How to call a boy with a patronymic Nikolaevich? Beautiful male names suitable for patronymic Nikolaevich: List. The meaning of the middle name of Nikolaevich for the boy and the influence of the middle name on his character

How to call a boy with a patronymic Nikolaevich? Beautiful male names suitable for patronymic Nikolaevich: List. The meaning of the middle name of Nikolaevich for the boy and the influence of the middle name on his character

You will have a child! You are pregnant! These are the most pleasant words for the married couple who are waiting for the baby. Sometimes parents approach the choice of a name for a child with special attention, but it is not unimportant to pay attention to a middle name. It is of great importance, as well as its consonance with the name. When choosing an adversary, you need to rely on your preferences, but it will be very useful to get acquainted with the meaning and combination with the middle name.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Arseny - which means: description of the name". You will learn everything about this name.

The middle name can have a huge impact on the character, like a name, although of course this is not the only factor. But it is important that a person’s personal data sounds harmoniously and beautifully. What is the name to give the boy with the middle name Nikolaevich? Look for an answer in the article below.

Patronymic Nikolaevich for a boy: what does it mean, how does it affect the character?


Often boys with patronymic Nikolaevich Outwardly, they are very similar to their mother. They may have its facial features and any features-a large nose or protruding ears, for example. Here is a description of the meaning and influence on human characteristics:

  • The character acquires similarity to his father - stubborn, persistent, able to achieve his goals, whatever it costs him.
  • In childhood, these are very selfish children who require a lot of attention. If suddenly there is another child, there will be a struggle for love for parents. Although all this is temporary until the kids themselves grow up and their thinking will not change.
  • If the child is alone, be prepared for the fact that you will need to pay a lot of attention. At the same time, grandparents, or some other relatives will not be able to replace him. They will have their own role in the life of your son.

Boy with patronymic Nikolaevich - The future boss, careerist. Likes to bring the work begun to the end. He copes with any obstacles in his path, not afraid of failures and disappointments. This is a person with a strong -willed and strong character, they speak about such as behind a stone wall. Very fair, feels falsity and insincerity in a person, for the truth will always defend his position, not serving someone else's influence.

  • Nikolaevich By nature, a loner, it is very difficult for him to trust people, because he has a narrow circle of people to whom he can tell some secret secrets.
  • Some of these people are not indifferent to alcohol, in alcohol, they are very incontinent and may accidentally offend the interlocutor or interlocutor, but they will surely apologize at the future in the future.
  • Nikolaevich An excellent family man, they say "my house is my fortress." You will not envy the person who dares to offend his relatives.
  • In the choice of clothes, not particularly picky, it can walk in the same time for a very long time, while the clothes always look neat and neat.

Such a person is indifferent to sports, but at the same time it can become an excellent fan and sincerely support his team. Nikolaevich A very devoted and faithful friend. The lucky one who has such a friend in close environment.

The choice of the boy’s name for patronymic Nikolaevich: Tips, what Russian name is suitable for the boy?

Not always the name, invented by parents, is consonant with the middle name. The choice of naming for your baby is one of the most difficult tasks for young parents. It seems that the name is very beautiful in itself, but it does not always go to patronymic. As a result, the personality itself suffers, since when pronouncing personal data, the language stumbles. It becomes difficult to communicate with such a person, especially if you need to call it by name and patronymic, for example, at work.

It is worth noting that before young parents did not have such a choice of names as modern dads and mothers. Only after the birth of the crumbs, he was given a name according to the church calendar. Now modern parents have a huge selection. Information about the description of each name and patronymic, their meaning, so you can approximately trace the fate that this person will have. For example, above the text described the character of a boy with a patronymic Nikolaevich. Now the choice will be easier to make. Below you will find advice and a list of Russian names suitable for a boy with such a middle name.

  • Alexander
  • Alexei
  • Andrew
  • Anatoly
  • Arseny
  • Vladimir
  • Vladislav
  • Victor
  • George
  • Dmitry
  • Evgeniy
  • Kirill
  • Konstantin
  • Leonid
  • Maksim
  • Sergey
  • Nikolai
  • Yaroslav

These naps are well consonant and create an interesting union. Since this middle name is long, you can choose a shorter name for it. For example:

  • Boris
  • Gleb
  • Egor
  • Ilya
  • Ivan
  • Oleg
  • Mark
  • Yuri

middle name Nikolaevich So universal and beautiful, so you can choose many different names for it. Read further.

