Why do men deceive women who are loved on dating sites, mistresses: causes, psychology. Should I tell your partner about betrayal?

Why do men deceive women who are loved on dating sites, mistresses: causes, psychology. Should I tell your partner about betrayal?

Almost every of us wonders: "Why do men deceive women?" Look for answers to it in the article.

This happens regularly, but do not talk about it loudly, because a man’s deception is a taboo topic. Romantic relations with married men are very risky by definition. Perhaps this element of risk is most attracted to people who love romance.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Husband on a dating site: virtual betrayal and ways to deal with it".

What does a man expect from the relationship in which he changes and what a woman wants? And how does it usually end? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article below. Read further.

Reasons why a man deceives a woman who loves

A man deceives a woman for various reasons
A man deceives a woman for various reasons

The causes of treason do not always lie directly on the deceiving. Often such behavior of a man is the result of the action of many factors that contributed to the deterioration of satisfaction in relations.
The betrayal does not always end the relationship. The future of relations faced with this problem depends on the circumstances, duration and type of betrayal. Why is a man deceiving a woman he loves?

  • He makes an offer to his beautiful lover, marries her, full of happiness and love.
  • Two people concentrate all the attention on each other, taking care of the second half every day. Then the children are born and the family grows stronger.
  • Sometimes, after a few years of living together, situations arise when partners begin to neglect themselves and their relationship as a whole.
  • Everything is not the same as before - it has not seduced for a long time, he ceases to drive her to romantic dinners, and sexual relations are not the same - if they are still.
  • Partners forget that they need to constantly take care of relationships, and not only at the beginning - so that they are successful.

Relations are a victim, you must try every day to keep your love untouched.

Why is a man deceiving a woman: Psychology

If a married man does not want betrayal, this will not happen. If he is capable of such an act, then there is reason for this. In most cases, he considers his marriage unhappy. With his mistress on the side, he gets that his wife did not give him for a long time. According to psychology, a lover is an awareness of what is missing in a relationship. As a rule, everything is related to bed problems, sometimes this is a lack of interest from the partner. This is what men say, why they deceive women:

Example 1:

  • He could not sleep normally for several months. Some time ago on a business trip, having drunk a little, the man was in bed with his work colleague. He can remember little, because he was very drunk. But at the same time, he loves his wife very much and feels terribly stupid because of such a misconduct. The man is always at a loss: “I wonder if I must find myself guilty. I don't know what to do at all. ”

There are situations when betrayal occurs during delegation. The main thing is to understand your mistake and never repeat it again. Repentance is most appropriate - worse if it did not appear at all. The husband, who changes, must be aware of the consequences of his admission of guilt. His wife can leave her husband, because no one wants to be betrayed.

Example 2:

  • I have a wife and two children. I also have a lover with whom I have been dating for three months. This is all that my wife lacks. She is sexy and seductive. We meet four times a month. But I would not leave my wife for her, because I like the agreement.

I would even say that thanks to my mistress my marriage was a little perked up. Maybe this is because of a feeling of guilt, but I think that I began to try with all my might, and it begins to seem to me that it was before. For me, a novel is just satisfying my needs, it is just sexual relations, no feelings. In fact, I love my wife, and I would never abandon her - all the more so since we have children, and I have to ensure their safety.

Psychologist's advice:

  • This is another proof that treason most often happens when there are problems in bed in marriage.
  • Such problems need to be solved by the source, and not look for solutions on the side.
  • If the husband loves, he must talk to his wife and, if necessary, make a revolution in his marriage.
  • A lover who regularly satisfies the “needs” of a married man, contradicts all moral principles.

But what can women answer? Read further.

What do wives say: why do men are deceiving a loved one?

Men often deceive a loved one
Men often deceive a loved one

While deceivers can separate sex from emotions, women cannot understand why this is happening. Husbands complain about the lack of sex or a less attractive woman, and they themselves should think about whether they are flartilized, as before the wedding. In addition, if a woman really stops taking care of herself, maybe this is because of what? Maybe her husband no longer invites her on dates? Or did he have a long time to compliment? So what do wives say? Why are men to deceive a loved one?

