Male name Roman - which means: description of the name. Boy name Roman: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristic, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Male name Roman - which means: description of the name. Boy name Roman: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristic, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Roman speaks of the hard work and creative giftedness of its owner. What else does it mean?

In this article, we will talk about the history of the origin of the popular beautiful male name Roman. Let's try to solve the secret, nationality, totem animal and much more. 

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". You will learn how it affects the decoding of numerological significance, and you will also find reviews of other people. It is also explained when you should not change the surname.

From this article you will also find out who is the patron saint of the novel and when you need to celebrate the day of the angel. Talismans that help in life and many other interesting information are also described below. Read further.

Whatdoes it mean the name Roman by the church calendar?

According to some versions, the name appeared in Latin and means Rome. Another theory is the name of the Roman goddess, which was worshiped by the inhabitants of the sacred land. What does the name Roman mean  according to the church calendar?

  • The name has ancient Greek roots and means "Strong", "strong".

There is also a version that such a name is a derivative form from Romulus and Rem, thanks to the combination of which the name of the city of Rome was formed.

Saint patron named after novel

He considers the patron saintxia The holy martyr RomanThe injured in 297, along with his comrades for Christianity in Syria. At that time, they denounced paganism, for which they paid: they were tortured, and then amused and nailed to the tree. Traditionally they recall the patron February 11. 

Secret Name Roman


Each separate letter of his name affects the fate and character of a person. This is the main secret. Let's make a detailed analysis: 

  • P - dogmatism, self -confidence 
  • O - excitement, panic, ardor 
  • M - constraint, hard work 
  • A - effort, comfort 
  • N - wit, attention tohealth, ambitiousness 

The mentioned name can be found in some sources as "princely." Previously, in Russia, he was worn by many Russian princes - Roman Uglichsky, Prince Boris (in Baptism Roman), Roman Olegovich. 

Name Roman: Russian or not,what nationality is the name Roman?

Name Novel came from the Latin language and denotes "Roman", "Roman". What is the nationality?

  • In Latin, Rome is Roma, from hereRomania - Romania.
  • The true homeland is Romania.
  • But some sources claim that the novel is Orthodoxoh, the Russian name. 

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Name Roman: origin and meaning, popularity

Translated from the Latin language name Novel means "Roman resident". Initially, the name of the city of Rome came from the merger of the two names of the native brothers - Romulus, and Roma - This is already a derivative aboutt Romulus.

Popularity has gained popularity in the ancient world. But so far many parents still call their sons. For 1000 boys born - 11 will be called that way.

Novel - decoding a name from Greek

Translated from Greek, the name Roman means "strong-willed". Such a decoding is not the only one. As mentioned above, this name came from Rome and therefore all its meanings are associated with adjectives formed from the name of this city, for example, "Roman"

Name Roman in English, Latin, different languages

Sometimes you need to know how initials are written in other languages. Name Novel In English and Latin, it is written and pronounced the same: RomanBelow are options for writing a name in different other languages. 

Ulcerb  Translation 
Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian  Novel 
Finnish  Romani 
Czech, German, Polish, Romanian, Italian  Roman 
Yakut  Novel/Aramasks/Aramaan/Aramaa 
Abkhazian  Novel,Romik 
Chuvash  Araman 
Ossetian,belorussian  Raman 
Catalan  Roma 
French  Romane 
Portuguese  Romao 

How is the novel name written in the passport?

All human data in the passport are automatically broadcast - Russian letters change to Latin. Atpreparations for data entry can be used by a specialized program, which is in almost every computer. But we have already done it. How the name is written in the passport Novel?

  • It will be simpleRoman. 

By the way, you can translate Russian words into Latin using the program on the website of Everything is done online - quickly and simple.

Roman: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Since childhood, our parents, relatives and simply strangers call us in their own way, abbreviated. These are short names and diminutive forms:

  • Roma
  • Romochka
  • Romulus
  • Romasik
  • Romakh
  • Romasha
  • Romka
  • Romantic
  • Chamomile
  • Romachik
  • Romusha
  • Romulus

Some of the options will certainly like and will be fixed in your speech. Your child will definitely like it.

