Wine at home from grapes: simple recipes. How to make wine from grapes white, red, dry?

Wine at home from grapes: simple recipes. How to make wine from grapes white, red, dry?

Recipes for making homemade wine of white, red, dry and sugar.

Nowadays, every owner is able to prepare homemade wine, who in abundance grows grapes. Nevertheless, a number of countries and regions have retained the reputation of manufacturers of unique wines in taste. For example, Georgia, Alazan Valley, France, Italy.

Grape variety from which Kinmaraul wine is made

Gags and a bottle of Georgian wine Kinzmarauli
gags and a bottle of Georgian wine Kinzmarauli
Kinzmarauli's red half -sweet wine comes from Georgia, from the Alazan Valley. There, among the two rivers, Alazani and Duruji, there is a plot with gray-blue earth, on which the grapes of the Saperavi varieties grow.

Thanks to the spring flood of one of the rivers flowing from the mountains, the soil is enriched with minerals, lime and substances from the peaks. Together, they have a beneficial effect on the taste of Saperavi grapes and the future of wine from it.

Note that in addition to the red color of Kinzmarauli, it is pink semi -dry and dry and even white. True, in the latter case, it is based on the grapes of the rkacitators.

In other areas of Georgia, this grape variety is used for the manufacture of dry wines.

How to make wine from grapes at home a step -by -step recipe?

Grapes of grapes, a bottle and a glass of homemade wine
grapes of grapes, a bottle and a glass of homemade wine
If you set out to stock up on home wine for the entire period of cold weather, then you need grapes. Either you grow it yourself and collect overripe clusters, or buy in autumn ready from a trusted seller.

Next, we offer a step -by -step recipe for making homemade wine from ordinary blue grapes.

  • Separate the berries from cuttings and put in a container like a pelvis or bathroom depending on the amount of grapes. Crush them with your hands or bare feet
  • A special press for berries is also suitable, which will open them into the gruel, the tank
  • It is not necessary to wash grapes, since the right amount of substances for fermentation is present on its skin. If you wash, stock up on special wine yeast, which you add to the grape juice at the fermentation stage
  • Gather the pulp in a clean container with a wide neck so that it is filled with no more than two -thirds. The container should not be made of metal or aluminum
  • Put the container with copper in the room where the air temperature ranges from 18 to 23 ℃
  • Cover the neck with fabric to avoid attracting midges
  • Stir the pulp every day for five days
  • Separate the skins of grapes from juice, wort, for example, using a coachman
  • Wonder and launder decompose in different tanks
Slotting sugar.
  • Add sugar at the rate of 50 g for each liter to the tank with a worship
  • In three days, try the taste of the future wine. If the sourness is preserved, fill the sugar in the same proportion
  • Когда сладость сусла вас удовлетворит и кислотность исчезнет, \u200b\u200bзначит брожение закончилось и вино стало полусладким или сладким с процентом спирта равном 15-17
  • The stage of sweetening of the wort and its ripening takes up to a month
  • If you want to get a little sparkling wine, then pour the finished sweet wort into the bottles and put it horizontally in a warm room for several days. If you don't need gas bulbs, proceed to the next stage
  • Pour the wort into the banks so that they are filled with three quarters
  • Lower the banks in hot water 75 ℃
  • Remove the jars and put on them traffic jams with a tube, one end of which is lowered into a jar of wine, and the second into a glass of water. Observe the output of carbon dioxide
  • When the wine calms down, pour a homemade low -alcohol drink into bottles and carry them into a basement or cellar for storage

Wine from grapes Homemade: Simple recipes

Freshwritten grapes in the basin before starting home wine
freshwritten grapes in the basin before starting home wine
For the manufacture of wine at home, such grapes are used:
  • Saperavi
  • Stepnyak
  • Novelty
  • Friendship
  • Festival
  • Isabel
  • Lydia
  • Dove
  • Livadian black

Recipe 1

Mesga of future home wine wanders in a bucket
mesga of future home wine wanders in a bucket
You need to cook:
  • Grapes - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 250 g per liter of future wort
  • Water - 100 ml per liter
  • Wooden barrel or pair of buckets
  • Battle or bath
  • Glass bottle
  • Wooden spatula for stirring
  • Flexible syphin hose-1 pc
  • Colander or gauze or dense straining fabric
  • Medical rubber glove
  • Dry, not washed grapes without leaves and twigs, go into the toux/bathroom
  • Transfer the resulting mass to a wooden barrel/bucket and leave 5-7 for a day to start the fermentation process. Cover on top tightly with a cloth
  • Mix the pulp daily with a wooden spatula so that the foamy hat with the peel disappears
  • Strain the mass, and let the peel drain well on a colander
  • Suscost sweeten the sugar and, if necessary, add a little water. Remember that it worsens the quality of the future wine, so do not be zealous
  • Pour the water only in the case of the presence of acid, the astringency and pinching of the tongue when tasting the wort on the sweet
  • Pour the finished wort into a glass bottle and put a rubber glove on its neck, punctures in it one finger
  • After a month and a half, in the absence of swollen gloves, put the bottle on the table or chair and insert a syphin tube so that it rises above the precipitation by three to five centimeters. Lower its second end into a clean dry jar/bottle
  • Leave a young wine in a cool room with a temperature of 15-18 ℃ For another three to four weeks to ripen
  • Pour the finished product by smaller capacities and lower it into a basement for exposure. Ready wine is suitable for use over the next 5-12 years. A longer period is justified if you did not add water to the wort

