As you can call a fish girl and a boy: popular, rare, foreign names for aquarium fish

As you can call a fish girl and a boy: popular, rare, foreign names for aquarium fish

One of the most unusual, but at the same time very popular pets, is an aquarium fish. It is impossible to say that these creatures are whimsical, but problems with them still arise.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Unpretentious fish for the aquarium". You will find a list, description, photo.

One of the main questions that the owners of the aquarium fish are faced is the choice for her. At the same time, there are many people who think: is it worth it to give a name to such a pet, because sometimes there are a lot of them, in the aquarium? Things are much easier with dogs and cats, even a parrot can be given a name that he will respond to. But what about the fish? What are the names for these animals? Read further.

Why is a goldfish called gold?

It is probably not an exaggeration to say that the goldfish is the most popular pet compared to other aquarium brothers. But why is this sweet and funny fish called gold?

  • The point is in color. Typically, yellow or orange color in combination with a metallic luster is called gold.
  • Such shades will definitely not allow you to confuse a goldfish with other waterfowl in the pet store.

It is worth noting that a goldfish is not one species. There are many breeds of this small waterfowl, and each species has its own characteristics and care requirements.

As you can call a gold fish: names

gold fish
gold fish

To call pets with diverse names is a long tradition that has become commonplace for many people. However, most often this applies to dogs, cats and rabbits with hamsters. For some reason, many people do not want to give the name to the fish. Nevertheless, these pets also deserve to have their own adults, along with other pets. About how you can call a goldfish - we will tell you later.

So, the most popular names for this pet are:

  • Ray
  • Gold
  • Sun
  • Soldier
  • Goldik
  • Cinderella
  • Zolotinka
  • Star

Here are a few more interesting options:

Goldfish names
Goldfish names
Goldfish names
Goldfish names
Goldfish names
Goldfish names

As we see, all of the listed names in one way or another reflect the characterization of the fish and not only gold. And this is not an accident, since this parameter is one of the key, when choosing a name. However, far from the only one.

As you can call a boy fish: popular names for aquarium fish

Perhaps the easiest way to choose a name for a pet is to pay attention to any of its characteristics. For example, if the fish has a bright color of scales, then you can choose the adversary, in accordance with the predominant color:

  • Lemonchik
  • Cream
  • Strawberry
  • Christmas tree and so on

In addition, you can pay attention to the nature of the pet, for example, an active fish can be called Robber or Pirate, while the calm inhabitant of the aquarium can be called Quiet.


Another important characteristic that should be taken into account when choosing a name for a fish is its floor. Many owners of aquarium pets, choosing adults, are not limited to popular options, but want it to be rare. After all, it is stylish and beautiful. How can you call a boy fish? Here are popular and rare names for aquarium fish of males:

  • Jaffy
  • Shurik
  • Charlie
  • Flaunter
  • Willie
  • Stealth
  • Rex
  • Kesha
  • Hamlet
  • Garrick
  • Balli

Here are another options:

Boy fish names
Boy fish names

Of course, these are not all options to call your pet. There is still a huge number of names for men's fish. Show fantasy, come up with your adversaries - interesting and original.

As you can call a male fish: rare names for aquarium fish

Rare names look really beautiful. However, their main purpose is to allow the fish owner to highlight their pet and make it special. To some extent, such a desire is also a manifestation of love and care. So, what can you call a male fish? Here are rare names for aquarium fish:

  • Almond
  • Yavavo
  • Tsamil
  • Tai
  • Nuram
  • Iori;
  • Zizir
  • Zabar
  • Diadon
  • Bakon

An unusual "nickname" is necessarily suitable for your pet. If you have not yet picked up a nickname, then read on.

As you can call a boy fish: foreign names for aquarium fish

A considerable part of the names for fish are foreign options. They sound not only beautiful, but also original. How can you call a boy fish? Here are foreign names for aquarium fish:

  • Eric
  • Mark
  • Volume
  • Serge
  • Nixon
  • Lewis
  • Jerry
Boy fish names
Boy fish names

Despite the fact that there are exceptions, mainly foreign names sound very beautiful when translating into Russian. Such adversaries have a special charm and sophistication, which explains their great popularity, among the owners of such pets.

As you can call a fish girl: Popular fish names in the aquarium

Above, we offered you options for names for male fish. Now it is worth considering the categories of adolescents of the girls of girls. This will be discussed later. So, how can you call a fish a girl? Here are the popular names for fish in the aquarium:

  • Berry
  • Yasya
  • Yula
  • Faya
  • Rose
  • Lola
  • Eve
  • Faith
  • Busya
  • Aurora
Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend

It is worth noting that by calling an aquarium fish it is worth being more accurate with human names. After all, friends and acquaintances of the owner of such a pet may not like coincidences with their names.

