Aquarium fish are red, black, blue, white, yellow: photos with names. Aquarium fish are predatory and peaceful, peaceful: names, photos

Aquarium fish are red, black, blue, white, yellow: photos with names. Aquarium fish are predatory and peaceful, peaceful: names, photos

A variety of aquarium fish by color. Aquarium fish and their manner of behavior according to the variety. The most unusual and exotic aquarium fish.

  • Aquarium fish are able to attract the attention of even the most indifferent people. It is simply impossible to pass by a beautiful aquarium with clean water and, smoothly moving along it, fish
  • It is believed that the contemplation of the aquarium and its inhabitants soothes the nerves and sets up in a balanced way
  • In this article, we will try to figure out what varieties and colors of aquarium fish are, what kind of fish areas have, and how best to organize their cohabitation in one aquarium

Black aquarium fish, photo with names

Most aquarium fish with black colors are artificially bred. The breeders tried to create more frightening and fascinating black individuals from the standard colors.

Black goldfish

Black goldfish
Black goldfish
  • Over the years of the existence of such a type of fish as a goldfish, many varieties were bred by breeding. One of these varieties is a goldfish with black color
  • When designing an aquarium with black goldfish, it is better not to use any algae, since they will surely eat them. White soil will look very stylish with such fish colors, because black and white compositions are always in trend
  • It is better not to combine gold fish in one aquarium with exotic representatives of the fish family. This is due to non -perception by the latter of too low temperatures that are shown to the goldfish, and a large number of products of their life
  • The most unusual black gold fish is a black telescope
Black telescope
Black telescope

Miniature black fish

Black guppy
Black guppy
Black swordsmen
Black swordsmen
  • Such a category includes the fish of the Picilium family. In this family, there are several varieties of fish with black colors: guppies, swordsmen, mollies and ocilia
  • Swordsmen and Molly, as a rule, have an absolutely black, velor surface. But the guppy and the Pecilia color is black pearl with green overflows
  • All the small fish of the Pytsiliev family live in flocks, and it is quite amicable. The best company for them in the aquarium will be a black ornament phantom
Black Mollinesia
Black Mollinesia
Pecilia is black
Pecilia is black

Black barbuses

Black barbus
Black barbus
  • Of course, calling this fish is absolutely black, because her head has a bright red color
  • Barbuses live in flocks of six pieces
  • Such fish are quite mobile, because in the aquarium it is better to combine them with the same active fish, otherwise they can frighten off their fuelness more calm representatives of the fish family

Black scalars

Black scalars
Black scalars
  • In addition to the black phantom with pecilium fish, black scalary may well get along. She has a calm and rather peaceful character
  • Scalars have a very unusual, flat, with fins in the form of a crescent.
  • When designing a aquarium for scales, it is necessary to provide a large number of algae. Fish love them very much


Black knife
Black knife
  • A pharmacy (aka a black knife or a black knife) is a bottom fish with an elongated body shape and an unusual fin along the entire belly. Such a fin allows the pharmacon to swim in all directions
  • It is better to contain a black knife in the amount of one piece, as it shows a rather strong aggression for representatives of its breed of fish. At the same time, he is quite friendly relative to scales and mollies. Too small fish, a black knife -knife can take for food
  • Adults of pharmaconotes can reach a length of up to twenty centimeters

Black cichlids

  • Black cichlids are favorites of many fish breeders. It is believed that they are endowed with a certain intelligence. Some aquarium -films say that cichlidia can be tamed and even stroked with your hand straight in the aquarium
  • Black cichlids are long -livers. In good conditions, such fish can live up to twenty years
  • It is better to keep black cichlids in a species aquarium. However, thanks to their unusual appearance, even a pair of fish such as the astronomer “Black Star” and the Pseudotrophotius Chameleon, one will look spectacular for the entire aquarium
Pseudotototaus chameleon
Pseudotototaus chameleon

Black Shark

Labeo black
Labeo black
  • This name Labeo owes its sharp fin on the back. Thanks to him and the shape of Laboe's body itself, it has some similarity to the usual shark
  • But not only the appearance in Labeo resembles a shark - this is a very aggressive fish. Therefore, it is better to maintain it separately
  • In addition, Labeo with a rather large dimensions of the aquarium can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters
  • The younger brother of Labeo is black, labeo two -color, differs from her red color of her tail. This fish is more friendly, therefore it can quite get along in the same aquarium with Scalars and Pecilium

Red aquarium fish

Red color is perhaps the most common color for aquarium fish.