Beautiful Russian male names consonant to the patronymic Nikolaevich: a list with meaning

The name Nicholas means "winner." Therefore, it will be correct to choose a name close in spirit to this patronymic Nikolaevich. Below are beautiful Russian male names in tune with it. Here is a list with the meaning:


  • The name from the Greek names "Alex" to protect and "Andros" man.
  • The most popular name in the world.
  • The name of Alexander wore many historical personalities.
  • The patrons of the Church are the noble prince Alexander Nevsky, the Monk Alexander Constantinople, the Monk Alexander Svirsky.
  • In childhood, this is a very sociable, polite and sensitive person.
  • He dreams and fantasizes a lot.
  • Since childhood, the inclinations of the leader are visible, always surrounded by children who are interested in with him.
  • Sasha is a very curious child, so he always has something to surprise his environment.
  • In youth, he always strives to be the first, does not tolerate failures.
  • He is very worried about defeats, but always seeks to fix.
  • In more adulthood, he always seeks to lead, as he does not like to obey anyone. Therefore, such people make excellent owners of large companies.
  • Alexander knows how to properly distribute his strength and lead people.


  • The name comes from the Greek Alexios ("defender"). At baptism, they give a name - Alexy.
  • Little Alexei is very susceptible and impressive. He does not like conflicts.
  • Since childhood, he plays the role of a peacekeeper. Very hardworking and responsible.
  • In adolescence, it becomes more prudent and tough.
  • He knows how to impose his point of view to others. Always has its opinion, never changes principles.
  • At any age, Lesha protects the weaker sex.
  • It provides assistance to those in need.
  • In adulthood, he quickly rises along the career ladder, without betraying his principles. Very directed.
  • It can become an excellent leader, honest and fair.
  • Alexey is a good and devoted friend, but not letting everyone into his life, only to whom he trusts.
  • From Alexei you will get the best father. Children for him are the main meaning in life.


  • The Old Slavonic name (owning the world), in the church version, Volodymyr.
  • In childhood, a very active and active child. It will always be busy with something, he is interested in everything. A very sociable and polite baby.
  • In his youth, he already shows the inclinations of the leader, is not afraid of criticism.
  • Vova is a real pride in her family. Very obligatory, responsible and executive.
  • In more adulthood, he strengthens his leadership qualities, while always taking care of his environment, be his parents or other family members.
  • It can become a successful doctor, politician, scientist, writer and director.
  • Vladimir chooses his life partner for a long time. It will be a good family man and take care of children.
  • But the upbringing of children, alas, will fall on the shoulders of his wife. It works hard and hard to give a worthy education to their children.


  • Comes from lat. Victor (winner).
  • In Christianity, this name means victory over all sins and death.
  • As a child, Victor is a very flexible child, without delivering any problems to his parents. He does not like conflicts with peers, always finds a peaceful solution. Very curious. It has a good imagination and imagination.
  • In adolescence, it becomes even more serious and responsible. Any adult could envy this line of his character. Not a dreamer. Sets specific goals and strives for their fulfillment.
  • In adulthood, it does not change its principles, moving to the intended goal. At the same time, it remains a responsive and cheerful person. He will always come and extend the hand of help.
  • For him there are no barriers, no matter what profession he chose, will reach high -wide shir in it.
  • Victor is a wonderful family man and father. He will not only take care of his children, but also engage in their upbringing. From childhood, he will instill in his children a sense of responsibility and independence.
In general, all male names are suitable for this patronymic, especially consisting of two syllables - Ivan, Oleg, Pavel and so on. The patronymic itself is quite difficult - comparative. And the easier the adoption, the better. And bulky names (Konstantin and others) will weight the composition.
Here are some more consonant unions with Russian names:
Beautiful Russian male names consonant to the patronymic Nikolaevich
Beautiful Russian male names consonant to the patronymic Nikolaevich

The list and meaning of beautiful and popular, modern male names, consonant with patronymic Nikolaevich

