Planting, care, pruning, feeding and processing apple trees in spring from pests and diseases. How to plant an apple tree in the spring: step -by -step instructions

Planting, care, pruning, feeding and processing apple trees in spring from pests and diseases. How to plant an apple tree in the spring: step -by -step instructions

A good harvest of apples is the key to painstaking work and tree care. In this article we will talk about planting apple trees and caring for them.

When is it better to plant apple trees: spring or autumn?

Important: many gardeners agree that autumn is the most favorable period for planting apple tree seedlings.

And there is an explanation for this:

  • Autumn is a humid season, so the root system of a seedling of an apple tree has every chance to strengthen, grow and gain strength in front of a autonomic period;
  • By spring, a young tree will receive all the necessary nutrients.

It is worth saying that the period of apple tree planting also directly depends on the region and climatic conditions of the terrain.

  • In Ukraine, apple tree seedlings are planted in late September - in early October;
  • For Belarus, the Urals and Siberia, the most optimal period is the end of August and the beginning of September;
  • In the zone of the Non -Black Earth region it is better to plant apple trees in the spring.

The zone of the Non -Black Earth region covers a large region of Russia: from the Republic of Karelia to the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Important: the gurus of gardening says: “To plant an apple tree is not just to sprinkle the seedling with earth. Planting an apple tree means to provide a tree with a long life without illness. In the laying of the garden lies his future fate. "

Group seedlings

How to plant an apple tree in the spring: scheme, distance between trees

Before planting an apple tree, you need to learn several rules that will lead to success:

  1. It is advisable to plant fruit trees in those areas where they did not grow before.
  2. Do not plant apple trees next to tall trees, especially if the forest is located nearby.
  3. Apple trees should be located on a well -lit area.
  4. If your site is swampy or located in a zone with high humidity, it is better to plant seedlings on mounds.
Planting an apple tree

Particular attention should be paid to the distance between the seedlings. Young gardeners often make mistakes by planting trees too close to each other.

Important: it is necessary to take into account the fact that after years the root system and crown of trees grow, nutrients will be distributed in insufficient quantities, and the crowns will be interwoven. In other words, trees will begin to compete for space.

Recommendations for the distance between seedlings during landing:

  • For tall trees-5-6 m;
  • For medium -sized and semi -caralic - 3 m;
  • For dwarfs-1-1.5 m.

How to plant an apple tree in the spring: step -by -step instructions

You need to prepare for the apple tree in advance: at the end of summer/autumn, dig the area on which you plan to plant the apple tree, immediately before planting, the soil will need to be loosened.

You also need to take care in advance about the landing pit, at least 14 days before planting the seedling. You should know that the landing hole is not just a hole for planting a seedling, it is a storage of nutrients for wood for many years to come.

Preparation of the landing pit:

  1. Dig a pit with a diameter of about 80 cm and a depth of about 80 cm (for most types of apple trees you need just such a pit size).
  2. The upper and lower layer of the soil is folded separately.
  3. Mix the upper layer of dug soil with humus, compost, peat. For clay soils you also need to add sand.
  4. Fill the pit with this mixture, after which it is plentifully pouring with water.
  5. After a while, the pit will settle and it will be possible to plant a tree.

Important: some gardeners say that they need to add fertilizers for good apple growth; Others believe that the abundance of chemical fertilizers only harms the root system of a young seedling. In extreme cases, superphosphate can be put on the bottom of the pit.

How to prepare a landing hole

Planting a seedling:

  1. For planting a tree, dig a hole in size of the seedlings of the seedling.
  2. Be sure to put the pegs in the pit - this simple welcome will protect the young tree from the wind.
  3. Put the seedling in the hole and sprinkle with the ground. Tie the seedling to the peg.
  4. The root neck (place of transition of the trunk to the root) should be located 4-5 cm above the ground.
  5. After planting, the place around the tree needs to be well drowned.
  6. Pour the tree abundantly (3-4 buckets of water).
  7. The soil near the barrel at the end must be covered with humus.
Planting an apple tree step by step

Video: How to plant an apple tree?

When to remove the shelter from apple trees in the spring?

In the winter, apple trees are usually covered, and this event is directed not only to protect against frosts. Shelter helps to protect the bark from rodents, and during the appearance of the first scorching rays - from a burn.

You need to remove the shelter gradually. First, you can remove the shelter from the crown, and after converging the last snow - from the barrel. In this case, you need to immediately whitewash the tree for further protection against sunlight, and destroy the minks of rodents (if available).

When to water the apple trees in the spring?