Glossopisis is red
Glossopisis is red
  • Glossolepis or Ataterina Red - one of the most striking representatives of the fish of the Rainbow family
  • It is advisable to select a large aquarium for aterina of Krasnoye (from one hundred liters). Thus, the fish will be able to achieve its maximum size
  • In the aquarium with glossopolecis, there must be violent vegetation. These fish have no habit of spoiling it
  • Start the red ataterin of the best of all flocks up to ten individuals
  • Glossopolsis live up to five years

Red parrot

Red parrot
Red parrot
  • Red parrot is a pretty pretty hybrid fish bred in Thailand and Singapore. Close consideration can be seen that she, as it were, pronounces the letter “o” or smiles modestly
  • The red parrot is considered quite peaceful, and can get along in the aquarium with almost any fish
  • In a large aquarium, such a fish can reach twenty centimeters in length. But, as an option, fish sellers can offer dwarf red parrots for aquarium aquarium

Sword -bearer

Red swordsman
Red swordsman
  • Swordsmen are vivid representatives of the Pecilium family. With their name, they owe the process of the tail, which during puberty appears in males, and in its form resembles a sword
  • The swordsmen live in flocks. They can be diluted both in small aquariums and in water bodies with large liters. In this case, their dimensions can reach their maximum: for males it is ten centimeters (without a sword), in females - twelve
  • In the aquarium, swordsmen get along with all the peaceful fish. An exception is fish with veil fins. Such fins cannot be ignored by swordsmen
  • The life expectancy of these fish is up to five years


  • Minor (aka red notebook, he is a bloody notebook) - a small aquarium fish reaching the maximum size of five centimeters
  • The body of the tetra is painted red (in males the color is brighter and more saturated) with black spots located immediately behind the gills. In addition, his fins are painted in black and white and black and red stripes
  • Minoras are rather friendly fish, because they can be populated in an aquarium with other simple fish
  • Tetras are very fond of algae and do not harm them. Therefore, it is advisable to plant the aquarium with plants as much as possible

gold fish

gold fish
gold fish

Golden fish in their collection also have representatives with a red-orange red-white-black color.


  • Chromis-beautiful has a red color with white pearl spots
  • These fish love a lot of space (the aquarium should be at least two hundred liters). Only in such conditions they will be less aggressive, and will not be dangerous for their peaceful neighbors
  • Chromis loves plants, but they need to be well rooted and fixed in the ground, since fish sometimes dig soil (especially during the period of laying caviar)

Flover Horn

Flover Horn
Flover Horn
  • Such a variety of fish is considered an exotic representative from Southeast Asia. The secret of their selection has not yet been disclosed - breeders prefer to keep it secret
  • Flover has a bright red color with white-black drawings that resemble hieroglyphs in shape. On the head of this fish is a kind of bag with adipose tissue. The fish is considered the more elite, the more this bag. The females have such bags - barely noticeable
  • The length of the floors is up to thirty centimeters. However, in some large aquariums there are individuals up to forty centimeters
  • Flovers prefer to live in large aquariums (from two hundred liters)
  • More or less coexist the Horne Flover with chain-high and armored catfish, diamond cichlazomas, astronotuses, managua, labiatums and arovins