The choice of a name is often involved not only by parents. There are many opinions on this score - from grandfathers, grandmothers, aunt, uncle and other relatives. But do not forget that the naming is one thing and for life. Therefore, his choice must be approached with all responsibility. Now there are many beautiful and popular, modern male names, consonant with patronymic Nikolaevich. Here is a list with the meaning:

  • Vladislav (Vlad) - Despite the fact that by origin this name is Old Slavonic, it is very popular. According to statistics, there are 20 boys out of 1000 newborns. The name was bore by many of the great reality and kings. These are purposeful personalities, do not stop there. It can take under their patronage those in need of help.
  • Dmitry - The ancient Greek name means dedicated to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture and fertility). Very popular in Russia. It has a beautiful combination with the middle name of Nikolaevich. The main qualities of Dmitry are perseverance and will. A born leader, it will be love or career. Very friendly, will always help out in difficult situations.
  • Ivan - The church significance of the name John has Jewish roots and the origin of the biblical. The name hides conflicting character warehouses, with mood swings. Ivan can be very kind to you, and after a while anger can also show. At the same time, a very strong -willed and strong person who knows how to competently convey his positions to the environment. In general, very caring and attentive.
  • Andrew - The meaning of the name goes into ancient Greece (denotes brave, brave). Self -confident and knowing the price. Attracts a lot of attention to himself. He knows how to captivate his interlocutor, while not forgetting to charm him. Increased self -esteem, loves a lot of attention. It is very popular among the weaker sex, while it is in no hurry to oblige himself to marry. Loves independence, but at the same time very hardworking. Always holds back the promises that he gives.
  • Yaroslav - The princely name, the owners of this name were 16 princes, the origin of the name is unknown (possibly Old Russian, arising from the word "bright"). Strong, sports, sociable and friendly. The rest always equal to such people. In any field of activity will achieve great success. His companion of life will idolize all her life, giving her love and care. Children will always feel the support of their father. This is one example of an ideal family man and father.

Here are still beautiful and modern names that are suitable for this patronymic:

Beautiful, modern male names consonant to the patronymic Nikolaevich
Beautiful, modern male names consonant to the patronymic Nikolaevich

List of names suitable for the patronymic Nikolaevich, well influencing the fate of the boy

middle name Nikolaevich It is very strong in itself, carries male power. Therefore, it is worth choosing names to him so that they soften and balance the steep holes of boys with this patronymic. List of names suitable for patronymic Nikolaevichwell influencing the fate of the boy:

  • Michael - Very balanced, reasonable. Translated as God -like. Mikhail Good and generous, always longs to help people, respect the elderly. It can take care not only of his children, but also to strangers.
  • Tikhomir - The name itself speaks for itself, quiet and peaceful, they say about such as if blessed. In fact, this is a very serious person, the most powerful features of his character are conscientiousness, modesty, generosity. Always friendly and smiling. Ready to help everyone, even to the person who deceived him. Very reliable, will never betray.
  • Vitaly - Very soft, affectionate, attentive. Big Dreamer. It is very important for him to surround himself by people, whom he can take care of and show them a lot of his attention. At the same time, he does not need him. Vitaly is a rather self -sufficient and smart person who turns his dreams into reality. Very attached to the family and to his children.
  • Paul - Calm, invisible, modest. Often helps all parents, cares about brothers and sisters. A very smart and versatile person, an interesting interlocutor. Despite his calmness, he will be able to stand up for his honor, also protect his loved ones. He does not bear deception and lies, feels them right away. If you try to offend Paul, you can lose it like a friend. Does not forgive betrayal. Very true to his companion.
  • Novel - Due to Latin Romanus (Roman). On behalf of the romance. The novel is calm and harmless, remains this throughout its life. His calm, everyone can envy. At the same time, very curious and hardworking, achieves the goals. It gets along well and contacts people. Will always extend the hand of help. In his family, he is a leader, while surrounding everyone with such love and care that households are sometimes not against the charter and rules by which not only Roman himself lives, but also his family. Very reliable. Will always support their children at whatever age they are.

In conclusion, I would like to say whatever name you choose to your boy, let it lead him in life in a lucid way. But do not forget that the correctly selected name to your baby will predict his fate and can affect his character. The name is given once and accompanies us all our life!

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