Photo of aquarium fish with names and descriptions. Types of aquarium fish: catfish, goldfish, cichlids, discus, haracin, carp, carpost -shaped, labyrinth

Photo of aquarium fish with names and descriptions. Types of aquarium fish: catfish, goldfish, cichlids, discus, haracin, carp, carpost -shaped, labyrinth

The article will present information about the most common types of aquarium fish.

If you have never had an aquarium with fish, but you want to have it, you should first study many nuances. The aquarium itself is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

In it, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of lighting and oxygen, properly place decorative elements. Of course, no less responsibly should be taken to the choice of the inhabitants of the aquarium. But efforts are worth it, because the aquarium has a number of unique functions.

Home aquarium
Home aquarium
  • Aesthetically, the aquarium creates a natural area in any interior. Aquariums are different in shape and size, but you can choose the one that is suitable for your interior style.
  • The filling of the aquarium is not only its inhabitants. Bizarre algae, snags, stones and underwater cities make it possible to realize their fantasies.
  • Watching fish is useful for the nervous system. Their calm, measured life can teach a lot.
  • You are wrong if you think that the fish are boring. Each species, and even an individual, has its own character and behavior.
  • For children, any pets are useful in that they educate a sense of responsibility and care for our smaller brothers. If you do not want to constantly clean up the cat or walk the dog, then the fish is a great option.

Types of unpretentious aquarium fish with photos and names

For novice owners of the aquarium, it is better to choose those types of fish that need a minimum of care. Over time, experience and knowledge will accumulate and you can start more complex types of marine inhabitants.

  • Guppy. This is perhaps the most common type of fish for beginners. In feeding and conditions of content, they are not whimsical, they are divorced without much effort. Guppy males are very bright, have rainbow overflows and a rather magnificent tail. Females are gray with a short fin. Guppi also visit different types and shapes.
  • Cleaned bust. This is a small fish with a bizarre color. They are good to start a flock in a large aquarium, then you can monitor their movements and behavior. The dishes are unpretentious to food, they eat small purchased food
  • COM Corridoras. This is a small representative of the somovs, lives at the bottom of the aquarium and cleans it. In size is not large, has a light color
Cleaned bust
COM Corridoras

Aquarium catfish fish

  • Som - This is a common name for more than 2000 species of fish of various species and size. Soms are predators and herbivores, they live in a natural environment and aquariums.
  • Decorative catfish Usually small or medium size. They have a different color, the most common of which is gray or in specking.
  • A characteristic feature of soms is the presence of a mustache near the mouth.
  • Soms usually live at the bottom of the aquarium, love shelters and thickets.
  • They feed on catfish from the bottom of the aquarium. Therefore, if there are a lot of fish in the aquarium, you need to ensure that the feed is also received by catfish.
  • Although the catfish is an excellent cleaner, you still can not do without a filter in the aquarium.
  • There are many aquarium varieties of catfish, the most common: chain mail, shell, hack, wide -headed, electric and others.

Aquarium fish cichlids

  • Aquarium lovers start cichlids due to their brightness and diversity.
  • Cichlids - freshwater inhabitants, which are found in the natural habitat. There are more than 1000 species.
  • These fish come in various shapes and sizes. The color of some individuals is very bright: orange, blue, purple or spotted.
  • The cichlids have 1 pair of nostrils and a large dorsal fin.
  • The cichlids are not only beautiful, but also very smart. It is noted that the cichlids are very monitoring their offspring, have their own character and social behavior
  • Of the aquarium varieties of these fish, the most popular are: scalaries, apistograms, astronotus.

Aquarium fish discus

  • In nature Discis They live in the rivers of South America, in particular in the Amazon.
  • The natural types of these large or medium sizes have a muffled coloring of a brownish or grayish shade, which helps them mask.
  • The body of the discus has a slightly flattened shape, they have symmetrical fins and a short tail.
  • Artificially bred discs are very bright: orange, red, turquoise and striped.
  • Since these are rather large fish, the aquarium is not needed for them. Tentatively 40 liters for one individual.
  • This species feel comfortable in a small pack, gets along well with other fish species.

