Unpretentious fish for aquarium: list, description, photo

Unpretentious fish for aquarium: list, description, photo

If you decide to start aquarium fish, you need to approach the choice of the inhabitants of the container with all responsibility. Today, there is a large assortment of fish on sale, and not all of them are unpretentious in care.

More information about the most unpretentious fish for the aquarium will be described in this article.

How to choose an unpretentious fish for the aquarium?

  • The choice of unpretentious fish is explained by several reasons. Aquariums are a multifaceted hobby. To breed fish, you need to know the basics of biology, hydrochemistry and microbiology. Any experience will be accompanied by errors. Even minor oversights are fraught with the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium. At the very beginning, the most Sensitive fish. Resilient varieties will be able to survive small problems.
  • First of all, you need to take into account the whimsicalness of the water. Choose those varieties that are able to live in a large range of water parameters. You do not have to create a certain environment. Unpretentious varieties are easier to breed. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to resume the population of fish.

Choose individuals that do not need a certain feed. It is important that they are easily acclimatized to new conditions (temperature, salt concentration, lack of aeration, etc.). It is better to choose varieties with an excellent immune system.

Popular unpretentious types of fish for the aquarium

As already mentioned, there are many types of aquarium fish. The most unpretentious will be described later.


  • This type of unpretentious fish is considered the most popular among aquarium-novice. They are distinguished by an attractive appearance, so they will look beautiful in the interior. They have a peaceful character, so they get along with most other varieties.
  • Guppies do not need special conditions of maintenance or nutrition. Males are more attractive compared to females. They have a bright multi -colored tail. In females, the tail is ordinary, and scales are characterized by a silver tint. Females are several times more than males.

Guppies are considered tenacious. They can survive even in extreme conditions. To create comfortable conditions, there are enough such actions:

  • each fish should account for 3 liters of water;
  • every week 1/3 of water is replaced every week;
  • it is recommended to set in groups of 6 or 8 individuals;
  • to plant a lot of plants inside the container that will play the role of a natural water filter;
  • maintain water temperature in the range from +18 ° C to +30 ° C;
  • add 1 tsp every week every week. salt for every 10 liters of water;
  • put an ordinary table lamp next to the container so that the color of the fish intensifies.

Guppies have compact dimensions. Despite this, they can eat 24 hours a day.

Beautiful guppies
Beautiful guppies
  • They prefer to enjoy plant foods and live food. You can also add special vitamins to the aquarium.
  • They can be purchased inexpensively in any animal store. It is not difficult to breed guppy. Fish belong to the category of livestock.
  • Fry, at birth, are already independent. Therefore, it is not necessary to take care of them. Guppies are combined with different types of peaceful fish.

Danio Roerio

  • These small unpretentious aquarium fish prefer to swim closer to the surface of the water. In each aquarium, you need to set the groups of Danio Roerio of 6 individuals. When choosing an aquarium, give preference to models that are designed for 30 liters or more. This is due to the fact that this species is quite mobile, so it needs openness. The aquarium should be oval or rectangular.
  • Despite the activity, the character of Danio Roerio is calm. It is recommended to plant algae inside the container. This type of caviar. Despite this, spawning is easy, and every aquarist can cope with it.
  • Most often, individuals of classic striped coloring are found on sale. However, you can find fish with leopard pattern. The view under consideration is unpretentious in nutrition. When feeding, you can use dry food in the form of flakes that will swim on the surface of the water.
Interesting color
Interesting color

Sword -bearer

  • These are the best unpretentious aquarium fish for beginners. Despite the large size, they do not need special care. The average body length is about 9 cm. There is a process in the shape of a sword on the tail fin. Today, you can find the selection forms of swordsmen on sale, which differ from classic in shape and color.
  • It is recommended to contain this type in a container with a volume of more than 50 liters. It is better if there is a cover. This is due to the fact that swordsmen can jump out of the aquarium. In each container, place one male and several females. Otherwise, males will conflict among themselves.
  • The aquarium should grow Living plants. Often swordsmen are peaceful, and can get along with most other types of fish. In rare cases, there are cocky individuals. Propagating this species is easy. Fish belong to the category of livestock. On average, they live 3-5 years.
For newbies
For newbies


  • This species is also considered lively. Not caviar is born, but already independent fry. The individuals are large. Females grow up to 10 cm in length, and males up to 7 cm. Most often occurs on the sale of mollies with black color. However, you can find color varieties that were bred by breeders. Often in the houses there are sailing mollies. She has enough developed fin in the back. This variety is considered aggressive, therefore it is not suitable for beginners.
  • The content is carried out in the aquarium, the volume of which is at least 50 liters. Males should prevail in the container. Do not forget to plant living plants in the aquarium, and place natural snags. Water should be warm, with average hardness. Mollinesia they get along well with other fish. Only individual individuals can be aggressive. Propagation of mollies spontaneous and simple.


  • This species is popularly known as “Somiki-Plipal”. The individuals have a slightly changed mouth, and resembles a suction cup. Therefore, fish can be held on any surface, even vertical. A modified oral apparatus helps the fish collect fussings algae.
  • This is one of the main power sources. Constant crushing of fussings allows you to keep the aquarium clean. The length of the body is about 10 cm. The color is dark gray, with white spots. Individuals with white torso and veil fins may occur on sale.
  • You can contain a variety in aquariums, the volume of which is more than 50 liters. There should be natural snags inside. They will provide fish with cellulose. Antsisters get along well with other fish species. If the aquarium contains males and females, spawning will occur spontaneously.
Gorgeous beauty
Gorgeous beauty