  • The soil on which apple trees grow should be moderately wet. Watering young trees directly depends on the rain.
  • If it rains often, you do not need to water a tree. But it is important to loosen the soil, providing air access to the root of the tree. At the same time, the forks cannot be rotated in the ground, otherwise it can lead to a violation of fragile roots.
  • If the street is dry and warm, watering should be done 2 times a week. The norm of water for a young tree is 1-2 buckets.
  • It’s good in the evening to water the tree by sprinkling, this method will wash off pests from the crown and apple tree trunk.
  • You can’t water the tree when the sun is falling on the street. Such watering can lead to the development of wood diseases.
How often to water the apple tree in the spring

How to spray apple trees in the spring from boys and pests?

Parsha is a fungal tree disease that affects the fruits, leaves and bark. Black spots appear on the leaves and apples. The steam leads to a decrease in the crop, can provoke the death of a tree.

You need to deal with the scab in several stages.

Stage 1. It begins in the fall, when the old sick leaves have fallen. The trunk of a sore tree is cleaned and treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water).
Stage 2. Before the kidney swells, the affected tree is subject to spraying. They do this at the end of March at a approximate temperature of 5-6*. The tree is sprayed with the same solution of sulfate or urea from the lane.
Stage 3. The next spraying falls at the time of the buds of the kidneys. Special drugs are used - phytolavin, skorus, gamaire.
Stage 4. Spraying after harvesting.

Important: the amount of spraying depends on the degree of damage to the tree. Each gardener must observe his tree and make a decision.

A struck by a steam apple

Apple tree processing in spring from pests and diseases

In addition to leisure, apple trees can be damaged by many other pests. With each type of pests there is a certain way of struggle:

  1. Spraying copper sulfate will help get rid of zhukov, fruit -hub, ticks. You can process the apple tree with a sulfate before the renal ties, during the tie and after harvesting.
  2. Spraying urea will help get rid of caterpillars, their cocoonAnd also launch the autonomous process. It is produced in early spring.
  3. Aphids, copperitsa, ticks and leaflets will disappear if you spray the tree during flowering bordeaux liquid or colloidal gray;
  4. inkstone help to cope with fungal diseases.

Important: chemicals are still undesirable if you want to get an environmentally friendly crop. Some use folk remedies in the fight against pests: treat trees with a solution with tobacco, garlic; Sprayed with a solution of water and salt.

Table: spraying apple trees from pests

Incorrect apple trees in the spring: what to whiten?

The whitewash performs several important functions:

  • Protects the tree from the scorching sun;
  • Protects against rodents;
  • Helps to get rid of some pests;
  • Gives aesthetic appearance to a tree.

You can whitewash the apple tree with the help of such means:

  1. Lime. The cheapest way. To provide the barrel with a good layer of lime, you will have to go through the brush several times.
  2. Alkyd paint. Can be purchased in a special store. One layer is enough. The advantage is the presence of antifungal substances in the composition.
  3. Copper sulfate with chalk. This composition is useful for wood in that it provides power supply and protects against some pests.

Important: you need to whitewash the trees in the spring before the sun begins to actively warm the earth. Do not forget to clean the trunk from lichens and moss before whitewashing.

Drinking apple trees

How to feed apple trees in the spring: fertilizers

Important: feeding apple trees can be both useful and harmful. If you oversaturate the soil with nitrogen, there is a risk of left without apples, but with many young shoots on the crown.

You can feed the apple tree with two types of fertilizers:

  • Mineral
  • Organic

Minerals include potassium, nitrogen, ammonium nitrate, micro -support. Such types of fertilizers are suitable for sandy soil.

Black earth does not need nitrogen fertilizer. Organic fertilizers (humus, compost) will be appropriate here.

Fertilizers need to be applied not only at the barrel, but also at some distance from it.

Apple frying scheme fertilizer

Video: top dressing and pest fighting

How to transplant the apple tree in the spring to a new place?

Before transplanting the apple tree, weigh well all the pros and cons:

  1. Young apple trees under 2 years old take root best in new places.
  2. Damaged trees are better not to transplant.

The tree is dug up with the earthen lump, along with it they put it in a new place. Damaged roots will need to be cut.

The apple tree is planted in a new place in the usual way, you still need to prepare a landing pit in advance, and make fertilizer there. You need to transplant apple trees in the spring before swelling of the kidneys.

How to correctly cut the old apple tree in the spring for beginners: scheme

Cutting the branches of the old apple tree enables a tree to bring new crops. After all, as you know, with age, the tree brings less and less fruits. Cutting is the formation of a free crown. It is not always possible to correctly cut the branches.

Even young trees are worthwear. The diagram shows how to cut trees of different ages.

Scheme: circumcision of apple branches

Evaline care measures will lead to good crops and longevity of a tree. We hope you succeed.

Video: How to cut the apple tree correctly?

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