White aquarium fish

White aquarium fish
White aquarium fish
  • White aquarium fish are considered quite rare and expensive. This is due to the fact that the gene of albinism is not dominant, therefore it is very quickly lost in subsequent generations. Based on this, breeding white fish is not a matter of simple
  • The complexity of the content of albino fish is that almost all fish diseases, as a rule, appear through a light plaque on the surface of the scales. It is very difficult to notice such manifestations of the disease on fish with white or transparent coloring
  • In addition, in order to have a beautiful aquarium with white fish, it is advisable to choose the corresponding dark background. So the fish will be more clearly visible and not merge with other elements of the aquarium

White goldfish

White goldfish
White goldfish

Among the goldfish, you can also find fish-albinos: these are representatives of such breeds as Shubankin, comet, telescopes, eyes and orandas.

Small fish

Mollinesia is silver
Mollinesia is silver
Guppy White Prince
Guppy White Prince

Pisces of the Pecilium family can also be albinos. In their name, there is always color affiliation: silver mollinism, guppy white prince, guppy mother -of -pearl scarlet and Bulgarian white swordsman.


Somiki albinos
Somiki albinos

Creded white catfish corridors are very friendly and calm inhabitants of the bottom of the aquarium.

Such fish are found in white and golden tint.


The roosters are white
The roosters are white

An insanely beautiful fish is a white cock. Its chic tail and fins will not leave anyone indifferent.

White Scalars

White Scalars
White Scalars

These charming fish are also called "fish-angels."

White cichlids

Cichlid White Prince
Cichlid White Prince

White cichlids, like black ones, are rather aggressive fish, therefore it is best to keep them in a species aquarium.

Albino cyclides are pseudototrophouses and astronotus.

Blue aquarium fish

Fish with blue colors will look great in any aquarium and will become its true decoration.


Afiomion is blue
Afiomion is blue
  • Afiosemion belongs to the family of carp
  • Such fish have an oblong body up to ten centimeters in length
  • Afestemions - one aquarium with other small, simple fish can share quite friendly and calmly.
  • Aquarium from fifty liters is suitable for aphymions


Blue Truelka
Blue Truelka
  • Belkeya (blue notebook or bluish cruy) belongs to the Haracite family
  • This is a small fish with an oblong body up to five centimeters in length
  • Blue Tetra is a peaceful fish and can get along with the same calm fish
  • The recommended volume of the aquarium for the crama is bluish - from fifty liters

Guppi is blue

Guppi is blue
Guppi is blue
  • GUPPI Blue belongs to the family of the Pecilium
  • This is a small fish up to five centimeters in length with a chic tail
  • Guppy live in flocks in aquariums from 50 liters


Blue lamchtis
Blue lamchtis
  • Another Pecilium fish is lamchtis. However, unlike its relatives, this fish can reach a length of up to twenty centimeters
  • Lamprichtis loves to live in aquariums from one hundred liters with other large friendly fish

Blue guors

Blue guors
Blue guors
  • Such a fish belongs to the family of labyrinth
  • Gum has an oval body of up to ten centimeters
  • She can dwell in an aquarium from 100 liters with any peaceful fish

Blue dolphin

Blue dolphin
Blue dolphin
  • Such a fish belongs to the cichlid family
  • The length of the blue dolphin can reach up to twenty centimeters
  • This variety of cichlids is quite friendly, but only a view from 200l should be set to the aquarium.

Dispus blue

Dispus blue
Dispus blue
  • Another representative of the cichlid family with blue color is the disknus of blue
  • It is recommended only to professionals to breed such fish, since they require a rather thorough care

Mayland Kallainos Cobalt

Mayland Kallainos Cobalt
Mayland Kallainos Cobalt
  • A friendly variety of cichlidies is Mayland Callainos Cobaltic
  • This large fish (up to twenty centimeters) can get along in one aquarium (from two hundred liters) with any calm fish

The cockerel is blue

The cockerel for the cockerel
The cockerel for the cockerel
  • This small fish of the labyrinth family has an elongated body up to five centimeters
  • Blue cockerel lives in an aquarium from fifty liters with all small peaceful fish


