Why a girl decides to marry a man older than herself: reasons. Relations in which a man is much older: pros and cons. How to build relationships with a man older: psychology, reviews

Why a girl decides to marry a man older than herself: reasons. Relations in which a man is much older: pros and cons. How to build relationships with a man older: psychology, reviews

From this article you will learn why girls like older men, and also how to build relationships correctly, so that the age difference is not too noticeable.

As a rule, when a man is much older in marriage, he is considered unequal. Although, we must pay tribute to such couples, among them there are many who live happily. However, some have difficulties due to age difference. In each pair, relations are individual and are determined to a large extent with interests, the presence of love and respect. The number of lived years has decides not much.

Most girls who are looking for partners are older than themselves often want to find a mentor and support for themselves. Girls who did not have a father are looking for protection and support from the relationship, which was so lacking in childhood. For others, unequal marriage allows you to get material well -being and reliability. After all, men at 35-40 years old usually already stand firmly on their feet.

Why is the girl deciding to marry a man older than herself: Reasons

Relations with a man older
Relations with a man older

When a woman agrees to enter into a relationship with a man older, she expects more good from this relationship. She believes that she will have not only a reliable mentor, but also material wealth.

At the same time, there are many other reasons why women pay attention to men older than themselves:

  • The girl did not have a father. When in childhood she does not receive enough male care, the girl begins to look at men twice as older. She feels affection, reliability and protection next to him. That is what she was missing while she was small.
  • Material benefit. When by the age of 40 a man achieves a certain situation in society or social status, he begins to look much more attractive to girls than young peers who have not yet achieved anything.
  • Interesting leisure. As you know, girls grow up before guys and they are not interested in hobbies of very young gentlemen. They may no longer be interested in playing a computer and spending time with friends. An adult man is able to offer more, for example, dinner in a restaurant or a trip somewhere.
  • Mentor. The girl begins to attach to an experienced man, because he has much more life experience and allows you to learn a lot.
  • Love. Real feelings connect people for many years. And the difference in age in this case is not an obstacle. Although many believe that this is impossible, but this is not so.

It is important to understand that when a girl begins to meet with a man older than herself, she should take into account that in a few years he will not look much like the former. She will have a lot of strength and desire, and he will already want more peace and time at home, which may not arrange a young girl.

Why do men choose girls younger than themselves: reasons

Why do girls meet older men?
Why do girls meet older men?

When a man is more than 40 years old, he often does something that no one expects from him. So he may well leave his wife to a younger girl. In this case, relations with a man older can work out successfully, but only you will have to try very hard. After all, he can still survive this all and go back.

Among the reasons that pushed him to the second marriage stand out:

  • Such a man is very easy to seduce. He feels himself, let's say, a macho. Because despite his age, young girls pay attention to him
  • He has a certain authority and can affect the girl. He is pleased to be a mentor for her
  • Appearance. In the end, the appearance of a young girl is always better than that of one who is already in the middle age. That's why older men are associated with them
  • The desire to have children. The man, despite the fact that he can already be at middle age, may want children. Well, his wife, perhaps, can no longer give it

It is also important to consider that the impression of a young girl is much easier. This is due to the fact that an adult woman looks at men differently, because she understands that they can trick and not speak. They need this to impress. Young girls are confidence and experience, and besides, men do not like it when there are some difficulties.

Marriage with a younger girl allows you to feel younger. And sexual impressions are becoming much brighter.

Relations in which a man is much older: pros and cons of

Relations with a man older
Relations with a man older

As a rule, when a girl enters into a relationship with a man older, she should understand that there are advantages and disadvantages.

