Fitlineshop, because now the quality of what is sold in pharmacies is a big question. Many of the proposed vitamin complexes that are painted here are allergenic, and after taking them, my child had a terrible allergy, the strongest redness of the skin of the face and hands, up to itching. And Junior does not cause such reactions, and its composition is completely natural, in addition, there are the main 2 vitamins for bones and teeth - calcium and D3. When taking vitamins, I did not find any positive results at all, the child was also sick and continued to hurt further, and now the only thing that the baby can begin is only a runny nose, the Junior copes with his task, we go to the kindergarten, comes The child from the garden is completely healthy, although in our group children are often cold and with the temperature

  7. Good afternoon! A very interesting article

    Our problem is that the child often coughs at home, but in kindergarten there is no! Maybe it's something at home: air, humidity, dust? Now so much ... given that we spend a lot of time at home due to the heat on the street, it is necessary to protect the baby there. I thought of buying an air cleaner, but there are a huge number of them in the store, you will be confused: cleaners, humidifiers, and so on, with different systems in which I, the hostess, definitely not understand. Who can recommend what? Something that can really help. I want my son to be always healthy. I will be grateful for your help.

  8. And we drink the bear Baby formula. My two kids like it. We saved the course of the course of the winter in the fall. In this year, I also decided to repeat the course. The children only for.

  9. Our baby, until 3 years old, was at all a great fellow, not sick, but how 3 clunned colds, eternal snot, well, we decided that it was time to engage in strengthening immunity, eating more vegetables and fruits, we began to engage in immunity and giving vitamins, the baby became the baby strong and practically stopped hurting)

  10. Since 3 years old I am already a syrup of alpigo double. Not only is he delicious and his daughter is happy to accept it, it also helps to strengthen immunity and protects the children's body from cold viruses.

  11. I was puzzled by this issue and the pharmacist advised me by the candies of Naturino. I thought that it was just such a delicious one, but it turns out that there are vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B7, B9, B12, E, it is kept-free not bad. They are allowed to children from two years old, their son likes them. There is still a delicious liquid center, the son loves him directly.

  12. thanks for the useful information. In children, the immunity is often weak, therefore they are constantly sick

  13. At the pharmacy I bought candy 911 honey, ginger with vitamin C, without sugar. They strengthen the immunity and relieve inflammation in the larynx and nasopharynx. It took a perspiration and redness on the second day. During the ARB period they help not to get sick and increase immunity

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