  • Permacentrus - fish of the family
  • This fish reaches a length of up to ten centimeters
  • The aggressive nature of the percentages determines their living in a species aquarium from one hundred liters

Sandy-tailed blue goby-shooter

Sandy-tailed blue goby-shooter
Sandy-tailed blue goby-shooter
  • This fish of the bull -calf family has an oblong body up to ten centimeters in length
  • Active bulls in the world live with other small calm inhabitants of the aquarium (from two hundred liters)

Chrysiper is sapphire

Chrysiper is sapphire
Chrysiper is sapphire
  • Such a beauty belongs to the family
  • Chrysiper Sapphire has an oblong bright blue body up to five centimeters long with bright yellow spots on the head, belly, fins and tail
  • There are such bright fish in aquariums from fifty liters, where they calmly coexist with other peaceful fish


  • A small fish of the ciprinodon of the carpilly family has a body up to five centimeters long
  • This small, but rather aggressive fish can get along only with large peace -loving fish in a small aquarium (from 50l)

Patterned dog is black -spine

Patterned dog is black -spine
Patterned dog is black -spine
  • Such an unusual fish belongs to the family of the dog
  • Dilot of the Patterned black -to -bearer has an oblong body up to ten centimeters long with a yellow tail and a black line along the whole back
  • This fish is quite calm, therefore it easily lives with other small friendly fish

Pseudotototius Sokolof

Pseudotototius Sokolof
Pseudotototius Sokolof

The pseudototropheus of the Sokolof belongs to the cichlid family and fully meets their general characteristics.

Yellow aquarium fish

Colorful yellow aquarium fish, as a rule, belong to exotic fish. However, some of them having such a color are quite famous even inexperienced fish breeders.

Amblyglyphidon lemon

Amblyglyphidon lemon
Amblyglyphidon lemon
  • This fish belongs to the family
  • Amblyglyphidon lemon has an oval body shape and reaches a length of up to ten centimeters
  • Amblyglyphidon Lemon - a fish with an aggressive manner of behavior, but getting along in the general aquarium (from one hundred liters) with other large fish with peaceful habits

Apolmi is three -fifth

Apolmi is three -fifth
Apolmi is three -fifth
  • This fish is called a blue angel for the blue color of his lips. Apolmikita was also dubbed a three -point angel for the presence of two black dots on his head and blue spots on the lips
  • The blue -lipper angel is a rather large fish (up to twenty centimeters), requiring huge apartments (from five hundred liters)
  • A three -point angel has calm characters and can live with large peaceful fish


  • Assessor belongs to the family of grams
  • This small fish has an elongated yellow body with a rainbow head

The butterfly mask

The butterfly mask
The butterfly mask
  • The mask butterfly belongs to the family of bristle or fish-butterfly
  • This large fish (up to thirty centimeters) is aggressive, but coexists in a large aquarium (from five hundred liters) with large friendly fish

Butterfly tweezers yellow

Butterfly tweezers yellow
Butterfly tweezers yellow

This fish, in all its characteristics, is similar to the previous representative of the Fish-Bado family. The only difference is the nose that resembles a tweezers in the form. Hence the unusual name of the fish.

Raffle's butterfly

Raffle's butterfly
Raffle's butterfly



Barabul is gold

Barabul is gold
Barabul is gold
  • This fish belongs to the Barabul family
  • Barabula gold can grow to a huge fifty centimeters in length, which implies its settlement in the aquarium from a ton
  • Barabul is golden - quite calm and peaceful, because one aquarium with other large peaceful fish can share

Guppy is yellow

Guppy is yellow
Guppy is yellow

Honey honey

Honey honey
Honey honey

Dispus red

Dispus red
Dispus red

Despite the name, this fish has a yellow color with red-orange spots on top.

