Yellow color in human psychology, craving for yellow: color characteristic, which means in girls and women, men, children? What symbolizes yellow?

Yellow color in human psychology, craving for yellow: color characteristic, which means in girls and women, men, children? What symbolizes yellow?

Heat, lightness, brightness embodied in yellow color, it seems to flow constantly, creating a good mood for everyone.

More details about what it means for a person yellow color in the article.

What does yellow color mean: symbolism, color characteristic

  • Yellow is a symbol movements, joy and fun, he It causes a person positive emotions, pleasant memories, activates mental activity. This color seemed to have absorbed the sun, warmth, the fields of the life -affirming blooming sunflower.
  • It was as if someone had sat down with a light hand with brightness and activity, and with these qualities he is able to charge a person with energy, forcing him to move forward, to new achievements. At the sight of an optimistic yellow color with a drop of gold, a parallel with wealth, mind, energy is immediately drawn in the mind.
  • But, despite all its positive and optimism, in yellow there is a share of negativity. It is as if it is a kind of synonym for greed and greed, and sometimes yet - betrayal, jealousy, envy, meanness.
  • There are such Asian countries where yellow means death and mourning. Brazilians believe that yellowness symbolizes despair. The Chinese love yellow, since in their interpretation it means an empire, splendor. For Russians, he most often reminds of treason or separation.
  • Yellow is one of the three main colors of the spectral palette actively involved in the occurrence of all other shades.

Yellow value in psychology

  • Psychologists concluded that the yellow color is primarily associated with intellectual activity, with the human mind. During numerous studies, they proved that the yellow color, like no other, is able to actively affect those parts of the brain that are responsible for thinking and memory.
  • If a person in moderate doses systematically perceives yellow, then he has mental performance increases, he remembers more information, and intellectual operations with his brain are processed faster. From this it was concluded that the yellow color is able to actively participate in learning, because next to him a person can more effectively and easily absorb information.
  • With the help of yellow, not only the work of the mind is accelerated, but also feelings are aggravated, negativity leaves, Drafting a person’s faith in himself. It gives an impetus to new and diverse ideas, helps to faster focused and learn correctly, with the benefit of business to organize your work and leisure. Yellow color is able to increase ingenuity and cognitive interest in children.

Yellow action on the psyche

  • Yellow is joyful, stimulating color, it helps to develop intelligence, memory and expressiveness. Moderately perceiving the yellow color, a person is able to quickly make the right decision, hear the opinion of others, generate ideas, maintain an optimistic mood.
  • Yellow color solar A shade, encourages a person to action, to some new things and achievements for him. If a person is surrounded by a sunny yellow color, then he will not be able to be in one place for a long time, he will strive for communication, for creativity.

Exposure to yellow on the mood of a person

  • Under the influence of yellow nervous and easily excitable People come to balance faster, and prone to apathy and depression - they go out of the crisis, begin to act, create, communicate with people.
  • The mood improves, the brain activity increases, the scope of worldview is expanding, and also - the ability to creativity is manifested - and all this can easily activate the yellow color.
  • However, it should be noted that children can harm the yellow color in large quantities, since their fragile nervous system perceives it poorly, which is why they constantly cry and whip.
Positive and joy
Positive and joy

Exposure yellow on human health

  • With its positive, stimulating effect, yellow color reduces and weakens the chronic fatigue, apathy, intellectual exhaustion, mild depressive state - In this, he becomes a certain assistant therapeutic treatment. With its help, a person improves the work of the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels.
  • Yellow is capable improve memory, to contribute to the development and outflow of bile, which absorbs and digests fats.
  • But the yellow still cannot be carried out too much, since its overabundance can negatively affect the nervous system, give impetus to the development of psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia.

What does it mean if a child loves a yellow color: a craving for a yellow color in children and character

  • If the child reaches out to the yellow color, then this preference indicates his an outstanding mind and imagination. Being still a tiny one, he prefers to spend time alone among his favorite toys, turning them into his imagination into a particular character.
  • Usually in "yellow" children from an early age is found craving for creativity. Such children are often inherent in excessive dreaminess, but they are obedient. Sometimes they are so delayed in their world that they fantasized that the return to the present is given to them with some difficulty.
  • Such dreamers, storytellers and dreamers - Extraordinary storytellers and inventors. You can reach for younger children and peers, but they can also mock them. But let this not scare parents, since in the future they will most likely make a successful career, become recognized politicians, or take leading chairs.
  • The child, as it were, confirms the conclusion of psychologists with his choice: well -being reigns in this family, and in the educational institution that he attends, makes success. If the child denies the yellow color, then this may indicate a tense home environment.

