How to properly care for household fish in the aquarium: how often you need to feed, equipment, cleaning the aquarium. How do aquarium fish mate and multiply?

How to properly care for household fish in the aquarium: how often you need to feed, equipment, cleaning the aquarium. How do aquarium fish mate and multiply?

How to care for fish in the aquarium at home? The correct leaving process is described in the article.

Those people who live in an apartment or house with limited space can start aquarium fish as pets. They do not require large costs, time and do not take up much space, but they need special care.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Fish without bones and scales - list, names".

If you want to have fish at home, you should follow the recommendations below. Feeding, cleaning and equipment of the aquarium - these are some of the aspects that should be taken into account. However, everything will depend on the type of fish. Therefore, it is very important not to mix them, since many of them cannot be in the same habitat. Read more more.

What kind of fish to buy for the aquarium to take care of at home?

Home fish in the aquarium
Home fish in the aquarium

The first thing to do is to determine which fish I want to get, since the correctness of the choice of the most suitable aquarium depends on this to create the best habitat for these animals. Regular cleaning of the vessel and other care work is necessary so that the pets remain healthy. Here is a detailed instruction that will help to properly take care of fish in the aquarium:

Proper care of fish in the aquarium
Proper care of fish in the aquarium

What kind of fish to buy for the aquarium to take care of at home? Common species that are perfectly contained in the aquarium:

  • gold fish
  • Scalary
  • Sword -bearer
  • Guppy
  • Cockerel
  • Lyalius
  • Different aquarium catfish
  • Shrimps
  • Fish knife
  • Cichlids aquarium
  • Axolotle aquarium

Such factors should be taken into account by the content of water pets:

Factors on the content of fish in the aquarium
Factors on the content of fish in the aquarium

But the most common is ordinary gold fishsince she can live in aquariums where there is no need to heat water. In addition, it tolerates chemical fluctuations in water better than other species, eats very well and more resistant to different living conditions than other fish.

How often do you need to feed aquarium fish: instructions, how to care, do fish drink water?

Some species of fish should be fed exactly as much as they can eat in one minute. On the other hand, there are other species requiring a different diet. In this sense, you need to be very careful and well aware of the nutrition of each species, since you can expose risk and overfeed the inhabitants of the aquarium. So how often do you need to feed? Here are the instructions on how to care for aquarium fish:

  • As mentioned above, fish should be fed exactly as much as they can eat in a couple of minutes about twice a day.
  • However, everything will depend on each species. For example, goldfish can do without food up to two weeks, while others need to eat at least once a day.

There are suppliers of automatic feeders on the market. They can be installed in the aquarium, and on the schedule, feed the desired amount twice a day. Thus, it will be easier to control the process and periods of the break, even if the owners are far from the house.

Many breeders often wonder: do fish drink water?

  • Sea fish water drinkBut the water enters their body almost fresh, and the excess of salts is released by drops from their gills.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Equipment that should have an aquarium with fish

Food, water, water filter and heater are the main objects that are necessary for the content of aquarium fish. However, everything will depend on the type of inhabitants, their size and quantity. What should be the equipment in the aquarium with fish?

  • Depending on the chosen type of fish, an aquarium with specific characteristics and equipment will be needed.
  • For example, tropical fish to create a suitable habitat, water heating elements are required.
  • However, the goldfish that live in fresh water prefer a aquarium with cold water and probably will not need a water heater.

Here's what you need for normal fish care - the arrangement of the aquarium:

Arrangement of the aquarium
Arrangement of the aquarium

As for food, it usually happens in the form of flakes or granules. It is recommended to feed pets with sublimated food, as this eliminates the risk of diseases. There are also other products that most fish like, for example, moth or shrimps. But it is always necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the food is the most suitable for each type of fish.

Aquarium cleaning with proper fishing

The aquarium requires a regular water change and level checking pso that the fish live in proper conditions. How should the aquarium clean with proper fishing?

  • Depending on the size of the container and the existing filtration system, a partial substitution of a small amount of water should be carried out once a week.
  • It will also be necessary to clean the aquarium, and change all the water at least once a month.
  • Some fish, such as goldfish, pollute water and aquarium more than others. In this case, you will have to clean the container more often and change water.
  • Caution with feeding must be observed, because overfing can quickly pollute water, and this will lead to health problems in fish.

In addition, all decorative elements that are installed in the container will also have to be cleaned. Some fish are very fond of plants, even plastic. If you place living plants, you will need gravel at the bottom of the aquarium.

Here are in detail what you need to launch the aquarium:

Actions to launch a home aquarium
Actions to launch a home aquarium

Another aspect that needs to be taken into account is to monitor the level pH of water. To do this, it is very important to have a special meter of this indicator, which at any time will help measure its level in water. Higher or low indicators can lead to the fact that the fish will eat poorly and will not be able to breathe.

Thus, the type of fish that is in the aquarium determines the basic care of them. However, special attention should be paid to feeding, purification of water and aquarium, as well as PH levels to provide the most suitable habitat for water pets.