As you can call a fish girl: rare names for aquarium fish

More recently, scientists have proved that fish can perceive and distinguish sounds. So, for example, when this pet hears a calm sound, he begins to feel comfortable, thanks to which he lives happily ever after. And, on the contrary, surrounded by loud and sharp sounds, the pet will often get sick. This is proved by the fact that if you name the fish in the name, turn to it affectionately and grow in a calm atmosphere, it will live a happy and long life.

So, how can you call a fish a girl? Like male names for fish, female also have quite unusual options. Here are rare names for aquarium fish:

  • Yakuna
  • Yunik
  • Charusha
  • Tsunita
  • Fuss
  • Unification
  • Solan
  • Richelle
  • Pulcheria
  • Olympus
  • Guti
  • Gira
Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend

An original and beautiful name can add nobility to any pet. At the same time, choosing a name for the girl’s fish, it is worth paying attention to such an indicator as the softness of the sound. This is another characteristic that distinguishes girls from boys.

As you can call a fish female: Foreign names for fish in the aquarium

Foreign names for pets have a special charm. This is the same for aquarium fish. Let's look at popular foreign names for females. How can you call them? Here are foreign names for fish in the aquarium:

  • Emilia
  • Chelsea
  • Haley
  • Tori
  • Lindsay
  • Caitlin
  • Jolie
  • Barbara
  • Amellia

Here are another options:

Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend
Names for girlfriend

To many people who choose a name for their pet, domestic options seem boring and they are trying to choose something more sonorous. The most optimal option for such people is foreign names. There are a lot of such options and the choice will not be difficult.

What can you call the males of the male, a female blue?

Blue cockerel is blue
Blue cockerel is blue

One of the most popular aquarium pets, along with a goldfish, is a cockerel. Moreover, this type of fish is blue and red. They are very bright and beautiful. What can you call the males of the male, a female blue? Consider the right names.

Blood Cockerel's rods for males:

  • Sapphire
  • Eggplant
  • Vampire
  • Demon
  • Neptune
  • Ninja

Names for the female Blue Cockerel:

  • Vax
  • Wave
  • Haze
  • Night
  • Cloud

As we see, all of the listed names in one way or another characterize the dark color of the pet. This is the main characteristic, when choosing a ribbon for this breed of fish.

What can you call the males of the male, a female red fish?

Red fish cockerel
Red fish cockerel

No less bright appearance compared to blue cocks, red. They are more attractive and original outwardly. What can you call the males of the male, a female red fish? Consider the most suitable names for this breed of fish.

Names for males Red Cockerel:

  • Flame
  • Orange
  • Mandarin
  • Borsch
  • Cardinal
  • Light
  • Coral

Names for females Red Cockerel:

  • Aurora
  • Lava
  • Copper
  • By (red telepusik)
  • Ferrari
  • Persimmon

Without a doubt, the fish of the cockerel are special pets who deserve to have their own name. Fortunately, there are a lot of options in order to call his pet, and each person will definitely find something suitable among them.

As small fish are called: popular names

Despite the fact that aquarium fish do not differ in dimensions, even among these creatures there are those that amaze with their tiny. What names are it better to choose for such pets? What is the name of small fish?

Here are the most popular and frequently used names for small waterfowl:

  • Liliput
  • Baby
  • Baby
  • Snowflake
  • Atom
  • Bambi
  • Inch
  • Thumbelina
  • Bug
  • Acorn
  • Raisin
  • Jerboa
  • Bead
  • Spark
  • Lyalya
  • Fly
  • Bee

The process of choosing a name for aquarium fish is not only everyday life, but also a very exciting activity that can develop the imagination and quick wits of the owners of the aquarium. In addition, if you treat this matter with enthusiasm and responsibility, you can not only have fun, but also better know the inhabitants of the aquarium.

A large number of people believe that such a pet should not give a name at all: after all, the fish will still not speak out of it. However, the owner of this pet, it will be much more pleasant to return home, welcome him by name, talk about the news and perceive as a family member. In addition, it is always doubly pleasant when friends and acquaintances are interested in the well -being and health of the aquarium fish, calling her name. This means that you can not just call such a pet, but even necessary. You just have to choose the appropriate arrangement option.

Video: The name of my fish - cleaning the aquarium - caring for a fish cockerel | Elli di Pets

Video: The first day of the fish in the house - Aquarium launch - Dog reaction | Elli di Pets

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