What does it mean if a man loves a yellow color: a craving for a yellow color in men and character

  • Men who prefer yellow are striving for leadership, victory, influence, independence. And since this color is the most cheerful, most likely a man dressed in yellow is a very “sunny” and optimistic person. Having a creative nature, such a man will seek the attention of a woman he liked with all sorts of conceivable and unthinkable methods, because his imagination can be limitless.
  • Yellow things In their wardrobe, men are energetic, bold, cheerful, sociable, dexterous and resourceful. They are distinguished by their quick wits and originality, sometimes they like to chat and gossip at their leisure, they feel at ease in the new team.
  • Persons who want to be constantly in the spotlight are usually adorned with lemon colors. Men who prefer yellow usually successfully implement their plans and quickly make a career.
  • Thanks to his own activity, they are able to do a lot of things in a short time, and thanks to intelligence, politeness and charm - to attract the attention of women. Being kind by nature, they always emotionally support those who need it. And thanks to their successful jokes, said on time and to the place, they often become the soul of the company.

What does it mean if a woman loves a yellow color: a craving for a yellow color in women and character

  • Women who prefer yellow color are very sociable and open. But, despite the fact that they are very sociable, their emotions are usually “kept in junction” and quickly cope with emotional unrest. Stupid people annoy them, but, like true intellectuals, they try not to show it.
  • Possessing flexible thinking and good memory, they quickly make decisions, generate and implement new ideas. They are distinguished by activity, a certain adventure, energy, flexibility of thinking. Despite the apparent lightweight, they purposefully and stubbornly build their career.
  • They have them sense of humorBut their jokes are softer and sparing than that of men who love yellow. These active and self -confident women love to be in the spotlight, and from others they expect admiration and worship. They have well -developed intuition and ingenuity, and therefore they often prevail in controversial matters.
  • They do not tolerate if someone hurts their pride, convicts in deception, drives them into a corner, so they have developed the ability to avoid unpleasant situations. Having gained inner harmony, knowing the price of a woman in yellow go through life with her head proudly raised.

What does yellow color mean in clothes: Psychology

  • The yellow color is already in one association with the sun in itself positive. People who have a cheerful and sociable nature, who have reached inner harmony, love to put on yellow things. These are the features of the human psyche: it identifies the yellow color with comfort, generosity, hospitality.
  • That is why people dressed in yellow, subconsciously perceived by others with friendliness and sympathy. So if you want someone to like it, then you should dress in yellow things (it can also be things with a yellow print), or decorate yourself with accessories of a similar color. It will be useful to acquire some kind of yellow thing for yourself to put it in the cold and in a rainy protracted period.
  • This measure will help not to lose heart, but, on the contrary, replenish its vital energy. A huge “energy” contains yellow color, it quickly warms, but it is able to and soon tire. The fastest one can achieve this effect with bright shades of yellow - so everything is good in moderation.
  • It is also worth noting that despite all its positive, yellow clothing is not suitable for a business image. It is not worth, for example, to undergo an interview, take exams, conduct business negotiations or other official events in all yellow, since others may seem that you want to show your superiority. But yellow accessories will not hurt.
In clothes
In clothes

What does yellow color mean in the eyes, hair: psychology

  • People with amber-yellow eyes can be found infrequently, so such meetings are remembered for a long time. There is an opinion among the people that an amber iris can have a person with non -standard and dangerous habits.
  • In biology, psychology and folk wisdom, there is a different interpretation of such an unusual coloring of the iris. In fact, this is “guilty” of a substance called lipochrome. Thanks to this pigment, the eyes of many predators are painted in yellow, and this helps them in hunting-because of a large amount of lipochromes, they see better and continue.
  • It is precisely because of this parallel with the animal world in folk beliefs that amber eyes are called the “Tiger eye”, and if a person has “tiger” eyes, then he is unpredictable and capable of dangerous adventures. In the scientific world, all this is considered prejudice: scientists argue that genetics are most involved in the color of the eyes.
  • Owners amber eyes Most often, there are mestizos who have an Asian gene. However, psychologists have noticed that yellow -eyed people have a considerable similarity among themselves. They are distinguished by perseverance, the breadth of the soul, devotion, ingenuity, great neuropsychic energy and readiness for risk.
  • Blondes and blondes with a yellow tint can be safely called solar people. With their inexhaustible energy, they are able to charge others, so they often become the soul of the company. They have a well -developed intuition and ingenuity, and with the apparent openness they have a lot about it. What thoughts roam in their heads - only they know about this. The yellow -haired people are purposeful, so they are able to achieve a lot in this life.

What does the yellow color of the aura mean?

  • If a person has a yellow aura, then it can be said about him that he has a light and cheerful character. Forces and energy seemed to splash out of them, and it seems that everyone else is also charged from them, as if from an eternal battery.
  • The yellow aura will tell that its owner - highly intellectual, logically thinking person, Which constantly strives for self -improvement. However, such people are not at all arrogant and not arrogant.
  • On the contrary, they are distinguished by modesty and restraint and never show their superiority over others. The "yellow" people have a good sense of humor, and thanks to their flexible thinking, friendliness and charisma, they usually achieve everything they dreamed about.

