Grape protection against diseases: drugs, complex measures. Mildu, Oidium, tick on grapes: pathogen, signs of illness, struggle measures, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Grape varieties resistant to mildew oidium: list, name

Grape protection against diseases: drugs, complex measures. Mildu, Oidium, tick on grapes: pathogen, signs of illness, struggle measures, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Grape varieties resistant to mildew oidium: list, name

Review of drugs for grape treatment from mildu, oidium and tick. Folk recipes.

Grapes, like most garden crops, are often infected with various diseases, ailments. Therefore, without prevention, processing from pests, viruses and bacteria, you will not get a good harvest, and you can only dream of a large number of prepared wine. In this article, we will consider the most common diseases of the grapes and ways to deal with them.

What is mildeus on grapes, grape leaves: what does the causative agent look like, signs of the disease?

Mildu is called false powdery mildew, it occurs as a result of exposure and getting on green leaves of the spores of mushrooms. The most interesting thing is that the disease came to our country after 1887. It was then that the Americans were brought to Europe for the first time in Europe. Since then, it has spread in all regions of Europe and Asia. It is this disease that causes the death of a large number of grapes.

The disease does not appear immediately, it is quite difficult to notice, because with +8, the spores of mushrooms begin to grow along with the drops of the rain fall on the green leaves and affect them.


  • Initially, on the sheet you can notice light spots, which then become yellow.
  • Something like an oily spot also appears.
  • For the entire season of grape growth, several outbreaks of the development of the disease are observed.
  • It becomes almost invisible at the time when round, green berries appear.
  • But as they ripen, the skin dries, is covered with a very dense crust. Such berries are not suitable.
Signs of Mildu
Signs of Mildu
The initial stage of development Mildu
The initial stage of development Mildu

What is an oidium on grapes, grape leaves: what does the causative agent look like, signs of the disease?

The Oidium is a disease that, along with Mildu, causes the highest damage to grape plantations and causes the decline of grape industries. The fact is that the disease is caused by a mushroom of real powdery mildew. Infection occurs quickly enough, and most often appears if the bushes are in a poorly ventilated place, there is a lot of moisture in the soil.


  • It looks as if the vine was sprinkled with flour or some kind of ash.
  • Inflorescences are also covered with some kind of dust, and over time they become a drilling shade.
  • The ailment also brings a lot of harm to the berries themselves, because when the fungus is spread, the berries burst, the seeds are turned out, a large number of berries do not ripen.
  • The growth stops at the stage when the size of the berry is not very large.
Oidium under a microscope
Oidium under a microscope

What is a web and felt tick on grapes, grape leaves: what does the causative agent look like, signs of the disease?

A spider mite also often reduces the amount of grape crop. It affects both leaves, inflorescences, and berries. It is a living organism that is arachnid and arthropod. Outwardly similar to a small spider. It feeds on grape juice, usually sits down from the inside of the sheet, pierces it, sucks the juice.


  • In the places of puncture with a tick, metabolism in the plant is disturbed, brown spots appear and cell division appears, and the disease develops.
  • You can find a spider and felt tick if you turn the sheet and see. Typically, web -shaped spots appear on the bottom of the sheet.
  • It is under them that the tick puts down the larvae and grows its offspring. If you do not fight the pest in time, you can lose the crop.
  • It can also eat inflorescences juice. After piercing the flower, it becomes brown, dies, and as a result you will not get grape hands.
Spider mite under a microscope
Spider mite under a microscope
Spider mite
Spider mite

Grape protection against diseases: drugs, complex measures

In order to deal with various diseases of the grapes, it is necessary to adhere to complex measures and prevention. They impede the development and propagation of pathogens.

Stages of processing:

  1. Peace. In general, we can say that this stage lasts almost all winter and spring, until the temperature rises above plus 10 degrees. Double processing of the vine with copper sulfate is carried out. For this, a three percent solution is prepared. The first processing is carried out before shelter for the winter, and the second after you remove the shelter in the spring.
  2. Kidney development. At this time, it is necessary to carry out treatment with drugs BI-58 or Collis. They are effective in relation to tick and oidium. When the kidneys blossomed, it is necessary to process the spotting, insects, as well as parasites that winter in the ground.
  3. The appearance of leaves. When you saw that there were three to five leaves, with the aim of prevention, mildew is carried out, gray rot. For this, fungicides are suitable such as Horus, Delain, Dimilin.
  4. Bloom. Processing is carried out twice before the appearance of the first flowers and 5 days after the grapes foam. At this time, processing is carried out against mildeu, gray rot, as well as ticks. Preparations are used Oktopas, Ridomil Gold, Strobi or Quadris. During this period, processing is also welcomed using mineral fertilizers.
  5. The development of berries. When they saw that the berries became the size of a pea, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with the drug Datan M45. Against Mildu and Oidium, when staining fruits is observed, drugs and fungicides are not used so that the berries are not toxic. During ripening, only such drugs as Fitosporin and Baikal. They are not toxic and are bacteria.
  6. Assembly of berries. After you have harvested, you must prepare the vine for wintering. For this, fungicides are treated. An ideal option would be iron sulfate or fungicides, such as BI-58, Colliewith.
Grape processing
Grape processing

Mildia of grapes: treatment, prevention

Since Mildu develops cyclically, it is necessary to carry out processing in the same way. But if you have no desire to calculate outbreaks of the disease, constantly sit at the vineyard, examining the leaves, then we recommend that processing every 10 days. In addition, there are also preventive measures that prevent the reproduction of the fungus.


