Male name Valery - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Valery: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Male name Valery - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Valery: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Valery is a well -known Russian name. The article describes its interpretation, meaning, origin, talismans and a lot of other useful information.

From the moment of his birth, parents appropriate the name of each person, and as we know any name carries a secret, some kind of unique image, emotional coloring. Therefore, the correctly selected name has a positive effect, and the great importance on the character of a person.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Miron - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

Previously, they believed that the fate of the state, city, society or man himself was determined only by the name. It was also believed that by changing the adversation, you can completely make a coup to fate. In this article, consider the name Valery, its meaning, origin, interpretation and a lot of other interesting information. Read further.

What does the name Valery in the church calendar mean?

Now even scientists say that the name has great power over the character of the personality and his individuality. One of the popular male names is considered Valery. However, until the middle of the 20th century, it was more often found among the clergy and monks. The traditional church form of the name - Valery. At baptism, the boy will not be given another adult, only that. According to the church calendar means "To be strong and healthy."

Saint patron named after Valery

In Orthodoxy of St. Defenders with the name Valery A little, but they all believed in the Lord.

  • Valery Melitinsky

He accepted the martyrdom for Christ. At one time, he issued a decree that the inhabitants should worship the deities, but the ruler did not like it and he ordered to exterminate all believers. Melitinsky, together with their brothers, fleeing from arrest, hid in caves, where they had to accept a battle with pagan warriors. But there was no strength to hide forever, thereby the squad decided to surrender to the enemy and take a painful death for God. Valery refused to worship pagan cults, after which he underwent cruel torture and torment. And during the execution, he prayed to God to take his soul to him. The memory date is scheduled for November 20.

  • Valery Sevastian

He also accepted martyrdom through torture, but on the lake of Sevastia, in severe frost. It is glorified among 40 martyrs. Their boss began to demand from subordinates so that they worship pagan idols, but everyone refused. Then the martyrs were divided and sent to the icy lake. Everyone had a choice to renounce Christ, but only one of the forty could not stand it and ran to the warm bath, which was set next to the venue, but not having time to approach him, and fell dead. After some time, the atheists killed the legs of the standing martyrs and burned them alive. Memorial Day is scheduled for March 22.

The secret of the named after Valery


This adversary is common around the world, both in the male and in the female version. Western variations of this adversary became purely Christian. By the way, male name Valery It came to us not from Slavic culture, like many names, but it is revered and, before the given, is incredible popularity in Russia and Russian -speaking CIS countries.

Each adhesion stores a secret, a riddle. It can be expressed in its designation, totem animal or even in color. Therefore, we suggest you still look at the details of other secrets of this name Valery Below in the text. Read further.

Name Valery: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Valery?

Valery - This is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic and Greek adults. This is the form of the Latin name Valeriandenoting "Peppy", "strong". It is also a Roman family name. In general, the nationality of this adversation is different and it can be attributed to the Latin, Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian culture.

Valery name: origin and meaning, popularity

For the first time a name Valery found in a historical document since 1712. In Russian transliteration, it is formed from three parts "Va-. Most of all, this naming was worn by people living in the territory of our state - about 80%, and the remaining 20% are citizens of other countries, since it was not particularly common abroad.

Not only each of the name has an impact on the fate of the personality and its character, and possibly even on the entire state. A separate letter is also of great importance, which has personal semantic and emotional. shade. It is the letter that will help to open good and bad qualities in personality. For example:

  • AT - These people love to communicate, optimistic, capable of creativity, unity with nature. They do not know how to lie, and their love is alone for life.
  • BUT - Such people are energetic, quite hardworking, strong, powerful. Whose name has the very first alphabet of the alphabet, will constantly be instructed to create established tasks. Customs in life situations are not for him.
  • L - A jewelry nature can easily see beauty and organize it, owns drawing abilities, artistry is the basis of life. Such an individual can work in any field if it interests him.
  • E - Visuality, insight, talkativeness. Persistently achieve everything they want. They do not like to be lonely, do not idolize loneliness. Love independence. They strive for self -expression and are very insightful.
  • R - Fursness, there is a talent for doing craft, knows how to delve into the essence. A self -confident person, brave, sometimes rash sins and adventurism. Verced to his words, as well as chosen work and specialty in life.
  • And - Activity and businessiness. They have sympathy for art. Harmonious relationships can build with the opposite sex, which are not alien to them that are convenient for them. They own an excellent sense of humor and love to ironize.
  • Th - Pressure, realism, high spirituality, peacefulness.

