How the character of a person changes - throughout life, in extreme situations, at work

How the character of a person changes - throughout life, in extreme situations, at work

In our article you will find information about how a person’s character may change depending on the circumstances.

How does the character of a person change throughout life?

How the character of a person changes throughout life:

  • Teenage revival. When a person is 15-16 years old, you can notice general, logical attitudes, and peculiar, meaning atypical changes. Among the general, normal, we can safely include age -related changes in the manner of a person. They come down to the following. From year to year, personality is slowly freed from the so -called infant character traits. In adolescence, a person begins to adhere to most rules of society. He no longer rolls tantrums about the chocolate, which mother did not buy, and quite calmly accepts refusals. This is what distinguishes a teenager from a baby. Signs of the baby - irresponsibility, moodiness, eccentricity, tearfulness. Inly fear in conscious adolescence, no longer manifest itself. And if they appear, then only in individuals. It is also worth considering that with age, the personality acquires new positive features, and in his character the peculiar behavioral attitudes are strengthened, which help to properly serve their environment. Such, for example, such as multi -character, tolerance, responsibility, rationality, frugality, hard work, the ability to move towards set goals.
  • YOUTH. With the accumulation of everyday experience, the personality changes, and the attitude towards them. A person can change dramatically. From calm and balanced, turn into purposeful and assertive. The conditions in society also affects the course of human life. People who are 25, 30 or 40 years old still live, mainly their future, their activity, thoughts and ideas are slaughtered by promising projects for the future, and preparing for it. As a rule, they are easy to climb, energetic, do not give up their hands in difficult life situations, always try to find positive in everything. During this period of life, people acquire a family, so they get acquainted with attachment, sacrifice, begin to understand that sometimes close people need to forgive their misconduct.
  • OLD AGE. People of 50-70 years of age pass the line on which their minds and realities will intersect both with the past and the future. This means that their nature is modified in this way in order to maximally meet the interests of the present. For example, in their morals, features associated with dreams and dreams can retreat into the background. Having entered the retirement age, a person begins to devote more time to his health, he tries to spend less internal energy in order to live as long as possible. During this period, people show obsession, grumpy, tearfulness. But at the same time, they still remain good -natured, wise, compliant and accommodating personalities. And although in old age people practically do not dream, they are still able to find positive in life.

How does the character of a person change when changing material wealth?

How does the character of a person change when changing material wealth?
How does the character of a person change when changing material wealth?

How the character of a person changes when the material wealth changes:

  • Many people dream of big money, mistakenly believing that they will make them happier. Yes, money gives us some freedom of choice, and gives us the opportunity to feel confidence in the future. But they can negatively affect the character of a person. As a rule, people who are knocked out of poverty begin to quarrel in the literal sense with money. They buy a lot of extra things, or are spent, for example, on an expensive elite alcohol. Although, if desired, quality products of this type can be safely found in a cheaper segment.
  • With an increase in material prosperity, the personality begins to feel his superiority over others, and begins to change in the bad side. Glated people almost always become greedy, rude, arrogant, some personalities develop the Narcissus complex. They can break relations with former friends only because they have less money in their wallet. Agree, this is not very pleasant. And the most interesting thing is that wealth makes a person less susceptible to the feelings of others, such a person may not notice at all that he offended someone or touched his words and actions.
  • In the same negative way, an increase in material wealth can affect the family relations, especially if the wife constantly requires more money. As a rule, when people make a marriage, they do not have a large financial pillow, so they dispose of their family budget as neatly as possible - during this period they seek to support each other, compassion, understanding, good nature are clearly manifested in their character. But when more money appears in the family, everything can change dramatically, especially when one of the spouses earns them. Anyone who earns shows his ability to work, determination, caring for close people. The same of the spouses, who only spends funds, thinks little by what kind of labor they got, and this offends their soul mate. This state of affairs leads to the fact that people become more closed, secretive, callous.

How does the character of a person change in war?

