How to increase immunity: immunologist's advice

How to increase immunity: immunologist's advice

This article will talk about methods for raising immunity without drugs.

The winter time is a season of different colds. But, as immunologists say, such ailments can be avoided if you strengthen and increase immunity. After all, our immune system in the literal sense of the word is the protection of our body, which reflects harmful substances. But there are many factors that weaken it, and in most cases the strength of our protective barrier depends on our lifestyle.

How to increase immunity: recommendations and instructions of the immunologist

The most basic enemies of our immunity are infectious diseases, seasonal hypovitaminosis and stress, improper nutrition, abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as the independent prescription of antibiotics.


Proper nutrition to strengthen the immune system

  • An important action for raising immunity is proper balanced diet. After all, if the body receives all the necessary substances from food, a person is in good shape and prepared for the fight against infections.
  • The daily diet must be present Vegetables, fruits, meat products, cereals, as well as dairy products.It is these products that contain all the necessary nutrients that should enter the human body daily.
  • It is also important and Water balance.Immunologists recommend starting their day with a glass of warm water, and during the day drink another glass every 2-3 hours. True, its total amount depends on your weight - 30 ml is required by 1 kg. Water enriches our body with oxygen, lenses toxins and stabilizes metabolic processes.
  • By the way, you can read about all the value of water in our material “How to drink water properly with the benefit of the body?”
  • It is advisable to refuse alcohol, reduce the use of sugar and salt.
Review the diet
Review the diet

Vitamins in an honorable place to increase immunity

  • AT citrus fruits and apples It contains a large amount of iron and vitamin C, which contribute to the strengthening of immunity.
  • For our protective barrier, an element of group E is also necessary than richly vegetable oil.Especially, it is worth focusing on an olive product.
  • Do not forget For garlic and onion- These are the first defenders who guard our barrier. They do a great do not only as a prevention, but also for the treatment of harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Honey, lemon juice, as well as viburnum, raspberries and currants - It should be in your diet to maintain protection of immunity. Do not forget for the miraculous ginger,which not only increases immunity, but also normalizes the work of the whole organism.

On a note: You can make candies from melted honey based on lemon juice. To do this, 300 g of honey should be unconscious for an hour, pour 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and pour it in molds for solidification. It will not be superfluous to add 1 tbsp at the beginning of cooking. l. grated fresh ginger.

  • You can find out more recipes for home candies in our article "How to make homemade candies on a stick?"
  • Grain crops, In particular, rude grinding porridge, very rich in vitamins of group V.
  • But Selene is located in grain bread and meat products,namely, in the veal, beef, turkey. In these products, it is the most, so they should be included in your and especially children's diet.
  • The zinc indispensable for our immune system is mainly focused in beer yeast and bread products,and the greatest share - In oysters.
Follow vitamin content
Follow vitamin content

To increase immunity, choose the right drink

  • Among the drinks it is worth giving preference Green and red tea.But do not forget that the frame affects the pressure. Therefore, excessively they are not fond of them!
  • Helps to clean from toxins, thereby increasing immunity, rose hip.But drinking it is worth it very carefully, because it has a diuretic effect.
  • Do not forget about the grass Echinacea.True, the alcohol tincture significantly more retains nutrients, but for children it is impossible to give it!
  • Frequent use tomato juiceincreases the concentration of carotines in the human body, which, in turn, helps to fight various diseases and infections.

Normalize your sleep to increase immunity

  • Like the diet, beneficial and healthy sleep affects the body. For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary Sleep 7-8 hours a day.But it’s not worth sleeping more than this time - fatigue and even overwork of the body can go, which will affect the immune system not in the best way.
  • It is also favorable the presence of a certain schedule - It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Moreover, it is noted that it is better to go to bed no later than 10 hours. But it is worth waking up with the rays of the sun.
  • Such harmony with nature will allow you not only to increase immunity, but to receive energy from the universe. Therefore, longer than 6, a maximum of 7 should not bask in bed for a long time. And how to learn to get up in the morning, going to bed early, you can see in our topic “How to go to bed correctly to wake up early?”
  • Under such conditions, immunity will not fail. We also advise ventilate the room before bedtime or light aromatic lamps With soothing smells like lavender or bergamot.
Get out!
Get out!

Sports and physical education will not only increase immunity, but the figure will be put in order

  • Physical activity classes help maintain immunity in tone. In this case, the sport does not play a role - Any physical activity has a beneficial effect on immunity. It is also useful to engage in physical education in the morning, as soon as they woke up - charging or morning run is perfect.
    • An interesting fact is that infections can be beneficial for your body. This is just as the body trains in physical exertion, so the human immune system is tempered when in contact with viruses. In the body, the development of protection mechanisms begins, which helps to overcome viruses in the future.
  • At the same time, do not forget that there should be active warm -ups during the day. This is especially true for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Get it a rule - Do at least 5-10 minutes of active break every hour.Moreover, this will also help you fall asleep faster, normalize a dream.

Important: every day you need to spend 1.5-2 hours in the fresh air. Take for your habit of walking at least half an hour before bedtime. This increases immunity, and fills with energy, and raises the mood. But keep in mind - choose quiet places that are as close as possible with nature.

Enchanting will increase immunity

  • Tempting procedures help to strengthen the immune system of our body. But everyone needs to know the measure and start gradually.
  • Children should be accustomed to this no earlier than 4-5 years old.
  • You can try wiping with a wet towel, gradually reducing the temperature. With a contrasting soul, it is also worth making not very sharp temperature changes.
  • A similar procedure It is recommended to be carried out in the morning,a duration of a couple of minutes, and it is necessary to end cool with water.
Enchanting and sport - best friends of immunity
Enchanting and sport - best friends of immunity

A positive attitude and laughter not only prolong life, but also increase immunity!