Roman: The meaning of the name, charactereP and fate

The advantages of people with the name Roman include confidence in their abilities, determination, willingness to go only forward, constant self -improvement. Here are a little more interesting information:


  • The name is endowed with many qualities, among which: calm and judgment.
  • It has healthy adventurism and unpredictability.
  • The character is not easy. Such a person himself is generous, kind, self -confident, never surrendering and does not stopat the sight of any barriers.
  • His opinion is always valuable. Rarely mistaken. 


  • On the one hand, the character is simple. It's hard to quarrel with him.
  • Always ready to come to helpsch, practically does not commit bad deeds.
  • Due to its sociability, it easily finds a common language with people around him.
  • On the other hand, the character ofeveryone A separate novel is individual. It has been formed from childhood and is modified during lifenits. 

ATearly childhood:

  • It can be calm, active, obedient, purposeful, hardworking.
  • Such a child never sits still, is all the time in motion. At the same time, he does not fool around and does not blame. Behaves decently.
  • From childhood, F.sociality is ordered to get acquainted with peers where it would seem impossible to do.
  • Respects the opinions of parents, in particular the father, even when he is wrong. 

Teenager - Roma:

  • FROMudb can reward with diligence, answerforces and diligence.
  • In his studies, he succeeds. Teachers are proud of them. But there is one “but”. It is under the influence of the external environment, which can easily affect it positively and negatively.
  • Parents constantly need to be on the alert in podronste age so that their child is not shot down from the desired path. 

Roman in adulthood:

  • First of all, it will distinguish constant development and hard work.
  • By this period of life, a confident location of people to themselves is formed. Already have its own companies in whichx It is he who is a welcome interlocutor, joker, “tagged”.
  • Speaking about the working sphere, with confidence we can say that he is an undoubted leader. 


  • In any person, it is absolutely unpredictable. It is impossible to predict her. But if you look at history Name, that’s what you can say.
  • Personal life does not promise anything good, and in most cases due to the fault of the owner himself.
  • Unfortunately, since childhood he does not know how to attract the attention of girls.
  • But by maturity, life can present a surprise and reward Nthe heard is true, loving his wife.
  • Most often, he becomes a good, caring parent. It is he who will be the real owner of the house. 

Will never communicate with those who are nothears and does not respect someone else's opinion. He will not show interest in false and selfish people, in traitors and in the representatives of the weaker sex, who do not respect themselves. 

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Roman: compatibility with male names

It is important that the middle name is combined with the name. Compatibility with male names will help to deal with this. What patronymic suits the boy to the name NovelThe middleings are most harmoniously combined:

  • BUTlexseevich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Yurievich
  • Evgenyevich
  • Dmitrievich

Severe combination "Roman Romanovich" -It is difficult to pronounce, which means that there may be problems because of this in the person himself.

When is the name day, the Angel Day of the novel by the Orthodox calendar?

According to the Orthodox calendar, all saints with the name Novel Read 22 times per calendar year. Therefore, the day of the angel can celebrate on such days: 

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Roman Roman short in verses and prose

Traditionally, Angel's Day has to on February 11 and December 1. Many novels celebrate name day these days. 

"Full of craftsmen Russian" - this is The expression very accurately expresses poetry and prose devoted to all novels. Many people congratulate their relatives and friends in this form - beautiful and unusual. But we can say in your own words. Here is a congratulation on the day of the Angel short in verses and prose:

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Roman
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Roman
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Roman
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Roman

Song with the name Roman

Below are the names of songs with the selectedname and its derivatives: 

Video: Evening Cover - Roman - Rastaman

Video: Maski - Roma

Video: Nadezhda Chepraga-Roma Roman

Video: Dasha Suvorova - Romochka

Video: Propaganda - Roma

Video: Vintage - Roman


Video: Beasts - Roma, sorry

Tattoo named Roman

It turns out that poems, prose and songs are not the limit for expressing love. Some craftsmen create original tattoos. And here are a few options with a name Novel: 

Tattoo named Roman
Tattoo named
Tattoo named Roman
Tattoo named
Tattoo named Roman
Tattoo named
Tattoo named Roman
Tattoo named
Tattoo named Roman
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Romance of gold: FOTabout

Here we will introduce you two options for pendants, which are worn by the fair sex, for whom the novel is not just a name and a word, but a whole world. Myself Novel It can wear the face of a saint in the form of a pendant of gold. Here is a photo:

Suspension with holy face
Suspension with holy face
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name

Name Roman: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

What is the difference between a person with a name Novel From other people? Here are a few facts:

  • Intuition developed amazing. Myselfthe owner knows very well about this, so he always listens to the inner voice. 
  • Intelligence. It has a sharp mind that uses in life and at work. Due to high intelligence, he skillfully manipulates people, shifting their work obligations to themnunity and all responsibility. 
  • Moral. Never follows the moral standards accepted in society, preferring freedom and independence more, both in actions and in statements. 

