How to spray grapes in the spring, summer and autumn from diseases and pests in stages after disclosure, the appearance of leaves, flowering, before flowering: chemicals and folk remedies. Grape processing in early spring, summer and autumn with copper and iron sulfate: dosage

How to spray grapes in the spring, summer and autumn from diseases and pests in stages after disclosure, the appearance of leaves, flowering, before flowering: chemicals and folk remedies. Grape processing in early spring, summer and autumn with copper and iron sulfate: dosage

In this article, we will talk in detail about the spraying of grapes in a different period of time, various drugs and components.

In addition to vegetable crops, avid gardeners and gardeners are also fond of the cultivation of other plants, including various berries and shrubs. Grapes are one of the first positions in the ranking of the most popular and demanded plants, however, for a good harvest, this culture must be protected from pests and diseases.

Grape processing in early spring, summer and autumn with copper sulfate: dosage, proportions

Copper coupor is very popular among gardeners, since this tool copes well with the protective function. It is important to note the fact that this tool should be used extremely carefully, because only in this case the grape processing will be successful, and the fruits of the plant are suitable for consumption.

Most often, culture processing is carried out in spring and autumn, since it is at this time that grapes need it.

  1. As soon as the air temperature warms up to +5 and above, you can proceed to the spring processing of culture. To do this, make a solution from the following components:
  • About 70 g of sulfate
  • 10 liters of water
  • We take a glass container and fill it with warm water, initially you need 1 liter
  • Dissolve the indicated amount of the product in the liquid
  • Then we add another 9 liters of water to the mixture and thoroughly mix the resulting liquid
  • Be extremely attentive when working with a remedy, because the dosks can corrode enamel. If there is no way to prepare the solution in a glass container, give preference to plastic
  • The resulting tool must spray each bush of the plant. For sq. m of plantings will be enough 3 liters of liquid
  • All manipulations should be carried out either in the morning or in the evening, that is, at a time when the sun is the least active
  1. The next culture processing should be carried out in the autumn period. It is necessary to wait for the grapes to drop all the leaves and only after starting the necessary manipulations:
  • 100 g of funds
  • 10 liters of water
  • In a glass container or plastic container, we will prepare a solution
  • To do this, in 1 liter of warm water we dissolve the specified amount of sulfate
  • After add another 9 liters of water to the container and mix the resulting product
  • We spray the bushes of culture with a solution at the rate of 3 liters of fluid per square meter. m landings
Copper sulfate processing
Copper sulfate processing

Such plant processing is considered very useful and necessary, since all the grapes will be “shrouded in” the protective film and the effects of pests, as well as the ailments will be minimal.

  1. In summer, culture also needs to be processed, however, processing during this period is considered optional and is carried out by gardeners less often than spring and autumn. During this period, grapes are processed by this tool in cases where it is noticeable signs and symptoms of ailments. Actually, the dosage and proportion of the product depends on what we will treat:
  • Most often, they resort to spraying the culture with a 0.5 % solution:
  • 50 g of funds
  • 10 liters of water
  • Dilute in 1 liter of warm water 50 g of the product
  • We add another 9 liters of water to the container
  • With this tool we spray all plants, paying special attention to cultural trunks

When working with copper sulfate, you need to be extremely neat, because the product is unsafe for both plants and people:

  • The procedure should be carried out in special protective clothing, so that the product does not fall into the hands and mucous membranes of the body
  • After all the manipulations, carefully remove all the clothes and take the shower. If this is not possible, wash your hands thoroughly, face
  • Be sure to follow all the instructions and tips on the use of sulfate, because incorrect proportions can lead to plants of plants and their deaths

Grape processing in early spring, summer and autumn with iron sulfate: dosage

Iron sulfate is considered no less popular than copper sulfate and is used to treat plants, as well as their top dressing. This tool has a favorable effect on culture, thereby increasing the quantity and quality of the crop.