  • It is necessary to mulch the soil
  • After rain, dry the vine
  • Drip or drainage watering
  • You can not fill the plant, water the leaves

Of the drugs, the Bordeaux mixture can be distinguished. Processing is carried out every 10 days. It is necessary to dissolve 100 grams of copper sulfate and the negative lime in a 10 liter bucket of water. The resulting liquid is treated with leaves.

A large number of drugs called fungicides are also used. They are fighting not only with Milde, but also with other fungal diseases of the grapes.

List of drugs:

  • Delain
  • Horus
  • Profit
  • Tanos
Profit fungicide
Profit fungicide

Oidium on grapes: treatment, prevention

In order to avoid the appearance of the oidium on grapes, it is necessary to carry out prevention in time. Since this fungal ailment develops in conditions of high humidity and in secluded landing corners. Regular ventilation, thinning of grape bushes is necessary. Also, the excess of the irrigation rate is not allowed.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the oidium is very sensitive to Sere. Therefore, if you find white spots on the leaves, you can process colloidal or crystalline gray. The leaves, the vine, as well as the soil layer are sprayed completely. Because spores of mushrooms can be on the surface of the soil. There are also drugs against the oidium.


  • Fundazole
  • Topaz
  • Iskra Bo
Iskra bio
Iskra bio

Spider mite on grapes: treatment, prevention

The fact is that ticks on grapes quickly get used to all kinds of chemicals, so you can not treat several times in a row with the same drug. It is recommended to change them. A great option for combating a tick is colloidal sulfur. But the effect is observed only at temperatures above 15 degrees. In the cold season, that is, in March, it is useless to carry out the processing of gray. Because it will not be very effective. In such conditions, complex drugs, as well as pests against pests, work perfectly.


  • Karbofos
  • Talstar
  • Nitrofen
  • Omait
  • Fufanon

Treatment and prevention of grape diseases with copper sulfate: Instruction

Copper sulfate is effective in relation to fungal diseases of the grapes, such as mildeu, Oidium. Using this substance, both preventive and therapeutic treatment can be carried out. Therapeutic treatment is carried out three times a season. The first time with the appearance of the first kidneys, the second time before flowering, the third time after it.


  • Dissolve 300 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of hot water
  • Mix until salt dissolves
  • Spray three times a season as indicated above
  • It is necessary to moisten the leaves, the vine and the upper soil layer
Copper sulfate processing
Copper sulfate processing

Treatment and prevention of grape diseases with phytosporin: Instruction

Fitosporin refers to fungicides, but this is not a very chemical drug. It is based on the hay stick, that is, living bacteria that are in the soil. They effectively fight with a variety of pathogenic environment, prevent the development of mushrooms, viruses, as well as various diseases of the grapes. Processing is carried out three times a season: early spring, before flowering, and after it. It is worth noting that phytosporin is not very effective if there is an advanced stage of the disease. In this case, you need to use chemicals and active fungicides.


  • In order to carry out processing, 5 g of powder is necessary in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • Carry out the processing of leaves, vines, as well as the surface layers of the soil. In the same way, processing is carried out before flowering.
  • After flowering, we recommend increasing the dose of the substance by 2 times, and make it more concentrated. That is, dissolve 10 g of substance in 10 liters of water and processing.

Fitosporin is not harmful to humans and bees, so there is absolutely safe grapes, even without a certain exposure, or some ripening standards. In fact, if the plant is sick, with phytosporin can even be carried out when there are roller berries on the hands.


Treatment and prevention of grape diseases by burgundy mixture: Instruction

Processing is carried out by a strong solution. To prepare it, you need to make a special liquid.


  • In a metal enameled bucket, pour 300 g of negative lime with two liters of hot water. Go away and mix with a wooden stick, because a violent reaction will be observed.
  • Beware so that the solution does not get on the skin and eyes. In another container, it is necessary to dilute 300 g of copper sulfate with 8 liters of water, and also mix.
  • After lime stops drilling, it is necessary to mix two solutions. It is this liquid that the leaves, vines, as well as the upper soil are carried out.
  • Three processing per season is enough if the weather is dry. If the rainy season is observed, then the processing of this mixture should be carried out once every 10 days. Because at this time an increased risk of fungal diseases.
Bordeaux mixture
Bordeaux mixture

Treatment and prevention of grape diseases by Fulgicide Strobi: Instructions

Strobi fungicide is effective in relation to fungal diseases. Refers to fungicides. Processing is carried out 3 times per season.