How the character of a person in war changes:

  • Any military operations can radically change a person, and in such conditions this happens almost lightning speed. During the war, a person may not behave like in ordinary life. He can turn from a calm, phlegmatic person into a collected, courageous, determined. And he will make him such a banal fear. Yes, it is he who will force him to perform actions that will help him survive.
  • In quiet conditions, a person has to mobilize all his internal opportunities in order to become a super man, and go through this difficult life test. Very often in people who are faced with military reality, superstition manifests itself. It seems to them that some specific actions or words can protect against a “crazy bullet”, so they always seek to hold their “magical ritual” before an important event. Also, such a savior from all troubles can be some kind of object that is always hidden from human eyes.
  • In general, war very negatively affects the character of a person. It becomes harder, more angry, more straightforward, stricter, more irritable, with caution belongs to people. What is it connected with? Everything is very simple. During the fighting of a person, they seem to pull out from the usual habitat. He can no longer do what he loves, does not eat his favorite products, cannot fully relax and relax. And in this way he lives not a day and not two, but for many months. Such hardships lead to the fact that the psycho -emotional state worsens, and a person radically changes for the worse.
  • It is also worth mentioning another negative factor that affects a person. In the war you have to kill in order to survive yourself. And due to the fact that a person is in danger all the time, he often kills his enemy on the "machine", without even thinking about the value of life. And he acts in a similar way even when he has internal resistance, because he understands, if he does not protect his life with his own hands, then no one will do this for him. That is why most people who have passed the fighting become more cruel and callous.
  • But even after the end of the war, a person is hard. Once in a peaceful city, he seems to be in another world, and it is difficult for him to adapt to it. For this reason, such a person may observe apathetic, ruthlessness, aggressiveness, gloomy.

How do people change in extreme situations?

How do people change in extreme situations?
How do people change in extreme situations?

How people are changing in extreme situations:

  • Extreme situations can show us what a person actually is, whom, as it seemed to us, we know well. Often, quiet, who is afraid to even say the word, at an important moment may turn out to be a real brave man. And the one whom we considered strong and courageous will give back, and will ask for help. In this way, people are affected by a feeling of fear that manifests itself from the first seconds of an extreme situation.
  • Initially, people are shocked, they seem to freeze for a few seconds, and then the realization that it is necessary to act quicklyTo save your life, or the life of a loved one. Initially, the personality analyzes what to do in a particular situation, and only then begins to act. In this case, his psycho -emotional state will affect the behavior of a person. The higher it is, the more chances are that a person will make the right decision.
  • As a rule, a person with a good psycho -emotional state mobilizes all his internal forces and begins to act with lightning speed. In this case, everything will depend on the situation. If he is attacked, he will safely enter into a fight and try to harm the enemy’s health, and in such a way as to completely neutralize him. Thus, masculinity and courage will be manifested.
  • If people are threatened with a natural problem, then in this extreme situation, a person will try to reduce the effects of natural cataclysm with all available forces. In this case, the following character traits will appear - comprehensiveness, courage, vitality, compassion. But in this way, not all people behave, there is a category of personalities for whom their own life is always more important than the rest. And even in extreme situations, they will think exclusively about themselves.
  • As a rule, such people do not even close the thoughts that they should save someone, it is more important for them to survive themselves. They will never extend the hand of helping another person until they are convinced that they are in complete safety. The character of such people clearly traces greed, a tendency to betrayal, cowardice, hysteria. The most unpleasant thing is that when it ends, such personalities will again try to broadcast their courage, self -organization and kindness to society.

How does the character of a person change after the first sex, during the period of falling in love?

How the character of a person changes after the first sex, during the period of falling in love:

  • Love, and especially the first proximity, are able to influence a person both positively and negatively. Let's figure out everything in order. Failing, a person feels an inner rise, especially if the feelings are mutual. Joint pastime with his second half gives a lot of positive and a person becomes kinder, more fun, more positive, more confident in himself. When it comes to the first sex, and everything goes as well as possible, the personality becomes even more open, because now she has a person to whom he can trust all his thoughts.
  • But not always in our life everything happens smoothly, and love can be unrequited. In this case, a person feels depression, inferiority, considers himself not quite a normal person. In such a situation, anger, incredulity, and uncertainty begin to appear in his character. As a rule, unrequited love destroys a person’s life, makes it very difficult, so most psychologists advise with all their might to get rid of such a feeling that in the future you can establish their lives.
  • Another big plus of the presence of a second half and intimate relationships is cleanliness. Moreover, this character trait will manifest itself among both lovers. And this will concern not only personal hygiene, but also cleanliness in its own apartment. As a rule, lovers seek to look ideal in everything in the eyes of the second half. And this means that they will always try to keep their home in perfect cleanliness, because a loved one can come at any time. And there is no need to talk about clean hair, washed and inflated body - love makes a pure -up from any personality of pedantic.

How does work change the character of a person?

How does work change the character of a person?
How does work change the character of a person?