  • At the very beginning of spring, it is necessary to carry out the first spraying of culture. Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no kidneys on the grapes, since it is forbidden to spray the plant at the stage of their appearance. So, to prepare the right product, we will need to prepare 50 g of sulfate and 10 liters of warm water. We dissolve the indicated amount of the substance in the liquid and spray all the plants with the finished mixture. Such manipulations have a therapeutic effect, and also contribute to the prevention of diseases of this culture.
  • Grape processing with this tool occurs in a slightly different way. Before starting the procedure, make sure the weather stability and that severe frosts will not come in the near future. The most favorable time for autumn processing is considered November. For new young crops, a 3% solution should be made. To do this, in 10 liters of warm water, we need to dilute 300 g of sulfate and spray grapes with the resulting tool. If your grapes are already “adult” and more than once pleased you with a crop, then a 5% solution will suit it better. For 10 liters of warm water, we will need to take 500 g of funds. Having thoroughly stirring the liquid, we use it to spray the culture. Such manipulations will provide plants with additional protection against pests and severe frosts.
  • In summer, grapes are usually not processed with this tool. Most often during this period, iron sulfate is used as a disinfectant for soil, which is used as a drain hole and other places in which various fungi and infections can develop dangerous for grapes. In this case, we need 10 liters of warm water and 600 g of the product. The resulting liquid is filled with all dangerous places in order to destroy pests and fungal diseases.
Grape processing
Grape processing

Among the advantages of this tool, the following are distinguished:

  • Easy to use
  • Accessible to all gardeners and gardeners
  • It is considered a good remedy that actively destroys fungi and infections

How and how many times to spray the grapes by Bordeaux liquid: terms, proportions

Bordeaux fluid is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime milk, and is used by gardeners and gardeners as an antifungal agent.

It is optimal to spray the grape tool in 3 stages. Initially, it is worth processing the culture at the very beginning of spring, then you need to treat the plants before flowering and again after.

  • At the very beginning of spring, the culture must be treated with a 3% solution of the product. To do this, prepare 300 g of copper sulfate and 350 g of lime. Each remedy individually must be diluted in 1 liter of hot water. Then, add 4 liters of cool fluid into each container, stir thoroughly. We got 5 liters of a mixture of copper sulfate and lime. Now, gently pour the liquid with sulfate into the liquid with lime, which must first be filtered. 10 l of Bordeaux liquid is ready. This tool for spraying culture
  • Before the grapes blooms again, you need to treat it again. However, in this case, you need to use 1% tool. The technology of preparing the mixture is similar to the previous one, but the proportions are others - for 10 liters of liquid we need to take only 100 g of copper sulfate and 120 g of lime. When the product is ready, you can start processing grapes. It is recommended to use approximately 1-2 liters per 10 m2 of landings
  • After the plant is borne, processing can be carried out again. To do this, it is recommended to use a 1% solution of the product. However, opinions regarding cultural processing during this period diverge. Some believe that at this time grapes do not need such spraying, others assure that a tool with a small concentration of matter will not harm culture and will once again have a favorable effect
Processing of Bordeaux liquid
Processing of Bordeaux liquid

There are some rules and recommendations that should be followed during the preparation and use of Bordeaux liquid:

  • It is forbidden to use metal containers for preparing the product
  • It is necessary to dilute substances in separate containers
  • Mix solutions only by pouring sulfate into lime, and not vice versa
  • When mixing liquids, be sure to stir them

Help processing of grapes in spring and autumn from fungi: Instructions

Urea is a fertilizer, which in its composition has nitrogen and is used by summer residents and gardeners to feed plants and combat harmful fungi. Most often, urea, so they are also called urea used together with copper sulfate.

  • Wait when the temperature outside the window rises to at least +5 degrees and will become stable. This happens around March. So, we will need to take 10 liters of liquid, 700 g of urea and 70 g of copper sulfate. Having mixed all the ingredients and receiving the product, you can start spring culture processing. This tool will not only save grapes from pests, but also feed it
  • In the autumn period, it is worth giving preference to the following tool. In 10 liters of water, dissolve 35 g of urea and spray all plants with the resulting mixture. This type of processing is best carried out before frosts and a shelter of culture. Grape processing should only be carried out after its inspection, trimming and removal of all unnecessary twigs, leaves and damaged bark. For greater efficiency of processing to the solution, you can add some kind of antifungal agent
Use of urea
Use of urea

Applying urea, do not forget that there will be only benefits from it if all the recommendations for the preparation of the mixture and proportions are observed.

Is it possible to spray grapes with potassium permanganate in the spring?

Conspesum became famous for its properties among many gardeners, however, in order for this tool to bring at least some benefit, it must be used in certain periods of time.