  • To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 5 g in a 10 liter bucket of water and carry out processing, not only leaves, but also branches, vines, as well as surface parts of the soil.
  • 30 days before the harvest, it is necessary to stop processing so that the substance does not accumulate in the berries.

Treatment and prevention of grape diseases Ridomil Gold: Instructions

Ridomil Gold is effective in relation to milde on grapes. Processing is carried out 3 times per season. Similarly: the first in early spring, the second to flowering, and the third after flowering.


  • In order to prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 25 g of the substance in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • It is used for preventive spraying, when there are only 4 sheets on the vineyard.
  • Subsequent processing are carried out every two weeks. The last time processing was carried out 2 weeks after flowering.
  • The consumption of the drug is 100-150 ml per square meter. It is necessary to spray the leaves, the vine, as well as the surface layer of the soil.

Treatment and prevention of grape diseases with folk remedies: recipes

To combat various diseases of the grapes and pests, folk methods are often used. They are effective in case of slight infection or for the purpose of prevention. In the case of a severe lesion of grapes by Mildu or Oidium, it is advisable to use a variety of fungicides.

Folk recipes:

  • To combat aphids, it is necessary to use a solution of ash or soap. To prepare the liquid, it is necessary to grind 300 g of soap on a grater, pour boiling water and leave for several minutes. After all the chips turn into a sour -like mass, it is dissolved in 10 liters of water. It is this solution that leaf processing is carried out. It is necessary that the solution falls on both the external and inside of the leaf.
  • Enjoy garlic quite often. This plant is planted near the grapes. Parsley and garlic scare away some pests and insects.
  • In order to get rid of the tick with folk methods, they use an unusual mixture. To do this, 100 g of onion husks, 500 g of dandelions and 5 heads of garlic are rubbed into a homogeneous gruel. A mixture is diluted in 5 liters of water. The filtered solution is poured into a spray, the leaf and vine of grapes are treated.
  • You can fight Mildeu with a broth of garlic. It is necessary to clean 75 g of garlic from the husk, throw it into the water and boil. Diluted to a volume of 10 liters. Then the bushes are treated with this liquid.
  • You can fight with mildeu with milk. It is necessary to mix milk with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Calcinated soda together with liquid soap is effective. It is necessary to dissolve 40 g of calcified soda in 10 liters of water and add 5 tablespoons of liquid soap.
  • You can spray the vine with a solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare the liquid, it is necessary to dissolve 5 g of matter in a 10 liter bucket of water.
Grape processing
Grape processing

Grapes processing in the spring, in August, in the fall, in the winter: processing time, system fungicides, complex measures

Many gardeners believe that after harvesting, nothing needs to be done. In fact, this is not so, because the stage of preparation for winter will contribute to the fact that in the spring you will receive a healthy vine, and the minimum risk of developing fungal diseases. The video sets out in more detail how to process grapes in the spring, in August, in the fall, and also in the winter, this can also be read about this in our article Than to spray grapes in the spring, summer and autumn from diseases and pests in stages.

Video: grape processing in the spring, summer and autumn

Is it possible and how to spray grapes before and during flowering?

One of the most effective processing is considered to flowering. Typically processing to combat fungal diseases.


  • This is done after the first inflorescences appeared, but have not yet bloomed. To do this, use drugs such as Delain, Horus, Fundazole, Topaz.
  • During flowering, it is impossible to carry out processing, except such a drug as phytosporin. Because it is not toxic and are a wand that is in the ground.
  • After flowering, more precisely, 5 days after it, the following treatment is carried out aimed at destroying fungal diseases, such as Mildu and Oidium. Preparations that should be used: foundazole, topaz, profit.
Grapes bloom
Grapes bloom

Is it possible to eat grapes struck by Moldu?

Grapes that are not affected by Milde is not there. Because it is wrinkled, the skin is hard and wrinkled. In addition, such berries are not suitable for the manufacture of wine and compotes. They just need to be thrown away. The grapes have the smell of mold and is not at all tasty.

Grape varieties resistant to mildew oidium: list, name

Almost all European varieties are very sensitive to fungal diseases: for false and powdery mildew. But recently, more than a dozen varieties have been bred that are resistant to fungal diseases. It is the planting of these varieties that allows you to get rid of the disease, as well as get a good harvest without additional treatment with fungicides. Below is a list of varieties resistant to fungal diseases.


  • Kishmish
  • Zaporizhzhya
  • Bogotanovsky
  • Flora
  • Anthony the Great
  • Pleven
  • European stand
  • Nadezhda Azos
  • Arched

Grapes are a culture that requires constant care. In addition to processing with fungicides and various top dressing, it is necessary to take care of the vine, break the leaves in time, mulch the soil, and also be sure to cover the vine for the winter. Only in this case you will get a good grape crop.

Video: fungicides for grapes

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