How the work changes the character of a person:

  • At work, we spend a lot of personal time, so we can definitely say that it has an effect on us. How does work change the character of a person? If a the person found work to his liking And she brings him extremely positive emotions, then he has self -esteem increases, it becomes bolder, purposeful, more hardworking.
  • As a rule, such personalities quickly move along the career ladder and achieve great success in the work that has begun. The same positive effect on a person is exerted by a friendly and positively -minded team. If a person feels support from his colleagues, he will be able to develop his positive qualities even if he does not work in his dreams.
  • But work can and negatively affect a person. Imagine that you had to get a job in a company that is not particularly loyal to its employees, and all the time is trying to deprive them of a bonus or part of the wages. In this case, there is no need to talk about any positive. You will simply have to endure until you find another place of work. In this case, anger, irritability, laziness, apathy will begin to appear in your character.

How the character of a person changes - examples from life

How the character of a person changes - examples from life
How the character of a person changes - examples from life

How the character of a person changes - examples from life:

  • VERONICA: I really love tourist campaigns, and at the first opportunity I go to the forest, mountains, at sea. It is in such places that I draw strength for further life in our noisy metropolis. The weekend was approaching, so I invited my loved one to rent a tent and go to the forest with an overnight stay. I looked at the perfect place - near the beautiful river. He is not a fan of such a vacation, but what can you do for the sake of a loved one. We all thoroughly planned and went on our little trip. I was quite calm, because I knew that I was near a bold and quite adequate person. Upon arrival in the place, we quickly defeated our camp, lit a fire and went to enjoy the pristine nature. The day went perfectly - we caught a fish, bathed, just warmed ourselves in the sun. My happiness knew no bounds. In the evening I prepared dinner at the stake and already looked forward to our night gatherings and admiring the starry sky. But something happened that I did not expect at all. My man, from strong and bold, turned into a real whiner before my eyes. He was very cold and uncomfortable, he did not understand how he would sleep on a hard surface, well, a cherry on a cake, he was interfered with mosquitoes and midges. I did not even imagine that he could be so irritable, angry and shameless. No persuasion was acting on him, so we had to gather and go home. This situation showed me what my loved one can be if you pull him out of comfortable conditions. Now I think if I should continue to build relationships with him ...
  • Nikolai: I am a translator - English and German. He received an education that he dreamed about, and has already seen himself a leading specialist in the translation bureau. I looked at a bunch of vacancies, opted for one bureau, the working conditions in which were most suitable for me. I was not even embarrassed by the presence of a large number of negative reviews. Having decided that these were envious competitors, I went to employee. They accepted me well, how else - a specialist with a red diploma. Having discussed everything with the leadership, from Monday I went to work. The first month everything was perfect, I worked with pleasure and did not refuse additional tasks. And apparently my hard work and the desire to please me, gave the hope to the leadership that I would do an uncontrolled amount of work, without receiving a fee for this. I began to refuse to carry out additional tasks under various pretexts, which caused dissatisfaction with the top leadership. Periodically they called me to talk and tried to prove that everyone works in this mode. This very much out of the rut, and from a hardworking employee I turned into a lazy person who was just waiting for working time. In order not to degrade completely, I had to look for another company, and I succeeded. Now I work for pleasure.
  • Tamila: I work in a large friendly team. We are all as one family, so we are sure to celebrate all the big holidays together. With the approach of the May holidays, we began to think about how fun to spend them. Having discussed everything, we decided to go to the picnic. Barbecue, fresh air, active games have not hindered anyone yet. All arranged this option of joint rest, so we began to plan our corporate party in nature. Arriving at the selected place, we quickly settled down and divided the duties. The boys were engaged in a bonfire and barbecue, and the girls set the table, cut vegetables, and made sandwiches. When everything was ready, we sat at the festive table, and I decided to take a little walk. I walked through the forest, admired nature and did not see that I was standing on the edge of a small cliff by the river. Having relaxed too much, I just fell into cold water and began to sink. When I emerged from the water, I saw the confused faces of my male colleagues, whom I considered this incident bold and strong. But they were in no hurry to save me, did this our brand new quietness, over whom everyone loved to make fun. He rushed into the water and helped me get out. He quickly brought me to the fire, wrapped in a blanket and brewed warm tea so that I would warm. I was infinitely grateful to him, because thanks to him I was alive, because I could not swim. So, in an extreme situation, courage, composure and spiritual kindness in the appearance of a very calm person showed. At the moment, he is the closest friend of our family.

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