Recipe 2

Rubine homemade wine in a glass and a bottle
rubine homemade wine in a glass and a bottle
You need:
  • Unripe grapes - 10 kg
  • Sugar-sand-3 kg
  • Three -liter banks
  • Medical gloves
  • Colander
  • Bucket
  • Wooden blade
Cooking order:
  • Dry berries remote from cuttings, crush your hands or bucket in a bucket
  • Cover the resulting mass with the fabric and put in a warm room for 4-5 days.
  • Mix the pulp daily with a spatula
  • When a layer of foam and grape skins pops up, it's time to pursue the mass and separate it from the skins
  • Pour the finished wort into jars, mix with sugar and cover their neck with medical gloves on which a few fingers are pierced
  • By the way, instead of them you can clog banks with traffic jams with a gas pipe. One of its ends should lie in a container of water, and the second with a worship
  • Look for future wine for three weeks - as soon as the glove stopped pouting and the sounds of gurgling disappeared, it's time to pour a young wine drink
  • Distribute it into a clean dry container, avoiding sedimentation
  • Take it to a cool place for a month, during which after separating the yeast at the bottom three times pour young wine into another dish
  • Put the finished drink in a cool dark place for insisting
  • After a month, remove the sample with home wine

Wine from grapes

Beautiful young grape leaves before collecting home wine
beautiful young grape leaves before collecting home wine
Interestingly, at home you can cook wine not only from grapes, but also from its leaves.

For this:

  • Collect young leaves with cuttings
  • Rinse them thoroughly, chop with a knife and lay in a glass jar, leaving a third of its empty. Press the raw materials well so that it lay tight
  • Pour the jar with boiling water and cover with a cork of fabric or cotton wool
  • After three days of insisting in a warm place, squeeze the leaves, and strain the infusion through a colander with small holes
  • After a couple of hours, strain the future wine so that the sediment remains in the old container
  • Take a glass of infusion and heat it a little, add 200 g of sugar from the calculation per liter to this warm liquid
  • Allow well and pour into a container with the main amount of infusion. Mix everything
  • Put a clean dry jar with infusion in a hot place where the temperature is held in the area of \u200b\u200b+25 ℃
  • After three days, transfer it to the room and cover it with a cork of fabric or cotton wool
  • Change the container once a month and remove the sediment from the future wine
  • The time of ripening of wine from leaves is three months, that is, you should change banks three times for him
  • When the fermentation ends, pour the wine into bottles and store in a cool place

How to make wine from Isabella wine at home?

A couple of glasses of home wine and a clustard of grapes Isabella
a couple of glasses of home wine and a clustard of grapes Isabella
This grape variety is perhaps the most common in European countries. Thanks to good adaptation to any climatic conditions, except for harsh winter, it gives a rich harvest and serves to decorate courtyards and cottages.

The technology for manufacturing wine from Isabella is quite simple:

  • stick the grapes collected in dry sunny weather, separate the berries from cuttings, delete spoiled grapes
  • with the help of a press, push, arms or legs, crush the material
  • pour water about 40% of the amount of pulp and fill in sugar at the rate of 40 g for each of its liters
  • within 4 days, the sweetened diluted pulp wanders, forming a hat. Pour it with a wooden stick, stirring once a day
  • strain the pulp and pour water again, better boiled, approximately 40% of the total wort
  • fill a bottle of three quarters, clog it with a cork from a cotton at a time of active fermentation
  • when the wort subsides, replace the cork with a rubber glove, punctured on one finger
  • as soon as the glove stopped puffing up, remove it, pour a glass of wort, heat and mix with sugar in a proportion of 200 g per liter
  • mix sweet wort with the rest of the volume and leave to ripen for a month
  • put a container with future wine on the table and, using a vinyl tube, pour a wort into a smaller container
  • open a little more, sweeten the drink
  • keep a young wine in a cool place

