How to clean an aquarium with fresh and salty water: Instructions. How to clean the aquarium with the help of fish, snails, shrimp: a list of fish, cleaning aquarium. Aquarium filter cleaning instructions

How to clean an aquarium with fresh and salty water: Instructions. How to clean the aquarium with the help of fish, snails, shrimp: a list of fish, cleaning aquarium. Aquarium filter cleaning instructions

Instructions for cleaning the aquarium with fresh and salty water.

Cleaning the aquarium is a necessary procedure that will help keep your fish clean and healthy. Absolutely incorrect is the complete replacement of water in the aquarium. In this article we will tell you how to replace water.

Fish for cleaning the aquarium

How to clean an aquarium with fresh water?

There are several types of aquariums: with fresh, as well as salt water. The cleaning of such types of aquariums is significantly different. For cleaning aquariums with fresh water, you need to prepare water. You can’t take water from under the tap, the spring or distilled option will be an ideal option. Talai or cleansed by the principle of reverse osmosis is suitable. Distilled water is undesirable, because it does not have enough trace elements and minerals for the normal functioning of fish.


  • The first thing you need to do is walk through the glass with a scraper in order to clean them of algae. If the algae is not removed in this way, use the blade.
  • Try not to damage the aquarium, because acrylic aquariums scratch very quickly. Next, you need to turn on the pump, load it into the water and pour approximately 10% of the water. If you clean once a week, and in your aquarium there are only healthy fish, it is enough to clean only 10-20% of water in one cleaning.
  • If the fish are sick, or you are cleaning every 2 weeks, then it is recommended to remove about 25-50% of the total amount of water from the aquarium. Next, you need to take and walk through gravel, as well as decorative elements.
  • To do this, it is best to shake water and then turn on the pump. Thus, small garbage, excrement rises and get into the pump. Prepare a bucket in which you will drain the water.
  • It is necessary to clean decorative elements and props. To do this, use a new toothbrush. In any case, for cleaning aquariums, you can not take old accessories, as well as the kitchen sponges that were in use. Absolutely everything for cleaning the aquarium should be new, or specially designed for aquariums. That is, for other domestic purposes, it is impossible to use economic supplies. Because any remnants of chemicals can poison fish.
  • If the propulsion is not cleaned of algae and plaque, we recommend soaking them in a solution of whiteness, that is, chlorine. Next, the decor is poured with boiling water and dried. Only after that it plunges into the aquarium.
  • Learn to clean the fish without eviction, because they respond well to changing conditions. This can affect the amount of mucus on their surface, the fish can simply begin to hurt after replacing water. If you have a filter in the aquarium, it also needs to be cleaned. It is enough to rinse it under running water, and then carry it off spring or distilled.
  • Remember, you can not use water from under the tap. The fact is that even after it stands and settles, there remains chloramine, which is harmful to the health of fish. Even a small amount of such a substance can cause fish disease.
  • After the cleaning inside the aquarium is completed, it will be necessary to clean it outside. To do this, you can use special tools for cleaning aquariums or use wine vinegar. In no case should you use a tool with ammonia for cleaning glasses that are used to wash windows. They are harmful to fish, can cause the disease, as well as death.
Cleaning Aquarium
Cleaning Aquarium

Fish, snails, shrimp that clean the aquarium: List

Fish review:

  • Otocyncluses. They specialize in the extermination of diatomic algae, the outbreaks of which are often observed in new aquariums.
  • Siamese algae. These are the only fish that are able to save the aquarium from red algae - vietnamese and black beard, which are very difficult to bring out in other ways.
Siamese algae
Siamese algae
  • Girinoheilus. He is the best specialist in the destruction of mucus from green algae, which often appears in aquariums with powerful lighting.
  • Ptergophyt (brocade som). With the help of his mouth, he cleans everything in the aquarium: bacteria, algae and other organic pollutants of aquariums. But it must be taken into account that it can grow up to 45 cm.
Phergopylikht (brocade sos)
Phergopylikht (brocade sos)
  • Antsistrus is ordinary. This catfish also works as a sucker’s mouth and cleanses the aquarium of organic pollutants.
Antsistrus is ordinary
Antsistrus is ordinary
  • Guppy. Live -grown fish, live in flocks, can survive even without food, feeding only with greens from the aquarium.
  • Mollinesia. Also vivipated flock of fish, feed on a green thread from the aquarium
  • Pecilia.These vigorous fish eat excessive small greens in the aquarium.
  • Sword -bearer.Like other vividly -growing fish fights with small green algae in the water of the aquarium.
Sword -bearer
Sword -bearer
  • Labeo is two -color. Belongs to the Karpov family. Their mouth is turned down. They eat partly algae and fussings in the aquarium, but of course, they eat them not as intensively as all higher fish families.
Labeo is two -color
Labeo is two -color
  • Labeo Green (Frenatus). As well as Labeo, two -color eats algae and fussings in the aquarium.
Labeo Green (Frenatus)
Labeo Green (Frenatus)
  • Snails-cleaners. Feed remaining from the fish, bowel movements, rotten plants, dead inhabitants, polluting the film from the surface of the water, rot, mucus, all kinds of raids and other organic pollution in the aquarium.

  • Shrimp to combat aquarium algae. This creatures simply carefully care about the purity of the aquarium. They purify water, filtering through the fans on the body and eating pollution remaining from fish and plants. Males of shrimp, loosening the soil, cleaning it filtering and filtering the rising dregs. Females clean the surface of the soil. In addition, shrimp eat fine greens from the water, from the surface of the aquarium, scenery and plants, much better than fish.
Shrimp to combat aquarium algae
Shrimp to combat aquarium algae


How to clean the aquarium filter?

After all the manipulations are completed, it is necessary to replace the coal filter. Its replacement is carried out once a month. Read more in the video.

Video: Cleaning Aquarium filter

How to clean the aquarium with salt water?

The process of replacing water in such an aquarium is somewhat complicated, because additional devices will be required. These are special strips for monitoring the PH level, as well as the level of salinity of water, which is measured by a refractometer or special test strips. In general, cleaning the aquarium with salt water is carried out by the same analogy. Cleaning is recommended once every 2 weeks. In this case, the volume that merges at a time is 10%.

After performing all the cleansing procedures using the pump and a scraper for glasses, purified water is poured. That is, a part of the water, which is dirty replaced with a new one. Remember that it is necessary to prepare salted water in advance using special salt, which is sold in pet stores.

Cleaning Aquarium
Cleaning Aquarium

The fact is that it is much more difficult to care for an aquarium with sea fish. Because they are quite capricious, they are used to living in a narrow temperature range, as well as the salinity of water. Therefore, in no case can you completely drain the water, replace it with a new one. In water, in addition to salt, in the process of life, fish develop and multiply bacteria that positively affect their health. When replacing all the water, the fish begin to hurt, precisely because of the lack of minerals and trace elements.

The temperature at which the sea fish live and feels well at the level of 23-28 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to track the temperature level. If necessary, increase or lower it.

Cleaning glass of the aquarium
Cleaning glass of the aquarium

DIY Aquarium siphon

This device will help to cleanse gravel and sand of excrement and algae residues. It is made from a plastic bottle. See the instructions for making a siphon in the video.

Video: Siphon for Aquarium

As you can see, it is not very difficult to clean the aquarium. It is necessary to follow certain rules and in no case do not pollute water in the aquarium using chemicals, and washing substances that are used in the farm. That is why determine the place for storing the inventory and for cleaning the aquarium. In no case do not use it for household needs.

Video: Aquarium Cleaning

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