How do house aquarium fish mate and propagate?

Homemade aquarium fish
Homemade aquarium fish

Like many other animals, most fish require a male and a female to create a new life. However, it is worth knowing that some fish are asexual and can multiply on their own. How do house aquarium fish propagate?

  • The vast majority of Pisces are separately.
  • The females have ovaries, and males have testes.
  • There are some species that contain both sets of organs (hermaphrodites).
  • Other species have secondary organs known as the genital papilla. This is a small fleshy tube in the rear of the anus from which sperm is released.

Like insects, birds and reptiles, in egg -mesmerizing fish, the embryo develops inside the egg, but outside the body of the parents. More 90 percent of fish - Eggs. This method of reproduction requires that the female lays eggs, which are then fertilized by the male.

Most females can set aside a large number of eggs at the same time, because this requires much less energy than to grow an embryo in an egg inside their body. The number of eggs that the female can produce during spawning is called "fertility." It is closely connected with the weight and length of the water inhabitant. The male rubs the genitals on the egg, releasing sperm into the water to attach to the egg in the zooplankton layer (if the eggs were laid in this way).

Eggs of fish can belong to one of these categories:

  • Incubators in the mouth: Eggs are placed in water, and then collected in the mouth after fertilization.
  • Builders of nests: They arrange impromptu nests from plant materials or bubble nests, usually built by a male and a female, then lay their eggs there, and the male fertilizes them.
  • Egg scathers: sticky eggs are deposited in the usually closed space. Non -powerful eggs are deposited in open water. Then the male fertilizes caviar, floating and spraying sperm to this area.
  • Eggs: caviar is deposited in one place, the male swims past and fertilizes it.
  • Bracing caviar: eggs are buried in the substrate, and then the male dives into the substrate to fertilize the eggs.

The reproductive cycle of fish varies greatly depending on the species. Some fish mate several times during the year (for example, Clown fish, guppies, swordsmen), others do this less often. Those people who are just starting to breed fish are recommended vigorous species, since it is easier to take care of them than those that lay eggs. Types such as guppies do not require special care and living conditions, which makes them a good choice for beginner breeders.

When some experience of working with offspring appears, you can go to fish that lay off eggs, such as barbuses and Danio.

Eggs and viviparous aquarium fish

Homemade aquarium fish
Homemade aquarium fish

At ovuming aquarium fish fertilization and development of the embryo occurs inside the mother. The female is fertilized by the modified anal fin of the male, known as gonopodia. Sperm enters the body of the female.

In viviparous reproducers The fertilization and development of cubs also occurs in the mother’s body, and embryos receive nutrition from the mother. When they completely develop, the mother gives birth to living cubs.

Hermaphrodites They have male and female genital organs. Pisces are usually born of one sex, and at a later age in development they move to the opposite sex. Both types of uterine herds still need fish of the opposite sex for reproduction.

Clown fish is a great example of hermaphrodite. A group of fish-clowns will include a large male and a large female, the rest of the group is small males. As soon as the female leaves the group, the female will become her partner, and the next largest fish will become a new partner. A small number of species falls under the classification of synchronous hermaphroditism, which means that they can produce eggs and sperm at the same time.

When does the fish become mature for propagation?

Reproductive organs usually develop slowly, because they are not necessary for birth survival. Different species reach puberty at different ages. When does the fish become mature for propagation?

As a rule, the smaller the size of adult fish, the faster it can reproduce offspring. Some fish begin to multiply very soon after their own birth, while others are required to achieve maturity before they can reproduce offspring.

The right choice of parental aquarium fish

With the right choice of parental aquarium fish, you need to make sure that the aquarium has one male and one female. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that parental fish have a good healthy color and that they are healthy and mature. It is also very important that they are compatible. In some species, steam is formed in the group only after they have been grown together.

If a specific type of fish lives in the aquarium, which multiplies poorly, you need to pay attention to those who show courtship. After a suitable couple is selected (or group, if it is jambs), they should be prepared for reproduction. It is necessary to feed fish with various feeds so that they are in the best shape before they begin to multiply.

This is what you need to feed the fish so that they are healthy and beautiful:

This is what you need to feed the fish so that they are healthy and beautiful
This is what you need to feed the fish so that they are healthy and beautiful

It is worth knowing: If the fish were bought at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, most likely they are already ready for reproduction.

It is very important to know the conditions and what the environment for playback should be. Some types just need water containers, that is, a separate tank for growing fry, others need certain plants, water flow, etc. It is necessary to bring pH and water hardness to the required levels (specific for each type), as well as increase the temperature of the water in the aquarium above its usual indicators. The separation of the female and the male with a special glass screen also increases the desire to multiply.

Caring for homemade aquarium fish is simple. The main thing is to follow the purity of water, timely feed in small portions. If a specific type requires water heating, then do it on an ongoing basis. Do not forget about the lighting and supply of oxygen.

Video: Aquarium. Tips for beginners. Fundamentals of fish content

Video: How to care for the aquarium?

Video: Arrangement of the aquarium. A new pet in the family!

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