What does yellow mean in esotericism?

  • Yellow mental energy is reckoned with high-order energy due to its radiance, calm, light, overflows and kindness. If there is a golden hue in a person’s aura, then this means that he carries in himself partly of divine energy And it can share it with other people - they seem to warm in her rays. So the carriers of the golden aura have a mission in this world - to charge others with their positive energy. People with a golden aura have a strong and healthy psyche.
  • But with the poisonous yellow, the situation does not matter, since it is a sign that mental energy is polluted by someone. It seems that a person from this color has introduced a certain artificial program in order to manipulate them. His consciousness and behavior sharply change under the psychological influence of a person endowed with psychological abilities, and sometimes even otherworldly entities.
  • People in esotericism can determine the time and place of the occurrence of such a dependence. Any magical intervention, such as: damage, love spell, lapel, curse etc. It is accompanied by a sharp surge of mental energy. At a thin level, each such surge is visible as an artificially created essence or a thought form, in which the edges are painted in poisonous yellow and they are clearly limited. The presence of such a bad shade in the aura means the presence of a mental illness in humans.

What does the yellow color of the car mean?

  • Few of us prefer to buy a yellow car for ourselves. But such people exist, however, statistics claim that there are very few of them - only 0.4%.
  • Psychologists say that these are real optimists that differ sociability and good nature. We intuitively identify yellow with joy and happiness. And his lovers know how to be happy and successful, they are given even in a negative to see positive moments.
  • The driver, driving a yellow car, perfectly understands what attracts the attention of others with his dissimilarity on others. But he has a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor - therefore, universal attention does not constrain him. On the contrary, he is proud of his yellow “friend” on wheels.
  • By the way, yellow cars - The safest means on roads, as they have the most noticeable color.

What does yellow color mean in a bouquet of flowers?

For Russians, the meaning of yellow colors is most contradictory. Some people believe that they mean an ambulance, others, on the contrary, are that this is a symbol of happiness. Which of them is right? Of course, the second!

  • Well, these sunny flowers can not symbolize any misfortunes and troubles, just this thought was put into the heads of people popular singers with their hits. This color is filled with vital energy, the sun, gold, the ears of wheat, the flame of the candle, autumn leaves.
  • In him - joy, happiness and warmth, and taking into account all these components, yellow flowers can safely be given to everyone with whom you want to share a piece of your warmth. A cheerful bouquet can be pleased with every person in any season, especially children will admire these colors.
  • Conducting an analogy with sunlight, yellow spring flowers are associated with joy, care, trust, love. In the fall - with health, wisdom, mature love, family well -being. With gold - with the brilliance of wealth, success, prosperity, mind, ambition.
  • We will try to dispel all prejudices about sunny colors. Even in paganism, the Slavs considered a dark yellow color a kind of synonym for betrayal, inconstancy, treason, jealousy and envy. And the golden yellow had a completely opposite meaning: this color symbolized nobility, dignity, the sun and divinity.
  • Since in Russia it has become fashionable to use the language of flowers, the negative symbolism of the palette was also transferred to these beautiful representatives of the world of Flora. For example, yellow hyacinth was allowed to know the partner about their jealousy; yellow rose - that it is convicted of treason; Yellow chrysanthemum - that love is no longer as strong as before. But even in the old days there would never have any signs of yellow colors and separation.
Solar bouquets
Solar bouquets

What does yellow color mean in the interior: Psychology

  • Under the influence of yellow, all other components of the spectrum seem to come to life. It gives hot color schemes to dazzling, and with cool, even greater freshness. That is why most designers have chosen yellow for themselves as a favorite. Any room will become lighter and warm, if you add the color of the sun when designing it.
  • Very often, the kitchen and dining room are made in yellow, as it increases appetite - Such a conclusion was made by psychologists. And, as practice has shown, it works! But it should be remembered: too much yellowness is tiring. With muffled tones of the yellow, you can arrange for an emancipated conversation. And yellow with a castle of gold brings thoughts of wealth and luxury on a person.
  • When designing an interior, it is important to remember the balance of balance: small doses of yellow are able to create a happy atmosphere in the house. But from a long neighborhood with lemon bright, the overexcitation of the brain is possible, from which a person becomes restless, cannot completely relax.
In the interior
In the interior
In the interior
In the interior
In the interior
In the interior

Yellow combination with other colors

  • Yellow can be combined with absolutely every main color - the color of the sun None of them will spoil his presence, but only ennoble him.