  • One can definitely say that potassium permanganate is successfully used in autumn. To do this, in 1 bucket of water, about 3-5 g of substances are diluted and plants are sprayed with this mixture
  • The mixture is also used more concentrated. In this case, about 8 g of potassium permanganate are already taken on a bucket of water. This tool is appropriate to use in case of infection of grapes by oidium
  • From annoying insects will save a weak solution of substance. To do this, you need to mix with 300 ml of water only 1 g of potassium permanganate
  • Feel the culture with a mixture of this substance and boric acid. To do this, take approximately 15 g of boric acid and 1 g of potassium permanganate
  • In the summer, gardeners and gardeners also use potassium permanganate for culture processing, however, in the spring before the kidney blooms on the plant, the use of this tool is pointless. Therefore, they do not recommend processing grapes by potassium permanganate in spring. If you are still sure that the grape is needed, you can try it, but most likely, you will not receive any harm or benefit from it

Strobi fungicide: Instructions for use for grape processing

This remedy has a therapeutic and protective effect on culture. Using this drug, you can cure grapes from various pests and preserve the future crop.

The advantages of this tool are:

  • The safety of the drug. Can be used for medicinal purposes at any stages of development and plant growth
  • The product “transfers” the rain well and does not wash off 1 time
  • Equally effective both in the warm season and in the cold
  • Active substances are characterized by minimal toxicity for animals
For good development and crop, grapes must be sprayed correctly
For good development and crop, grapes must be sprayed correctly

In order for the product to be as effective as possible to adhere to such instructions for its use:

  • Pick 10 liters of water into the container
  • Add 1 tsp to the liquid. funds
  • Stir the ingredients in the container. Spray the grapes with the resulting liquid. It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning or in the evening
  • The whole plant is subject to processing, that is, you need to spray the leaves, and branches, and the roots
  • This culture is recommended to treat this culture twice a week, until 1 month is left before harvesting

It is important to note the fact that the drug does not accumulate in plants, so the fruits of culture will be absolutely harmless to humans and suitable for eating.

When working with the drug, be careful and make sure that the product does not fall on the skin, the mucous membranes of the body and directly into the body. If the skin and mucous membranes enters, immediately rinse these areas, when consumed inside this product - drink a lot of liquid and immediately contact the hospital.

Fitosporin-M: Instructions for use for grape processing

“Fitosporin-M” is an antifungal and antibacterial agent and refers to non-toxic drugs, and this, in turn, significantly increases its popularity among gardeners.

Among the advantages of this tool, the following are distinguished:

  • The drug is allowed to use at any stage of plant growth and development
  • The tool has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness in the fight against fungi
  • The drug is classified as safe for people and animals
  • Fitosporin-M is one of the available means

The drugs in the drug are much less than the advantages:

  • Sunlight contribute to the decomposition of active substance
  • Chemicals are more active and effective

The tool is used as follows:

  • We take 5 g of funds
  • Dissolve the drug in 10 l of pure water
  • The first treatment with the drug must be carried out before the disclosure of the kidneys on culture
  • Next, you need to process grapes at the time of the appearance of inflorescences
  • The final procedure should be carried out after the plants bloom

When preparing the product, be sure to protect yourself with all possible protection means. The container in which you will breed the mixture, after all the manipulations, are disposed of.

Ridomil Gold: Instructions for use for grape processing

This tool is also antifungal and protects plants well from all kinds of pests.

Experts identify a number of such advantages of the drug:

  • Ease of use
  • Lack of phytotoxicity
  • The product has analogues

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • The drug is extremely toxic for humans and animals
  • The product can harm the environment
From pests
From pests

The drug is very simple in use:

  • In 10 liters of water, it is necessary to dissolve 25 g of the product
  • If the grape plantation is small, it will be enough to take 10 g of funds for 5 l of water
  • The prepared mixture must spray the culture. You need to do this carefully so that the product does not fall on your clothes and body
  • Harvesting and consuming it for food is allowed no earlier than a few weeks after grape processing
  • Regarding the frequency of spraying, it is important to say that the first manipulations should be carried out as soon as 4 leaflets appear on the plant. Next, spray the plants every 2 weeks. The last time you need to spray the culture after 2 weeks after it bakes

The drug is not afraid of water and moisture, so do not worry that it will be washed away by rain. Carry out all manipulations only in a protective suit and be sure to adhere to the proportions indicated in the instructions.

