Planting, transplanting and caring for strawberries in the spring. Growing, top dressing, processing from pests and diseases and trimming strawberries in the spring: tips

Planting, transplanting and caring for strawberries in the spring. Growing, top dressing, processing from pests and diseases and trimming strawberries in the spring: tips

How to plant, plant, fertilize, water, protect from diseases and pests, as well as feed strawberries in the spring?

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries growing in our country. In order to get a good harvest of this culture, you need to know several rules for planting and caring for it. In this article, we will consider the procedure for planting and growing strawberries in the spring of the year.

How to plant strawberries in the spring: step -by -step instructions

Step -by -step instructions for planting strawberries in the spring

Here are the main stages of strawberry planting in the spring:

Selection of planting material

The choice of strawberry seedlings
The choice of strawberry seedlings

Experienced gardeners believe that high -quality seedlings should have the following characteristics:

  • Roots in length-8-10 cm (if longer, then they must be shortened to the specified value)
  • The diameter of the root neck is 6mm
  • The number of leaflets is 5pcs.

Selection of a site for landing

Selection of a strawberry landing site
Selection of a strawberry landing site
  • The optimal side for growing strawberries in the spring is a southwest direction.
  • This culture is growing very well on the slopes with a small angle of 2-3 degrees, as well as in lowland areas.
  • Professionals consider nightshade cultures to be unsuccessful for strawberries, as well as strawberries itself, growing on this site for the past 4 years - it will be best to plant it in the ground, in which cereal crops have previously grew.
  • Also an undesirable proximity for this sweet berries is considered forest landings and fields, since strawberries can suffer from the invasions of the May beetles.

Preparation of soil

How to prepare the soil for planting strawberries?
How to prepare the soil for planting strawberries?
  • The optimal time for the preparation of soil for strawberries for the next spring is the month of August. During this period, it is advisable to remove all weeds from the planned area and dig it.
  • In the spring, a month before the culture is planted, it is necessary to remove all weed plants and disinfect the soil.
  • On the eve of planting strawberries, if necessary, you need to again exterminate all the storms and level the soil with a rake.
  • The ideal soil for strawberries is considered black soil, fertilized ash, with acidity of 5.5-6.5rN. Sour and peat soils for this berry are contraindicated.

Landing strawberries

How to plant strawberries in the spring?
How to plant strawberries in the spring?
  • Strawberry planting can be carried out in a single -line or double -line way.
  • A single -line method involves planting plants at a distance of 16cm from each other and 60cm between rows.
  • In the two -line method, the aisle is 30 cm, and the distance between the bushes is 60cm.
  • For spring planting strawberries, a double -line method is considered optimal, but with a single -line you can get a good harvest of berries.
  • The depth of holes for bushes should be from 7 to 10 cm, since the roots in them will be located vertically.
  • If, in the preparation of the site, the soil was not fertilized in the fall, then after stuffing the holes in them, it is advisable to lay out ash, humus or chicken droppings.
  • The planting material on the eve of the landing must be kept for 2-3 days in open boxes in the shade.
  • If the rhizomes of plants look dry, then half an hour before planting they are best placed in water (you can add growth stimulator to the liquid).
  • Before planting strawberries, the holes must be poured with water (half a liter of water in each hole).
  • It is necessary to place the strawberry bush in the hole so that its core is at the level with the soil, and the roots are neatly straightened.
  • Properly located, strawberry bush must be filled with earth and mulch with a peat crown or humus of a 2-3 centimeter layer.
  • To make sure that the seedling sits reliably in the ground, you can slightly pull the plant by the leaf - if it does not slip out of the hole, then the landing was carried out correctly.
  • After planting strawberries, be sure to water.
  • If at the time of planting seedlings the temperature on the street is not too high, then the beds with strawberries can be covered with a film, and after warming it can be removed.

How to plant or transplant strawberries in the spring?

How to plant strawberries in the spring?
How to plant strawberries in the spring?
  • First of all, it is worth saying that you can transplant or plant strawberries in spring, summer and autumn.
  • The most successful time for transplantation is autumn, but summer with spring for these purposes is also suitable.
  • If you plant strawberries in the spring, then you need to do this in early April. Slow growth and development is characteristic of plants transplanted in late April or early May.
  • The transplant is needed by bushes of strawberries that “sat” in one place for more than 4 years. Such plants are distinguished by the beauty of the bush, but the scarcity of the crop - some bushes generally stop giving berries.
  • For transplanting strawberries, it is best to choose shaded places with fertile soil.
  • Poor predecessors for the seeding of this sweet berry are potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin, pepper, eggplant. These crops are able to exhaust the soil and contribute to breeding in it dangerous pests for strawberries.
  • The soil will be suitable in which legumes, parsley, radishes, celery, carrots or garlic grew before our berry.
  • Prepare soil for transplantation in advance.
  • A month or two before planting, the site must be cleaned of weeds, digested, fertilized and moistened thoroughly.
Transplanting strawberries in the spring
Transplanting strawberries in the spring
  • In order for moisture to linge in the finished soil as long as possible and contributes to the development of useful organisms in it, the finished area can be covered with agriculture.
  • It is necessary to transplant strawberries on a non -sunny, cool day. The air temperature should not exceed 20 ° C.
  • If during the day there is hot, sunny weather, then it is better to postpone the seedling procedure for the evening.
  • As a transplant material, it is best to choose bushes of the second or third year of life. You can also use developed mustache as a seedling located next to the mother bush. Their root system is much more developed than that of less mature antennae.
  • You can transplant strawberries in a double -line or three -line way. With a three -line method, the distance between the bushes will be 30 cm, between the rows - 40 cm, and the width of the ridge will be 120 cm.
  • After the holes in the prepared area are dug up, they will need to be carefully moistened. When the water is completely absorbed into the ground, it is necessary to make a transplant itself.
  • The bush for seedlings is digged immediately before immersing it in a new hole.
  • In order to get a bush of strawberries, it is necessary on both sides by two shovels at a distance of 5-6 cm from the bush to dig a plant and separate the desired sprout. Earth lump should stay on the bush.
  • The bush must be deepened in such a way that its core is at the level with the ground, the roots are underground, and the foliage above it.
  • Immediately after transplanting, strawberries must be well watered.