Consider what happens from the merger of two colors:

  • Pink and yellow. From such a tandem, the impression of light, femininity, pleasure arises. Pastel gammmas of such a union can achieve soft color contrast - the effect of heat arises from it. In the middle and dark shades of pink, the appearance of dynamism, expressiveness is created.
  • Red (burgundy) and yellow. As if merging in a passionate kiss, these colors create the appearance of brightness, festivity, and spontaneity. Such a riot of colors should be used carefully, as it can excessively excite the psyche. With an increase in the brightness of the red, expression, the explosion hazard of such a union. Muffled shades (dark, burgundy, cherry) can achieve the nobility of the combination.
  • Orange (peach) and yellow. In this related range, the main tone is given depth and ardor. If you choose the orange color of the dark tone, then the contrast will be more obvious, and the lighter will restrain it. A certain romanticism and softness will give combinations pastel unions of peach and pale orange color.
  • Green and yellow. Combining yellow and warm green, you can achieve a pleasant effect of spring and sun. Looking at such a combination, it is easy to imagine that the daylight is peering through the thick forest greens. In yellow-green colors, goodwill and heat are contained, but at the same time there is a particle of cold contrast. Cold greens, combining with yellowness, can create a pleasant feeling of water coolness on a hot summer day. In this ringing combination - fun and saturation, it is rather capable of relaxing than tone.
  • Blue (blue) and yellow. This combination contains the maximum contrast between heat and cold. It is this difference that brings the fullness and grace to the union of two colors. Paints complement and emphasize each other's dignity, and for this, artists and designers fell in love with a magnificent tandem of yellow and blue. This palette is filled with a bright drama, stormy feelings and eternal craving for opposites. Femininity and tenderness are emphasized by light blue tones, while the dark blue is filled with idealism and non-standard.
  • Purple (lilac) and yellow. This pair is most expressive, since it is based on the principle of additional contrast (color rays, mixing, acquire a gray color). A real creator is able to present this community of two colors so artistically that a person can feel: in front of him is complete harmony. It happens that in one of these compositions a plane, clumsy, and even a certain obsession are visible. The best thing is to combine the most muddy tones of both colors, then the impression of this union will be pleasant.
  • Brown and yellow. From the Union of brown and yellow colors, truly life -affirming options for compositions arise, since they have a related unity, natural beauty and deep light contrast. A calm pacifying palette can be achieved with complex yellow, pale or dusty tones. Since nature is full of such shades, it is to them that we subconsciously we reach.
  • White (beige, gray) and yellow. The modesty of the basic shade and the cheerfulness of the yellow in tandem create a thin, pastel gamut. Such bows are usually filled with grace, grace, femininity. The more expressive the contrast, the more catchy and stylish the composition looks. If yellow prevails in such a pair, then it becomes light and air, as if solar joy, it was possible to defeat dull grayness.
  • Black and yellow. This pair is screaming-hazardous, and at the same time gorgeous, bohemian. You can defeat it on the spot, make it admire it. This combination contains brightness, catchy, grace and expression.

Yellow: interesting facts

  • The “yellow press” began to be called some tabloids that place unverified data (rumors, gossip) in their materials about celebrities. In 1894-98 American newspapers New-York Journal American and New-York World, famous for their scandalous chronicles, released the Comic “Yellow Child”-hence the common name.
  • People living in areas, where in nature there are many yellow colors and the sun shines all year round, smile much more often than their “northern” antipodes.
  • The walls of hospitals for mentally ill began to cover with yellow paint - a couple of centuries ago they were called "yellow houses." Psychologists have long noticed that the yellow color calms and facilitates mental illness.
  • Eye diseases are treated with soft yellow light in folk medicine. There is an opinion among the people that to improve vision, you need to look at a burning bonfire as often as possible and at the sun, which gradually sinks beyond the horizon.
  • With their yellow robe, Buddhist monks demonstrate that they abandoned the world and all earthly goods and humbly serve for the glory of their deity.
  • Painter van Gogh He simply adored all the shades of yellow, and very often used them in his canvases. But the cold blue gamut for the artist symbolized death and eternity.
  • In the Middle Ages, the French painted the doors of houses in which traitors lived with yellow paint.
  • Bright yellow clothes are most suitable for dark-skinned women.
  • Green eyes are made more expressive and beautiful if a woman uses yellow in her outfit or decorates herself with yellow accessories - the main thing is that these accents are located near the face.
  • If a person has the ability to admire yellow, then he has significantly increases the production of gastric juice and the digestive tract improves.
  • In the world there are more than 130 shades of yellow.
  • Judas, who sold Christ for thirty silvermen, dressed in yellow chlamyda - at least he was portrayed. But, despite this, the Orthodox icon painting erected yellow to the rank of the symbol of the Divine All -Introducing Love and Light.
  • In ancient times, Japanese warriors before battle attached a yellow chrysanthemum to their clothes, which symbolized courage.
  • Road signs and many commodity packaging are covered with yellow - so they are most noticeable.

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Video: yellow value

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