Ancient Greek name Valerius denotes "Strong", "strong", "healthy". In Russia, it appeared much later than other Roman dialects. This is a masculine naming, which has excellent and strong energy, as if endowing a man with hardness of character, faith in himself and his success. Therefore, picking up his son, the name is worth taking a landmark on this relationship. After all, the value allows you to predict the character traits of this representative of the stronger sex and the main qualities of the individual.

The name gained popularity in the first years after the revolution, when fundamental changes occurred in Russia, and many new advents of previously non -produced ones appeared. At first it was given to city residents, and then they began to call children in villages. After some time, by about the 60s of the last century, the name Valery It entered the top ten most popular. The name gained the greatest popularity in the 70s of the last century. About 90% The population wanted to call their children this way, but by the beginning of 2000, this percentage decreased to minimal values.

Valery - Deciphering the name from Greek

The name is given to a person at birth and for life. All people and at all times had their own name. For some peoples, this may be associated with culture or everyday life, and other people call their children just beautiful names to sound without giving anyone meaning or meaning. For some, decryption is important, and not in vain, since thanks to it sometimes the character traits are revealed.

  • Name Valery translated from Greek as “Strength” and “health”, “omnipotent” and “high -ranking”.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Valery's name in English, Latin, different languages

Many parents call their children in honor of a great person or a close relative. However, even at the same time they try to look at the meaning, interpretation and how the naming in different languages \u200b\u200bsounds. After all, no one knows the future, and suddenly a grown child will have to live abroad. This is how the name is written and sounds Valery In English, Latin and other languages:

Name in different languages
Name in different languages  

But in the passport, the name can be written differently, as this is an official document. Read further.

How is the name Valery written in the passport?

A passport is an official document. Filling out the application for its receipt takes place in Russian, but the initials will be prescribed by Latin. These are generally accepted norms. So, as the name is written in the passport Valery?

  • Now the transliteration of this navigation for a passport looks like this: Valery → Valerii; Valerievich → Valerevich.

If you do not know how to write some word for an official document in Latin, then use for translation the site. Insert the word into the form, click on the “translation” and after 2 seconds. The result will appear.

Valery: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Native people and good friends love to call their loved ones a short name or in a diminutive form. It is cute, beautiful and unique. Here are the abbreviated and diminutive variants of the name Valery:

A short form of the name
A short form of the name


Synonyms for the name
Synonyms for the name

You yourself can come up with how to call your relative with this name. It's simple, try playing with letters. It will turn out anyway cute and beautiful.

Valery: The meaning of the name, character and fate

People named Valery active, capable. They also have the gift of accumulating strength and energy to achieve the goal. They own a practical, prudent and grip of mind. No, the importance of such an adversary is associated with a high -ranking position in society and omnipotence. All thoughts are occupied by financial issues, and enough of a little effort to understand where it is profitable to invest their capital. Therefore, the fate of such a person is good, he does not deny himself anything.

Valery Principal, persistent, proud, easily adapts in any situation. He loves fun, to be in the spotlight, especially among noisy friends. The nature of such people will not allow them to betray or offend a comrade. On the contrary, such a person is ready to help at any moment and will never refuse to support even an unfamiliar personality.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Valery: compatibility with male names

For any person, it is important that the middle name approaches the name and the whole combination sounds good. It is the consonance of initials that is of great importance in communication, especially if a person works as a senior boss, owns a business, etc. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Valery? Good compatibility with such male names or patronymic:

  • Andreevich
  • Borisovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Petrovich
  • Pavlovich
  • Vitalievich
  • Valentinovich
  • Adamovich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Voldemarovich
  • Vyacheslavovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Igorevich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Olegovych
  • Oscarovich
  • Romanovich
  • Semenovich
  • Stanislavovich
  • Stepanovich
  • Timofeevich
  • Yakovlevich

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

When is the name day, Valery’s Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Namedays are the day in which the saint is revered with the same name as that of man. It was described above that Valery had two patron saints. The days of their veneration - March 22 and 20 November. You can choose from these days, or from the other two that fall on other dates. Read more:

Valery by the Orthodox calendar at Valery
Valery by the Orthodox calendar at Valery

the 6th of Mayand November 7th Read Valeria Martyrs who devoted their lives to Christ. As a name day, you need to choose not any date, but the one that is closest to the birthday. This will be your birthday. But if you want your intercessor to make a famous patron saint, for example, Valeria Sevastian or Melitinsky, then you should talk with the priest in the church and ask for permission to do so. If he gives good, then the day of veneration of this saint according to the Orthodox calendar will be the date of your name day.