  • These unpretentious homemade fish are also suitable for aquarium-novice, because they do not require special care. The length of the body is about 4 cm. The color is silver, with three dark stripes located transversely. You can find on sale vual species. Albinos are also sold. In the past few years, many aquarists have chosen modified species that have a fluorescent color.
  • Aquariums should be designed for 40 liters or more. In each container you need to run one flock, which includes 6 individuals. There should be living plants inside the aquarium. However, it is better to leave a few free places where the fish can swim.
  • Turnenia is unpretentious in the diet. They can eat different food. It is better if it lingers on the surface or in the middle layers of water. On average, individuals live up to 4 years.
Bright fish
Bright fish


  • This type of fish is called "fighting." This is due to the fact that males are very aggressive in relation to each other. Cockerels are distinguished by the presence of a special respiratory apparatus, which is called a labyrinth. Individuals can also breathe atmospheric air. Given that they periodically swim to the surface to breathe air, the lid on the aquarium should be absent. However, you do not have to install a compulsory aeration system.
  • On average, the length of the trunk trunk does not exceed 5 cm. Females are several times less than males. In this case, they do not have a chic tail. The breeders worked on the creation of different types of cockerels, which may differ in the coloring and shape of the fins.
Type of fish - diverse
Type of fish - diverse

The main conditions of content include:

  1. For each individual there should be 5 liters of water.
  2. The content is carried out in groups, 4-5 individuals. It is better to leave only one males and 3-4 females. Several males will constantly fight the territory.
  3. Support the temperature of the water from +25 ° C to +27 ° C.
  4. Natural and artificial lighting is required.
  5. Large plants should grow at the bottom of the aquarium.

The cockerels are voracious. Food should be plant and alive. Remember that this species is inclined to obesity, which is why health problems will develop.

  • You can contain cockerels along with other small fish. This will restrain the aggressive nature of individuals. Breeding is simple and interesting.
  • Males form nests from bubbles. Caviar develops in them at the end of spawning. After the male cares for caviar until the fry appears.

Corridoras speckled

  • One of the popular species of aquarium catfish is corridors. They are distinguished by a peaceful character. Fish clean the bottom of the container from the food that remains. Therefore, aquarists will not have to clean the aquarium. The length of the body of males is 5 cm. Females are several cm larger. The color is gray-olive, with small dark spots. There is a pinkish-golden tint on the abdomen.
  • Crowned corridors prefer to live in flocks. Therefore, 4-6 individuals are placed in each aquarium. Such flocks should live in an aquarium with a volume of 60-90 liters. There should be no sharp edges on the ground. After all, corridors can damage the mustache. The proximity to other types of decorative fish is permissible.
  • Propagation is simple, because the variety belongs to the category of spangling species. If you provide proper care, individuals will live up to 10 years.
Peaceful fish
Peaceful fish

Barbus Sumatransky

  • This variety is considered peaceful, and prefers to live in flocks. It differs in an attractive shade. The length of the body is not more than 7 cm. The body has a silver color. There are also four transverse stripes. Kaima on the floodplains of scarlet.
  • One aquarium should contain from 6 individuals. If there are fewer, barbuses can attack other species. Choose containers with a volume of 50 liters. The shape should be elongated so that the fish can swim calmly. Do not forget to plant living plants.
  • Barbuses easily get along with other decorative views. An exception should be slow individuals with fins in the form of a veil. After all, they can provoke barbuses to aggression. Breeding is carried out in a separate aquarium, established for spawning.

Marble guri

  • This type of fish grows up to 10 cm in length. It is recommended to buy containers with a volume of at least 80 liters. Additional aeration is not required.
  • If you think over the system of good filtration, this will positively affect the well -being of the fish.

The main tips for the content include:

  1. Support the temperature of the water from +24 ° C to +26 ° C.
  2. Control the hardness of the water so that it does not increase sharply.
  3. Plant living plants in the aquarium.

Marble hums can jump out of the water. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the container with a flat board, or buy models with lids.

  • It is allowed to feed the goura with dry and live food. For proper development and reproduction, a constant change of diet is required. Marble gums can get along with scalaries, swordsmen and other calm views. Considered form cleans the aquarium of snails and planaria.
  • Propagation is quite simple. The selection of the couple will not cause problems, because males and females differ in external parameters. Males build nests from bubbles. They are placed in caviar, behind which males take care of the appearance of fry. The average life expectancy is about 7 years.


  • If you prefer unusual types of aquarium fish, stop choosing on acantophthalmuses. They differ a body similar to a snake. Therefore, they stand out against the background of other residents of the aquarium. The benefits of acantophthalmus are that it eats the remnants of food and dead plants that are at the bottom. This is the best option for beginners.
  • There are present on the body small scales. The length of the body is about 12 cm. The color is yellow or al-orange. Dark wide strips are present. There are spikes above the eyes. Thanks to spikes and three pairs of antennae, the fish takes out a fodder from the soil.
  • Water in the aquarium should be from +24 ° C to +28 ° C. Acidity should be from 6 to 7.5 pH. The rigidity should be from 5 to 19 GH. The light should be scattered. The aquarium should have grottoes and natural snags. This is a good shelter for fish. Optimal soil can be created with sand or small pebbles without sharp corners. Choose aquariums with lids so that the fish do not jump out of it.
  • Acantophthalmuses omnivorous. They use dead parts of algae and carrion. It is better to buy food in the format of tablets falling to the bottom. A good food option will be flakes and granules. They are suitable in cases where only acantophthalmuses live in the aquarium. Otherwise, other fish species will eat everything. Choose food based on plant components. It is better to buy food with 20% of the spiplin content. Once a week, arrange a fishing day. This will prevent obesity, and strengthen the purity of the aquarium.
An elongated body
An elongated body

As you can see, there are a large number of unpretentious types of fish for the aquarium. They are suitable for those who are just starting to breed fish at home. Before buying, check the conditions for the content of the variety, and focus on your capabilities.

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