Zebrasoma brown and sailing

Zebrasoma is yellow sailing
Zebrasoma is yellow sailing
The zebrasoma is brown
The zebrasoma is brown
  • These two varieties of surgical fish grow up to twenty centimeters in length
  • Zebrasomes need an aquarium from five hundred liters and a company of any other friendly fish

gold fish

gold fish
gold fish


The marine dragon is leaf -shaped
The marine dragon is leaf -shaped
The sea horse is yellow
The sea horse is yellow
  • Some representatives of the family of sea skates or fish-igols also have a yellow color: the marine dragon is leafy, striped and spotted or yellow
  • Such unusual fish must be set to a species aquarium
  • Care for sea skates requires special knowledge and effort

Cryptocenterus is shrimp yellow

Cryptocenterus is shrimp yellow
Cryptocenterus is shrimp yellow

This small (up to ten centimeters) fish of the bull -calves can calmly exist in small (from one hundred liters) aquariums with other peaceful fish.


The body is gobaty
The body is gobaty
The body is long -legged yellow
The body is long -legged yellow
Cubric body
Cubric body
  • The yellow color has the following fish of the body of the body: hunchbacked, long -ripe yellow and cube
  • All of them require careful care and living in a large species aquarium from five hundred liters

Labyudhromis yellow

Labyudhromis yellow
Labyudhromis yellow
  • Belongs to Labyudovromis yellow to the cichlid family
  • This unpretentious fish with a body length up to 8-10 centimeters can get along with large calm fish in the aquarium from two hundred liters

Lamprologus orange

Lamprologus orange
Lamprologus orange

This fish meets all the characteristics of the previous representative of cichlids.

The fox is yellow

The fox is yellow
The fox is yellow
  • An interesting fish in shape and color, the head of which resembles a fox face
  • This fish belongs to the family of sea foxes
  • Her body can reach twenty centimeters in length
  • Lisitsa yellow lives in the aquarium from two hundred liters with other peaceful fish

The fox is black -eaten

The fox is black -eaten
The fox is black -eaten

False-chromic diadem

False-chromic diadem
False-chromic diadem
  • False chromas-diadem belongs to the family of false chromis
  • This small fish reaches a length of up to five centimeters
  • The false chromis-diadem has a rather complex character, so she manages to get along only with large non-predatory fish
  • For such a fish, a aquarium from one hundred liters is suitable

Mollinesia is acute and sailing

Mollinesia is sailing
Mollinesia is sailing
  • These two types of fish belong to the family of the peniletries and reach up to twenty centimeters long
  • Mollinesias are quite friendly, and can share one aquarium (from one hundred liters) with the same peaceful fish

Murena is yellow -tailed

Murena is yellow -tailed
Murena is yellow -tailed
  • This type of fish belongs to the family of acne
  • Murenes are very aggressive and require a species aquarium from five hundred liters
  • Such fish can reach a length of more than fifty centimeters

The cockerel is yellow

The cockerel is yellow
The cockerel is yellow


  • Such a fish has an oval yellow body up to twenty centimeters in length with blue drawings on the back
  • Slogiddodons are quite aggressive, therefore they should be diluted in a species aquarium from five hundred liters

The list of yellow aquarium fish does not end there. In addition to the above fish with yellow color, there are several dozens of them. Some of them will be mentioned in
other departments of the article

Exotic aquarium fish, photo with names

Among those fish that were mentioned above, there were a lot of exotic fish. But these are not all outlandish fish, which can be kept right at home today. Here are the names and photos of the most beautiful and unusual exotic aquarium fish:

Fish elephant
Fish elephant
Glass perch
Glass perch
Tetraodones or four -tooths
Tetraodones or four -tooths
Skat Motoro
Skat Motoro
Piranha is red -bellied
Piranha is red -bellied
Masto -chambers are red -fall
Masto -chambers are red -fall
Masto -chaemelus armatus is shell
Masto -chaemelus armatus is shell
The bosses are marble
The bosses are marble
The fish knocked down
The fish knocked down
Leporin strip
Leporin strip
Arabic butterfly fish
Arabic butterfly fish
Tamarin is yellow
Tamarin is yellow
Florida shell pike
Florida shell pike
Olive surgeon
Olive surgeon
Royal gram
Royal gram
Gram is black -headed
Gram is black -headed
Queen Nyasa
Queen Nyasa
False chromis purple
False chromis purple
Friedman falsechromis
Friedman falsechromis
Fish-frighten the glacier
Fish-frighten the glacier
Green bull-goby green
Green bull-goby green
Hymnotorax Funebris or Green Murena
Hymnotorax Funebris or Green Murena
The unicorn-acre is bristled
The unicorn-acre is bristled
Spinorog-melicht pink
Spinorog-melicht pink
Talassoma lunar
Talassoma lunar
Tamarin is green
Tamarin is green

Calm aquarium fish. Peaceful aquarium fish

Peaceful and calm aquarium fish
Peaceful and calm aquarium fish

Representatives of the following families are distinguished by calm behavior and peaceful disposition:

  1. Somi. Almost all catfish are very friendly. They swim along the bottom and they have nothing to share with other inhabitants of the aquarium, spending most of the time in the water column. Among the most popular peaceful catfish, we can distinguish crumbs, corridors, glass catfish and Antsistrus
  2. Haracin. The Kharaitsin family includes small friendly fish living in flocks. As a rule, they have quite attractive bright colors and do not require special care. The most common aquarium Kharaitsinov includes thorns, neons, tetra and prefella
  3. Carp. The peaceful representatives of the Karpov family include such aquarium fish as Danio, Barbus, Cardinal and Ride
  4. Labyrinth. This subgroup of fish differs from the rest of the specific structure of its body. This explains the unusual shape of fish. The most popular aquarium fishing family are considered to be gums, cockerels, macropods and lapius
  5. Cichlids. Basically, cichlids are considered rather wayward and aggressive fish. However, among them, a number of fish can be distinguished that can get along with other fish species. For the right to settle cichlids in one aquarium with other fish, it is worth considering their habits and equip special minks and shelters in it. The following representatives of the cichlid family can be called quite friendly: blue dolphin, cichlazoma and aulonocar



First of all, it is worth saying that there are simply no purebred predators among aquarium fish. Since only the animal can be called predatory that eats exclusively meat. The same fish that prefer to enjoy other fish are always not opposed and vegetable feed.

Among the most famous aggressors living in home aquariums can be called:

Cichlid knife
Cichlid knife
Square Somb
Square Somb
Turquoise Akara
Turquoise Akara
Cranitsykh was heart -core
Cranitsykh was heart -core
Blue Discis
Blue Discis
Labeo Bikolor
Labeo Bikolor
Ktenopom Leopard
Ktenopom Leopard
Mastamert Armatus
Mastamert Armatus
Monodactil dark
Monodactil dark
Skat Motoro
Skat Motoro
Indian knife
Indian knife

Unpretentious aquarium fish

Indian knife
Unpretentious aquarium fish

The most unpretentious exotic fish and fish of small sizes have always been considered the most unpretentious. Here are the top 15 such fish:

  • Guppy
  • Swordsmen
  • Pecilia
  • Mollinesia
  • Somiki-corridors
  • Harazinki tetra
  • Thorns
  • Danio-Roerio
  • Torakatum
  • Guri
  • Barbuses
  • Cardinals
  • Cockerels
  • Macropods
  • Neon

Video: The most popular and unpretentious aquarium fish

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not want to be a bore, but I really advise you to remove Akantophthalmus from the list of predators. The maximum that his aggression may manifest itself is the protection of his small piece of food after a hunger strike. Labyudovromis yellow can not be 20 cm. In nature, it is up to 8 cm, in aquariums sometimes reaches 10 cm. This is the ceiling. Well, as for the cocks, they can score any fish that they did not like, regardless of how peaceful this fish is.

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