This is an independent and freedom -loving person. No one will force him to live according to the template.

Name Roman: Hobbies, Activities, Business

What loves to do Novelwhat is fond of? These are extraordinary people who can be said the following:

  • Hobbies. Mostthe rise in forces and energy occurs during the knowledge of the surrounding world. The greatest inspiration is brought by combat sports. 
  • Activity. In its born nature is a good analyst. Profession such as an engineer, architect, banking are idealkiy employee. He himself never strives for leaders, if not sure that his works will not be appreciated. Otherwise, it is laid out to all power. The colleagues respect and appreciate him as a hardworking and executive colleague. 
  • Business. Really genuine Money is brought by pleasure - the best engine of his labors. With the proper attitude to him, a successful businessman may be made.

It was in the field of business that such a person could reveal his leadership qualities. 

Name Roman: Health and psyche

All existing childreniE Diseases do not pass by: chickenpox, measles, banal colds and much more. The immunity in childhood is weak. With age, health improves, but due to places of “explosive” nature, serious problems with the stomach and blood vessels are observed. 

The psyche Roman posit will not impede the hardships of life, but simply to accept everything as it is. He does not like to fight for something, attributing everything to natural optimism. 

Name Roman: Sexuality, Marriage

Mood Roman It is directly related to the situation of his affairs. If things are goingproductively, he does not experience strong interest in women. The worse things, the more he becomes obsessed with sexual relations.

More about the sexuality of such a person:

  • He throws left and right to almost everyone.
  • Looks for consolation and tranquility only in sexual attraction. But as soon as things go uphill again - lthe skirt communication is bursting, and the girls remain with broken hearts. 
  • The “winter” novel is always an explosive temperament.
  • The attitude to sexuality and relationships is often ordinary, for one night. Without further continuation.
  • In most cases, subjugates a girl with joyperforming all his whims, embodying his sexiest fantasies.
  • But sometimes he does not understand what they want from him, thinking that he is perfect and does everything as it should. 


  • Girls fall in love with him at first sight.
  • But all his life he has been looking only for "his" caryu love. The search for that one can continue for a very long time.
  • The marriage will not take place until he is sure that his passion is ready to share with him all the joys and sorrows of this life.
  • As for the proximity in marriage - it is important that the desire does not die outlo. If this is still happening, the search for a new attraction begins urgently. 

It is in registered relationships, feels like a leader, head of the family. Helps spouse at home. But quite often considers bonds as a source The amenities and a place where you can "lick" your wounds. It does not become an impeccable husband right away, because from childhood I am not used to listening, and most importantly, to reckon with someone else's opinion. As a rule, if the marriage has not broken up in the first three years, then it will only get stronger. 

What zodiac sign is the name of Roman?

Next, consider the characterization of the name of the novel, depending on the zodiac sign. 

  • Aries. Hardly believes in a bright future, without focusing on failures in the present time. They learn from mistakes. I took out a lesson and wentfarther. It falls in love immediately, from the first meeting, sincerely and deeply. But his love proves not in words, but on actions. 
  • Taurus. Purposeful, hardworking. I’m used to working always alone and not rely on anyone. Has a huge number of ideas,special to realize in your life. It does not accept any pressure: neither in work, nor in personal life. 
  • Twins. An extravagant, solid man - tries to give others good, but in reality a sufficiently mediocre person is hiding behind all this chic. All -inand he is waiting for the first step from the chosen one. 
  • Crayfish. The face is contradictory. Takes everything very close to heart. Modest and touchy. In a relationship, it’s easier to adapt to the girl. 
  • A lion. Extrovert. Joker. Often narcissistic and selfish. Real, devoted friends onhelp is not. The only one who can change it is a beloved girl, under the influence of which it becomes caring, attentive, ready to go for everything for her. 
  • Virgo. Prevails inexplicable determination and categorical of his statements. Her girl Dreams are difficult to find, because not everyone will be suitable for his list with a given bar. 
  • Scales. Intelligent, educated, moderately restrained, finding a common language with everyone. And like all representatives of this sign, “drowning” any scandal. Helps wordsohm, and deed, not expecting anything in return. It is disgraced, caring with women, but it usually does not reach the wedding. The maximum is a civil marriage. 
  • Scorpion. Explosive, emotional, very controversial. Always climbs on boarding. With its ambiguous behavior, it cantwate from both friends and girls. 
  • Sagittarius. A cheerful young man endowed with a good sense of humor, always in the spotlight. Fate often presents pleasant surprises. But in relation to the opposite floor, it is mainly coldden, restrained. 
  • Capricorn. A closed introvert with its personal opinion is the most ideal characteristic of this sign. Never violate its principles. Lone wolf. 
  • Aquarius. Endowed with honesty and great mind. There is a sharp change in mood. No onetrusts that he tries to solve all working moments himself. He looks at his chosen one through “pink glasses”, often disappointed in the future. 
  • Fish. He believes that he was born to fulfill his specific mission. Romantic and a dreamer. 