Angel's Day is a day of man’s baptism and each has his own. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Valeria are short in verses and prose

If you have friends or relatives Valeria, and one of them soon has an angel's day, then congratulate a loved one on the upcoming holiday. This can be using beautiful poems or prose. The main thing is to choose the necessary words and then a person will remember such attention for a long time. That's what a congratulation on the Angel Day can be in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Valery

Music is a type of art in which beautiful musical sounds serve as a means of embodiment of artistic images. One of the main expressive means of music is: rhythm, fret, timbre, melody, instrumentation, pace, rhythm. Music is often combined with choreography, theatrical art, cinema. So they create beautiful clips and tracks. Congratulations with the help of a nominal song is stylish and original. You can make such a surprise without reason. Or maybe you will want to admit to him in love. With name Valery There are several compositions:

Video: Song about Valera

Video: Bronza - "Take me Valera." The premiere of the clip

Video: Song about Valera

Video: I love you Valeria

Video: Aphrodite - Valera

Tattoo named Valery

Currently, tattoos have become very popular. Many people, especially adolescents, stuff a tattoo on different parts of the body. To make such an image is a serious solution, it is most often found in young people and adolescents. A popular tattoo format - inscriptions in English, Latin, Russian and other languages \u200b\u200bmade by beautiful fonts. Someone stuffs some beautiful phrases, lines from poems, names, and maybe the images of people or characters are generally.

Here is an example of tattoo sketches with a name Valeryin Russian and Chinese:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Sketch of tattoos named
Sketch of tattoos named

Suspension named Valery of gold: photo

The suspension is a jewelry that can be attached to anything: bracelet, earrings, bag, brooches, ring, handbag or hat. A jewelry pendant is a jewelry that is worn on a product of precious metals. Similar products from gold, silver, jewelry will never go out of fashion. They will always hit women, help create their perfect and complete image. Someone acquires jewelry to give their appearance the status, luxury, someone likes jewelry, bright and original. Suspensions can also be in the form of an object, and maybe in the form of a person’s name.

A man is unlikely to wear such a pendant, but his beloved woman can do this. The suspension with the first letter of the name looks more beautiful. These products with children can be worn by parents. Here are a photo of the pendants named Valery From gold:

Saint Valery of Gold
Saint Valery of Gold
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name

A man can be presented with a pendant with the face of his holy name. Almost everyone will be happy with this decoration.

Name Valery: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Because Valery Very hardworking, he will be happy to do any work. His mental abilities are at a very high level. The owners of this name may think logically and remarkably analyze the information received. They have well -developed intuition and intelligence. Practice shows that such people are easy to carefully listen to what the teacher says, and all the data will remain in their heads. In adulthood, such mental capabilities help men do the hardest work, get out of the situation correctly, and receive good payment for this.

As for the behavior between a man and a woman, he knows all the subtleties of etiquette. Always helpful, will open the door to her and let her go ahead. The bus will necessarily give way to a woman, child or old grandmother. Its morality can not be brought up. But, if he comes across a wayward lady with character, and he will connect his life with her, then from time to time he may not restrain himself and commit rash acts. Perhaps this may even end in assault.

Name Valery: Hobbies, Activities, Business

People who have a name Valeryhave many talents. They like painting, design, be artists. They prefer professions where you can earn a large amount of money. They love to travel and open new horizons.

Despite their creative hobbies, Valery He has good professional data as a business manager. It is best for him to work at his own enterprise, in a comfortable chair, to manage people. He can be called a successful businessman. He will calculate everything, and almost every business will be successful and interesting for him and his companions. In terms of business projects, he knows how to interest his investors, partners and buyers of goods and services.

Valery name: Health and psyche

Health at Valeria Usually perfect, but still there are problems. It is very emotional, strains the nervous system with its stress and even depression. Predasized to fullness. The weak place in the body is the eyes.

The psyche of such a person is also strong. Tries to please absolutely everyone, to be universally recognized by other people. If this does not happen, he is worried and nervous. Chlerik, a certain recklessness is characteristic. He will easily excite and slowly cool.

Name Valery: Sexuality, Marriage

Valery does not lack communication, and with the ladies too. In a woman, he appreciates both external data and her inner world. He will not meet a girl for a long time for sexual relations. Looking for a life partner. It is important for him that a woman is sexually liberated and experienced. The most attractive for him is the female breast and a beautiful figure as a whole.