How to treat strawberries in early spring from diseases and pests?

How to protect strawberries from diseases and enemies?
How to protect strawberries from diseases and enemies in spring?

Strawberries have a number of enemies and diseases. To combat each of them, it is necessary to use completely different methods and drugs.

Prevention from many pests and diseases can be the processing of strawberries in the spring of Bordeaux liquid, topaz or fufan.

If we consider each problem separately, then the following funds must be used against it:

  • In the fight against gray rot, copper chloride, burgundy liquid or mulch from sawdust will help.
  • Against black rot, it is recommended to use copper chloride or a light solution of manganese.
  • Dravish dew can be overcome with sulfaride, colloidal gray, mild manganese or fungicides.
  • With spotting, the bushes are advised to fight copper chloride, and in extreme cases - sulfuric acid.
  • You can try to exterminate a stray tick with infusion of dandelions, a decoction of tomato tops or a pantobos.
  • The web is afraid of infusion of wormwood or tobacco, carbofos (after collecting berries) or phytover (at the end of flowering).
  • With strawberry weevils, a decoction of fresh bird cherry or wormwood, carbofos (after harvesting) or spark-m is often used.
  • Enights such as mokritsy, slugs or snails are afraid of copper sulfate - it can be sprayed into plants or scatter between rows. Superphosphates (before the appearance of berries) and negative lime are also effective in such cases.
  • Many gardeners, in order to avoid the appearance of a nematode, plant calendula near strawberries. If the disease still struck the plant, then sore bushes can be tried to dig and hold in a salt solution (per liter of water 15g salt) for 15 minutes. Immediately after the rhizome procedure, you need to thoroughly wash and put the bushes back into the ground.
  • In order to exterminate the larvae of the wireworm and the Nutcracker, vegetables must be buried between the rows of strawberries. After a couple of days, vegetables with pests sitting in them should dig.

How to feed strawberries in early spring?

Spring strawberry top dressing
Spring strawberry top dressing

Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing strawberries three times a year-in early spring (middle-columns of April), directly on the eve of flowering and at the final stage of fruiting.

The first top dressing can be carried out by organic or inorganic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers include:

  • ash
  • chicken droppings
  • humus
  • bow or horse manure

Organic fertilizers can simply be laid out under the bushes of strawberries, or you can make aqueous solutions from them. This type of top dressing is good because there are never many it, and that it is natural.

Attention! Caution needs to be only with chicken, as it contains a greater concentration of nitrogen, which can cause burns of the root system.

Inorganic fertilizers for strawberries must contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. You can feed strawberries with this type of fertilizer according to the packaging instructions. The seller in a mineral fertilizer store can always tell you what type of top dressing is suitable for your strawberries, since you need to take its variety, age and climatic conditions of the region in the calculation.

Strawberry pruning in the spring: scheme

How to cut strawberries in the spring?
How to cut strawberries in the spring?

The opinions of experts regarding whether it is worthwhile to trim strawberries in summer and autumn have long been divided. Many people believe that this procedure only harms the plant, while others, on the contrary, are sure that after removing of indisting processes and sheets, the harvesting of strawberries increases significantly.

Be that as it may, but the spring pruning of strawberries is still needed. It allows you to eliminate weak links in general the bush, do not waste the strength of the plant on unnecessary processes and direct all its energy to the development of berries.

Spring pruning procedure:

  • We eliminate all the dead processes, damaged or darkened leaves, as well as the foliage spread on the ground from the bush.
  • If the next year is not planned to be seeding of the bush, then we remove its young sockets
  • In parallel with trimming, we clean the bushes from weeds
  • Torn leaves and stalks of strawberries, as well as weeds, are thoroughly removed from the site
  • Steel rod loosening the soil around strawberry bushes
  • Water the strawberries well
  • Feel the plant

Watering strawberries in the spring

How to water strawberries in the spring?
How to water strawberries in the spring?

Watering for strawberries is very important, since the entire period of the plant’s life, its leaves evaporate a large amount of moisture. At the same time, the root system of strawberries is located in the upper layers of soil, which does not allow it to nourish moisture from the ground.

After planting young seedlings, they must be watered three times a day (3 l of water at 1 m.m.) daily for a crescent. Upon reaching the sprouts of a two-week period, watering them should be watered in a day or two. All this time, the plant can be sprayed, and already with the appearance of flowers on its stems, it needs to provide drip irrigation.

Strawberry - Care in the spring: advice of experienced gardeners

The opinion of experienced gardeners on how to care for strawberries in the spring
The opinion of experienced gardeners on how to care for strawberries in the spring

Strawberries are a rather picky and capricious plant. In addition, it is subject to attacks by pests and numerous diseases. That is why experienced gardeners recommend taking care of strawberries carefully and scrupulously.

The main points of proper care for these small bushes are:

  1. correct landing
  2. frequent watering
  3. timely top dressing
  4. neatly produced bushes
  5. daily examination of the plant
  6. correct fight against diseases and pests

Only by observing all these rules, you can grow a healthy plant and get a great harvest of sugar strawberries.

How to care for strawberries in the spring: video

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