Aquarium goldfish

  • Goldfish They belong to the Karpov family, their ancestor is crucian.
  • The selection of goldfish was engaged in ancient China. These fish were a symbol of power and wealth and were extremely expensive.
  • And still in China, goldfish are kept in many houses, parks and places of leisure.
  • The characteristic features of the structure of these fish: an elongated body and a lush tail fin. As a result of breeding, goldfish have a different color and shape.
  • The most common representatives of this species: butterfly, heavenly eye, vile -high, pearl.
  • Goldfish are quite whimsical, they require specific care and constant cleaning of the aquarium. Therefore, this species is not suitable for beginners.

Haracein aquarium fish

  • Haracin - These are tropical fish, which in a natural environment live in warm fresh water bodies of Africa and South America.
  • The color of these fish is different: from dark gray to bright warm shades.
  • Haracinovs have more than 1,200 species of fish.
  • These fish are very mobile, live in packs. They need a large space.
  • One of the popular species of these fish is piranha. The rest of the haracin, although predators, but not so bloodthirsty.
  • Of the aquarium species, they usually prefer notebooks and neons.

Aquarium fish are carp

  • Carp - One of the most common fish families on the whole planet. They live in our latitudes.
  • Aquarium carp are more heat -loving than their wild counterparts.
  • The peculiarity of these fish is that they have no teeth in the oral cavity. Food, which is absorbed by the pharyngeal teeth.
  • Carp are predators or herbivores, have a different shape and color.
  • The most common natural representative of these fish is crucian.
  • The aquarium usually keep such types: a goldfish, blessing, barbus or labeo.

Aquarium fish are carpated

  • Carpated in their structure is very reminiscent of carp, but they have teeth.
  • These fish are usually small or medium -sized, live in fresh warm reservoirs.
  • Among the carposts there are viviparous species. That is, they give birth to living fry, and not throw caviar. However, containing such types is quite problematic.
  • The most common type of carpost is considered to be the well -known guppy. Other species of these fish: Pecilia and swordsmen.
  • Carposts are not too whimsical, live in packs and eat well.

Aquarium fish are labyrinth

  • Labyrinth Fish live in the waters of Asia.
  • This class of fish got its name thanks to a special respiratory apparatus in the form of folds, which appeared in the process of evolution.
  • The fact is that labyrinth fish live even in the most polluted reservoirs, sometimes they have to come to the surface to get a portion of oxygen.
  • Aquarium lovers love these fish for bright appearance and unpretentiousness.
  • In the form of labyrinths are very different.
  • Among the most frequent species for the aquarium: cockerels, macropods, guri and lailii.

Large aquarium fish

  • Large aquarium fish need sufficient space and volume of water for their life.
  • Also, you need to take care of the receipt of additional oxygen into the tank.
  • Large fish usually do not live in large packs.
  • When choosing “neighbors” for large fish, you need to focus not so much on size as on the features of power (predator or herbivore), activity and aggressiveness.
  • Some large species live well on their own.
  • It is necessary to provide sufficient food for large fish, especially if there are several.
Large aquarium fish
Large aquarium fish

Small aquarium fish

  • Small fish usually live in flocks.
  • Despite their size, they need enough space to live in a pack.
  • Small fish usually multiply faster.
  • Sometimes small fish are extremely aggressive.
Small aquarium fish
Small aquarium fish

Freshwater aquarium fish

Freshwater fish are more preferable for those who are just starting to contain an aquarium. Here are a few species of freshwater fish:

  • Dispus
  • gold fish
  • Som
  • Carp
  • Fish-knife
  • Cichlozoma "red pearls"
  • Scalary
  • Guppy
  • Pearl with guri
  • Neon
  • Barbus

Aquarium fish: compatibility

  • It is better not to place large and small species of fish in one aquarium. Especially if the aquarium is not large enough.
  • It is unacceptable to place predatory species with herbivores. This will lead to a strong imbalance in the aquarium.
  • The mobility and activity of fish is also important. Choose views with similar temperament.
  • Pisces living in one space should have similar conditions of detention: temperature and acidity of water, food, the amount of algae and shelters, the specifics of feeding.
  • In terms of temperament, there are: timid, peaceful, active and aggressive.

Video: Aquarium fish compatibility

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