By nature Valery one -man, because his marriage is strong. The choice of the chosen one approaches seriously, can marry already at an older age. Such a man needs a very feminine, sincere woman, an excellent mistress. She will always have to keep in mind that her husband is a big child, who needs to support her own family. This man is a homebody, his family will love and appreciate, as well as take care of his wife and children well. He will help his wife in everything, because he is not afraid of any work. The disrespect for himself will not tolerate, the family is important in the family, but respect in the first place.

What zodiac sign is Valery's name?

Best to a person named Valery Suitable such zodiac signs - lion, Capricorn and fish. Read more:

The value of the zodiac signs for the name
The value of the zodiac signs for the name
The value of the zodiac signs for the name
The value of the zodiac signs for the name

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of Valery

Men's ring with a stalisman stone-malachite
Men's ring with a stalisman stone-malachite

Talismans need a person to replenish energy. They concentrate positive thoughts and materialize all kinds of benefits. The main stamina-member to the name Valery is malachite. It contributes to physical and mental purification.

Malachite is the stone of May. In the last month of spring, the gem has the greatest force. There is a belief that if you wear a malachite amulet in May, you can forever get rid of insomnia and melancholy.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Valery

Talismans, similar in properties, they look completely different. All of them help a person to replenish life forces and protect themselves from the negativity of the world around him. In addition to the stone, Valery has still amulets:

  • The flower is a peony. It comes from him a certain energy striving up. This means that a person who has fallen into the power of such a stream will advance up the career and social ladder.
  • The plant is nettles. It is endowed with symbols of fertility, the energy of addition in the family. A person who will grow nettle in the garden will quickly find his soul mate and will never suffer from loneliness.
  • Tsolisman Kashtan tree - It is considered radiant, it is able to warm, nourish solar energy, give heat, strength, remove pain, drive away energy vampires.

The action of the talisman is aimed at changing the perception of the world, the image of thinking in a positive direction.

Totem animal named after Valery

Totemic animal name-scarab beetle
Totemic animal name-scarab beetle

Totem is a mythological creature in the form of an animal that has supernatural abilities and is the founder of the human race (of course, all this is within the framework of mythology). A person needs him so that he, like a talisman, protects him and give positive energy. The totem animal of the name Valery:

  • Scarab beetle - It brings incredible luck literally in everything, and there is also a desire to work for a good.

Since the bug is constantly in motion, it is a talisman for people who are traveling or traveling. You can buy a talisman in the form of his figure.

Numerology named after Valery

The magic number according to numerology for the name Valery - 8. Helps in activities in the field of large business dots. The main property of the number is dynamism and exactingness. Money and power are available to this person, has a natural talent not to retreat to the last. Responsible, demanding of those who work for him.

Valery It has incredible power, and can achieve great success, linking life with sports. The main gift of eights is the ability to dominate in a small area. Therefore, he will achieve success, for example, in boxing and other similar sports, where the space for the battle is limited. Overcoming difficulties, this person learns to use force embedded in him by nature.

Pseudonym to the name Valery

The pseudonym is sometimes needed to hide its real name from the public. Often use a pseudonym in social networks. Here are examples of nicknames based on the name Valery:

  • Valerii
  • V.A.L.E.R.I.I
  • V@ji3r11
  • Valerii2022
  • Valeriiter
  • valerii
  • Valer4ik
  • Valera
  • hhkhvarvarhhh

You can come up with infinitely many different pseudonyms, depends only on your imagination.

Famous people, celebrities named Valery

When parents select the name to their future or already born baby, they study not only the meaning of the adults, but whether it is among famous and rich people. After all, every parent wants his baby to become successful. Here are celebrities named Valery:

  • Valery Meladze-singer and just handsome man
  • V. Leontyev - singer and heart -eater
  • V. Obodzinsky is a singer who loves the generation of the 50-60s, and some of those who are younger also remember
  • V. Kipelov - talented vocalist
  • V. Syutkin-forever young and perirable ex-vocalist of the Bravo group
  • Valeria is a singer, although this is a woman, but her name is often reduced to Valera
  • V. Zolotukhin - an excellent actor
  • V. Garkalin - another wonderful actor

Previously, only the Church influenced the choice of a person’s name. Children were called by the saints, observing all the canons. Now such an influence is exerted by fashion, popularity in one or another period of time. But, no matter how much the fashion changes, many people's names are still preserved, and to this day are one of the most popular dialects in the world.

Video: Valery's meaning - karma, character and fate

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