  • Therefore, we avoid stressful situations and take care of the nerves as much as possible. And to support the nervous system,as well as immune, we focus on greens and green vegetables of a dark shade. To maintain the immunity of the whole family, do not forget to add basil, sage, spinach and all types of cabbage to food.
  • Watch comedy films and any paintings that can cheer you up.
  • And to learn to maintain yourself constantly in a positive mood, our material will help you "How to learn to enjoy life?"
  • Not prevent master meditation or just learn to focus visionon third -party objects when observing one point. Such an action helps to expand the nerve channels and calm down. And the lack of anxiety increases the protective ability of the body.

As you can see, you can increase immunity at home. Independently and without any antibiotics or medications. It is enough just to adjust your diet and rationally distribute the time for relaxation and walks.

Video: How to increase immunity?

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Comments K. article

  1. Now there are a lot of different means and ways to strengthen immunity and protect against viruses in order to at least get sick. One of these funds is Derinate. Very good. I learned about them somewhere around 2-3 years ago. So I use them. In the autumn winter period without them, in no way. I'm really sick with him now.

  2. The therapist told me that it is important not just to lean on multivitamins, but to give preference to vitamin D, it increases the body's resistance. Since the summer I have been accepting the Evalarovsky vitamin D-3 (I chose it because the dosage is good) together with vitamins C, but and E. By the way, I have never been ill for the fall, although usually by the end of October 3-4 colds were already behind ...

  3. It is said about vitamin D correctly, it is very important and is needed for the immune system, that is, now more than relevant. To protect myself, I take minisan vitamin D3 once every six months to prevent deficiency, my health is excellent)

  4. And the doctor recommended that I on an ongoing basis take Vitamin D., by the way, Minisan D3 prescribed as a source of this vitamin. It’s definitely less often, and if I suddenly get sick, then everything goes in a very mild form, I am adjusted without problems. I hope it will be even better, I do not like to get sick :)

  5. There are also cool loafers - Naturino, with vitamins in the composition. There is vitamin C, E and groups B. Also for immunity is a good option, I judge by itself to children (we accept the whole family, everyone is happy, we will get noticeably less often than before).

  6. I also drink vitamin, now they write a lot about the benefits of turmeric. It is especially good that it helps to reduce inflammatory processes in the body. I buy an Evalarovsky curcumin with piperin, in the composition of black pepper - peperin, it just allows all useful substances to be better absorbed. The rosehip decoction is rich in vitamin C, also a useful thing.

  7. I would not say that my child is often sick, but it happens. And I can say that this is not the first time with SARS I give the child immunors in complex therapy, which affects only sore cells and strengthens the immune system from the inside. So the child can be put on his feet faster, and without any complications.

  8. From a lack of vitamin D in the body, by the way, immunity also suffers. Therefore, with the beginning of autumn, I began to additionally buy minisan d 3 as a source of this vitamin. Vitamins are cool, Finnish quality, in a convenient form - chewing tablets, and with the simplest technique - the whole tablet per day. For prevention - the most, I think. I have been accepting for the second month, I feel great, during this time there was not even a cold))

  9. It is ridiculous to read as representatives of the farm. Companies ran into a comment. People, do not read this, drink imported vitamins, and not Evalads and other dietary supplements and dummies

  10. With the beginning of autumn, I use the prevention measures to strengthen immunity. Here I bought a minisan D3 as a source of vitamin D, which affects the improvement of immunity positively, I take daily on a tablet (they are chewing, are easily accepted). Health is pleasing, the end of autumn, but I didn’t even have a cold, pah-pah.

  11. And I buy cool vitamin D in hissing tablets) is also useful for immunity

  12. When I realized that the child needs immunity to start strengthening, especially in such a difficult time, the pediatrician advised me to give the child Iminoriks. And the child accepted this tool well, and the immunity was strengthened, the child does not get sick, which pleases me)

  13. I was tempered all my childhood, we ran barefoot in the snow, doused ... so what? All photos from the New Year I am with a red nose, sick eyes and snot to the knees. Therefore, hardening does not work in my case. I noticed that the immunity is stronger after the course of the prebiotic. I drink Fibraksin, because there is also Lacto -Ferrin in the composition, and he plays one of the most important roles in a state of immunity. I drank a month and you can not worry, it works clearly on me.

  14. I ginger helps to strengthen immunity well, I drink it with tea, and my husband does not tolerate it, and you can’t drink pills either. So I found him on the Internet on the Internet in hissing pills, the tablet just needs to be thrown into the water, and it is quickly dissolved. And it tastes pleasant, somewhat reminiscent of youth.

  15. It seems to me the right decision is to follow the state of microflora. Because everything depends on her health. Immunity including. I take the tank-site Cold Fle, there are 17 types of bifido and lactobacilli, this is just necessary for a microbioma. I still try to eat more sauerkraut. I get sick, at all, I almost do not get sick))

  16. I agree with the last comment that intestinal health is very important to maintain health in general and maintain immunity in particular. That is why I take a course of probiotics once every six months. The last time I took Biotoffi in the form of chocolate bars - the benefits are obvious both probiotics in the composition and vitamin D3.

  17. I buy in a pharmacy for the whole family Ledes 911 honey, ginger and lemon oil, children love. And my husband and I like ginseng with Echinacea. Immunity strengthens. In the period of mass diseases, we do not get sick. The body is saturated with useful vitamins and amino acids

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