Example 1:

  • What are they looking for? Is it all from boredom? My husband cheated on me almost four years ago. We are still together, although at first I wanted to part. I can't trust him anymore. This will never happen. It would be wonderful to go to the hypnosis session and erase it from memory. It seems to me that I forgave him, but I can’t forget about it.

Example 2:

  • The betrayal cannot be fixed. The worst of all translate the arrows - “It happened, we are just people, let's live on!” This can lead to the next moment of weakness, because “we are people”, right? So, we can be mistaken many times? I do not accept such a translation! My husband explained this too, and I myself suffer after my husband cheated on me almost a year ago. I don’t know if it is better for a woman to part in order to start a new life, to restore trust in people. This is indescribable pain.

Psychologist's advice:

  • Such an act and words as “It happened, we are just people!” There is no excuse. In this case, you will not see the slightest regret and it may turn out that treason will happen more than once.
  • Do you forgive betrayal? Of course, one cannot relate to this as if nothing had happened.
  • After such a situation, it is worth discussing whether it makes sense to continue the relationship.
  • The deceiving should regret it, otherwise such a marriage, unfortunately, makes no sense.
  • The betrayal cannot be explained, it should not be at all. However, it is important to remember that you need to constantly take care of relationships.
  • This includes daily care for yourself and care for a partner. Your loved one will never look at another if he has a woman whom he considers the most beautiful in the world. So much depends on you!

Do not be afraid to go crazy in bed, wear beautiful linen - men like it.

Why do men deceive lovers?

It happens that men deceive lovers. Women drawn into an affair with a married man do not know about his marital status. They become victims of fraud and are not to blame for anything. Love can blind, and this makes us lose sight of some obvious things. There is also no excuses for a man who changes not only his wife, but also his mistress.

Here is an example of this situation:

  • I was with a married man for more than six months, because I did not know that he had a wife. He cheated on me from the very beginning. He thought that I would not fall in love with him, but it was stronger than me. When he found out that I love him, he immediately admitted that he has a wife and children, and our relationship was over. I am so angry with myself, because I did not feel right away that something was wrong. I can't handle it. Where are the people from? I am also sorry for his wife. I do not wish anyone such a husband!

As you can see, not only a wife, but a lover can be unhappy, and not all so soulless. Many women, when they find out that a man has a family and children, finish relationships.

Why do men deceive women on dating sites?

Men deceiving women on dating sites
Men deceiving women on dating sites

A man on a dating site, when he wants to attract the attention of a woman, sprinkles her with compliments, flirts and leads her to outright conversations. The lady is conducted for all these tricks, they exchange links to social networks to get to know each other better. A new acquaintance asks about school friends, colleagues, what is the name of mom, sister, and in general it seems that he is interested in your life. The woman thinks that she really met a cool guy, feelings can even arise. So, why do men deceive women on dating sites?

After correspondence, the man invites the lady to go online and dance striptease for him or exchange nu films. Naturally, she is familiar with such a fashionable word as “sexting” and boldly goes to this step, exchanging erotic content. Now he has information about you, as well as photos and video shooting. After a while you will find out what blackmail is. This is the most popular answer why a man deceives a woman on a dating site. She understands that photos or videos can see friends or colleagues, even parents can. There is only one thing left - to transfer him the amount that he asks.

There are many reasons why men are deceiving on the Internet, and this is mainly money. Therefore, be careful and do not agree to any of his suggestions.

Should I tell your partner about betrayal?

This is an extremely difficult question. Most of the people who betrayed it. To answer this question is completely difficult, because such recognition can have unpleasant consequences. The story of treason can be caused by the intention to part, or by the fact that a person wants to be honest in front of his soulmate. Should I tell your partner about betrayal?

If the wife learns about her husband’s betrayal, there are two options: she will either leave him or stay with him, believing that everything will return to her circles. However, it is true that the realization that she was betrayed is a huge burden that she will have to carry throughout her life.

Remember: She will never look at her husband as before.

The situation should be treated individually, because betrayal can be different - intentional or random (if a person is drunk). Agree, because this is completely different, if he changes for years, explaining in the feelings of his mistress, and when it happened once and the man regrets it and feels guilty. However, there will be only one advice to all men: not to betray! It hurts a woman to find out about treason, and at that moment it will not be important - he changed once or did it for years. Therefore, take care of your women and do not hurt them!

Video: Why do men deceive? What is men's lie really?

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