Grape processing soda: Instructions for use

Soda is an affordable tool that fights well with fungal diseases, different pests, and also saturates the berries with sugar.

In order to eradicate fungi, you need to use the following tool:

  • In 1 bucket of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda
  • Next, pour 1.5 tbsp into the container. l. sunflower oil
  • Thoroughly stirring the ingredients, add 200 ml of liquid soap to the liquid
  • The resulting liquid is treated our culture
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least 5 times per season
  • Initially, it is worth processing grapes until it blooms, and then repeat the procedure every week
  • It is important to choose good weather, without wind and rain
Soda for grapes
Soda for grapes

To combat caterpillars, who also like to enjoy grapes, we advise you to use this tool:

  • We take the same amount of flour and soda
  • After stirring the ingredients, dilute them with water and spray the plants with the resulting liquid
  • You can also process the culture with a dry mixture of these ingredients

To eliminate weeds, it is recommended to treat the soil based on soda, as well as various soda liquids.

Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests in early spring for the first time after the opening: chemicals, folk remedies

With the advent of spring work in the personal plot, it becomes much larger, because all plants come to life and require your care and attention, the grapes are also no exception.

Of course, you need to process a culture in the spring, but it is worth doing it right. Remember, exclusively prepared plants are subject to processing, that is, those that are removed from garbage and cut.

  • Initially, it is recommended to carry out the processing of the territory on which the culture is growing. Here, experienced gardeners prefer 3% of the burgundy fluid, as well as such a special tool as “Ridomil”, which must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.
  • The very first spraying should be carried out in early spring. In principle, you can use all means that fight with various fungi, bacteria and pests. Most often, an iron or previously mentioned means of strobe is used. You can also use a decoction of onion husks. To do this, prepare the floor of a bucket of husk and pour it 3 liters of water. Next, boil the mixture for about half an hour, and then let stand for at least 12 hours. Pour another 7 liters of liquid into the container, as well as 1.5 tbsp. l. honey. The decoction is ready, it remains only to strain it and you can begin to spray the plants.

Processing of grapes from diseases and pests in the spring after budding, the appearance of leaves: chemicals, folk remedies

As soon as the grapes acquires green leaves, a bunch of those who want to ruin them will immediately appear. Therefore, at this time, it is worth processing a culture using Ridomil, a solution of soda, “Horus”. You already know how to use soda solutions and Ridomil, so now we will talk about instructions for such a drug as Horus. This drug not only treats plants, but also protects them from diseases in the future.

Apply the product recommended as follows:

  • In 10 liters of water, it is necessary to dilute 2 g of substances
  • The resulting liquid needs to spray the plants
  • For the procedure, select a cloudy, calm day

This tool is effectively used for the treatment and prevention of ailments such as rot, oidium, mildu, etc. The product has established itself quite well, only that the drug is distinguished from the disadvantages that the drug is effective only for the treatment and prevention of new leaves.

Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests in the spring to and during flowering: chemicals, folk remedies

Before the grapes bloom, it is processed by a variety of means, both folk and special. In principle, at these stages there are no special restrictions in the use of funds. At this time, it is important to choose the right drugs in order for the effectiveness to be maximum.

During the flowering of culture, processing occurs already with completely different means, because at this stage it is necessary to take it very carefully, so as not to lose the plant and crop. By the way, it is worth saying that experienced gardeners and gardeners are of the opinion that at this most important stage, any grape processing can only be carried out in case of extreme necessity, that is, if the pests are too tormented by culture.

So, we will use a remedy called "Agat 25-K".

  • Pour 5 liters of water into a container
  • Pour 1 g of substance into the liquid
  • This mixture spray the plants

In any case, if possible, during the period of flowering of culture, refrain from any processing, so as not to harm the plant.

Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests in the spring after flowering: chemicals, folk remedies

After the culture has faded, you can again start active grape processing and the fight against various ailments. During this period, you can also use folk remedies or chemicals.

Of the folk remedies that are used at this time, the following are distinguished:

  • Soda solution. To prepare the product, take 10 liters of warm water and dissolve in it 50 g of soda, as well as 15 g of liquid soap
  • The prepared mixture process all the grapes
  • Be careful such a tool should be used either before or after flowering culture

You can also use drugs such as “Antrakol”, “Tiovit Jet”. Each drug fights well with various ailments and infections.