So, the differences in age leave a certain imprint on the relationship, and the couple in any case has to face difficulties. There are several disadvantages of such a relationship:

  • The former family. The fact is that if there are children from the past marriage, and in most cases, given the age, it is, then you will have to put up with them. The ex -wife will periodically call the children too. Perhaps they will even come to visit you.
  • Attacks of jealousy. Sometimes the husband will have bouts of jealousy. The wife is young and can go left. He simply does not want to let her go to her friends or corporate
  • Reproaches. Often, older men support the young wife in material terms. There are situations when it emerges during the next quarrel
  • Difficulties in sexual life. After 30 years, women have sexual desire, but in men after 40, on the contrary, the needs are already decline

Although there are not so many disadvantages, but this is enough for the relationship to deteriorate. Among the advantages, some points can be noted:

  • Seriousness. If a man is interested in a man much younger, respectively, he has already decided on his choice and will become all in all ways to achieve her location
  • Patience and wisdom. When a man is much older, women feel respect and admiration for him. When the husband is mature, then he already has enough patience and he will not notice any trifles
  • Financial stability. Many problems of young families are due to the fact that they are not enough money for life. At the same time, marriage with an adult man allows you to protect yourself from financial problems

A good moment is that young wives often stretch for more wise husbands, because it makes them develop. She will not want to be a little girl next to him, and therefore will grow. This will strengthen relationships and the family will live happily.

How to build relationships with a man older: Psychology

How to build relationships with a man older?
How to build relationships with a man older?

As a rule, if a woman enters into a relationship with a married man, then she should understand that a strong family will develop only if she is created by love and for mutual good. Both should see each other husband and wife. Exactly so, and not otherwise. If a man sees her daughter in her, and the girl is a father, then there is no need to talk about any happiness.

When the spouses have the difference for about 10 years, then it is already noticeable. However, this is only because such a man is able to satisfy more the needs of a woman. Again, the fact is that women grow up faster than their peers. Accordingly, with men of their age, women are simply not interested. But the one who is 10 years older is already interesting. A man is more developed not only in physical, but also psychological terms. He has great physical experience and can teach a lot. Such relationships usually do not surprise anyone, because the difference, although there is, is not very large.

When the difference is already 20 years old, it will be noticeable, and there will also be contradictions that are almost impossible to overcome. Indeed, when you are sexually not compatible, it is difficult to overcome it. For example, when a woman is 40 years old, then she comes the peak of sexual heyday, and a man - 60 and he already has a decline. In this case, everything is much more complicated, if only because the man is almost the same age as parents. There are other shortcomings. For example, men often begin to “educate” girls, hoping that they will behave as they need.

The difference of 30 years is already a tragedy or vice versa, great happiness. The development of the event largely depends on this. As a rule, from a woman, because she just has to make big sacrifices. You may be surprised, but they can get old faster. That is, a man of age looks younger, but in women everything is accurate and vice versa. Usually this is noticeable during meetings with friends, because a woman will have nothing to talk about.

Moreover, older people are more categorical. If conversations begin on acute topics, then the scandal can clearly not be avoided. If you begin to argue and prove your point of view, then you will clearly not be happy. In general, if you yourself do not go to parties, then there will be less invitations over time. And friends will never become yours, because a 50-year-old woman and 20-year-old have completely different ideas about life.

As for children, they will perceive you as another toy. And this is at best. At the worst - it remains only to wait for revenge for trying to take the place of the mother. Negative can be enough.

It is also important to say about the intimate side of the relationship. You can clearly forget about proximity. Although he is experienced and knows what a woman needs, but strength is not the same. He will try to do everything, but it will not always turn out. But only you will have to be wiser and more tactful, so as not to be a reminder for him about the imminent end of the role of the hero-lover.

Should you enter into a relationship with a man older?

In general, whether it is worth starting a relationship with a man older, and even more so to marry is to decide only for you. It is important to understand that there are certain advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account. If you really love a man, then such a relationship will make sense. Otherwise, it is better not to start them.

Relations with a man are much older: reviews

The forums also actively discuss relations with a man older. Girls share their experience in this regard and tell what the advantages and disadvantages are. Everyone has different relationships, someone is happy, but someone is not. In any case, it is up to you to decide.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3

Video: Relations with an older man: pros, cons, risks

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