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Stone-Calismn to the name Roman

To the fate of people named Novel Three breeds of stone - Rodonite, Morion and Amethyst affect. These are real talismans, which cannot be dispensed with in life.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name Roman
Stone-the-dumpman to the name-Rodonite
  • Not by chance rhodonite It is on the list first. After all, it is he who is responsible for strengthening love ties, comfort in sorrows and gaining confidence.
  • Can help to achieve a material well -being. 
Stone Morion - Talisman named after
Stone Morion - Talisman named after
  • The second name of Morion is “h ecrystal. "
  • It is considered a dark stone. From history it is known that the previous generation carried it in memory of the deceased relatives. 
Amethyst-a stone-stem named after
Amethyst-a stone-stem named after
  • If it is not possible to find that one for a very long time, possibleabout trying to wear a product from amethyst.

With the help of stones-stones, it will be possible to “pull” their fate to themselves, and with it, also worldly wisdom. 

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for novel

Violet is a talisman flower
Violet is a talisman flower

Plants that can help in gaining calmviya and balances to novels are violet and cypress. The flower will direct in the direction of kindness and chastity, and the plant will help in acquiring the desired share of modesty.

Cyparis is a plant-dalisman
Cyparis is a plant-dalisman

Another some important amulet is the poplar-a talisman tree, which has a symbol of youth and charmowl. 

Totem animal named after novel

Totemic animal name-butterfly butterfly
Totemic animal name-butterfly butterfly

Symbols of the animal world of people named Roman are a butterfly butterfly and lan. The butterfly combines a certain immortality - a revival and transformation, recalling that our life is always a forward movement, in spite of any Pregrady. Totem animal - laN, it helps to understand what is important not to forget about relaxation - meditation and reassurance of the nervous system. 

Numerology named after Roman

Numerology is important in our lives. People by name Novel There is also a decisive number.

  • The calculated number of all novels is number 1. 

A unit in work and everyday life implies energy, activity, uvfettlement in its success, the ability to act spontaneously, but quickly and correctly. In personal relationships, this is a conviction of its irresistibility and attractiveness. 

Pseudonym to the name Roman

The most suitable fictional names or pseudonyms to the name Novel can servetRom andROMY. Many people consider it interesting and such nicknames: Romania, rum.

Famous people, celebrities named Roman

There are many different celebrities with a name in the world Novel. Most parents, being fans of one or another popular person, try to name their children that the baby grows the same extraordinary and become a famous person. Here are famous people with that name:

  • R. Kartsev (1939-2018) - A popular artist of the cinema and theater, who worked for almost 20 years in tandem with Viktor Ilchenko. 
  • R. Trakhtenberg (1968-2009) - Jewish showmanorigin, which received in 2003 the anti-a-breed “Silver Kalosha” for unobvious merits in the field of show business. 
  • R. Bilyk (1977) -The leader of the popular musical group “Beasts”, which at one time became nine times the winner at the Muz-TV award. 

Summing up all of the above, it is worth noting that almost everything written is true. The source of verification is an example from the life of famous or familiar people with that name. The character is really difficult: it has both its pros and cons. Posle reading all the above information, each person will begin to understand how, after all, the name affects the character and fate of a person. 

Video: The meaning of the named novel is karma, character and fate

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