What grapes are made of grape varieties: recipe for cooking

Glass, a bottle of white homemade wine, a bunch and leaves of grapes
glass, a bottle of white homemade wine, a bunch and leaves of grapes
At home, you will get white wine from such grapes:
  • Bianka
  • Oligot
  • Riesling
And the recipe for its preparation is as follows:
  • mesga obtained from crushed mature whole berries, together with wine yeast wanders for five days
  • it is covered with fabric and stands in a warm place
  • you stir it daily
  • svide and pour into the bottle so that a quarter of it remains free
  • install a water shutter from a cork with a tube, the second end of which is lowered into a glass of water
  • когда активное брожение прекратилось, доливайте свежее сусло до полного заполнения тары
  • after a month of ripening, uncorn the shutter and try wine for sugar. If your goal is a white dry wine, then you do not need to add it. If you want to get half -sweet, fill in sugar at the rate of 200 g per liter of wort
  • pour a young drink into bottles and leave in a cool place for a couple of weeks until ripening
  • light tone and sediment at the bottom are signs of completing the process of preparing white wine
  • strain it by deleting the sediment, pour it into new containers and send it to the cellar to the nearest feast

What grapes are made of red wine from: recipe for cooking

A couple of glasses of homemade red wine
a couple of glasses of homemade red wine
Red homemade wine is made of all varieties of blue, black, red grapes. We list some:
  • Cabernet
  • Lydia
  • Isabel
  • Moldova
Consider another recipe for making homemade red wine.

You need to prepare:

  • Ripened but not spoiled grapes
  • Wine yeast
  • Sugar in an amount of 50-250 g per liter of wort, if you need to get half-sweet/sweet wine
  • Bentonite, or special clay for lightening a home -made drink
  • Tara for fermentation of the pulp and wort
  • Air flow
  • Hydrometer
  • Iodine solution for disinfection of dishes
  • Grown grapes, separated from garbage and twigs, crush hands/feet/press/block. If you add yeast, then you can wash it before.
  • Wipe the containers before use by a water solution of iodine to remove microorganisms
  • Put a bucket with a pulp in a warm place for 4 days to start fermentation. If you wash grapes, pour wine yeast
  • Stir the foam hat every day, and when it does not break, remove it with a spoon
  • Strain the wort and squeeze the skins of grapes that swim on the surface
  • Measure the density of the juice with an area. If it is 15 and below, add sugar to taste, but not less than 50 g per liter. If within 20-25, leave the wort without sweetening to wander further
  • On a bottle of grape juice, install air supply
  • For two weeks, shake the bottle periodically
  • Когда осадок отделиться и выпадет, перелейте сусло в новую чистую и продизенфицированную тару при помощи трубки-сифона
  • Measure the density. If you made sugar for the first time, then now add no more than 100 g per liter. If the density indicator is both the first and during repeated measurement, the wine does not need to be sweetened at all
  • Close the tank with a worship with air conditioning and leave to warm the weeks for two weeks
  • A thick, pronounced sediment signals the need to change containers for juice
  • Dilute bentonite in a small amount of wort to the consistency of sour cream. Proportion 2 measures for 10 liters of liquid
  • Enter the solution, stirring a wort
  • Stir again in a couple of hours
  • Leave in a warm place for a week until the sediment is formed
  • Pour young wine into bottles so that the sediment does not get into them
  • Add a little sugar if desired
  • Put the bottles in a horizontal position in a cool basement
  • For the next five years, you have a reserve of homemade red wine of sweet, semi -sweet or dry, depending on the presence of dissolved sugar

Dry wine at home from grapes

Grapes of different varieties, white and red homemade wine in glasses
grapes of different varieties, white and red homemade wine in glasses
Dumers of dry wine can easily cook it from grapes that grow in your area.

Take any of the above recipes as a basis. The only feature is that you do not need sugar at all as an additional ingredient.

Wine from frozen grapes

Grape berries are covered with hoarfrost
grape berries are covered with hoarfrost
Ice wine is a unique type of alcoholic drink from grapes of both pr at end quality and manufacturing technology.

They collect clusters of frozen grapes after good frost on a clear sunny day.

Since the grape consumption is large, and the output is very small, ice wine is expensive in price and is highly appreciated among lovers of this drink.

The berries are neatly collected in the cold on the eve of the New Year at the end of December. Grapes should not melt while they are removed from the dose and pass under the press.

By the way, a liter of ice wine is obtained from 30 kg of selected icy raw materials.

Mesga wanders for a long time - several months. The filtered wort shows into bottles, which are well clogged and stored in cellars for up to 20 years.

And ice wine in an open bottle can live only up to 10 hours and then if you store it closed in the refrigerator.
So, we examined the features of the preparation of different types of wine from various grape varieties. We got acquainted with the production technologies of the Georgian alcoholic drink and ice wine.
Practice any of the considered recipes, copy secrets and drink homemade wine in moderate quantities.
Be healthy!

Video: How to make wine at home from Isabella grapes?

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