In order to process the plants “Antrakol”, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • Pour 10 liters of water into the container
  • Add 10 g of the product to the liquid
  • Stir the mixture and process it with grapes
  • The drug will help you cope with Mildu and various rotten
  • The latest processing before the use of grapes must be carried out in 1.5 months
Process in the spring
Process in the spring

"Tiovit Jet" is used in this way:

  • In 3 liters of water, you need to dilute 40-50 g of the substance
  • Stir the product and add another 7 liters of water
  • The resulting liquid is treated all grapes
  • In a similar way, you can get rid of ticks, powdery mildew
  • This drug must be used extremely carefully, because its contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the body is unacceptable

Grape treatment from diseases and pests in the summer: chemicals, folk remedies

In the summer, the grapes continue to attack all the same ailments and pests, so cultural processing at this time will be held already known for you.

From folk remedies you can resort to:

  • Bordeaux liquid
  • Potassium permanganate solution
  • Mixtures of drugs, which include copper

From special drugs, it is better to use the following:

  • "Topaz". To prepare the product, take 10 liters of water and dilute 3-4 ml of matter in it. The resulting mixture spray the culture. Stop processing grapes with this tool 20 days before eating berries in food
  • Ridomil Gold must be used according to the instructions that we talked about earlier

Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests in the fall after harvesting: chemicals, folk remedies

The crop is harvested, but this does not mean that culture is no longer needed. Even before shelter for the winter, plants need to be treated in order to cure existing ailments and reduce the chances for the development of new ones.

So, from special tools you can choose the following:

  • "Efal." We take 1 liter of water and dissolve approximately 25 ml of matter in it, stirring the ingredients, add another 9 liters of water. The mixture is ready. This drug has a protective effect on grapes, and can also be used as a prevention
  • "Strobi"
  • "Kuproxat"
  • "Euparens"
  • "Volpan"

When using all drugs, be sure to pay attention to their instructions.

From folk remedies, you can give preference:

  • Copper sulfate. To do this, use 50 g of products and 10 l of water
  • Iron sulfate. To do this, use 25 g of substances and 10 l of water

When processing plants, strictly follow the observance of proportions and safety measures.

How to process grapes from powdery mildew in the spring?

Dragged dew is one of the most unpleasant and difficult to deduce diseases of this culture. Fighting with powdery mildew is very difficult, but still real.

  • The powdery dew is also called Oidium. This fungal disease contributes to rotting of grape fruits and makes berries absolutely unsuitable for eating or cooking wine products and juices from them. This fungus most affects plants after frost. Humidity also contributes to the spread of this disease, but rains can stop the spread of the fungus.
  • To prevent this disease, planting varieties with increased resistance to this disease are taken for planting, excess shoots are removed, as well as the infected parts of the plant.
  • To combat powdery mildew use sulfur. It is necessary to dissolve 80-100 g of sulfur in 10 liters of water. Having absorbed in a fungus, it turns into a hydrogen sulfide that destroys the disease. Do not use sulfur in the hot time of the day. The best period for this treatment method is morning or evening, while the air temperature should be not lower than +20 ° C. Plants need to be treated every 10 days.
Save grapes from powdery mildew
Save grapes from powdery mildew
  • Also, in no case can you treat grapes with chemicals during the ripening of fruits. Therefore, in order to suspend the spread of the disease during this period, they use a solution of potassium permanganate. To minimize all risks, it is better to use special drugs, the use of which is possible during the formation of berries.
  • For treatment, you can use saprophytic microflora. To prepare it, you need to take a barrel with a volume of 100 liters and fill it with humus for one third. The rest of the place is filled with heated water and, covering it, hold for 6 days, stirring periodically. After that, this mixture must be filtered and with the help of a sprayer to process the grapes with it. Repeat the procedure after 7 days and before the flowering of the plant. If necessary, this treatment is carried out after flowering every week.
  • The infusion of ash also helps to fight the fungus. For half a bucket of ash you need to take 7 liters of water and insist for a day or boil for 20 minutes. Before processing, the product must be diluted with water 1: 1 and add 10 g of soap.

Grapes can truly be considered a picky culture, however, all your efforts to care for it will definitely pay off and appear before you in the form of a delicious crop. If you intend to seriously engage in this culture, we recommend that you start care for it from the very beginning, because it is much easier to carry out prevention than to remove all pests and illnesses later.

Video: spraying grapes from diseases

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